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The Perfect Family Ch. 02

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To seal a business deal, wife get used by another man.
2.7k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/02/2018
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Magdalen had to wipe her palms on her thighs at least five times before the appetizers were even served. The fact that Robert had requested to be seated in the farthest, darkest corner from the entrance told her that he was serious about her reward...and her punishment.

The sudden placement of his big hand over hers caused her to jump and look at him in surprise. With a forced smile, he asked, "Are you alright, dear?"

Before she could answer, the blonde, twenty-seven year old wife across from her chimed in with her Southern drawl, "Oh, she's probably fine, Robert. Those sparkly dresses are beautiful and expensive but are itchy as heck! Especially when you sweat," she chuckled and looked at her dashing, older husband, Michael, for an encouraging smile.

Magdalen's heart twisted in her chest at the pure love and adoration she saw between them. She and Robert had that once, or at least, that's what she told herself to sleep at night. Everything had changed after she'd had their daughter, Julie, eighteen years ago and found out that she couldn't bare more children because of complications.

The hand on hers tightened and she brought her eyes back to her husband's. "Does your dress itch?" he wondered, her fingers going numb.

"A little, but it's so beautiful that I don't mind." Sending a smile Regan's way, Magdalen preened, "Robert bought it for me to celebrate our twentieth anniversary." Pleased with her answer, he let go of her hand and slipped his over her knee. She thought he would rest it there and had to keep her face neutral when he instead started slowly pulling up the skirt of her dress.

"We've only been married for six years," Regan admitted. "College sweethearts and all that. How did y'all meet?"

Robert pulled the skirt up enough so that he could slip his hand under it between her legs. Knowing better than to deny him entry, she parted her thighs and fiddled with her place setting on the table.

"Honey, I'm sure I've told you this story before." Michael gazed down at his wife with a chuckle. "Forgive her, she has a severe case of pregnancy brain." The instant his blue eyes met Magdalen's across the table, she felt two distinct touches. The first was Robert's fingers rubbing leisurely over the swollen lips of her pussy. The second was Michael's pointed toed shoe sliding up the inside of her calf.

"Why don't you tell Regan the story, love?" Robert suggested, his fingers pinching her labia. Her pussy clenched and she had to bite her tongue against a moan. Before she could answer, the appetizers arrived and several plates were laid out for their approval. Taking advantage of the table's distraction, Robert leaned in and whispered, "Remember what I said, darling. Be a good girl and do not cum."

The air conditioning blew steadily at their side of the table, hitting her square in the chest. Her lap covered by the table cloth, she was not worried about anyone spotting her wetness. However, her hard nipples were more difficult to hide since she was not allowed to wear a bra. She noticed that while Regan's beautiful eyes were on the expensive food being organized before them, Michael's were trained on her drooping breasts hidden by a thin layer of gown.

Reminding her of his presence while the waiters left, Robert slid a finger into her warm, sopping wet, tight hole and let it rest in there to the hilt. Her pussy clenched around him and he smiled proudly at how hard she was trying to control her orgasm.

Her muscles relaxed against his finger as she spoke, "When we met, our fathers owned the two biggest oil companies on the west coast. They were rivals, of course."

Regan clapped, popping a shrimp into her mouth. "Oh, just like Romeo and Juliette!" It hadn't quite been the same, but Magdalen didn't correct her.

Robert took over the story as he slowly started inching his finger out of her, "Our fathers introduced us and it was love at first sight. We got married, merged the businesses, and had a beautiful daughter." Only the tip of his finger was left in her by the time he finished his part of the story and Magdalen had to dig her nails into the side of her thigh to prevent moving her hips to force it back inside.

Michael's foot rested against the inside of her high heeled one, but she was too stimulated by her husband to make anything of it. The man across from her swallowed his honey glazed dates and asked, "So, are you looking for a partnership with my company because you've got too much money want to retire but your daughter is too young to take over?"

Robert's finger slipped free completely as he laughed at Michael's guess and Magdalen let out a small gasp. The only person who noticed was Regan, but the sweet girl was too sheltered to realize the meaning of it.

Robert answered, "I will admit, when I first heard of your company I had half a mind to offer my daughter's hand in marriage as Magdalen's father had done to me back then. But then I found out you were married to a lovely young woman," his praise made Regan blush and Magdalen blister, "So I decided to offer the position as partner so that we could keep our business alive. Why compete and have one of us lose when we can all win?"

"I like winning," Michael commented, his eyes boring into Magdalen. She couldn't focus on him, though, as Robert reached across the table, picked up a quiche, and stuck it in his mouth with the same hand that had been between her legs. He took his time licking this fingers clean, particularly the one that had been inside her.

Michael's voice sounded rough as he spoke, "You know my requests, once they're fulfilled, I will gladly merge our companies."

Robert smiled down at Magdalen. "See, dear? Perfect occasion for the Armani, we have something to celebrate." He lifted up his wine glass in his left hand and toasted, "Here's to winning!" Raising her glass, she clanked it against the rest of theirs and gulped down the sweet nectar.

It took everything in her power not to choke when Robert whispered to her, "Excuse yourself to the ladies room. It's time for your reward."

Feeling flushed, needy, and aching between her legs, Magdalen hastily set down her drink and smiled at their new business partners. "Excuse me, I need to use the ladies room."

Regan's naive face softened. "Want me to join you?" Magdalen wished she could have said yes. It had been years since she'd met a nice woman who would make a genuine friend in their lifestyle, but she could not defy Robert like that, especially in public.

"I'll be alright alone, thank you though, Regan." She gave the girl the realist and warmest smile she could muster, one she typically reserved for their daughter. No one questioned her as she rose from her seat and left the table. And if there was a wet stain on the back of her dress from the wetness coating her thighs, no one mentioned that either.

Magdalen nervously and impatiently paced around the handicap stall, waiting for Robert to come in and relieve her. She hoped that he gave her the reward by putting it in her pussy since he was in a good mood. However, she learned over two decades of marriage that the man was unpredictable. A good mood didn't always mean a good fucking, sometimes it meant even more savagery.

The main door swung open and the loud, classical music nearly drowned out his footsteps walking towards the stall. "It's unlocked," she told him, her voice cracking as need assaulted her. Being denied in their bedroom, then again in the back of their limo, and now at the restaurant in front of company had driven her to the brink of madness.

The blue door swung open towards her, forcing Magdalen to hastily step back, nearly tripping over her four inch heels. Righting herself and looking for her husband, she gasped at seeing Michael's back as he locked the stall door.

"You shouldn't be in here," she scolded him without any heat to her tone. He turned around and let his eyes rake over her. She flushed, not in appreciation at the tall, broad shouldered, handsome man appraising her. No, it was in fear. "Where's my husband?"

He stepped forward, backing her up until her back hit the cool tiled wall beside the toilet. "He's not coming, Maggie." She winced, no one called her that. His warm hands grabbed her hips, bringing her eyes back up to his blue ones. "Is that how you're going to greet your new partner?"

"But I was good," she argued meekly as his hands slid up her sides. "I listened, I didn't..."

"Orgasm?" he finished for her, his hands rubbing the sides of her tender breasts. His eyes flared down at her and his long blonde hair fell in his face. "I know you didn't, Robert promised me you wouldn't. But you will now and then everyone wins."

Magdalen blinked her dark eyes a few times, swallowing back any fear and regret she felt. There was no way around it. For this deal to go through, Michael had to win by having all his requests fulfilled, and she now understood what those hushed meetings she hadn't been allowed in were about.

She couldn't disappoint her husband and her body shook beneath this man's touch as he kneaded her breasts, desperate for relief. "Where do you want me?" she asked, her voice dropping seductively the way Robert had trained her to do.

He dropped his hands and pointed to the metal handicap handrail on the side wall next to the toilet. "Bend over, grab the railing, and spread your legs for me." Without hesitation, Magdalen took her position. She let her long, black hair fall over her right shoulder as she turned her face to the left.

Our of the corner of her eye, she watched him approach her from behind like a lion stalking it's prey. She shivered, guilt and anger churning her gut and making her nauseous. But when his hands slapped on her ass cheeks three, four, five times, her pussy wept despite her whimpers and internal protests.

He flipped her dress up and she had to look away, letting her eyes stare at the sparkling tile below her. She could handle and welcomed this type of treatment from her husband. But from another man? It still left her feeling violated and dirty, no matter how handsome they were or how well she knew them.

Her muscles tensed and she held her breath as he inhaled in appreciation, his hand cupping her bare pussy. "You're shaven," he admired, rubbing circles into her swollen clit. He smacked the sensitive bud, causing her to gasp. "Next time you can scream, but this time you must be silent. Understand?" She nodded and he chuckled to himself, "He said you were a good girl, I'm glad he's right."

Without any warning, he shoved his cock into her. Silently, she opened her mouth and squeezed her eyes shut against the welcomed pain. She knew he wasn't wearing a condom because she could feel every ridge and vein of his cock against her burning pussy walls. He settled deep in her, his hips pressing into her butt and the head of his thick, long cock edging at her cervix.

Anchoring himself by grabbing her hips, he slowly pulled out of her before slamming home again. He set this torturously slow pace deliberately because it minimized the wet, suction sounds coming from their sexes fucking. Her cunt wrapped around his cock so tightly, he was shocked that she'd ever had a child. Regan, bless her heart, was not as tight down there as she once had been and never groomed herself.

Slamming in again, he felt heat spread down his legs and his balls tightened. He was close, one or two more thrusts and he would finish. Knowing the orgasm would be all the more intense if she came with him, Michael reached around her waist and feverishly strummed her clit, using her juices to add stimulation.

"Do you like that?" he whispered, leaning forward and biting her exposed shoulder. Robert had been very clear to not mess up her makeup or hair in case they were photographed leaving the restaurant. A few love bites wouldn't be noticeable though, he rationalized.

"Do you like getting fucked by a stranger? By another woman's husband?" She bowed her head at his vulgar, cruel words. Her mind rebelled as her body submitted, her orgasm building deep in her core. "Do you love how much you hate it? How good it feels to have another man's cock in you? Do you think Robert's cock is in Regan's pussy right now or her ass?"

Letting out the softest whimper, Magdalen threw her head back and came against his cock. Not being able to hold back and hoping no one would enter the restroom, he began pumping in and out of her at a dangerously fast pace. Magdalen bit her lip to keep in her screams, the pace he set beyond painful as she came down from her orgasm.

The last waves of her orgasm had just faded out when he gave one last bone breaking thrust, shooting cord after cord of semen into her sterile womb, and she came again. Out of breath, he leaned over her and rested his sweaty forehead against her shoulder.

Just then, the main door swung open and heels clicked across the floor. "Magdalen?" Regan's voice echoed off the walls.

Wrapping his hand around the other wife's slender throat, he gave a warning squeeze. He shuffled them silently so that they were hidden behind the part of the stall's wall that was nailed to the ground. He stood them up, his softening cock still inside the older woman's cunt and her back pressed against his front.

The music drowned out his hissed, "Answer her."

"I'm fine, Regan." Magdalen turned her head away in shame as she spoke to the wife of the man buried deep inside her who had given her multiple orgasms.

Wanting to see how far her submission could go, Michael snaked his hand between her thighs again. When she tried to squeeze them together, he tightened his grip on her throat until she let him in. He rubbed his fingers against her clit and tears cascaded down her cheeks. She was so overstimulated that she didn't think her body could handle another orgasm. And if it could, she knew it wouldn't be quiet.

"Are you sure, honey?" Regan clarified, stepping closer to the handicap stall.

Michael increased his pace running his fingers over her clit, down her soaking labia, and up again. "Yes, I'm fine. I'll be out in a minute," Magdalen assured her, her voice breathy and too soft. "Please keep Robert entertained for me, I don't want him to worry."

"Okay..." Regan hesitated one more moment before leaving the bathroom.

Before Magdalen could even open her mouth to protest, Michael shoved her forward so she bent at the waist, her hands gripping her ankles to steady herself. Like a wild animal, he shoved his steel cock back into her slutty cunt and thrust so hard and fast that she nearly fell forward from the force.

Magdalen sobbed from intense pain and shame coupled with overwhelming pleasure that she couldn't control. Within seconds, she was coming again, her pussy milking his cock for all it was worth. He spilled his seed into her once again and gave her pink cheeks a slap for good measure.

"I hope you'll be this good every time we see each other," Michael warned as he helped her stand and fix her dress. Tucking his wet, limp nine-inch cock back into his suit pants, he advised, "Clean yourself up or else Regan will be suspicious."

He unlocked the door and began to exit, but he couldn't help himself as he heard her sniffle behind him. He had fucked her good, gave her three orgasms, and the cold bitch had the nerve to cry like she wasn't begging for it? So, he gave one final parting shot, "Maybe next time we can find out if your daughter is as good of a girl as you are."

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