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The Photography Class

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An evening college class leads to nudity and embarressment.
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* Following a few comments last time - none of my stories are real and nothing like it never happened. They are just stories, just for fun and pleasure.

The thing a lot of people don't realise about colleges is at night they transform into community hubs. Lots of adult courses run in the evenings, from pleasurable diversions like flower arranging to GCSE resits and A Levels. The week before Christmas is always an odd one as some classes finish early, eager to get off for Christmas, whilst others, normally exam courses, try to eke out every last hour of teaching opportunities. As such, the building is normally empty apart from these outlier courses.

On this particular evening, I had wrapped up my English class early. It was merely a portfolio review and all students had completed in a timely fashion. I wished them all a Merry Christmas and let them go early, mainly so I could join a few colleagues for a Christmas beer. As I locked up the room and walked down the corridor to leave, the corridors automatically lit before me, an energy saving measure to save money. All the corridors and rooms have automatic lights which means any classrooms that still have occupants stand out in the darkness. As I walked through the corridor, I immediately noticed that one class on my corridor is still buzzing with activity. The door is open so I pop my head in; it is a photography class being run by Keira Nichols, a relatively new teacher. Keira was 27 and had only been with the college since summer; she taught the arts and digital photography. There's not a lot to Keira, barely scraping 5 foot 1 but I'd noticed her compact and shapely figure, perky tits and a tight, round arse.

"Oh, hi David," she says when she sees me. Her class is like her, small but perfectly formed, comprising of about 7 young women, all about 17 -- 18. In fact, I recognise a few from the daytime English classes.

"You not wrapping up for Christmas?" I ask by way of polite conversation. Secretly I was hoping to pull Kiera out for a quiet drink. We'd had a few conversations and I was pretty sure she'd say 'yes' if I asked her. There was a bit of flirty banter in our chats and she certainly wasn't hard on the eye, even if she did cause hard on's elsewhere.

"No, the girls had one last assignment to complete with photographing a live model. I've just been setting up the lighting, but they've just called and told me that can't make it. I was going to allow them to photograph me just to complete this assessment, but I really need to be able to help them with their composition and alter the lights and that's not as easy if I am also the model."

I suddenly had a thought; if I helped Keira out with this, she'd feel obliged to go out for a drink with me as a think you. A tad underhanded of me, sure, but any port in a storm.

"I'll do it for you," I said.

Keira grinned at me in what in retrospect was a wicked grin, but hindsight is a wonderful gift.

"That would be great," she turned to the young women, "Wouldn't that be great?" and back to me, "absolutely great. I'd owe you big time."

That's what I was hoping for!

"So what do I do?"

Keira grabbed my arm and led me to a small carpeted bit of the classroom. The lights had been set up around it for moody effect and there was a green curtain behind them.

"Just come over here in front of the curtain..." Keira said and positioned me where she wanted me, "...and turn away from the class."

Having no experience as a photographer's model, I did as I was told.

"That's good," she said.

"What's the curtain for?"

"It's for the digital part of the photography. We can alter the background to whatever we want if we film with a clean green background."

I nodded, "So like in Star Wars?"

Keira nodded, "Exactly like that." With no preamble, she followed this up with, "now, take off your shirt!"

I paused.


Keira smiled. So, I noticed did a few of the class.

"Take off your shirt."


"Because, it's a very different skillset photographing and lighting skin than it is clothes and we've done clothes. It's also why I can't really do it myself, although I'm not averse."

Again, in retrospect, this seemingly innocent comment takes on new meaning.

"Fine," I say and take off my jacket. As I'm unbuttoning my shirt, I can only think how in my debt Keira will be. I'm not really bothered about removing my shirt to be honest. I'm in decent shape and they'd see more of me if they saw me down the beach.

"Thank you," Keira says as she takes my clothes and places them on the table.

"Ok girls, get into position." The class all gather round the carpeted area and aim their lenses in my direction. They all seem to be using decent camera rather than just iPhones.

Keira fiddles with the lights, altering for different shadows and effect.

"Right, just cross your wrists..." she says as moves me slightly to the left. Her small hands on my naked back sends a charge down me and I imagine them doing the same thing but with me facing her. I cross my wrists behind my back only to have Keira suddenly snap something around them, tying them together.

"Hey! What the..."

"The session is called 'Of Male Bondage', and an element of tying up is necessary," Keira explained as the class all aimed their lenses in my direction. "Did I not say that...?" she asked, again smiling her impish smile.

"No!" I reply, amused but slightly annoyed. Still, her fresh face, framed by her almost platinum bob is enough to make me forgive her especially with that cheeky grin.

The class start snapping away, Keira helping them frame the images. They focus primarily on my naked back and my restrained hands. It's interesting, I guess but I'm hoping it'll be over soon. My mind wanders a bit and I ponder if I can use this as a Peer Observation.

"OK, that's enough class," Keira says. I go to move but before I can, Keira says, "So David, can you kick off your shoes?"


"Well, again, the photography of the various body parts is essential for this element of the course. We just want a few pictures of your feet."

Seemed odd to me but, OK. Whatever. I kick off my shoes but the socks prove challenging.

"I'll get those," Keira says, and she kneels down and pulls them off my feet. If nothing else, if gives me a chance to really look at her tight arse in her modest, plaid skirt. Keira takes my socks and puts them with my other clothes.

Again, the class takes their positions and do their thing. All the while, Keira is smiling what, again in retrospect, is an almost evil but incredibly seductive smile. I just assume it's in thanks for what I'm doing for her.

My naiveté was almost endearing.

"OK class, that's enough of that particular pose." She turned to address her class, "Now, have you all returned your slips giving you permission for the next part of the class? Anyone who hasn't will have to leave now."

As if in unison, the class all said, "Yes miss!" and handed over the signed bits of paper. "In fact, my mum is going to wish she'd come!" one of the girls from my English class said. She was Courtney, and I remembered her mum. She'd been VERY flirty at Parents evening and if she hadn't been a student's parent, I'd have made a move. Like her daughter, Courtney's mum had an impressive rack.

Then it dawned on me. We only ask for reply slips for trips out or for certain parts of a subjects syllabus that may need a parents permission. Why would this class need permission?

Keira collected all the slips in and checked them all. "Everything looks in order," she said, filing them away for the audit. "OK David, I'm going to need you to drop your trousers and pose in your underwear."

I froze.

"Keira..." I say and gesture my head towards myself in the universal sign to come closer. Keira leans in.

"I'm not wearing underwear!" I whisper.

Keira pauses for a second and then, without missing a beat says, "Well, that just saves us time. You'd have had to be nude eventually."


"Yes, I said earlier we'd 'done clothes.' This is a nude session. That's why I said I needed a life model."

"You said 'LIVE model' not 'life.'"

"Oh," Keira pouted. She looked exceptionally good when she pouted.

"Well, you're here now."

"I can't take off my pants," I said, still trying to get out of this. "My hands are tied," I say, drawing attention to my still zip-locked wrists.

"Oh, that's OK," Keira said. "I'll take them off."

I sensed the class moving in closer behind me, but I was still facing the green curtain, away from their gaze. I was a tad apprehensive about this but it's possible they only wanted pictures of my arse and tied up hands, some kind of feminist statement about toxic masculinity or some such. But then the chill ran through me as Keira started undoing my belt. Before I knew it, she'd whipped it through the loopholes and started unbuttoning and unzipping.

Even if they only wanted my rear, I was still about to be fully nude before this very attractive teacher and a bunch of youthful 17-18 year olds, some of which I had to teach next term. With ease, Keira pulled down my pants, my cock flopping out before her face. I had a decent cock, not like Ron Jeremy or anything but fine enough and here it was bouncing out before this fellow colleague I had thought about fucking. Keira looked at my member, and then made eye contact, her cheeky grin emphasised by her bright green eyes looking directly into mine.

I stepped out of my pants, almost in a trance and Keira threw them over towards the clothes on her desk.

Keira then altered the lighting some more, casting shadows across my arse for the girls to photograph. They took pictures of my nude back for a while. Again, I was perhaps a tad naive at this point, feeling that this would be it. Surely they didn't want to go full frontal. The college surely wouldn't sign off on THAT kind of class, would they?

"OK girls, well done. Now David, if you wouldn't mind turning around..."

This was it. Whilst I had harboured some hope that I'd get away with it and only be photographed from behind, I knew it was hopeless. I finally twigged, in the dark recesses of my soul, what Keira's devilish grin had meant.

All these young women were about to see my cock.

I had no choice. My hands were, quite literally, tied.

Slowly, I turn, revealing my manhood to the class of teens, all of which had agreed to this and had permission. I had no 'get out of jail free' card. Some of them where now seeing their English teacher completely nude.

I stood before the class, cock out. Keira grinned again like she was enjoying my humiliation as the class started to take full frontal images of me.

"Now, don't worry David. As we've said, they have all got permission slips for this from their parents and besides, they, and you, didn't know it would be a teacher of theirs tonight, so if anyone asks I'll point out what a brilliant thing you did, helping out a fellow teacher in her hour of need. Plus, we will not show your face. When we display these images to the college at the end of the year, no one will know it was you. The class will sign another form before they leave, swearing them to secrecy."

"These are going to be displayed?!?" I ask, aghast.

"Oh, yes," Keira replied. "The entire college sees our art shows. You know that!"

Of course, I knew that but I didn't remember their being nudes before and I say as much.

"Yes, that's true but I've been given a special dispensation this year as there is funding in it. You know what education is like. Grab the money where you can."

This is true.

With my hands ties behind me, I have little control over the images the students are snapping. Some form a semi-circle around me, taking shots of my manhood, others go round the back for pictures of my hands clasped behind me. Abigail Burton, one of my English students, come right behind me and hold her camera over my shoulder, taking a downwards shot of my torso and member. There are many close ups of various body parts and I start to fell slightly turned on by it. Under any other circumstances, this would be a fireable offense but here I am; completely nude before a fellow colleague and a class of teenage, but wholly legal, girls. Courtney, for her part, seems to prefer full body shots, taking snaps of me both in front and behind.

Keira disappeared behind me and released the zip ties. I rubbed my wrists as Keira gave the next instruction to the class.

"OK ladies, for the next section, you will get to photograph two figures, a nude man and woman."

I paused. A nude woman?

To my surprise and delight, Keira started removing her own clothes!

"David, don't be so surprised. I said earlier I was willing to do it myself, I've done plenty of nude posing in my time."

I wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying, I have to be honest. I was watching her step out of her skirt and remove her blouse. She DID have underwear on, a small, white bra and matching thong. As she unclasped her bra, her small, perfect tits fell out. They were luscious, a perfect handful with small nipples that were quite hard, implying she quite liked being nude in front of strangers. Her arse was as I had suspected; tight and round and in need of a smack. As she dropped her thong, I glimpsed her pussy lips between her legs, a sight that I could feel was giving me a raging hard on. She stood up and walked at me. I took in her wonderful, and completely nude, pussy. I felt my cock harden further.

"Errm, Miss," Courtney said, pointing out my rapidly growing cock.

"Oh, its fine," said Keira, "We'll have to pixilate or do some creative posing -- the college isn't QUITE ready for images of David's hard cock being blown up to 40 foot images for display at the exhibition. Remember class, this is all artistic expression so keep it arty."

She sidled her nude body up to mine and she stood in front of me, letting my hardened cock nestle in the small of her back, and she pressed her naked ass into my balls. Her skin was beautiful and soft and she smelled of Daisy perfume. The closeness of her made my cock press even harder.

The class took all their photos, as Keira moved around, always shielding my cock from view. She was stunning in her nudity and this, combined with her careful posing, ensured I never lost my thrill of her. Obviously, I had no objections to Keira feeling me up. Every which way she posed us, she would position herself as to not put me on display which somehow made it hotter as she had to cover my cock with her arm, hand, arse -- whatever. She would often gently brush my cock with her hand or various other body parts, teasing me, deliberately or accidently, I couldn't tell. In turn, I would, as directed, put my arms around her, place my hands on her curvaceous hips and in her hair. Keira would arch her back, point her legs, throw her head back to expose her long, slender neck and show that she had clearly a lot of experience of posing nude. Her body flowed from each pose to the next, her core strength clearly evident from her ability to lean right back, exposing her pointed nipples to the sky and her public mound to the class. Her stomach muscles stretched with each workout, as did her muscular thighs.

The girls were all incredibly professional. I actually found myself turned on at both being photographed by these young students and the thought of seeing the photos exhibited. I wondered if mine was the first cock some of these ladies had seen, something that turned me on almost as much as the nubile, naked Keira, currently leaning right back into me, my arms around that taut belly.

"OK Class," Keira finally said, "it's time to go."

The class groaned but took their last snaps. Without Keira moving around in front of me, I started to soften and as they all left, I was still nude but now no longer pornographic.

Keira made no effort to clothe herself as she helped the students pack and gather their equipment, as if completely comfortable in her nudity. Oddly, I too felt no desire to dress, standing naked as the girls closed the cases and zipped their bags.

"OK girls," Keira said, "I expect you to load the images to the art class shared drive by the end of the week and I'll email over your grades before we break for Christmas." She looked directly at me as she addressed her class, "I look forward to seeing them." Half grinning again, she turned as they filed out. "Have an excellent time, everyone."

As the last of the class filed out, Keira turned to me, again with that devilish grin.

"I guess I need to thank you now," she said and before I could say anything, she knelt her nude body before me and took my balls in her hand. With her caressing me, my cock quickly sprung back into action and Keira rubbed it gently. I felt her warm breath against me and then the wetness of her mouth around me.

At first, it was just the tip, but then I felt her take my entire engorged member into her hot mouth. Slowly, her head moved up and down, as she worked me, one hand caressing my balls, the other on my thigh and buttcheek, steadying herself. I placed my hand on her head but could barely maintain my stance as my legs started to buckle from the pleasure. Keira stopped working me with her mouth but moved her hand around my erection, gently stroking it. My legs began to buckled under the pleasurable strain.

I took her small form in my arms, surprised at how firm she was. I gently laid her on the carpeted area and out lips touched. A warm, sensuous kiss. I parted her legs gently, kissing her neck as she threw it back, down her collar bone, between her supple breasts, down her lovely strong belly and to her pubic mound. My lips found her slit and I slid my tongue in, moving it in gentle circles as I found her clit. I moved my tongue slowly, gently from side to side before moving to the tried and true figure of 8. I used my left hand to part her labia as I sped up, listening to her rhythms and gauging my own movements. I could feel Keira moving faster and faster against me, pushing herself down on my mouth.

Suddenly, she stopped.

Her face was flush, her bobbed platinum hair a mess over her face. She rolled me over and straddled me. Using her hand, she positioned my hardness so the tip was touching her wet slit and she gyrated her slender hips, teasing me with her sex.

Then she sat down, taking me inside her, quickly and suddenly. My hardness filled her, and I was delighted by the tightness of her pussy. She felt like a virgin, even though I pretty much could guess she wasn't.

Keira leaned backwards, taking her weight in the palm of her hands like a crab and writhed on me, her body sliding my cock in and out. The lack of hair made the sensation all the more sensitive. I could feel her start to shudder as the length of me was pushing up against her clit, so she moved faster and faster, picking up where my tongue had left off.

I felt the waves of both our orgasms build. She mouthed her pleasure but no sounds left her mouth, possibly due to their still being other classes still going on. The risk of what we were doing suddenly came over me. I'd forgotten other classes were still happening! Anyone could walk in and see us! This just made me more turned on and I thrust harder and faster.

Keira came before me. As she reached her crescendo, her milky white skin ran red with excitement. She sat up, keeping me deep inside her. She looked incredibly sext, her red face contrasting with her platinum hair. She touched my lips with her forefinger and stood up and walked to her bag, leaving my cock covered in her juices. She came back with a condom, which she tore open, before placing it upon my cock and unravelling it downwards to cover my shaft. Then, she mounted me again, easing herself on top so she could take my hard cock inside her once more.


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