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The Piss Test


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I don't think she wanted to do that at all, the way she moved so slow.

'I'll just wait out here,' my buddy says, takin a chair by the door. Then he says, as the door to the pisser closes, 'Wait, she's goin in there with ya?'


So, once again we're in the toilet, and she's sittin on the stool and I'm standin by the commode and she's got her script and she starts talkin.

'This is all standard procedure. First, I'm Becky Bulstrand, test proctor for the Company.'

'I know who you are, Becky,' I told her while I let down my pants and my drawers. Old reliable was standing straight up, thick as fuck. 'And I think I'm gonna be needin some more alleviatin.'

She looked up all wary like.

This time, it was gonna take a good long while.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Nice one

Please continue....thanks

Alura2011Alura2011almost 14 years ago

"Finally, this is why I don't bother writing or submitting these much anymore. Because of the idiots."

Please don't let the chowder heads stop you from submitting, Just because of a few stubborn people, who don't even have the guts to leave their name with their asinine comments. :P

Alura2011Alura2011almost 14 years ago
:D :D :D

I laughed so hard.....first at your story, loved every minute of it (By the way, I felt it was written well enough that I never gave the accent or dialect a second thought) and second I laughed even harder at your reply to the idiots. I have to say that you are now one of my favorite authors on this site.

abc101abc101almost 14 years ago
Well, it unique.

I think this should go in the humor section. LOL. Don't get me wrong, i liked it, only because i laughed pretty hard. This is the first story i've seen on this site with an accent, so i laughed at that surprise.

I would only suggest toning down the accent. Most southerners don't have that stereotypical thick southern accent that you see in movies/T.V. They're not butchering and cutting short every other word they pronounce. I know your trying to go for erotic but it came out humorous IMO. Its still good though. I bet it took a lot of time to write in this characters accent, you just over did it a little.

..... But overall it was a good plot. keep on writing. I want to read more.

BaneBanealmost 14 years agoAuthor

dialectic: of, pertaining to, or of the nature of logical argumentation.


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