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Click hereBesides this one sweet, and in his mind, shared moment, his observations had more practical results. They produced the constants he needed to execute the plan. She was punctual to a fault and didn't vary her arrival and departure times. She never carried any kind of electronic devices such as a cell phone or a tablet or a laptop with her. She did not seem to carry any weapons or any keys or wallet. He also noticed she was extremely at ease in her sunbathing spot. In all the time he'd watched her no one else had ever come around the area and she seemed very aware of and, in fact, counted on that. Instead of making her wary this last fact seemed to lull her into feeling secure. Besides her, and himself hidden from her view, no one else came to this place in weeks. Which lead to the most important point.
She was always alone in a secluded and out of the way place.
And that made the next step obvious and, frankly, easy.
He had thought of various strategies such as luring her to his car or trying to engage her in a conversation. He even considered spending a few days getting to know her and then asking her out on a date so that she might come with him willingly. However, in the end he had decided that the simplest and most direct approach would be the best approach. He wasn't interested in a date in the conventional sense of the word anyway, so why waste time on pretense, risk rejection or give her a chance to escape in some other way? Best to simply get on with it.
So, after checking and rechecking the route from the house to the lake and back again, he had practiced how he would approach her by way of a quick route around the rock and up the bank. He bought the few supplies he would need, a role of duct tape and a Rambo knife, and marked a day on the calendar when phase one would be completed. The night before he visualized the plan's execution several times and felt secure in his ability to carry it out.
He had also made the other necessary arrangements. He installed the metal door at the bottom of the basement stairs and removed all the items from the little concrete room. Then he obtained the little thin mattress and a basic twin sized army cot and placed it in the center of the room under the dim, bare bulb hanging from the ceiling. Soon all was in place.
All that was required was her.
The day circled on the calendar finally came and he waited until 4:15 PM to pull his car into the parking lot. After insuring he was alone with a loop around the parking lot, he backed his car into the faded parking spot nearest to the rock and opened the trunk. He pulled on a black track suit and covered his face with a ski mask style hat. He paused and looked at himself in the mirror. Was he really about to do this? He didn't remember stepping away from the car and heading for the boulder, but as he went his limbs moved as if on their own. It was as if he carried out the plan on automatic pilot.
The plan at this point was ridiculously simple, unlike in all the movies. He simply looped around the boulder and peeked around the corner and up the bank at her. He heard her before he saw her. She hummed with the radio as he rounded the corner. She was on all fours on her blanket with her butt facing him and her white sundress coverup had ridden up on her hips exposing the powder blue bikini bottoms underneath. Here the Beast surged in his chest and he yielded to its desire.
He crouched low and started towards her with quick heel to toe steps as he had been taught in tactical training. At the last second, she must have heard him because as he lunged towards her, she squealed and ducked her head. The result of her flinch was that instead of looping neatly around her neck, his left arm looped over her face covering her mouth. His weight crashed down on top of her and he crushed her flat on her belly underneath him. He was nearly twice her size and weight and with the extra leverage he had due to his placement on her back, she was unable to resist very effectively. The wind went out of her in a rush as he bore down on her and he tried to snake his left arm under her chin to apply the choke that would render her unconscious.
But she still had fight in her and despite the terrible physical advantage he had over her she started to struggle. Her little arms and legs flailed but did little to free her, as he had her pinned down. She grunted with effort and squeaked with rage, but his left arm fixed over her mouth kept the sounds from escaping in any meaningful way. She managed to strike him on the head once or twice with a couple of feeble blows of her little fists, but he wasn't sure he even had felt them. Her legs and feet kicked flutily in the air and drummed on the ground. He hooked his feet over her calves effectively pinning her legs and feet for the remainder of the struggle. The only useful thing she managed to do from a self-defense standpoint was to keep her chin tucked down against her chest so he couldn't complete the choke and that presented a problem. If he couldn't choke her into unconsciousness, she might eventually be able to scream and someone might hear, however, he was running out of options as the longer this struggle went on the larger the possibility of discovery got.
As he contemplated this he noticed, to his great chagrin, that his cock was hardening at a fantastic rate. His position on her back placed his cock directly in the crack of her furiously wiggling and firm little ass and in spite of the situation nature was taking its course. Although layers of clothes still separated them, he felt a surge of connection to her and this pleased him immensely. For a moment he flashed to the reluctant porn videos he had watched where the girl resisted at first and then eventually yielded willingly. His erection sprouted to full size. For a wild second he hoped the girl who masturbated without shame behind this rock would suddenly give up the struggle and join him in a porn style romp on her beach blanket.
That hope faded as fast as it appeared. She felt his hardening cock in her ass crack as well and she let out a muffled squeak of protest and shifted her ass violently from one side to the other in an attempt to displace it. Perhaps she did it out of fear of being penetrated, perhaps she was revolted or perhaps it was just a reflex, but the focus of their struggle shifted comically from him trying to choke her to her trying to buck his cock out of her ass crack.
For some reason this angered him. It made him feel rejected and it hurt his ego. He felt a flash of primal rage and emitted an audible growl in response to her desperate squeaking. He pressed his hips down to pin her wriggling ass into place. Pinned flat she could not dislodge him, so she responded with a few more impotent blows to his head and enraged squeals. His erection firmly filled in her ass crack and his mind returned to the problem of getting her into his car.
However, just as he considered releasing the attempted choke to try and drag her to his car, kicking and screaming for help all the way and possibly getting noticed by a passerby, she made a mistake. She bit down on his left arm that was over her mouth. He felt the sharp pain of her little white teeth breaking his skin and he felt blood run out of his arm. The pain infuriated him, but he managed to not cry out. Now with the skin on his arm clenched in her teeth she could not scream for help and he tightened his grip with his left arm to seal her mouth shut. Then he reached around with his right hand and pinched her nose shut, effectively cutting off her air supply so she couldn't breathe.
After a few seconds she was forced to release her bite on his arm to open her mouth and draw breath and when she gasped for air, he slipped his left arm under her chin and locked in the choke. The choke cut off her scream and, more importantly, within seconds it turned her into a limp form face down beneath him on the blanket. He felt her go slack and immediately released the choke as the goal was unconsciousness rather than death.
Once he ensured she was safely asleep he deployed his duct tape. Five quick loops pinned her tiny ankles together, five quick loops pinned her thin wrists together, five loops around her thighs and five around her upper arms and torso to prevent her limbs from flopping and a strip across the mouth acted as a gag. Then he scooped her limp form up and deposited her in the trunk of his car along with the roll of duct tape. He returned to her camp and quickly collected her belongings, a blanket, a book, a hat, a water bottle, a bag, a radio, a plastic container of grapes, sunglasses and two flip flops which he put in the trunk as well.
That done he checked again to be sure she was breathing and that her heartbeat was regular. It struck him how tiny and vulnerable she looked lying unconscious and tied in the trunk of his car. His fury at her bite cooled and the Beast receded with it. He spent a few second taking in the scene and, after thinking for a second, he had a strangely detached moment where he decided he was hungry and put the grapes in the passenger seat to eat on the way home. He checked again quickly but there was no sign of a cell phone or any other electronic device and they were still alone. Nothing would show she was ever here once he left. The trunk shut with a satisfying thump.
He jumped into the driver's seat and started the car. He removed the track suit and the ski mask and that's when he noticed his arm was bleeding. He sucked the blood and wiped the wound with the track suit top. Then he grabbed a handful of grapes and shoved them all in his mouth where he noisily chewed them up as he pulled out of the parking spot. After he reminded himself not to speed or act suspiciously, he drove home purposefully and without speeding with the prize in the trunk. It had all gone so smoothly he almost relaxed before he got her inside the house, but he checked himself. Better to be safe than sorry, and he forced himself to focus on quickly and efficiently placing her unconscious body on the thin mattress in the concrete room at the bottom of the basement stairs.
She was still unconscious and looked more vulnerable and prettier than ever. Desires swirled in his head as he stared at her for a few minutes, contemplating his next move. But eventually he decided against proceeding while she was unconscious and went to have a drink while waiting for her to awake. After all, that had been the plan from the beginning. He snapped the light off at the top of the stairs and closed the basement door behind him.