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The Poison's in the Sugar Ch. 02

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He warmed up his ice princess, as promised.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 05/20/2005
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That smug grin of his; that triumphant look in my rapist's eyes. I would remember his eyes; the chocolaty brown swirled with mirth. Yet, I wouldn't be looking at them for long.

"This ski mask is getting hot and it's getting in my way."

I just frowned; I didn't want to answer him and why should I? I could still taste his cum in the back of my throat, realizing though, it didn't taste all that bad.

"Ah, the silent game... well luv, you wont be silent for long."

With that, my rapist pulled out a sturdy black blindfold. I must have seemed confused at first because he chuckled and made a motion to cover my eyes. I jerked back, tugging at the tight clothesline bound around my wrists but he already had the satin cover over my eyes yet, he went even further. I felt another clothe, a blacker piece like almost a strip of bedding being pushed against the blindfold.

"To Secure It..."

He said.

I let out a shuddering sigh and tried to get my bearings without the use of my eyesight. Tilting my head to the sigh, I tried to test out the blindfold to see if he really did secure it. My other senses, especially my hearing, started to activate to a new level. I kept hearing the thumping of my heart, the soft strains of Nine Inch Nails and him; my rapist, I could even smell him.

The floorboards under his feet creaked barely, but I got a sense of where he was standing. Twisting my body a bit, straining against my bonds and barely letting out a whimper; with that action, I heard him gasp audibly. Smirking, I could only imagine what he was doing.

"You think this is going to frighten me?"


I could hear him moving around the room, shuffling his feet as he walked to and fro. Perhaps he was looking at my collection of artwork; perhaps he was just being a dick and trying to confuse me.

"Good! Because it isn't working. This the only way you can get a girl you bastard?"

I didn't hear him come near me but I must have touched a nerve as he grabbed my brown locks and yanked back. I arched and gasped in pain, my head throbbing once more.

"This is the only way I can get you, you stupid cunt. You are nothing but a cock teasing bitch and I'm going to make sure we both enjoy this."


I jolted a bit as he smacked my inner thigh. That was a different spot to hit, strange really. I winced and held still then, waiting for the next action.

"I think we need a change in music don't you luv. Trent didn't seem to warm you up."

"Perhaps it was the dick choking me that hindered my mood!"

I jerked as I felt his soft laughter in my ear, moving my head away as he moved past me. His fingers slid along my frame as he moved slowly away; his fingers dancing on what bare skin he could find.

Bowing my head slightly, I heard the mechanical clicking of the CD changer, listening to my rapist hum his own little ditty and then – everything stopped. No music, no sounds coming for his footsteps. I lifted my heard slowly, frowning with hope.

"I'm going to make you feel every inch of my cock."

Did he just say? I bit my lip and lowered my head again in some type of shameful pose as his chuckle resounded off the walls of the living room. As the soft strands from the CD "Music To Make Love To Your Old Lady By" began to slide into my ears, I felt his hand on my thigh. His fingers rubbing small circular patterns against my skirt covered thighs; fuck, I could almost hear him purring in pleasure. I shifted just a bit and stayed silent as his fingers moving down my upturned bottom, along my outer left thigh as he reached his destination; the hem of my skirt.

Swallowing down my saliva and the reminiscent taste of this man's cum; I tried my best to hold still as he slowly kneeled behind my bent legs. Yet his calloused fingers were slow and teasing; trailing their way down against my outer thighs until he was swooping his fingers against the backs of my stocking clad knees.

"Just hurry on with it you prick!"

My rapist hissed and dug his nails into the backs of my thighs, bringing them harshly down – I swear I could have wet myself from the pain. I bit my lip hard, grunting and trying not to focus on the pain.

"You are like a surprise package luv. I'm going to savor every lever of your charms until I reach your little treasure box."

With his last words spoken, I felt my rapist's two fingers press where my hole was in my panty-clad pussy. I stiffened up as he pressed in a bit more and then, once again, his fingers began to slowly make their descent down against the backs of my thighs. I felt the tears in my stockings and gritted my teeth – only to shudder at the light caresses of his fingertips against the bare strips of my skin. My breath was catching; catching as I felt his fingers hook the hem of my skirt and lace slip.

With a soft sigh from my rapist, I felt him tug at them briefly; the texture of the lace rubbing against my bare skin. Then slowly, deliberately, I felt the material slide upward and over my hips – bunched up against my waistline as the temperate air settled across my upturned ass.

I caught my breath as his fingertips played a soft dance against my bottom; then I silently cursed myself for giving into the brief moment of sheer pleasure. Smirking, I felt the poison at the tip of my tongue.

"You sure are the gentlest rapist I ever made."


I jerked hard and frowned as he pressed his ever-growing member against my cheeks, whispering harshly.

"I should be rough with you, I should fuck you while you are dry. I bet that would teach you a lesson for making me hard all those nights; teach you not to TEASE men like me."

My rapist rubbed his cock against my cheeks like a cat in heat, thrusting up and down slowly and I suddenly clamped my legs shut – my body began to react in a way I didn't want.

"If I fucked you dry; that would be rape luv. No, no I want you wet and I want you howling like a cat when I fuck you. I want you wanting more when I leave you. Fuck, I can feel you getting wet."


My rapist laughed at that and back a bit away. Damnit, he left me ... almost wanting. Licking my lips, I steeled my body for the next round of torture. With that though flying through my head, I suddenly felt his body crashing onto my own. Growling in frustration, I felt one of his hands circle and grasp my throat as his cock rested firmly up my upturned ass. Jerking a bit, I coughed as his hand tightened around my throat and his other hand sought out my slit against my panties.

With his fingers tightening around my throat to keep me silent and the clothesline rope cutting a bit into my wrists; his fingers began to slowly stroke up and down my slit. My eyes started to water as I gasped for air, trying to move from his grasp but the prick, literally now, had me pinned. His calloused fingers stroked up and down and slowly began to rub in the area of my hooded clit. I bit my lip so I didn't groan out, but he wouldn't have that – his hand squeezed again and I suddenly moaned out. My rapist laughed softly into my ear as I gasped in shock.

"That's it. Enjoy it. Since you have a mouth of a whore, I'm going to gag you but I want to make sure you have a tasty gag first."

My eyes widen as I was about ready to scream more curses at him, but his hand only squeezed again; squeezing the words right out of my throat. I squirmed and began to whimper softly as his fingers probed and rubbed against my panties; rubbing my hooded clit and along my hole where I could feel my juices slowly slipping out of my damnable betraying cunt. My breathing began to come out in little pants as his words encouraged me on.

"This isn't your fault, your helpless... enjoy it and don't suffer. Fuck, your pussy is getting so wet. I bet you want a cock up in that hole soon babe? Hitting your cervix and making you cry out? I wont let you whore!"

Shuddering hard, I started rock my hips back and forth, rubbing the head of his cock against my cotton panties. With the blindfold on, all I could think and feel was my panties were soaking as my rapist thrust his hips against me, whispering vile things into my ears and his fingers pushing me closer and closer to a place my mind didn't want to go.

"Stop! Stop Right Now! I Don't Want This. Just Fuck Me And Get It Done!"

"So the ice queen is close? Good!"

Quickly, his fingers started to smack my clit in rapid successions. I arched and jerked against the ropes, thrusting my hips harder than I had at first. My body was striving for my orgasm as my mind screamed at what a stupid bitch I was. Whimpering hard, I hissed out and grabbed the edge of the couch.

"Cum...cum luv. You want this."

I cried out, I heard my sound filling the air and stifling the music as I started to gush against the confines of my panties – soaking them for sure now. I bucked my hips against his hard cock and heard him groan in desire as I continue to coat my underwear. I felt lightheaded; giddy almost and almost forgot where I was until I heard him whisper with a chuckle.

"That was beautiful you prick tease, but when you cum around my cock it will be amazing. Yeah, your icy pussy milking my cock."

I frowned hard and jerked my head away, shaking violently as I felt him slide off my back frame. Where the frictioned heat once was, now cool air caressed my ass, my thighs and my pussy. Goosebumps rose up against my skin as I felt my rapist's hands slide up my out thighs and grasp each strap of my panties and suddenly he pull upward. Crying out, I arched and thrust back, feeling my clit smashed against the rough material. I wanted it; I was a whore. My blindfold was blotting out tears of shame as I felt him slowly pull my panties downward and then fully off me. The weight on the couch lifted and eased; I relaxed with the hopes that maybe he needed a break and I could try to free myself. But again, I was wrong.

My rapist was in front of me when I smelled a musky scent. I concentrated and sniffed the air again while his laughter coated the air. Oh god no. He grabbed my hair and pulled me up a bit as I clamped my mouth shut.

"Open up"

I shook my head wildly, vehemently. And suddenly my air supply was cut off as he pinched my nose. I jerked and struggled as I let slips of air escape from my lips as my cheeks began burn from the stored oxygen. I tried to pull back away, trying to keep my mouth shut.

"Keep it up tease. You will either open your mouth or pass out. But if you pass out, I might invite the guys over for a gang bang in your tight ass."

Squealing loudly in protest didn't get me anywhere because he only pinched my nose harder and that's when I gasped and then gagged as the panties filled my mouth. The asshole even made sure the crotch of my panties went pressed right on the top of my tongue. I jerked and hissed out curses against, trying not to swallow much as I felt a strip of cloth shove between my lips and tie quickly around the back of my head. I didn't mind the taste much; I have had the enjoyment of licking my fingers clean after I brought myself off, but it was his audacity in the matter. It was the fact that he wanted this and I couldn't say a fucking word.

I silently licked that the crotch of my panties, but made sure I didn't move my mouth around to give me away. I feigned a cough and growled in his supposed general direction; that is when I felt the weight of the couch shift and suddenly he was behind me. I jerked and tried to scoot up and away but only met with the swift sting of his flat palm against my backside.

My rapist roughly grabbed my hips and yanked me back, only to tighten the clothesline rope. I screamed out against the panties and sobbed as I felt the cleft head of his cock smack against my clit. Lowering my head, he grabbed his cock and continued to smack my clit, harder and harder against the head was coated lightly in my cum. That is when he roughly grabbed my hips and began to split my labia, making his shaft slid back and forth against my exposed pussy. I moaned hard and shuddered, wetting his cock even more as he continued to tease me.

I hate him; hate him as he uses my body for his own pleasure. Why couldn't he have approached me at the bar? This fucking rapist was going to fuck me, probably cum in me and then what? What then? I can't handle this. I can't deal with this.

Fucking hell, I suddenly wanted his cock buried deep in me.

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