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The Power of a Box

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Normality is over-rated.
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This is my first attempt at writing a story, so I hope someone may like it, and I welcome all criticisms! Enjoy.


John was a normal guy. At 22, he stood a little under six feet tall, with dark brown hair and pale green eyes. He led a normal life, being a full time student at university. He lived in a normal flat, not five minutes away from campus. He had normal friends, normal family, hell, even the pair of shoes on his feet were normal. In fact, the only thing abnormal concerning John was where he currently lay.

His memory however, was slowly returning. He remembered meeting Katrina in uni earlier that day, he remembered inviting her back to his flat, under the apparent false pretence of her needing the bathroom. He did not however, understand how he became tied down to his bed, completely naked apart from a strange box which covered his manhood. He tried testing the ropes, which secured his arms and legs to each corner of his double bed. Attached within his mouth was also some kind of device holding his mouth open. He could still make plenty of noise, but forming words seemed to be quite a challenge.

"Ah, awake I see" panted Katrina, clearly just in from some form of exercise. Katrina was in the same class as John, and until now he thought he'd known her pretty well. Something had changed within her. The shape of her body remained the same, curvy, but in no way large. Her attire was different, but then again, it changed most days. What had changed he thought, were her eyes. They no longer held the sweet, unassuming look they always seemed to have so effortlessly. Now they looked strong and powerful, almost domineering.

"You're in for a touch of hell today, sweetie" she said with a wicked smile, making an effort to poke his nose on the 'sweetie'. John tried asking what was going on, but all that came out was an unintelligible noise. "Oh, finding it a little hard to form words are we? Not to worry! Soon you'll barely be able to make a sound. As you may have guessed, I've just been a nice long run! Let us find you a tasty treat shall we?" With that she lay across his body, and stuck her tongue in his mouth, giving his tongue a single lick. All he could focus on was her smell, and nor was it pleasant. Rather the opposite, he could smell her even when he tried to breathe entirely through his mouth.

"Mmm" she mumbled as she starting kissing her way down his chest and running her hands up his thighs. He could feel himself slowly becoming hard, despite the situation. Something then stopped him completely in his tracks, as he could feel a sharp object prod into his dick. Or rather, his dick growing into some form of spike in the box wrapped around his crotch. He tried screaming for help, again however, random noises erupted from his mouth instead.

"Feeling the spikes are we dear? Excellent! Well it appears we shall have to silence you, can't have you waking up the neighbours now can we?" Wake up!? He thought. How long was I out cold!? He then heard a faint popping noise, as she removed her running shoes. Ever so slowly she raised her foot above his face, and began peeling her sweat drenched sock off her foot. "Told ya I'd find you something tasty, didn't I?" He then realised what she intended, and started thrashing around as much as he could.

"Now now, that just won't do. Time for you to discover what this little box does." With that she dropped the sock next to his face, and flicked a switch, and suddenly he felt his balls being ever so gently nudged from either side. To start with, it was strangely pleasurable. However, pleasure quickly turned to pain as the nudging proceeded into pressure, slowly crushing his balls. Again she flicked the switch. "See what I can do now? Keep your head still or else it turns back on". Her tone had gone far colder now, focusing her eyes on his. This time when her hand returned with the wet sock, he made no move to move away. She turned the sock inside out and stuck her hand inside. Using her sock as a puppet, she openly mocked him. "Oh hello there little man, I see you'd like to eat me, is that true? Even though I stink and am drenched in her foot sweat!? You do? Well... if you insist".

Without hesitation she entered her hand as far as she could in her mouth, stroking the sock all over his tongue. After a minute, she resigned to just shoving the full sock in. John tried screaming into his new and disgusting gag. This came from her feet... her feet! He could taste her socks, and they did not taste nice. Katrina now flicked a different switch on the box, and then he felt a sharp sting on his cock, which unfortunately made him bite down on the sock, releasing plenty of foot sweat onto his tongue.

Standing in front of him, she started taking off every piece of clothing she had. She removed her running top and shorts, throwing them onto his face. John shook his head vigorously, managing to shift the smelly clothing from his nose, for that was all he could breathe through now. He then saw her in only her bra and pants. She slipped her bra off as if nothing were amiss and simply stood there facing him. John's cock threatened to start growing again, but swiftly remembering what happened last time, he managed to avert his gaze in time.

Katrina then moved onto the bed, and stood directly over his face. "Listen up John, for I'll explain what's going to happen only once. You will keep your eyes on my pussy. The whole time. If you don't, I'll flick my little black box's ball squeezing switch. Understood? Good." He focused his eyes on where he thought her pussy would be. She then started to peel her pants off, easing them down each leg a few times before they eventually dropped down to his face. "Smell good? I hope so, because you're about to experience the real thing."

The time for teasing was over, she simply dropped herself down upon his face, first squatting over it, and then checking his eyes were still focused on her lips, began to lower herself down, positioning her anus right below his nose. She then spread her legs out wide, and started to rub her entire arse up and down his nose. The sweat started to collect in his nose, and it was becoming harder and harder to breathe. Suddenly she shifted off and turned around.

"All right. You've had a shot of my smells, and now I'm afraid; it's time for the taste" she said, her smile returning. She reached down to the box covering his balls and dick, and pressed a few buttons that were hidden from his gaze. Suddenly the pressure on his balls eased, and John let out a sigh of relief. "Don't get too comfortable now, boy. I've set it on a timer. In around 30 minutes, your balls will be crushed beyond repair, so I suggest you follow my commands quickly."

She returned back to his face, "time for this to come out now" she said, reaching in his mouth to pull the drenched sock out. "Time for a drink, and the time starts... now." She reached down and pressed a button on the box, the faint click sounding in unison with her saying 'now'. He heard a faint mechanical noise emanating from the box, but felt nothing on his already painful balls. She reached over him, resting her breasts on his stomach, and grabbed a water bottle from the side of the bed.

"Open wide... like you have a choice" she giggled as she laid her pants across his mouth. "Drink up!" She then tipped a small bit of water onto the middle of her sweat stained pants, waiting for it to drip through into his awaiting mouth. "Bet that tastes swell, tell me just how good it is John." "It tastes... lovly... hank you or the rink..." John coughed, screwing his eyes up as he could hardly believe the words his mouth was saying. After a couple of minutes, and once half the bottle had been drunk through her pants, she discarded the bottle and underwear to commence the next part of the humiliation.

"Boy do I need a wash... I'm covered in sweat... good thing you have a tongue, isn't it? Now lick" she said, presenting her armpit in front of his mouth. John simply stared ahead, trying to imagine he was somewhere else, and it was only till he felt the slightest pressure on his nuts that he realised his situation. I have no choice... He started licking. It wasn't as bad as he was expecting at first, that was, until he made the unfortunate decision to take a breath through this nose. Then the vinegary, salty taste rushed through this mouth like a speeding train.

Katrina presented him with her other arm, and this time without hesitation he licked it clean. "Time for my feet! Can't be having smelly feet now can I?" she said, throwing him a wicked smile. "Looks like there's still 24 minutes to go my man, better hurry up". With that, her feet were thrust in front of his mouth. "I want you to lick in-between every toe, and then back and forth down each foot 10 times."

John was now truly in hell, the feet were like nothing he had ever tasted before. Even her socks had not tasted this bad. Carefully he tried only breathing through his mouth, a task made all the more difficult by her feet constantly moving over his tongue. Even then, the fumes from her feet still wormed their way through his nostrils, and more than once he had to fight the urge to gag, knowing time was of the essence.

"Mmm you're a good little foot licker aren't you? You must've done this plenty of times before." The pressure was building up on his balls, which was far beyond enough motivation to speed up. "Okay, what will all the attention my feet are getting, my crotch is getting a little jealous... what say we pay it some attention." She reached up to his mouth, and removed the ring gag from his teeth. Then, without warning, plumped her ass down on his face.

"First, I want long slow licks, start at my ass, and continue all the way up to my clit. Still 15 minutes left, just how quickly do you think you can make me cum?" Katrina knew this was not an issue, her pussy felt like it was on fire, and telling him to start slowly was for his discomfort only. John licked right the way up her crotch, which surprisingly, after the initial lick, didn't taste as bad as the previous two areas.

"Now lick my pussy John, lick it like you have never licked before, and maybe... just maybe your nuts will remain intact." This was all the encouragement he needed, usually he would start slowly when eating a girl, tease the outer and inner lips with short sharp licks, then stick his tongue inside the girl, making her almost beg to cum before he started on the clit. This time was different. His nuts were getting increasingly painful.

He started straight away on her clit, and before long she started grinding on his tongue, which only fuelled the ferocity of his tongue. It was then not long till he felt her legs start to shake around his head, her pussy convulsing into what seemed like a massive orgasm. "Oh God, fuck yeah... That was... that was amazing... but I'm afraid it was not enough" she replied, in gasping breaths. John started screaming at her, what the fuck does she mean not enough!? "Oh my you do have a filthy mouth don't you, and not just because of me..." she giggled "time to silence you I think." Reaching over, she grabbed a pre-cut section of duct tape and wrapped it round his mouth. "Much better!"

Johns head was spinning, the pain was almost unbearable on his balls, and he could see no way out. "One last thing" She climbed on top of his face again, and started rubbing her pussy all around his face, into every crevice she could feel. "I'm not taking that thing off by the way. Your balls are as good as gone."

"So tell me, how does it feel knowing you've just endured tasting my socks, my pussy sweat, my arm pits, feet and on top of that, you also gave me an impressive orgasm and I'm still going to crush your nuts?" John was thrashing around, trying with one last effort to escape. Nothing worked, and as she laughed and laughed he heard a faint click, and the pressure on his balls faded away.

"Got you... didn't I?" She light-heartedly replied. "Of course I wasn't going to inflict permanent damage... at least not physically anyway. "Time for you to go to sleep again" she said, holding a cloth over his mouth.

John woke up, still on his bed, and still tied up. The first thing he noticed was the lack of the cruel box which previously surrounded his crotch. The next thing he realised was that one hand was free, and summoning a great deal of strength, he managed to free his other arm, and then his legs. He stretched his aching muscles, and after a few minutes he managed to stand up. His eyes narrowed into a scowl.

John had been a normal person, he had lived a normal life, had. As Katrina knew, his revenge would be merciless. And he would have it. And she couldn't wait.

The end.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
cruel bitch

should be shot on sight.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Loved it!

Can't wait for the sequel! If this is only your first story, you will have a GREAT following as more come out!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Excellent story. Very we'll done. What the hell were those first 2 comments talking about? Morons!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
The best revenge is a life well lived.

That and a loooong assed prison sentence for Katrina with a felomy sex offender status that would relegate her to living under a bridge or in a corn field for the rest of her natural life.

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimover 10 years ago
Good first story

Let's see what his revenge is

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