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The Prank

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A small group of friends want to punish a goodie-two-shoes.
13.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 11/25/2022
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The following story has themes of misogyny, non-consent sex, humiliation, abuse and other dark themes. If such content offends you, please do not read. This is an erotic FICTION story not meant as any sort of political or societal protest. This is purely for entertainment and never meant to happen in reality.

"Urggg, I mean, just look at her," Jessica says under her breath so the teacher doesn't hear. She says this to her friends who are sitting in the neighboring chairs in their classroom. They all laugh a silent laugh as to not get the strict teacher's attention.

This is the small group of Jessica, Paul and Rachel who have been friends since they were little kids. Now that they are 18, they are even better friends, having come something of a clique. They aren't bullies or anything, but they are known to gang up on someone when required.

Their fury is directed at Maria, who is a foreign exchange student from El Salvador. The reason that the group dislikes Maria isn't what most people would believe. It's actually not due to anything racial at all. Nor is it due to Maria's age because she is 18 as well. It's not even because of anything Maria said to them.

To understand why they dislike Maria you must understand the class they are currently in, which is Calculus. It's a rather advanced class, but one that the three of them have to take to be able to get to the colleges they want. To make the hard class even worse, the teacher, Mrs. Smith, loves using old school concepts, such as grading on a curve.

Grading on a curve is normally helpful because when everyone does poorly, it bumps the grade up. This allows many students, like Jessica, to actually fail tests and quizzes, but have the grade bumped up to a B. It allows the students to not have to work too hard or study too much.

Then Maria was placed into the class due to the foreign exchange program at their school. Being extremely smart and determined, Maria broke the curve with the very first test. Maria got a perfect score, while the rest of the class failed. And that's the way it's been since her arrival, with Maria shining like a star and everyone else failing.

"I bet she does nothing but studies when she goes home," Paul whispers to the group as they all look at Maria who is sitting in the front row. Like normal, Maria is leaning forward, hanging onto every word the teacher is saying while writing notes. Her arm is cocked as to shoot into the air to answer any question the teacher might ask.

"We really need to do something about this, you know? Mess with her for ruining our lives," Jessica suggests, being the first to say out loud what they all been thinking. Everyone in the class had been thinking this, but everyone was too scared to suggest it, let alone do something about it.

"I...actually have an idea," Paul reveals, showing he's thought hard about this. When he says this, the other two turn to him, curious to hear what he's about to say. They all know that Paul is the creative one in their small group, while Jessica is the brave one and Rachel is the smart one.

The three sort of lean in to better hear what is about to be said. They make sure to keep an eye on Mrs. Smith as the last thing they want is to be called out by her as it is an instant zero daily grade. Also, if they are called out, they might look like suspects to whatever happens to Maria.

"Well, I overheard one of the principals talking to her the other day," Paul says quickly and quietly. Then all three return to looking forward when Mrs. Smith turns around to talk to the class about whatever concept she's trying to teach today. Once she turns back to the whiteboard, the group leans back in.

"He was reminding her about some organization in that Foreign Exchange program, that helps adjust to American culture. That if she needed another pamphlet about it, she could get it in the principal's office," Paul states.

"I was thinking...what if we made up a fake organization? Like one that promises to help her with something embarrassing, like sex or something? Make a handout that is really super humiliating and slip it into her bag when she's not looking. When she finds and reads it, she'll get so embarrassed that it'll teach her a lesson," Paul offers.

Rachel and Jessica think about this. Rachel has the kindest heart out of all of them, so she's not really liking the thought of doing anything mean at all. But Jessica who has been known to be downright mean at times, sees that the idea has promise. Only she knows now isn't the time to discuss it, so she tells them they can discuss it at lunch.

Lunch soon arrives and the three find an empty spot in the hall outside of the cafeteria to sit and talk. There they let Paul explain his idea in full so he can add more detail. It is basically the same idea, where they make a fake organization to make fun of Maria. To humiliate her in private with it in hopes it'll dampen her spirits so she'll chill with the studying.

It's Jessica who starts to really like the idea. She pushes the other two for the pros and cons, to see if they could even do it. Jessica believes it is perfect for what they want, as she wants to teach Maria a lesson, but not to anything extreme or dangerous. It needs to be something solid, but not overly cruel or mean to which it will be a freaking scandal or anything.

The idea becomes a plan after this conversation. They set out that they are going to create a fake pamphlet and slip it into Maria's backpack. The pamphlet will be from a fake organization they made up called "The Secret Sex Society for non-American Students."

The pamphlet is going to have an over the top pitch, stating how this secret society helps foreign exchange students every year learn about American Sex culture because it is so different from sex in other countries. That since sex with Americans is considered the best one can do, they have to teach foreigners how to act, even helping them get laid.

The goal is to make the pamphlet so over the top that Maria will know it's a joke. That she understands she is being made fun of. Then maybe once she learns that not everyone loves her she will calm down with the perfect student routine.

The three end this session with discussing how Maria is messing up life for everyone here. Like when she asked what was homework for tonight at the end of class. The teacher had forgotten completely, but since Maria said something, they have to do two chapter's worth.

Making the pamphlet takes them longer than what they thought it would. It takes over a week to create, as they had to design it, then write out everything inside, then find pictures. It was a lot more work than what they thought it would be, and if not for Jessica's drive, they would have stopped.

The small group then had trouble finding a place to print it. They needed it to look real and not printed at a normal printer. But due to the content, they couldn't go to any copy place as the workers there would surely read it. So they ended up sneaking into the school newspaper office afterschool one day as Rachel is one of the editors. There they were able to use the high-end printer, making the pamphlet look very real.

At the moment the three of them are outside the school, looking over the pamphlet and laughing as they wait for the school day to start. They read out passages from it, finding them too hilarious not to laugh at. The three might have had reservations at what they were doing, but no longer. Now it seems like one of the funniest things they have ever done.

"Since Americans tend to have enlarged sexual organs such as larger breasts and increased penile mass, sex must be performed differently than in a third world country," Jessica reads out loud, the three snickering at it. She then passes it on to Paul who eagerly takes it.

"Through plain sexual relations are probably common in your country, Americans find these quite boring and repetitive. Our organization can help you learn common American kinks such as BDSM, spanking, bukkake, anal sex and even the art of choking. This will allow you to appear to be a higher sexual class than what your countrymen appear to be," Paul reads, the three bursting out laughing.

"Please email with a three page essay, all sources cited, about why our secret organization should help you. Remember, this is a secret society and is privately funded. If it is discovered, we will have to retaliate," Rachel read out loud, and they nearly fall over laughing.

"Oh, I wish I could see her face when she reads it," Jessica tells the others as the bell rings. She then gets a faraway look in her eyes at the thought of it.

The small group keep laughing about it as they walk to class. They find that it is the perfect prank. There's no physical pain, nor anything to trace. Just a humiliating read and a message sent.

"Oh, I did create the email, just in case. You know, if the first thing she does is try to see if the email is real," Rachel reveals as they walk towards their first class. Another perk of working as the editor is that she's allowed to use the newspaper's terminal, in which you can create school email accounts. The others tell her that's a good idea, and that's why she's the smart one.

And thus, during Calculus class today, Jessica asks to go to the restroom. When she does, she expertly drops the pamphlet into Maria's open backpack as she walks by. It falls perfectly inside, going deep down to be found later, with Maria having no clue at all. Seeing it happen, Paul and Rachel give each other a soft low-five.

When the bell rings, Maria gathers her items and leaves to go to the next class. The three follow her, watching as she goes to her locker to exchange her books. They wait for her to find their prank, but she doesn't. The pamphlet stays in her bag where she has no idea it exists.

This deflates the group, but they tell each other that she'll see it soon. That the point is to send a message and not to see her face when she reads it. That with any luck, there'll be a change in Maria to let them know she found it. Maybe even a chance she'll start acting normal and stop fucking everything up for the rest of them.

But a week passes, and Maria doesn't act any different at all. There's no hint that she feels embarrassed or that she found the pamphlet. The group even asked a friend that worked in the principal's office to see if Maria had complained about anything recently, but no.

It got to the point that when Maria left to use the restroom one day, the group dug in her bag to see if the pamphlet was still in there. That maybe it was pushed to the bottom where she didn't see it. But it wasn't inside. It had been removed.

The group decides that it's a failed prank. Rachel comments that maybe it is what they deserved as they spent a lot of time and money on it. That they shouldn't have been so mean to a new girl. That Maria has the last laugh on them as she probably found it funny than embarrassing.

Life goes on for the three. Jessica, Paul and Rachel muddle their way through classes, still annoyed by the smart foreigner who breaks the curve. But they don't try to think up another prank. They decide they will just have to wait to see if someone else does something to make her calm down.

Then today at lunch, Rachel walks up to other two as they sit at the table in the cafeteria with a very, very concerned look. And the way she looks around before she sits down, makes it seem like something serious has happened, as it seems Rachel doesn't want anyone to hear. Even the color has drained out of her face.

"What's wrong Rachel?" Jessica asks, seeing how pale her friend looks. Rachel again looks around as if concerned someone might be listening in and then leans in.

"Ummm, guys? She, errr, she responded," Rachel reveals. Neither Paul nor Jessica have to ask who responded to what. They know it's Maria and the pamphlet.

"You're joking. No way," Jessica says and then laughs hard. She finds it extremely funny. So funny that she laughs nonstop for the next five minutes. It's so bad that all the nearby tables notice and ask what's so funny, to which Paul and Rachel just shrug and act like they don't know.

Jessica for some reason she knows the response isn't a threat. There's no way Maria would do anything like try to blackmail them. And that's assuming she knew it was them who did it. Jessica knows that the only reason why Maria would respond is if she believed the pamphlet to be true. That it was real.

"It's no joke. I didn't think she would be that damn gullible!" Rachel hisses, downright scared. Jessica has to fight another laughing fit while Paul just smirks. He holds back his laughter out of concern for Rachel who looks like she thinks they are going to jail.

"What did she write?" Paul asks, very curious to know. Jessica stops laughing at this, finding she wants to know as well.

"She wrote what we fucking told her to write!" Rachel hisses in a high pitch voice, showing that she's getting even more stressed. Jessica bursts out in laughter again, finding it all too perfect. She goes on another long laughing fit, showing that cruel side that she has inside.

They made up that "the applicant" had to write a 3 page essay for consideration, but that they was requirements. The applicant had to write about her complete sexual history, her masturbation habits, her honest fantasies, even if she ever thought about being forced or if she fantasies about her family members sexually. It was so over the top that anyone should have seen that it was a joke.

"I have to read it," Jessica states seriously, showing she's not going to take NO for an answer. Rachel looks flabbergasted by this. It's clear she doesn't understand how Jessica isn't panicking.

"Rachel, come on," Jessica starts to calm her friend down. "The little bitch doesn't know it's us. No one knows. Don't worry. Even if we are found out, which won't happen, it's not like they can charge us with anything," Jessica says, trying to calm her friend down. Paul quickly agrees, pointing out how there were no threats made.

Jessica and Paul take some time to try and calm Rachel down. They manage to do it somewhat, but it's clear she is still scared of the situation. Not so much about embarrassing Maria, but more about if the cops or someone find out. In her mind, she sees herself going to jail on some unknown charge.

"Oh. My. God," Jessica gasps over and over as she reads the emailed essay. Rachel forwarded it to Jessica and Paul and they both read it on their cells.

Jessica's eyes get wide and she rereads multiple sections. Paul reads as fast as he can, not believing someone could admit the stuff that she put in the email.

"She plays with herself every time she takes a bath," Paul says out loud, finding this unbelievable. There's no doubt that Maria thinks it is all real. Her essay is well written and extremely professional, like she was writing it to get into an Ivy League school. It's even better written than anything Jessica has turned in all year.

"Screw that. She says she wants to be tied up and spanked by an American!" Jessica tells the others in a laughing whisper. Paul laughs at this but Rachel doesn't. Rachel already read the entire thing so she knows of everything in the essay.

"Oh man, she even admitted that a few months ago, she woke up to find her older brother groping her boob!" Jessica exclaims, unable to contain her laughter. Paul laughs at this too, wanting to know what section that part is in.

"Huh. She says she wants to try the "American Experience." Whatever that is," Jessica says in a strange voice. At this she looks up a little in thought, almost like she's planning something.

Lunch comes and goes, and they stop reading the essay. They remark about the best parts, such as Maria requesting to learn how to properly suck a cock because she doesn't think she's good at it. That her boyfriend back home normally grabs her head and forcefully fucks her without her doing any real work.

Jessica finds the email very curious, to which she reads and rereads it over and over again. In it, she can't help but picture Maria doing all of those things. It gets so bad that when she sees Maria in class, she bursts out laughing.

"So...I had an idea," Jessica tells her friends during Calculus. The two others look at her, curious to see what she's talking about. When Jessica then looks at Maria, the other two know exactly what she's thinking about, making Rachel sigh and Paul smile.

"What if we responded? You know, set something up for her to teach her a lesson?" Jessica offers. Rachel's mouth drops open in shock while Paul smirks. Paul would never say it, but he had the same exact idea, but didn't want to say anything as he would be accused of being a typical guy thinking of sex. Rachel on the other hand, has all the color drained out of her face as this was one of her biggest fears once she saw that email.

"Look, she clearly needs to be taught a lesson. And I'm not saying to do anything to her, just, embarrass her. We respond back, telling her she's selected, and to report somewhere naked. Then, I dunno, we leave a sign there calling her a loser, or maybe snap a picture of her," Jessica offers.

Paul nods his head fast as he very much like this idea. It allows him to do what he really wants, which is to take a naked picture of Maria. He knows doing it would be illegal if it is against Maria's will, but this way it wouldn't be. Ever since reading that email, all Paul can think of is seeing Maria naked.

"That's too far," Rachel whispers. To this both Jessica and Paul look at her a bit upset and disappointed. They nearly stare at her, trying to intimidate her into joining them.

"Come on Rach, it's not that big of a thing. You don't even have to do anything. Just give us the password to the email and Jess and I will do the rest," Paul offers.

After a brief hushed conversation, Rachel finally agrees to hand over the password. She tells them she's not going to be apart of it, and both Jessica and Paul promise that if they get in trouble, they won't rat her out. And since they are such good friends, they mean this too.

That day, after school, Paul goes to Jessica's house. It seems strange for him to go without Rachel, as it reminds him of the brief time he and Jessica dated. But any thought of them together are forgotten as they brainstorm on how to respond to Maria. Both agree that they should make it over the top again. That they want to see just how naïve Maria really is.

They type out a response which they both think sounds professional. In it, they tell Maria that she's been selected, but to prove that she is serious as it would cost the secret organization a lot of money to fund her fantasy, she needs to send a "sexy" photo. Once she does, she'll be given the date, time and location of her planned fantasy.

Both Jessica and Paul are very surprised when they get a response minutes later. The new email comes reading as just as professional as the first, but with a picture attached to it. The picture is of Maria, naked.

It is of Maria in her bedroom, where she uses one arm to cover her breasts, which are much larger than either believed they were. Her other hand cups her womanhood, to which Jessica can tell she shaves. Maria has a timid and shy expression, but there's also a proud look to as her is held high.

"Did you know she had such huge tits?" Paul asks, unable to help himself. Jessica rolls her eyes, but inside she agrees. She knew Maria had larger breasts, but didn't know just how large. The foreign exchange student always wears thick, baggy t-shirts and baggy jeans which make her look frumpy. Jessica just never considered that those clothes were hiding a very attractive body.

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