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The Pre-nuptual

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Never get married without a pre-nuptual.
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Everyone in this story is over 21. Everything about this story is wrong. As far as I am aware, such a contract is not legal anywhere I have ever lived. But then, I'm not a lawyer. It is a warning to always read every page of any legal document.

"It is so obscene," Tina shouted. "Whenever Dad snaps his fingers, no matter what she is doing, Mom goes to him, gets down on her knees and sucks his penis. She's been doing it for as long as I remember! It isn't right!"

"There must be a reason for it," her brother Dave replied. "Perhaps she really loves doing it?"

"It is gross," she retorted. "There is no reason for a woman in this day and age, to suck her husband's penis whenever he wants. Tim," she added, "you wouldn't demand I suck you off any hour of the day, would you?"

"Well," replied Tim, "I must admit I do enjoy your blowjobs."

"TMI!" shouted Dave.

"But," Tim continued, "I would never expect you to do it just because I snapped my fingers, like your Father does."

"Come on," retorted Dave. "You know all men love BJ's more than pussy." Then he laughed.

"That's because most men," sneered Tina, "don't care about satisfying their partners, arsehole."

"Of course, my love," replied Tim, smiling at Dave and winking, in a way that Tina couldn't see him doing it. "But you sometimes insist on giving them to me. What was it you said? 'If those wigglers are in my stomach, they are not fertilizing my eggs?'"

"We are not talking about me," Tina replied.

"Yes," David replied, "Please don't!"

"But about my parents! Any hour of the day or night," Tina continued, "Dad just snaps his fingers and she immediately runs to him and sucks him off. When I asked her she even admitted to waking him in the mornings sucking him off and often slept suckling his penis. I think that is the first memory of my mother! She was breast feeding me, he snapped his fingers and she put me down to do it."

"I'm three years older than you, Tina," Dave replied, "and I doubt you would remember such a thing. I certainly do not. I don't think they ever did it until after I was 18, and I know they never did it in front of you until you were over eighteen either."

"OK, that is true." she replied, "Perhaps I was taking it too far as an analogy, it was too much. But I am sure my earliest memories is of her slobbering over his cock."

"Earliest memory after you turned an adult," Dave retorted.

"And you were the one that said to never use that term, cock?" Tim said.

"Not between us, my love," she replied.

"Still TMI!" Dave injected. "Mom and Dad seem to love each other very much. I've heard Mom propositioned many times, over the past three years especially after she blew him in a restaurant or in church, and she always turns them down stating she loves her husband."

"That's another thing," she said. "How can they get away with it in public?"

"I don't know, but remember, she is always hidden under that blanket she carries all the time in that bag when she does it." Dave said. "I know when I was about nine, when the new police chief, Sheriff Roach, was elected, there was a threat of public nudity. I don't know much about it, because I never saw anything, but Dad said, quite rightly apparently, that she couldn't be seen by anyone. Then he handed the police chief some papers. Once he read them, he let them go."

"That bag is part of the blanket, idiot," Tina said. "And I don't believe that is true."

"It's true," Dave replied, holding his hand over his heart. "I was there. I remember it because the Police Chief got married about two months afterwards, and Dad was his best man and I carried the rings. You were in the church crèche at the time. And I never saw her on her knees until after I was eighteen. I don't think you did either."

She sniffed. "You are right. But it isn't right for her to do it anyway."

"Mrs Roach seems very happy in her marriage too," Tim said. He was a very junior policeman, having only started in his job a few months before. "She comes over at lunchtime every day, bringing him his meal, and when she leaves she always has a smile on her face. If he stays late, or is on a stakeout, she does the same, for breakfast and dinner. She seems very happy."

"It is just weird," Tina replied, before changing the subject, asking. "Why are you here today? I thought you were supposed to be at work?"

"The chief gave me the day off," he replied. "Said I needed to talk to your Dad about our marriage, the pre-nuptial you want me to sign and our honeymoon."

"Yes," Tina said. "Dad is very insistent on pre-nups. He had me going over some examples of them with me earlier this week. You sign mine, if you cheat on me, you lose everything, and I mean everything."

"I'll never cheat on you," Tim replied. "I'd sign one with that, without even reading it."

"And I'll do the same for you," she replied.

* Sometime later *

It was later that day, that George Coster called the two young men into his office. They sat on two chairs on either side of his desk, allowing them full view of Maria Coster on her knees with her nose stuck to his pubic bone. A large pair of noise cancelling headphones were on her head, and she was obviously moving to some tune of her youth, as she moaned the tune in her throat, pleasuring her husband.

George pressed a button on the side of his desk, and they could hear the clicking of locks behind them, sealing them into the room. Dave had already told Tim that the room was sound proof, something his father explained when he was a child, and you had to ring a bell to get admittance.

"I can't call you boys any more," George started. "Tim you are going to marry my daughter and Dave, you should be marrying someone soon."

"Just looking for the right woman," Dave replied. "Finding someone who is willing to suck my cock the way Mom does yours, is difficult."

"I wish my brother, father, and grandfather were here to help me with this," George said. "But they all died before you were born, Dave. Their estates, and my uncles and great-uncles estates came to me. That is why I have never had to work. Their wives and daughters contested the wills of course, but they were iron clad and they never got a penny."

George smiled at the young men and added, "And that's what I want for you. One of you will become my heir."

"One of us, Sir?" gasped Tim.

"I wish that my brother Frances was here," he said. "He would have been a much better heir than I. But he died in battle fighting for his country, he would have said. He had been called up to serve by the draft, and died in a stinking hole in the ground in another country, and never came home. In our family, the surviving male children, determine the heir." George stated. "I had insisted Frances had to be the one, should he get married. But he died and left his fiance alone. You two will have to decide."

"I don't know how we could," Dave replied.

"You will," George said. "It all has to do with Wills, Wives and Pre-nuptials. Before you leave here today, you will understand."

George sighed. "I never wanted to be heir. I did not want to get married. Frances found the woman of his dream, she had signed the pre-nuptial. He had prepared his will. I was just going to enjoy his happiness, and he agreed I would be part of his family. But as I said, he died. So with no surviving male children of our generation, it was down to me.

"Dave, I have come to love your mother," he said. "Not just because of what she does for me." He gestured towards his lap. "But because she is a beautiful intelligent woman. But if I had had my choice, I would have been out there," he swung his hand outwards, "having sex with as many women as I wanted. Not that this doesn't have it's compensations." And he grinned and winked.

"Here is the pre-nuptial I suggest you sign, Tim," and he handed Tim a piece of paper.

"Tina has read this page," he added, "and she is very happy with the wording. If you commit adultery, if you are blackmailed into having sex and do not immediately tell your partner, if you have vaginal or anal sex with anyone other than your spouse, or have oral sex with anyone other than your spouse with their permission, you lose the rights to any and all inheritances. And you agree to sign over any savings and earnings to your spouse for as long as you live. You will be allowed to live in the same house, but without any rights to anything other that what your spouse provides."

"I don't have a problem with that George," Tim replied.

"Excuse me," Dave said. "Tim, you would effectively be a slave!"

"Not if I don't cheat on Tina," Tim replied."

"Excuse me for just a moment, you need to see the full picture," George said. "And this is page two." and held up two pieces of paper. "This contains the signatures of the husband, wife and witnesses. Note that it starts half way down the page. Tina, just as Maria had," and he pointed towards his wife still fellating him below the desk, "just as my mother, grandmother, aunts and ancestors for as long as I can work out, never bothered to check if there were any other words in the document." Then he slid the two identical pages to the two young men.

The young men gasped as they read what was written.

"This basically states," Tim said, "That Tina, will agree to perform any type of fellatio on me, my brothers or her brothers, whenever we want, and that if they do not the strictures referred to on page one will come into effect just as if they had committed adultery! Also they agree they can never inherit anything on my death that it all goes to the designate heir! It also states that if they ever tell anyone about the pre-nuptial the same conditions apply!"

"I checked," George stated. "You don't have any brothers, and I know neither does Dave. I've only had one pussy in my life, not the plethora I so wanted. And Dave, you will not be able to sow your oats, either. You may marry someone, as long as you get them to sign the same document.

"It is actually in your best interests," George continued, "as long as you sign the same will." and he pushed another document towards them. The will basically said the same thing. The named Heir or his heir on his death, inherits everything. As long as you are both alive, you will be each other's Heirs, and on the other's death, either of your sons which ever they choose the heir."

"How is this legal?" Dave asked?

"I have no idea," George replied. "I'm not a lawyer. But for hundreds of years, this will has been unbreakable in every court it has ever gone to, and in whatever country it was contested. It may have helped, of course, that all the judges and police chiefs, in the districts and upper courts that the cases could have gone to, had been provide the same documents for themselves and their children. And I guarantee they have all used it in their families, either for themselves or their sons. However usually, they already know about it and use it."

* Sometime later *

The wedding was considered by all who attended to be the most beautiful they had ever attended. Everything went as planned. The pre-nuptials were signed and provided to the judge that officiated the marriage. The pre-nuptials and marriage certificates were duly signed and sealed, and the bride and her husband went off late that night on an all expenses paid honeymoon in Hawaii provided by George.

It wasn't until after their return, that Tina learned about the second page of the pre-nuptial. After a brief argument and a discussion with her mother, later that day she found herself on her knees next to her mother, and as her mother serviced her father, Tina first serviced her husband and then her brother, and afterwards, whenever either of them snapped their fingers.

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lustqueen411lustqueen411over 1 year ago

This needs a 2nd chapter with more details please

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Stupid Story....

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