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The Predator Ch. 02

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He ups the ante of the bet.
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Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 06/24/2009
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Slowly she stood up and turned around, a teasing smile on her face, her voice husky, "nice try, but it didn't work."

He smiled, slowly nodding his head, "nope, it didn't...ready to up the ante a bit?" he asked.

She reached for her drink, taking a sip before setting it back down, her head tilting in an unspoken question.

"Let's say...$150...to the winner...what do ya say?" he asked, watching her intently, knowing she probably didn't carry that much cash.

"One hundred fifty dollars is a lot of money, Mike, I don't have that much on me" she responded.

Slowly nodding, looking thoughtful, he replied, "Ok...if you win, I'll give you $150 and if I win, I get that pretty pink bra you've been flashing me all night".

Slowly shaking her head, she hesitated...looking at him, trying to decide. She had been playing exceptionally well tonight...

He could see she was struggling, a blind man could see that. He grinned as he challenged her, "Well if you don't think you're that good..." and left it hanging as he threw down the gauntlet.

"Show me the money" she challenged back to him.

He reached for his wallet, pulling out two $100 bills, looking at them and then looking at her, "ahhh hell, I'll make it $200 if you win" he stated, arching his eyebrow in an unspoken challenge.

"And if you win, all you want is my bra, nothing else?" she asked skeptically.

"Yep, just your bra", he answered.

"Rack 'em up!" she quipped.

Arching an eyebrow at her command, he stared at her, neither moving or saying a word until she dropped 2 quarters into the machine and started racking the balls up herself.

"I don't take orders very well, as you can see" he stated as she dropped the last ball into position.

"I see that", she responded softly.

"Your shot", he gently prodded.

Again, she broke first, sinking a ball, and then another and another until she scratched. It was his turn now, slowly he circled the table as she settled back against a bar stool, sipping her drink and lighting another cigarette. He sank two balls and then another, keeping one eye on her as he sank the fourth one. Watching as she started to squirm against the stool.

"What the hell did I just get myself into", she scolded herself, her eyes watching intently as he lined up an easy shot.

He took careful aim, hitting the cue ball against one of her balls and ultimately sinking the 8 ball...intentionally losing the game. As soon as the 8 ball rolled into the pocket, he slowly stood up, muttering an expletive and reached for two $100 bills laying on the edge of the table, snatching them up. Walking up to the table he could see the relief in her eyes as he dangled the bills in front of her.

"You won, fair and square", he stated.

Slowly she took the bills from him, a guilty look hovering over her face. He saw it in an instant and tilted his head to her, his voice low and gravelly as he asked, "how 'bout double or nothing?"

She looked up at him, and quipped, "I only wore one bra."

He chuckled and nodded, "ok, smart ass, $400 if you win and your bra and panties if I win...ah hell, make it an even $500 if you win."

She gasped, "Five hundred dollars!"

Slowly he nodded, reaching for his wallet again and adding three more C notes. "Your bra and panties though, if I win...deal?" he asked.

Nodding slowly, she accepted the bet; there was no way she was going to turn down a chance at an easy $500...that was more than she made in a week.

Automatically she slid off the bar stool and started racking up the balls. He watched her as she positioned each ball and then got them in to a tight formation. Swallowing down the last of his drink, he set the glass on the table and walked up behind her as she was finishing up.

He slid one hand up from her hip to the outside swell of her breast as his other hand pulled her hair away from her neck again. He nuzzled against her neck, keeping her pinned against the pool table, his other hand slowly closing over her breast. He heard her low soft moan as his hand slowly squeezed her breast, feeling the nipple harden against his palm. She tilted her neck, giving him more access to her.

As soon as he felt her respond, his other hand closed over her other breast, again squeezing gently and again feeling the nipple harden in his palm. He slowly sucked and nibbled at her neck, feeling her pulse speed up as his thumb and forefinger on each hand started to roll each nipple, pinching lightly at first and then increasing the pressure as he felt her pulse increase. He pulled and twisted, pinched and rolled the hard nipples, feeling her low moans as he sucked against her neck.

Testing her, he slowly increased the pressure as he pinched the nipples, feeling her as she arched her back and lifted up to him. He continued to increase the pressure until he felt her wince and then bit down on her neck, sucking hard against her tender flesh, knowing that he would leave his mark on her. A low moan floating up to him as he slowly slid his hands away, stepping back from her.

She slowly turned around to him, her breath shallow, her nipples poking against the thin shirt, her dark eyes smoky with her fire. He lifted a hand to her cheek, softly caressing it as she tilted her head to his hand; he knew he had her then. Letting his hand slid down to her breast, he held it in his hand, gently weighing it, watching her as she arched her back and lifted up to him. Bringing up his other hand, he unbuttoned a button on her shirt and then another, slowly separating the two edges, baring the deep cleavage of her breasts to him.

"Your break, sweetness" he spoke softly.

Snapping her head up, she looked up at him, for a moment confused. She hurriedly reached up to re-button her shirt.

"No", he commanded as he closed of her hands, "leave it like that."

Slowly she nodded as she dropped her hands away, her smoky eyes never leaving his, almost as if in a trance.

He took her by the shoulders and turned her around and gave her a sharp smack on the ass to break through to her. He chuckled as she jumped and gasped, whipping around to him.

"C'mon let's play this game and see who's gonna be the winner tonight", he teased.

The smack on her ass had kind of pissed her off and he knew that as he watched her, but the tell-tale flush on her face said something a whole lot different, that and the fact that her nipples were even harder and longer than before.

She leaned over the table and took aim, sending the balls scattering across the table, sinking three balls, two solids and a stripe. She was feeling confident as she moved around the table, sinking another and then another. Stepping up to the table, she lit a cigarette, exhaling a stream of smoke; she took a sip of her drink as she tilted her head, looking at him. "Sure you can afford to lose $500, Mike?" she questioned, her dark eyes dancing with mischief.

"Are you sure you can afford to lose your bra and panties, little girl?" he countered.

"I'm not going to lose them", she retorted.

"We'll see, sweetness, we will see", he growled as he stood up...hooking an arm around her waist as she made to get away from him.

"Where ya going so fast, darlin?" he chuckled as he caught her up to him.

"The fun is just beginning, isn't it?" he whispered low against her ear as one of his hand slipped under her skirt and skimmed along the curvature of her ass, squeezing one firm cheek in his hand. He knew her ass was made for his hand as he slowly squeezed it.

"That's not fair", she whispered up to him.

"No, this would not be fair..." he growled softly in her ear as he wiggled one of his fingers inside her panties and slid it along her slit, feeling her wetness and her smooth pussy.

"Mmmmm, I love a shaved cunt" he softly spoke.

She moaned low and deep as his finger slid into her tightness, slowly moving in and out, adding another finger as he felt her hips starting to gyrate against his hand.

He leaned down to her, catching her lips to his, stroking her bottom lip with his tongue as he continued to finger fuck her cunt. His tongue gently prodding her lips apart to delve deep in her mouth, arching her body over his arm as he assaulted her mouth, raping her cunt with his fingers, pushing her to the brink only to step away from her just as she got to the edge.

"You bastard!" she cried as he stepped away, watching him suck her sweet nectar from his fingers and then getting thoroughly pissed off as she hears him chuckle.

"Mmmm, sweet as honey", he teased as he continued to suck her juices from his fingers. "What's the matter, slut?" he tested

"SLUT?" she cried. "I am not a slut. How dare you, you bastard!"

"Hmm, not a slut...really?" he continued to torment. Turning to the pool table, he looks at her, "My shot or yours, sweet slut?"

"Mine, bastard!" she retorted.

Chuckling, he sits back down in the bar stool, playing the cat and mouse game to get her right where he wants her.

Glaring up at him, she tries to focus on her shot, moving first to one place and then to another as she tries to find a good shot.

"Awww c'mon now, little girl, I was just messin' with ya. No harm, no foul...ok? Truce?" he cajoles.

"Once I kick your ass and take your $500, you won't see me again...you are nothing but a fucking bastard" she spat.

"We'll see, my sweet slut, we'll see" he chuckled.

She hissed through her teeth at his comment, trying to keep focused on the game instead of him tormenting her, instead of the tingling in her cunt, instead of her nipples aching.

As soon as she hit the cue ball with her stick, she knew she had lost the game, the shot was too hard, too wild, she let him get to her. She slowly straightened up, an unmistakable fire in her eyes as she walked up to the table and made to grab her purse and cigarettes. He was watching her and knew what she was going to try and do, he could read it written all over her face. There was no way he was going to let her walk out of here without paying up.

"Not trying to back out on your bet, are ya slut?" he questioned as he stood up, blocking her path.

"You cheated, so the bet was null and void, plain and simple." she retorted.

"Hmmm, I don't remember there being any rules to the bet, other than to win or lose, there was nothing about how to win, now was there slut?" he growled as he stepped close to her, forcing her to tilt back her head to look at him.

"You set me up, played me" she cried.

He shrugged, "a bet is a bet and now it is time to pay up, slut. One way or the other, you will pay up, either voluntarily or I will take...the choice is yours."

She could only gape at him, the blood in her veins chilling as she sees his intense look. She instinctively knew she would not walk away unscathed.

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LadyPartsLadyPartsabout 13 years ago

You know you've written something special when uptight commenters get pissed about having been turned on by reading it!

Another 5 star seduction.

ellyneiellyneiover 15 years ago
the build up continues

I'm still curious what happens next, keep it coming.

Message to the person who placed the "stories like this are sick" comment: Please stop by my stories and give me a couple of those comments. Chop chop. Share the love... oops... hate I meant.

Noncon fantasies are one of the genres where there is a marked difference between fantasy and reality. Assuming that the every noncon fantasy enthusiast is a rapist wannabe is like assuming that anyone who reads or writes horror books is a massmurderer wannabe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Those who get hard reading this are sick

Those who write it are worse--Those who would actually do is should be thrown into a shark tank-Too bad spyce is not even man enough to admit that he is male

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Nice start

It's a good start i'd love to read more i hope theres a happy ever after

keep writing

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