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The Predator Ch. 03

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He has her right where he wants.
1.6k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 06/24/2009
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"You have until the count of five to give me both the bra and the panties..." he growls, leaving the threat hanging.

She can only stare up at him, tears starting to well up in her eyes as she fights to remain in save her dignity.

"One!" he growls

Still she can only stand...rooted to the floor.


The tears in her eyes tumble down her cheeks, leaving a wet trail and still she cannot move.


Finally, she finds her voice, "please don't make me do this" she pleads.


"Please, I'm begging you, please don't make me do this", she again begs.

"Five! Times up, slut!" he growls, reaching to his back pocket and sliding a switch blade out. Snapping it open, he reaches up to her, the blade glinting in the low lights.

"You had your chance to do it willingly and now I am going to take what is rightfully mine, my sweet slut", he whispers against her ear, his breath hot against her.

He moves his hand over her breasts, squeezing the first one, before slicing thru the shoulder strap of the bra and then repeating the motion over the next one. The straps dangling as he slides the blade between her tits, letting the cold metal tease the swell of her breast as he slice thru the middle of the bra...yanking it off her. She gasps as he rips the bra away from her, her tits bouncing free. He whistles low as her tits swing free, unbuttoning her shirt to her waist and pushing the shirt away so she is completely bare to him. Her nipples puckered and rock hard.

She stands completely still, tears streaming down her face with her humiliation. She has never felt so.....naked.

"You can remove your panties now or I will take them...the choice is yours, my slut" he whispers.

Still she makes no move...standing completely still. He reaches up, fondling her tits, pinching and rolling her nipples, watching her eyes intently. He can see the war raging in her eyes, knowing she is mentally fighting her body not to respond to him.

"What's it going to be, slut?" he questions, his voice low.

Still she doesn't move...her eyes are locked with his, the tears still falling, making tiny rivers down her cheeks. He can see that she is tormented, but he continues his assault on her.

He nods his head, his left hand pinching her nipple sharply before releasing it and sliding down to the hem of her skirt...yanking it up as his right hand follows suit. Sliding the blade beneath the thin elastic, he cuts it easily and then cuts the other side. He continues to watch her as he pockets the knife and then snatches the panties from her. Hearing a soft gasp as he rips them from her hips.

"My, my, my...what do we have here?" he chuckles as he holds up the panties...the panties are soaked with her juices.

Hearing his chuckle snaps her out of her trance, a low feral scream rips from her throat as she flies at him, her tiny fists pummeling his chest. He catches her hands, wrenching them behind her back and holding them in one of her large hands, easily subduing her.

"Ahhh, my sweet little slut has some fire in her I see" he chuckles...enjoying as she struggles against him.

"Let me go, you fucking bastard!" she screams at him, squirming and wriggling, trying to get loose.

He catches one of her nipples, pinching and twisting it cruelly until she cries out in pain, her movements stopping. He eases up the pressure as she quiets her struggles. And then slowly increases the pressure as he pinches and twists until he feels her back arch, her body betraying her.

"Why are you doing this to me?" she quietly sobs.

"Because I can" he responds.

Slowly he eases up the pressure as he pinches and pulls her nipples, feeling her body respond to him, watching her eyes submit.

"How old are you, my sweet slut?" he inquires.

"Old enough" she spits out at him.

Again he pinches and twists her nipple cruelly until she cries out and answers his question. "I'm 21" she spits at him.

Again he twists the nipple, "now, the truth, slut" he demands.

"18, I'm 18...I swear" she cries out.

"How did you get in here, your not old enough to drink yet" he questions

"I have a fake ID" she responds.

"I'm going to ask you a series of questions...answer them truthfully and immediately or suffer the you understand?" he demands.

When she doesn't answer promptly, he pinches her nipple, eliciting a wince and a gasp from her. "Do you understand?" he asks again, increasing the pressure on her nipple.

"Yes, yes I understand" she cries out softly.

"Yes, I understand, Sir" he corrects.

She snaps her head up, confused.

Again he repeats "Yes, I understand, Sir", all the while pinching her nipple.

"Yes, I understand....Sir" she whispers.

"Good girl" he praises, letting up the pressure on her nipple.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" he asks

"No" she responds

He wait's a brief moment and then pinches her nipple indicating his displeasure.

Wincing, she corrects herself, "No....Sir".

"Are you still in high school?" he asks

"No, Sir" she responds, "I graduated this spring."

"Planning on going to college?" he continues to question.

"No, Sir...I can't afford it" she again responds.

All the while he is questioning her, his fingers are continuing to slowly pinch and roll her nipple, feeling her body arching and lift to him. He is training her body to respond to him without her even knowing.

"Do you still live at home?" he continues

"Yes, Sir...although I think my step-mom would rather have me gone" she responds, instantly regretting giving him the extra information.

He notes her reaction and keeps mental notes of everything she is telling him, making plans as he goes.

"Are you a virgin?"

She hesitates, her head lowering as she hears the last question. He is watching her, pinching her nipple tightly as she hesitates and continuing to apply pressure as she continues not to answer the question.

He repeats the question, applying more pressure to her nipple, making her squirm in pain as he waits for her answer. "Yes, Sir" she whispers.

"I didn't hear you, slut...are you a virgin?" he asks again.

"Yes Sir" she repeats, lifting her head to him, her chin tilting almost defiantly.

"Good girl" he praises.

"How is your relationship with your father?" he questions.

"My dad avoids me Sir" she whispers.

"Why, sweety?" he softly questions...digging deeper.

"Because I look too much like my mom, Sir. She left him when I was young and ran off with another man...I don't think he can stand to look at me Sir" she whispers, her voice breaking, fresh tears starting to race down her cheeks.

He leans forward, kissing her tears away, his grip on her hands easing up a bit. "Are you gonna run from me if I let you loose?" he asks, his fingers still playing with her nipple, pinching and pulling lightly.

"No, Sir" she responds.

He kisses away the remaining tears, tilting her chin up to him with his knuckle as he teases her lip with his tongue, kissing her. His other hand squeezing her ass and pressing her to him as he deepens the kiss, feeling her once again respond to him.

Breaking the kiss, he looks deep into her eyes, holding her chin, forcing her to keep her eyes locked to his as he tries to look deep into her soul.

"You feel this, don't you?" he finally asks her.

Slowly she nods, her voice just above a whisper, "yes Sir."

"Do you want this to continue?" he gently prods.

She nods her head, her eyes glued to his. "Yes Sir...please."

"Make very sure, because once we start this, there is no turning back, once you say yes, you are mine and I won't let you you understand, slut?" he demands.

"Yes" she responds.

"Yes....Sir" she corrects as he applies pressure to her nipple.

"There are a few basic rules to begin with and as you progress I will add more rules. #1 you will always address me as Sir or Master...or even Daddy. Not Dad or Father, but Daddy. Sometimes I will demand that you address me as Daddy. Understand" he instructs.

He smiles as he feels her body respond to his instructions. Watching her as she nods in understanding.

"#2 I will take care of you, which means I will house you, clothe you or not depending on my mood, and feed you. I will select everything you will wear. Therefore, you will move in with me immediately. Any problems with that, my little slut?" he inquires.

"No Daddy" she replies with a little grin.

He sees the little grins and tweaks her nipple a bit harder, enforcing his authority and moving on to his next rule.

"#3 I will fuck you wherever and whenever I want and may or may not let other people watch or fuck you also...any objections?" he asks...watching her intently.

"No Daddy" she again replies.

"One last question...why do you shave your cunt, slut?" he inquires, watching her intently.

Blushing profusely, she lowers her lashes. He lifts her chin, forcing her to look at him.

"I...I saw it on an internet website and....and...thought I would try it Daddy...and after I did it the first time, I liked the way it felt so I continued to do it." she stammered.

He nodded, guessing that the internet website probably had something to do with Daddy/daughter scenes from her reactions and addressing him as Daddy, but he would delve into that at a later time.

"So are you ready to be my slut and everything that goes along with it...slut?" he inquired one last time.

"Yes Daddy" she responded.

Slowly he nodded, looking deep into her eyes, rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

"Stay here...exactly like you are...don't move a muscle" he commanded...stepping away from her to leave the room for a moment.

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LittleIrishDollyLittleIrishDollyabout 13 years ago
Super yummy!

I am loving this story! Very well written

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Good stuff.

I really like what I've read so far. Just wish the chapters were longer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Loved it! Made my panties wet! Who cares if a male or female wrote this story, I think it's great! Loved how the male character just took her over! MMM! Can't wait for more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I assume that Spyce is supposed to imply that the

creepy shit head who wrote this is female. Sure and he wrote it for other females who pose as men when the world knows them to be total loosers

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I assume that Spyce is supposed to imply that the

creepy shit head who wrote this is female. Sure and he wrote it for other females who pose as men when the world knows them to be total loosers

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