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The Pregnant Bounty

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An interstellar pregnant fugitive is caught.
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Ava stood at the precipice. Behind her was a mile high drop. In front of her, a phaser aimed between her eyes by smugness personified. There was nowhere left for her run, not that she could run anymore. Her bare feet and the being in her womb wouldn't let her.

The bounty hunter scanned her body from head to toe. The eight-month pregnant woman was busty, buxom and bodacious. She was wearing just a white tunic that hugged her belly and barely reached halfway down to her knees, and probably panties, but he wasn't sure yet. What he was sure of, as his eyes stopped at her massive tits, was that she wasn't wearing a bra. He grinned.

Ava was used to having her breasts stared at, and that was before the pregnancy made them even larger. However, this particular stare seemed... hungry. And then she realised why. Her nipples had leaked milk, making parts of her top virtually transparent.

Hunter holstered his phaser and cuffed her hands behind her back. He walked her back to his spaceship, and barely spoke a word during their mile-long walk across the pink desert flats, especially when she complained about being exhausted and unable the walk any further. She clearly was able to walk further, as they did reach the ship. The phaser prodding the small of her back did help a little.

Once on the ship's cargo hold, Ava collapsed onto her knees. She was glad that the climate regulators began to cool down the ship, but then the hunter started talking, and nothing he said made her feel better.

"Ava, you don't know my name, and you don't need to. You also know that there is a bounty on your head, and I very much intend on collecting it."

"Who sent you?" asked Ava. Based on the answer, she'd know how much longer she had to live.

"Now that's where things get interesting. Some want you alive, so that you can be brought to justice. Some want you dead. And the choice is yours."

Ava gulped. She had known that people wanted her dead all this time, but she wasn't sure what to make of this situation.

The man who had impregnated her did so under a very unique circumstance. He was a prison guard at the camps on the second moon of Relppek. She was a prisoner. He belonged to the tribe of the colonizers, she to the tribe original settlers of the planet.

It wasn't what one would call love at first sight. Far from it. One night, something that she had done, she didn't quite remember what exactly, pissed him off. He dragged her out of her cell and into a service chamber. In there, he stole a lot of things from her: her pride, dignity, self-worth and virginity.

With a baton in his hand, he forced her to strip naked. She had obliged after a whack to the back of her knee. Other than the tattoo on her wrist that marked her as one of the colonised, her skin was perfect. Her dark hair stopped just above her perfect boobs, and her pussy was covered by an unkempt bush. She had lost some weight at the camp, but her ass was just as round as before, during the better times.

Then her raped. First with the baton, and then with his cock. Once he was almost done, he pulled out and made her swallow his cum. Back in her cell, she cried herself to sleep. She wasn't sure if it was because of the pain in her pussy or her mind.

The guard had felt sorry about it. The next day he tried to apologise to the prisoner. She was in her cell, staring at nothing, quiet. When she did not respond, he dragged her back to the service chamber. As he tried apologising again, she broke down and began sobbing.

Trying to console her, he took her face in his hand. And kissed her.

Despite herself, she kissed him back. She couldn't explain it, still can't, but it had just felt right. That kiss marked the beginning of their affair that they were desperate to keep secret.

He would brag to his colleagues that had found his "bitch" and that he would ruin the person that tried to touch her. She would try to "piss him off" whenever she got a chance. Then he would drag her to the service chamber, cheered on by the other guards, where they made love.

After a few weeks of this, she was pregnant.

While the authorities encouraged the rapes and humiliation of the prisoners in all but words, they would never tolerate love. And so, they needed to escape. He snuck her onto a supply ship on its way back to Relppek, on which he hitched a ride.

On Relppek, they managed to get off world on a smuggler's ship, and had been on the run ever since, hiding on various outback planets. Until the bounty hunters started showing up. When she five-months along, her partner was killed, back when the bounty was only on his head, and his body was taken back to Relppek. That hunter must have reported to the government that he was with a pregnant woman. That's when the bounty was placed on her head.

By that time, her relationship with her partner had gone really sour. They had stuck together out of necessity, not love. The only thing they cared about was the child, not the other person. So when he was killed, she mourned him, but did not miss him.

Evading detection for further three months, she ended up on the backwater planet Rubble. She lived in an abandoned pueblo, sourcing her food from a settlement just beyond the horizon. One morning, when she was getting some water from the well at the bottom of the cliff, she had felt someone standing behind her.

Now, that Hunter was giving her a choice between life and death. She knew which one she wanted to choose, but something told her that death might be the better option.

"Alive," said Ava.

"I was hoping you'd say that. The bounty for you dead is higher than you alive. But I can think of a few ways in which you can make up the difference."

"What do you mean?"

The man said nothing, turned around and headed up to the cockpit. A minute later, the ship took off as Ava sat on the cold floor of the cargo hold, wondering what was going to happen to her next.

Once the ship was in space, she felt the ship's hyperdrive activate. The hunter returned with an empty bowl which he set aside.

"We are enroute to the location from where I will make contact with the client. You have time until then to prove that you want to be alive more than dead. Oh, and we are taking the longer hyperlane, just so you know."

"What do you want me to do?"

The man glanced down at the pregnant woman. The wet patches over her nipples were long dry, but the cool temperature ensured that her nipples were hard and poked out.

"Are you thirsty?"


"Are you thirsty?"



He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up to her feet. Ava winced but did not resist. She didn't want to risk getting hurt, not that it would matter if he did decide on killing her.

"Take off your tunic," he ordered.

Ava did not wait to be whacked on the back of her knee this time to comply. Slowly, she peeled the fabric off her skin. Some part of her felt relief as the top was a little too tight. She had bought it back near the end of the second trimester, now she was in the middle of the third trimester.

He seemed slightly disappointed when he saw that she was wearing panties, but he had not asked her to take them off yet.

Hunter reached out and tried to judge the weight of her breasts with his hands. She did not react, but her heart was beating out of her chest. His hands were warm, but that was negated by his cold gaze.

"They seem full."

Ava nodded, reluctant. Was this why he had asked her if she was thirsty? To make her drink her own milk? It would not have been the first time, however.

When she had begun lactating, she was already living alone in the isolated pueblo. At first, did not know what to do with the milk she expressed when her breasts got full. She had thought of trading it at the settlement, but decided against it as it would have gone bad by the time she arrived there.

Instead, she began drinking it herself. She did not have a pump, so based on what time of day it was, she would either express milk by hand into a bottle that would be stored in the cooler for consumption later that day or the next day, or she would drink it directly from her tits. At first, it had felt wrong, like she was livestock, but soon she got used to it. She had wanted to store it for after the delivery, but the cooler was too unreliable.

Now, on Hunter's ship, with her boobs in Hunter's hands, she was wondering if he would make her suck on her own tits for some sick sexual pleasure. She would not be against it, however, because she was very thirsty and the only thing new about the experience would be humiliation.

To her surprise, he put her left nipple in his mouth and began sucking. She stood there frozen as Hunter worked on her tit. It had been some time since Ava had felt a mouth on her nipple other than hers, and she let out a soft moan. She felt the milk as he sucked it from her breast. That look of hunger he had given her earlier made sense now, but she still didn't know how to feel about it.

A grown man was drinking her milk.

But, just as suddenly as he began sucking on her tit, he stopped. He wiped his mouth and grinned.

"That's some good quality stuff you've produced in there."

Ava just stood there, confused.

"You said you were thirsty, right?" he continued. "I'm sure you won't mind drinking some of your own milk."

Slowly Ava grabbed her right breast and began moving it towards her mouth. Hunter interrupted her.

"Not like that. Get down on all fours."

Ava did not like where this was going, but she had no other choice. Once in position, her tits hung down low, lower that her belly, slowly swinging. Hunter placed the bowl under them and gestured at her to begin.

Unconsciously, Ava shook her head. Hunter pulled out his phaser and pointed it at her.

"All you have to do is say the word, and I'll pull this trigger and end this at once. And right now, that word is 'no,' or any of its variations."

Ava gulped. A tear rolled down her eye, off her cheek and onto the cold floor of the spaceship. She lifted her right and off the floor and started pressing and pinching her left nipple. She had done this many times, but never like this.

At first, a few drops of her milk dripped out of her nipple and into the bowl underneath it. Just as those drops hit the plastic, she began sobbing. The fist time she expressed milk for herself to drink, she had felt like livestock, but now she had become livestock. She had no choice now. She was ordered to milk herself, and she was doing it. And not at the table, sitting comfortably on a chair, but on the floor, on her knees and hands.

She wanted to stop. She wanted to get up and walk out the airlock. But she could not. Not with what was growing in her. So she kept milking herself. The slow drips turned into streams of milk.

"Careful. Don't want those tears to ruin your delicious milk."

She glanced up at Hunter through her teary eyes. He was leaning back against the bulkhead, with his cock in his hand. He stroked it gently as he looked down at Ava. This made Ava feel even worse about what he was doing, so she cried some more and kept on milking.

Now, pinching her nipple wasn't enough, so she massaged her entire right breast and squeezed down on it to express more milk. The use of both hands would have made this much easier and comfortable, but she did not want to take any chance. Both, the amount milk in the bowl and the pool of tears adjacent to it, were growing steadily.

Once her right breast was empty, she milked her left breast without being prompted to. If she was meant to be livestock, so be it. At least it meant that she was alive. Accepting that, however, did not stop the tears.

Once both her boobs were exhausted, she sensed Hunter walk towards her and she looked up at him, still on her fours. His cock was still out, but he had stopped stroking it for the moment.

He grabbed her hair and pulled her up so that she was now kneeling. He slid the bowl closer to her and kneeled down in front of her. Unlike her, his knees were wider apart and his ass rested on his legs. His cock stared right at the bowl of milk.

"It's not surprising that your boobs could hold that much milk. But I'm sure that not every drop in that bowl." Hunter sucked on each of her boobs one by one, rougher than before, as if wring every last drop of milk out of them. His hand stroked his cock, a little faster than before.

Hunter's mouth hurt Ava this time, and she couldn't help but moan in pain. This only made Hunter get rougher.

Once satisfied that her tits were dry as the desert he had taken her from, he leaned back and focused all is attention on his cock. Unhappy with the attention his cock received, he grabbed Ava's head with his free hand and forced her to look at it as well.

And with a grunt, he came. He shot all his cum into the bowl of Ava's milk. With a chuckle, his stirred the milk with his cock and then finally let go of Ava's head.

"There you go. Quench your thirst," said Hunter, as he got up.

Ava was already in tears, but she could not refuse. She picked up the bowl and moved it to her mouth.

The moment the milk touched her lips, she put every single thought she had aside and drank it all down. After all, she was extremely thirsty. As she gulped down the last sip, all those thoughts rushed back to her. She dropped the bowl, put her face in her hands and sobbed.

Then she felt something metal touch her head. She looked up. It was the phaser aimed right at her.

"Oh we are not done yet," said Hunter, now naked, his cock slowly going soft.


He grabbed her throat and slowly pushed her onto her back. Then he ripped her panties off her and spread her legs apart, exposing a shaved pussy. Ava just stared at the ceiling, afraid of what was to come next. However, to her surprise, it wasn't a cock that penetrated her pussy, but a tongue.

Hunter licked her pussy and began eating it out. He kissed it, licked it, tongued it, sucked on it. He did everything that the man who put the seed in her never did. This was the first time Ava had been eaten out, and it had felt nothing like anything she had felt before. And she loved it.

But she tried her best to supress any signs of her enjoyment. It worked, until he inserted a finger into her pussy and caressed her swollen belly with the other hand. That's when she let out a loud moan, and did not stop moaning.

It wasn't like she was loving it because she hadn't pleasured herself in a while. In fact, the pregnancy hormones ebbed and flowed, her libido overwhelmed her at times. She would rub herself, sometimes hump a pillow, maybe even insert her finger in her pussy. But this was different.

Soon, her moans grew louder and she edged closer to an orgasm. He stopped eating her out, but before she could ask him to keep going, he inserted two more fingers into her pussy and began fucking it. Her moans grew even louder as he increased the pace of his thrusting fingers.

Just as she came, he pulled his fingers out, and they were followed by a gush of her squirt. It was the loudest orgasm she had ever had, and it was the first time she had ever squirted. For a second she had thought her water had broken, then that she had peed on him, before realising what had happened.

She laid on the floor, panting, when Hunter made her taste herself on his fingers. She had never tasted herself before. She had no interest in it. She drew the line at her milk when it came to ingesting her bodily fluids. She didn't know what to make of the taste of her own pussy, but she knew that she had never tasted anything like it before.

"There's something about the taste of a pregnant pussy that really gets me going," said Hunter, as he licked his fingers. His cock was rock hard again.

Ava wondered if the other pregnant women he tasted were in a situation similar to hers. But before she could give it much thought, Hunter leaned over her, his cock touching her belly.

"You can keep me alive. That way you can taste it whenever you'd want," said Ava.

"Haha! Trying to act smart? It a large galaxy that we live in. It's not that hard to find pregnant pussy. Plus, once I hand you over alive, you're gonna end up dead anyways."

"What else do you want me to do? I'll do anything! Just don't kill me," said Ava, as she reached down and began stroking his cock.

"I want you to do nothing. Maybe scream a little as you take it in, but nothing else."

"What do you--"

Hunter slapped her hand away from his cock, then grabbed her legs and pushed them further apart and up towards her shoulder. Ava had never been in such a position before, but even with her pregnant belly, it wasn't uncomfortable. Hunter knew what he was doing when it came to pregnant women.

He rubbed his hand over Ava's dripping pussy and covered his cock with her slick. And before Ava could protest, his cock was in her ass.

Ava had never had anal sex. She had never considered having it. But now, there was a cock in her ass, and all she could do was scream. So, that's what she did. It was a brand new sensation for her, and unlike being eaten out, she did not like this at all.

Ava wanted reach down and hold her belly, do the bare minimum to protect the life within, but her arms were pinned under her legs, which were held in position by Hunter. Her tits bounced vigorously and her swollen belly felt exposed underneath a madman pounding his cock into a very tight hole.

The pain was overwhelming, and Ava felt lightheaded. Hunter showed no sign of slowing down. Her throat was sore because of the screaming, but Hunter still showed no sign of slowing down.

After what felt like hours, Hunter pulled out and came on her belly and tits. The sudden removal of the cock somehow hurt her more than when it was first inserted. He let go of her legs.

"I want you to lick that cum off your tits, but leave the cum cum on your belly to dry."

She obliged. Anything to distract her from the pain radiating from her asshole. Still lying down, she grabbed her tits and licked his cum off them. It had tasted very similar to the only other sample of cum she had ever tasted.

And then, she just laid there on the cold floor, panting.

There was a slight rumble across the spaceship.

"We've arrived, just in time. Congratulations, I'll hand you over alive," said Hunter, as he got up and started walking towards the cockpit stars.

"No!" Ava shouted and tried to get up to follow him.

But the pain in her asshole didn't let her stand up. So she crawled her way to Hunter.

"Please! Please! Don't hand me over! I'll do anything! Keep me on the ship, use me whenever, just don't hand me over!"

"I told you already, I--" Hunter tripped and fell onto the floor after Ava grabbed his leg.

As he was about to sit up straight, Ava took his limp cock in her mouth and began sucking on it. She had never thought about the taste of her own ass, but now that she could taste it, she didn't know what to make of it. It didn't matter, however. She sucked on his cock as well as she could, and it started growing harder. She knew that she was doing something right.

Once the cock was rock hard as before, she stopped and resumed begging.

"Look, I'll do everything you ask of me." She grabbed her tits and began rubbing his slick cock between them. "You'll have your own pregnant pussy to taste whenever you'd like. Your own tits to milk. Your own asshole to fuck."

She straddled him and squatted over his hoard cock, slowly sliding it into her sore asshole. As she began riding it, she took some of her wetness from her pussy and rubbed it onto his lips before grabbing his hands and caressing them all over her belly and tits.

"You'll own me. I'm sure something like that would cost you a lot more than what my bounty is worth!"

"You say that I'll have my own pregnant pussy to taste, but you'll be pregnant for another month at most."


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