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The Prey's Revelation Pt. 01

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She should have stayed home.
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Authors Note:

The idea for this one is my own from my younger years but the inspiration comes from a land far, far away, perhaps a fantasy world. It is a unique piece, different from my usual style and rather dark but once again, I found enjoyment in writing it and I hope you do as well.



It all happened so fast. It feels like a dream, surrealism, not possible. But it was and it is. It was a typical Tuesday evening. I usually exercise in the evening after my ten hour long day at work. My black Nike running shoes and my tight shorts and tank top were the only things I wore. With earphones in and enjoying the melody of an eighties rock band, I was running and getting rid of some of the stress my day at work had caused.

There is a large park about two kilometres from where I live. Tall gum trees and ferns fight for space on the overgrown grassy grounds and it has one of the best walking tracks that lead you to the most amazing scenic view one could ever behold. There was not a soul in sight, just myself, my racing heartbeat and the glorious rolling hills in the distance. There was no moon, just a night sky filled with stars. The mountains call to me and they always have. So breathtaking. That was my last thought as I felt a painful sting on the back of my neck and my vision began to blur and then nothing. Complete and utter darkness.

I awoke in the passenger seat of a car. It was a massive effort just to open my eyes, my body was frozen where I sat and I was shivering. I couldn't move my hands, they were bound by cold steel. My head throbbed with the most intense headache and I just couldn't fathom where I was or what was happening. It was totally dark outside and my body ached. I closed my eyes again and drifted off, the pain in my head too great.

When I awoke again, I was no longer in a car. Rather on the cement floor of a enclosed cell. My hands were still bound in front of me. I tried to sit up and was met with a severe pounding in my head. I had to fight the feelings of nausea and lay back down. My head was trying to process through the pain what the hell was going on. Where was I? Why I of all people, were taken? Who had taken me? Would I ever be free again? Tears started to involuntarily run down my face and fear gripped me.

I didn't know there was someone watching me. From the shadows you came, observing me go through an internal battle of turmoil and trepidation. Your voice frightened me when you gruffly said, 'Shut the fuck up whore before I give you something to cry about', your closed fist punching the metal bars on my enclosure. I was very quick to comply, my sobs quieting down to mere whimpers, barely audible. I try to look at my captor. My blonde hair in tangles, clinging to my tear stained face, my clothes covered in dirt from the filthy floor I lay on. I could not make out your face, nor did anything in your voice sound even remotely friendly or to be reasoned with.

I go to speak and am abruptly cut off. 'Not one word slut. Not one word', you hiss at me as you open the door to my cell. Sheer terror overtakes me as I back against the wall, willing myself to turn invisible. To wake up and realise it was all just a terrible dream. But I did not wake up and it was very much real. You tower over me, your shadow as ominous as a storm cloud. You come closer to me, bending down and your hands roughly gripping my throat, pulling me into a standing position. 'You will never see the light of day again. You will be my slave, my captive, my slut, my whore for the rest of your short and miserable life', these were the harsh words that came from you.

You reach up to stroke my cheek, I instinctively shy away, trembling in fear. You laugh a fiendish laugh, sending ripples of terror throughout my traumatised body. You start to kiss my neck, biting into it, causing deep bruises and on one occasion drawing blood. Licking the wound, before biting my bottom lip. Shoving your tongue roughly in, dominating my mouth while your hands forcefully grope my breasts. It all gets too much and my will to be strong completely deserted me. Tears start to fall from my wide eyes and my bottom lip starts to tremble.

This annoys you and I could see your eyes fill with wild rage. I had just thrown fuel on fire. I was cursing myself for upsetting you but it was too late. The damage was already done. You produce a knife from your back pocket and hold it against my throat. I freeze, not even daring to breathe at this point. 'I am going to fuck you whore. I am going to split you into two and destroy that worthless cunt. You are mine to do whatever the hell I like with. Know that it is I that owns every breath you take. Every thought that is going through your dense mind belongs to me', you whisper threateningly into my ear, before licking the side of my face.

'No, please no!' I cried as you tore the clothes from my body, your knife making short work of the light material. I remember a deep set fear arise and every fiber in my body said to run. I recall turning around and trying to escape before you grabbed me and slapped me across the face. Disorienting me, you took the opportunity to drag me into another room, one that was fully enclosed. There were chains hanging from the ceiling and you lifted my restrained hands above my head, securing me tightly to the chains. You tightened them so that I had to stand on the very tip of my toes. I was breathing exceptionally fast, my mind racing. Was this how I died was all I could think? You came to me and slapped me in the face again. And again. A whip was in your other hand and it landed strikes across my exposed breasts and pussy.

Bruised and now deeply marked, I should have just let you have your way with me earlier. I was foolish in thinking I had a choice. You were going to take me anyway and you did. You take my right nipple in your mouth, sucking it, biting it, causing me a world of pain. There is nothing gentle in your actions. They are raw and primal, I am nothing but a fuck toy to you and you were using me to your sheer pleasure. You take a cat of nine tails, and mark my back. Tearing strips of flesh from it. My screams echo in the room. Pain is an understatement. I felt like I had a hot fire poker stabbing my flesh. Stroke after stroke, my screams would ring out. I couldn't think. All I felt was pain.

After a while you stop, my back was ruined, destroyed forever. If I lived long enough, it would bare some horrific looking scars. I was in an abyss of pain. You were not done with me yet. You come close to me, once again biting my skin, marking me, bruising me. I was so delirious from the pain I had not realised you had undone the zipper on your cargo pants. You lifted my right leg over your arm and thrust your cock deep inside of my pussy. I was winded by this sudden internal intrusion, my pussy was far from wet and you were driving into it with animalistic instinct.

I felt like I was being split in two. I couldn't catch my breath. My pussy was being pounded to within an inch of its life. I was bleeding now from the rawness of your fucking and my pussy not being lubricanted before. You just kept going. Pounding deeper and deeper. Grunting at the exertion to make me feel every inch of your cock. I was defenceless, my screams dying off long ago, replaced by agonising and pleading whimpers. You were calling me every horrid name to existence. A whore, a slut, a slave, a fuck toy, a liar, a cheater. Those last words brought me out of my mist of pain. Liar? Cheater? Had I heard that correctly?

Recognition came to me. I knew you but not for many years. Your dark hair, those dark brown eyes that I always loved, your gentle musical voice, all gone. Replaced by a monster filled with rage and odium. I didn't understand. After all these years and not a single word, you would do this to me. 'Ollie, please. No more', were the words that barely left my lips. You drove your cock into me one last time, unloading your seed deep inside my battered pussy. It was like being filled with acid. So raw and tender from your primal fucking. You pulled out and I just hung there. Defeated, empty, numb with pain. Your cum running down my thighs, tinged with my blood. I was covered in lashes and bruises, your marks of ownership on your prey.

Sleep claimed me and I fell asleep whilst hanging from your dungeon ceiling, my hands tied above my head, naked and broken. I was awoken when you threw a bucket of icy cold water over my body. This jerked me awake and made me start shivering. My limbs had become numb and I ached extensively all over. There wasn't a muscle, joint or bone in my body that didn't ache.

My pussy was bruised, bleeding and swollen from your furious and rough fucking earlier. Time eluded me. We were in a cube like room where it would have been pitch black were it not for the single hanging light globe. The walls were grey brick and painted in damp water marks. I was in an underground dungeon from hell, your captive, your slave, your slut and I didn't know if I was going to survive this ordeal or if you planned to eventually silence me.

I kept my eyes focused on the floor. I did not want to appear defiant by looking up at you and aggravating your short temper. You stood near me, watching me like a hawk for what felt like eternity. I was shivering so badly from my icy awakening but I was also trembling in fear. I didn't know you, I didn't know the person you had become, I didn't know what you wanted from me and I didn't understand why you were doing this.

Eventually, I fade into darkness. My body overcome with pain and tiredness. I only briefly stirred when you removed my binds that were securing me to the ceiling. The pain of blood flowing back into my poorly circulated arms was intense to say the least. It was torturous agony. I couldn't help but cry out in pain, tears falling freely from my eyes. You slapped my arse and told me to shut up or I'll give you something to actually cry about. My cries quickly became muffled whimpers, my tears blinding my vision. When my feet finally touched the floor again, I collapsed, they could not support me. I lay on the wet floor, my body, in a broken heap, my mind defeated.

I feel your fingers on my raw back. Every part of my mind was screaming at me to defend myself, to fight for my freedom, to escape but I did neither. Your touch was warm against my shivering body, you were gently caressing my sensitive skin, leaving it wanting the warmth from your fingers. My breathing seems to calm down, my quiet whimpering stops and I start to become aware of my surroundings and situation once more. I bravely open my eyes and meet yours. I was expecting to meet cold, murderous, unfeeling eyes but I was surprised. Your brown eyes were sincere and warm, I could feel them hypnotising me, casting a powerful spell over me.

I should have been afraid in that moment but I no longer was. I was curious and intrigued. I didn't understand what was going on but I was enticed at the possibilities. One instance of gentleness and you wove your web tightly around me. I was your defenseless prey and you, the intelligent, cunning hunter.

You picked me up in your arms. I had to bite my tongue to not cry out. The pain in my body was so acute. I felt like I had been hit by a cement truck. It hurt just to breathe. You carried me up the dark stairway into a bright hallway. The lights blinded me and I had to shield my eyes by burying my head into your chest.

You carry me up another flight of stairs and then another. I began to wonder where on earth I actually was. So many levels and yet there was no other soul that we encountered. We enter a room that I did not expect. It was bright with sun and airy and could have been the best suite in a world class hotel. There was a gentle breeze blowing through the open door which led out onto a wide balcony. A four poster bed sat in the middle of the room. A quilt of white and many comfortable looking pillows.

You carry me past the bed and through a door that led to a huge bathroom. A bath was already drawn, I could see the steam rising up from the water. You gently place me into the claw foot tub, the hot water scalding my tender flesh. I was too exhausted to complain. I just let the heat wash over me and start to send me off to sleep. I lay my head against the bath, not a spare ounce of energy left to move. You kneel down next to the bath and start to wash me. Your touch soothing my bruised and broken skin. Starting with my arms, then my back. I don't remember anything more. Just the smell of your cologne and tender touch as I let the darkness take hold of me.


I was dreaming of you. A man I had met many years ago. The memory was distant but it was slowly coming back to me. We were in the music hall and you were playing the piano. A beautiful piece by Frederic Chopin. I was mesmerised. Your fingers danced over the keys and the music seemed to possess you. It was such a beautiful sight and an even more beautiful sound to behold. When you finish the piece, you glance up and see me standing there. Our eyes met and I felt warmth all over my body. Your were the handsomest man I had ever laid eyes on. Dark brown hair, hypnotic brown eyes, pale white skin. You were everything I had ever wanted in life.

You stood up and came out from behind the beautiful grand piano. My breathing quickens as you approach me. The first time I heard your voice, something stirred deep within. Was it possible to fall in love with someone just by hearing ones voice? We were inseparable from that day forwards. We sang and played music together, spent many nights under the moonlight, gazing at the stars. Walks along the beach, hand in hand, so full of joy and happiness. And then one day, you just disappeared. Everyone had told me you had gone back to your home country but I couldn't find out any information from anyone. You simply vanished, not a trace to be found anywhere. And not one word.

It shattered me but I had no choice but to move on. I put all my energy into work and rose through the ranks to become second in charge in my job. My career became my life. I lost my love for music. I didn't play anymore, my enjoyment for it left with you. I didn't socialise. I kept to myself and I didn't care what anyone thought of me. One could have described me as heartless and perhaps I was. I dated men but it was usually a one night stand and nothing meaningful. I just became so disconnected with the world of emotions, I just didn't care.


I start to become aware of my surroundings, the sun lighting up the room. My eyes gradually open and I see you across from me, sound asleep on the gothic style lounge. Your face so peaceful. Not at all like the man who abused and raped me just hours ago. I lay there for many moments, watching the rise and the fall of your chest. Lost in thought and wondering many things. You awaken about twenty minutes later, your sleepy eyes meeting mine. I had forgotten how much those eyes you possessed had control over me. I break eye contact and look at the soft silk covering the top of the four poster bed. My fingers picking at the covers of the quilt, my breathing quickening.

It's a strange sensation. I knew who you were now. I remembered you so fondly but what I could not piece together was what I was doing here and what had made you snap. I steal glimpses at you, trying not to be obvious but met by your eyes each time. I was your prey. You were the hunter and I couldn't tell what would happen next. Would you play with me some more or would you deliver the stroke of death?

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I love your writing and this one is just as great.. Chapter 2 real soon, please !!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
more please

wow I loved this! please keep writing more!

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