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The Price


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They engaged in another round of hot kisses, even more passionate than the first. With both of them out of the water, Tami laid Laurie out on the hard wood deck and lifted her tanned legs far apart.

Without hesitation, she dove between those legs and began to teach Laurie what pussy licking was really all about. In no time at all, she convinced the taller girl that every guy who had been there before Tami knew absolutely nothing about pleasing a woman.

"Omigod!" Laurie called out as she felt waves of passion washing over her body faster than she could've imagined possible.

Tami's tongue seemed to be everywhere at once, her fingers moving with the deft motions of a surgeon. Never in her life had she felt this good. Never had she wanted to come so much.

Her surroundings faded from her view as all she became aware of was the ecstasy coming from between her legs. Laurie no longer cared about her friends finding out, about the research paper, or the trip to Europe. All she cared about was having an orgasm.

With the racing of her heart, and the thundering of her breaths, it took a few seconds for Laurie to realize that Tami was no longer between her legs. That the wonderful ripples cascading through her sweat covered body were beginning to subside. In a panic, she opened her eyes and practically jumped up to a sitting position.

"What's wrong?" she asked a now standing Tami.

"Nothing's wrong," Tami said as she walked over to where Laurie had left her clothing and picked the bundle up. "We're done."

"Done?" Laurie repeated in disbelief.

"Yes, done," Tami repeated as well. "You've fulfilled your end of the bargain. The research paper is yours. You'll find it on the small table by the front door."

"But I haven't ... I mean we're not ..." Laurie stammered.

"You mean you haven't come yet?" Tami said, finishing Laurie's sentence. "Who said that was part of the deal?"

"God, what a bitch!" Laurie thought to herself.

Then a moment later reversed herself when she realized that Tami was acting in exactly the way she had acted herself so many times. In fact, Laurie had done a lot worse. How many guys had she gotten all worked up, only to send them home to jerk off in their bathrooms?

"Of course," Tami smiled after a long pause, "if you'd like to finish what we started, well I'm open to that idea as well."

Laurie was surprised at how much excitement hearing that from Tami generated within herself. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been this hot and horny.

"But of course if we did that, you couldn't say to yourself tomorrow that you did it all for the term paper," Tami said as she walked around the deck, her nude and sweaty form glistening in the mixture of moonlight and the small garden lamps. "You'd have to admit, if only to yourself, that you went to bed with another woman because it was what you wanted to do. No one forced you. It would have to be that you wanted to stay and be with me."

That caused Laurie to hesitate a little. She hadn't really considered that. Even if none of her friends ever knew what happened tonight, she always would. Up to now, it would be easy enough to put it all down as something she had to do to get something she really needed. There had been enough guys over the years that she'd fucked for no other reason than to get something. Now there was no way she could use that justification.

"So what's it going to be, sweetcheeks," Tami asked as she stopped a few feet in front of a still sitting Laurie. "It's beginning to get a little cold out here. What's it going to be, go or stay?"

Laurie took a long deep breath as she looked up at Tami's naked body. She never wanted anything, or anyone so much. Opening her mouth slowly, she said, "Stay."

Tami didn't say a word. Instead, she dropped the pile of clothes and closed the few steps that separated her from Laurie, holding out her hand as she moved. Laurie took it hand and rose to her feet. Their lips met and their arms closed tight around each other. They stood there silently for long moments, sharing the heat of their bodies.

Still not saying a word, Tami led Laurie, who now had picked up the bundle of clothes, back into the house and down the hall to her bedroom. Tami's bedroom wasn't much different than Laurie's own. Which meant that it didn't have the walls covered with lesbian power posters that she might have previously expected.

Kissing Laurie again, Tami eased her onto the large king size bed that dominated the room. She lay on top of her and pressed their bodies together, the tips of their breasts touching and growing hard once more.

Tami slid her leg between Laurie's, rubbing it against her still wet pussy. The hard, pleasing pressure brought a quiet moan from the girl on the bottom.

"You have such a hot body," Tami said as she rubbed her fingers across Laurie's breasts. "It didn't matter to me that you were such a teasing, selfish bitch. I can't tell you how many nights I laid in this bed and dreamed you were here with me. How many times I brought myself to orgasm and imagined it was you here with me. That it was you I was making love to."

It had been a long time since a lover had spoken to Laurie in such a way. Each word, each touch, caused her temperature to rise just a little bit more.

"You're still so wet," Tami said as she slid her hand down Laurie's body, stopping between her legs.

"I'm wet for you," Laurie replied.

"You like the feel of a man inside you, don't you?" Tami asked as she changed the subject yet again, sliding a finger inside of Laurie and rubbing her gently.

"Yes, I do," she admitted as her body reacted to Tami's touch.

"Is it better than how it feels when I'm inside of you?"

"Not better, just different," Laurie said in a rare display of diplomacy.

"But you miss being penetrated, don't you?" Tami went on, her fingers still working their magic.

"Yes," Laurie had to admit.

"Good," Tami beamed.

Unsure what she meant by that, Laurie was surprised as Tami removed her hand and rolled over on the bed. From over her shoulder, she could tell the short haired girl was reaching into the bottom drawer of her night table.

"Oh shit!" Laurie cried out as Tami rolled back over with the object of her search in her right hand. "Where did you get something like that?"

"Mail order," Tami laughed as she held her hand up to give Laurie a better look.

Laurie's eyes opened wide. She had never seen anything like that in her life. Made of some kind of rubber, it looked just like a guy's cock. In fact, it looked a lot more impressive than some of the guys she'd been with. At the base of the make believe cock were a series of straps, making it obvious that it was meant to be worn.

"Well, what do you think?" Tami asked with a twinkle in her eye. "You think this is something you might want to try?"

Laurie looked hard at the toy in Tami's hand. At home, buried under a pile of books in her own night table, Laurie had a small plastic vibrator. The artificial manhood in front of her went far beyond that. Just the sight of it produced a longing between her legs that was impossible to ignore.

"Oh yes," Laurie automatically answered, her responses now being totally controlled by her urges. "definitely yes."

"I hoped you'd say that," Tami said as she eased back off the bed and started to strap on the do it yourself manhood.

With the 'cock' now hanging between her legs, Laurie had to say that Tami now looked more like a teenage boy than ever. A boy that she badly wanted inside of her.

Tami climbed back on the bed and stood over Laurie. She held the playcock in her hand and brought it to Laurie's face.

"Suck me off," Tami said.

"What?" Laurie replied.

"Don't you suck off your boyfriends?" Tami answered. "Well now I'm your boyfriend."

Feeling just a little silly about it since the cock was rubber not flesh and blood, but willing to play along, Laurie took hold of Tami's 'cock' and guided it into her mouth.

Back and forth she moved it, deep inside of her mouth. She began to act as if it was real, running her tongue up and down its length and under the head at the top. If there were an official ranking among the girls of the senior class, Laurie would've finished in the top ten of cocksuckers. She soon found herself actually getting a charge out of 'blowing' Tami.

Although she couldn't feel the warm wetness of Laurie's mouth on her strap on manhood, Tami was also getting a thrill out of watching her lover. If she was a guy, perish that thought, she was sure she would be begging for more by this point.

Watching Laurie swallow her whole once more, Tami had to admire her skill. Seeing her work on a cock like she did, the boy/girl decided that with the right teacher, Laurie might be able to develop into a first class cunt-licker as well. That however, was a thought for another day.

"I can see why the guys love you so much," Tami said as she let Laurie get in a few last licks. "Let's see what else they love about you."

Tami removed her 'cock' from Laurie's mouth and motioned for the girl to assume that position she knew so well. Tami climbed between her legs once more and brought her 'cock' up against the entrance of Laurie's pussy.

Holding her hardness tightly in her hand, Tami ran the head of it up and down Laurie's pussy, coating the tip with her juices. She pressed it inward, just enough to part the walls separating it from her womanhood.

"Are you sure you want this?" she asked as she hesitated for a moment.

"Oh yes," Laurie said as she put her own hand on Tami's 'cock' in an attempt to draw it inside of her. "I want you to fuck me. I need you to fuck me!" she added with urgency.

Tami applied more pressure and sent her temporary maleness deep inside of Laurie. She eased it back out again carefully, then inward once more. Twice more she did it slowly, allowing Laurie to become accustomed to its dimensions.

"Fuck me!" Laurie called out. "All the way. Give it to me!"

Needing no further encouragement, Tami grabbed both of Laurie's legs and drove deep inside of her. As fast as she could, she repeated the action again and again, driving it with more force each time.

"Oh yeah, that's it," Laurie cried out as she grabbed Tami's ass to hold her deep inside of her.

They quickly fell into a cadence, their bodies gyrating back and forth in unison. Tami's thrusts were quickly becoming almost savage in nature, but still Laurie called out for more.

"Harder, faster!" she cried as her fingernails dug into the flesh of Tami's ass.

It was almost more than Tami could give. Although she no more felt the embracing pressure of Laurie's cunt against her 'cock' then she had the her mouth, Tami was still being drawn into a pre-orgasmic frenzy of her own as the base of her strap on rubbed against her pussy. When it seemed she had no more to give, she reached down and found exactly what the both of them needed.

"Yes, Oh God, yes!" Laurie yelled out as she felt the waves of her orgasm about to be released.

Tami knew her own climax was just as imminent, as she dropped down on Laurie's body and kissed her with a primitive lust. The energies reverberating within both their bodies were too far along to be stopped now. With a shattering surge of passion, the walls of their dams shattered under the torrent behind them.

"Fuck!" Laurie cried out as the most mind shattering climax of her life grabbed hold of her.

For a moment, she feared she was having a seizure. Never before had she lost such total control of her body. But it was such a beautiful loss of control.

Tami's orgasm was nowhere near as powerful as Laurie's, but it was still satisfying on a number of levels. The Amerasian preferred the quiet enjoyment of a climax, but was sure that Laurie wouldn't have noticed if she'd been screaming her head off.

They lay there for a while, Tami still buried deep inside of her. She nestled her head between Laurie's breasts, kissing the warm, damp flesh. It was almost a half hour before they undid themselves from their entanglement.

"Feel free to use the shower," Tami said to Laurie as she undid the straps of her manhood, returning herself to her feminine norm. "It's right down the hall."

"No, I think I'll wait until I get home," Laurie said as she was pulling her shorts back over her now cooled flesh. "It's getting pretty late."

"Suit yourself," Tami said as she brought her toy close enough to savor the scent of Laurie's orgasm that still clung to it.

With Laurie still in the room, she resisted the urge to lick it clean. She would save that as a treat for later.

Laurie was already putting her blouse back on in a rush to get going. Tami wasn't the least bit surprised. She'd seen this before. Already a sense of guilt and panic was beginning to set in. Laurie couldn't wait until she could leave the scene of the crime, so to speak.

"Okay, I think I have everything," Laurie said as she checked her appearance.

Tami had to keep from smirking. No matter how she tried to hide it, Laurie looked like a girl who had just been fucked royally.

Putting the toy down on the night table, a still naked Tami walked Laurie to the door. When they reached the hall leading to the entranceway, she pressed her naked body against her and kissed her guest goodbye. Both of their bodies still reeked of their coupling. It was a sweet perfume that Tami would long remember. To her surprise, Laurie responded to the kiss. Already the guilt was fading. So much the better.

"Don't forget the report," Tami said as she let Laurie walk the last few feet to the door alone. Adventurous as she sometimes was, Tami wasn't about to chance letting the neighbors see her naked.

Tami watched as Laurie put her raincoat back on and then picked up the report. Her back was now to Tami, but it looked like she was flipping through the paper or something. As if she thought Tami would give her a pile of blank pages or something. Then it looked like Laurie put something back on the table, but again from where she was standing, Tami couldn't be sure.

Laurie paused one last time at the open door and smiled back at Tami. Then she was gone.

Tami watched from behind a concealing curtain as Laurie got onto the bus that would drop her off just a few doors from her own home. She wondered what the people on the bus, or her parents, would make of her appearance. Oh well, she was sure it wouldn't have been the first time Laurie had come home late at night looking like that.

Stepping into the shower to clean off the after effects of their wild night, Tami let her mind wander as the cleansing water danced over her.

"I'm going to have to do something really nice for Mike Russell," she thought as she washed between her legs. "Not many guys would've trashed their chance with Laurie like he did. Especially giving up what she'd promised. I'll have to find a way to make it up to him."

Mike was Tami's best male friend, something that Laurie really had no way of knowing of course. He told her everything, and not out of a desire to get in her pants either. She had told him of her preference back in Junior High. It hadn't affected their friendship in the least.

From the day Mike had mentioned he was writing Laurie's paper, Tami had been planning this evening. The real joke of it was that the paper Laurie walked out of here with was actually the one Mike had written for her. As if someone as computer literate as Mike wouldn't have backups.

She thought about what to do for her friend for a minute or two, then the obvious came to her. Karen Liu owed her big time for past favors. She'd fix up Karen and Mike. She was sure Karen would at least make up the blowjob he missed. Hell, knowing Karen, he'd probably get to fuck her as well.

Wrapping a towel around her as she stepped fresh and clean out of the shower, Tami remembered that she thought Laurie had left something when she picked up the report. Curious, she quickly went to the front door.

Sure enough, in place of the history paper was one of Laurie's personal calling cards. They'd become quite popular at school the last two years. This one contained Laurie's address and private phone number. Turning the card over, Tami saw a hastily scribbled message.

"Please call me."

Under the note, Laurie had signed her name and a small heart.

Tami held the card for what seemed like an eternity. Knowing Laurie, she doubted many guys had been left such a personal touch on the cards they were given. Or that she even left many cards behind at all.

A broad sense of satisfaction filled her as Cynthia's words from this afternoon came back to her.

"After the way she and her friends have treated you. One of these days I'd love to see her treated the way she treats other people. See how she likes it."

"Like I said, Cynthia," Tami said to the empty air as she dropped the scraps into a small metal wastebasket next to the table, "sometimes you get your wish."

As she walked back through the house, Tami wondered how Cynthia had made out with Doris Warner. Was there anything she could do about that?


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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Delightful twist at the end with Tami tearing up the card Laurie left for her/

dst275dst2756 months ago

One of my all time favorite of your stories!

kathy2012kathy2012over 2 years ago

Loved the story, a great fuck and revenge too! Oh those devious Asian girls!

All the best,


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Love it

Ann Douglas struck again! Please keep writing.

HiddenInTheOpenHiddenInTheOpenover 6 years ago
Another excellent story Ann!

And I truly enjoyed all of it. Thank you for sharing this with us!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I thought the story was tremendous. Please keep us the GREAT work!

Cupertino345Cupertino345over 6 years ago
Great Story

I enjoyed the “reluctance” in this story. The dominance was played perfectly as a sub plot. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I would love a sequel!

Great story!

jenorma2012jenorma2012over 6 years ago
not bad

you never know what you will do until the needs come up, and you never know if you will like it or not, I say do not knock it until you have tried it at least once, still a good story

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
5 stars yet again

Your stories r fantastic to read. I love the way your stories r not just rushed out but actually have great build up and great characters. I wish some had more chapters but I continue to read anything u put out. Look forward to more.

joneswinnifredjoneswinnifredover 6 years ago

Another amazing story. Ann you are such a great writer, never stop.

CharmlesCharmlesover 6 years ago
Did it again!

My only question is... where have you been???

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
For me,

this was a revenge story par excellence. I've just placed you on my "Check Out Other Stories By" list. Thanks for a fun read

gunmakergunmakerover 6 years ago

This is a story I need to think about. Not sure exactly what I think of it. It's well written and has some interesting little jabs but maybe just a bit too close to home.

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