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The Pride of a Slave Ch. 05


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I smiled, "I wasn't stopping you if I remember right."

A half smile flashed on his face and he helped me stand up and put my clothes back on, my panties becoming soaked quickly as his seed dripped out of me. I couldn't see much, because the moon was a sliver in the sky, and it left our surroundings black. I stepped towards him, having always been wary of the forest at night and he chuckled.

"Come here Sera."

I stepped into him and he wrapped me up in his large arms and lifted me up, "You are still afraid of the forest at night?"

I nodded, "not everyone can see in the dark."

He nuzzled my neck and took a deep breath, breathing me in before walking towards the Palace. We were quiet, me pressed to him, to keep warm and to keep myself from shaking in fear of the darkness, and him with a thoughtful look on his face.

"I need to tell you something."

I felt my stomach tighten as I looked up at him, "What?"

He smiled at the tension in my voice and kissed me briefly, "I didn't mean for that to happen Sera."

I got rigid wondering if somehow I did something wrong. Ryder had more than enough experience and I felt myself become afraid that it hadn't been as good for him as it had been for me. He felt me tense and paused walking and looked down at me, "what are you thinking?"

I swallowed nervously and said softly, "I didn't do it right?"

His laugh startled me and I relaxed into him, "Only you would jump to that conclusion Sera. No, you didn't do anything wrong. In fact it was very, very right, too right. I couldn't control myself and I thought that I had hurt you."

I smiled, "I'm tougher than that."

"Lets not test it, shall we?" I heard the smile in his voice.

"Agreed." I said softly and felt him start to walk again, and pull me closer for a moment in a brief hug.

"I want to keep you." He said suddenly. And I looked up at him worried but he sighed before I could say anything, "I want to keep you but I cant. Tomorrow morning I have to leave for about a week."

"Why? What about class?" I felt anxious at the idea of him leaving after we had just been together.

He set me down on the ground and pulled me down onto a fallen tree and sat next to me. I noticed the lights of the Palace immediately and realized why he had stopped and grabbed his hand and waited.

"Class, is not really that big of a deal. What I am worried about is you."

"Me? Why?"

"Because, you deserve to be with someone who does what we just did together, and then can prance you around showing off how much they love you. And I probably would have given it a try if you would have been receptive to this sort of thing earlier, but now..."

I heard him groan and rub his hand across the back of his neck roughly, "I, have to go for a week to visit the other packs that I'll be lead Alpha of. I have to go to each pack, spend at least one night there, while I'm there they will show off their eligible girls, and I am expected to take at least one to my bed."

"That's barbaric Ryder." I muttered good naturedly

"It is not, its genetics, the lead Alpha has come from my pack for three generations, this is the first time it is a male that is Alpha, which means that I can strengthen their genes a little. And since Werewolves don't have the same stuffy ideas about sex, and children as other races do, I have to think that way as well."

"Oh." I wasn't necessarily upset as much as territorial and insecure. I knew that Ryder would always come back one way or another to me, mostly because he was my best friend and he had always been there for me, no matter what. But I was insecure that he would have so much with which to compare me to that when he'd come back he would find this new aspect of our relationship less than appealing.

Ryder wrapped an arm around me, "I don't want to make you feel like I used you Sera, because I didn't. I love you very much, and I am well aware of what this all may seem like to you. I'm not supposed to have you as a mate Sera, because of my family, because of Dimitri, because of politics. I would, though, if I could. I would have proposed to you when I was four if I had thought I could marry you."

I smiled, "So your afraid that your making me feel like a mistress?"


"YYou kinda are though, unless you plan on never touching me again."

He growled and his eyes glowed in the dark for a moment and his arm tightened around me and he pulled me to him, kissing me aggressively for a moment before releasing me, "I plan on touching you as often as I can, I plan on doing more than touching too."

He pressed me to him one more time and released me and I chuckled, "So here I am worried that you wont want to touch me anymore once you go and mate with all these Werewolves, and you are here worried I don't want you to touch me after you have done it."

His breath froze and he grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap, straddling him as I did so. I looked at his face and ran my fingers across the rough planes of them, "There is one more thing we have to talk about Ryder."

"Hold on, I'm still enjoying the fact you were upset at the idea of me not touching you anymore."

I laughed and leaned forward and kissed him, his mouth responding instantly, his tongue licking across my lips and gently caressing my tongue before breaking away.

"Okay, I'm ready, what do we need to talk about."

I took a deep breath, "Its about Dimitri."

Ryder froze, his face concerned, "What about him."

"I'm not going to, um, deny him any more than I will deny you."

Ryder's grip on my hips grew painful as he dug his fingers into my flesh. I watched closely as his face went from angry, to pained, to jealous, then to resigned, "And if I said I wanted you to deny him?"

I sighed and touched his hands with mine reminding him that he was digging his hands into my hips. He mumbled an apology and took his hands off of me and braced them onto the wood of the tree.

"I would remind you, that you are about to go out and mate with who knows how many girls and that I cant say a word about it."

"And what about Dimitri? What if he says that he doesn't want you with me?"

"I would remind him that he cannot keep me anymore than you can, if nothing more than because he could never make me a queen, he has to marry an Vampire in order to do it."

I heard the tree crack and groan as I felt him flex, "You are his mistress then?"

I sighed and grabbed both sides of his face and kissed him softly, "I am yours too, it would seem."

He hugged me to him and rested his chin on my head, "Sera, what have we done?" He sighed sadly, "you deserve to be someone's wife not a couple of idiot Princes' mistress."

I got off of his lap and rubbed the back of my neck, feeling the slave brand there, "wThat doesn't matter, I'm a slave, I don't get to marry, I can be here, like this with you or I can be sold off to breed or to have my essence sucked from me regularly."

I chewed on my lip and felt him get up and wrap his arms around me from behind. He rested his chin on my head and said softly, "I have a feeling you wanted to say something else."

I turned in his arms and rested my head on his broad, muscled chest, "To be honest I was scared about what would happen once we graduated. I was afraid you both would find your mates and I would never see you again, or I would never be able to be close to you two ever again. No wife is going to want to have some human slave as the best friend of their husbands."

Ryder lifted my chin up so I was looking at him, "I may have mates Sera, but I will love only you."

I laughed lightly, my heart light, "I feel bad for your mates."

Ryder bushed his warm lips across my now cool ones, "Don't, they can have as open a mating as I can."

I sighed and leaned into him deepening the kiss for a few brief moments before we broke and laced fingers and walked back to the palace.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well this explains why she was raised like a half-princess. Her having gone all the way way with both boys already, I wonder how they will manage until she is 21...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Man, can’t wait until they learn about the power of threesomes

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I'm calling it now Joseph is some kind of revolutionary. I'm a little disappointed in her for rating him out...i feel like something bad will happen to him. Considering this new knowledge about who she really is Sera has a responsibility to her people (the slave/humans) i really hope she lives up to her potential. As for the boys eh im find with the polygamous thing they have going if neither of them are ballsy enough to defy their society for her sake then they dont get monogamy from her. That seems fair. The werewolf guy, despite him being the more emotional of the two, should presumably be more on board with this idea considering his culture. As long as they both keep a level head it could work out. I'm not sure i like Sera as a charter, i mean she certainly isnt the sort of person i would want to be friends with for several reasons, but i am overall intrigued by her story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Everyone will just be happier if they just become a happy threesome instead of a triangle. Go back to how it was originally in the first chapter, the three of them cuddling together!

interweb88interweb88over 10 years ago

I do love this story but I think they all should have gotten together earlier I think its wierd that got together right after told her the bad consquences of her doing this. It just seemed like the girl in the horror movie who is told not go into that room with the monsters and she does it anyway

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Keep going you're doing amazing

I LOVED it, keep writing please and write it the way YOU want to write it dont let anyone on here bully you out of writing what you want.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I was so angry my heroine I had fallen in love with was turned into a slut. She was built with depth and beauty then the story began a downward spiral but I stuck with it until page 4. I had to stop reading after that page. I had been so enamored with the writer, the plot, the characters, then I got a little sick to my tummy. I took a 3 hour break and decided to go back and finish. I am going to finish the rest of this series. Up until now I had been rating it a 5 on each part. This was a little disjointed so this particular chapter gets a 3.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

i'm torn between disgust and trying to keep an open mind... Lol. I guess i'm just a strictly monogamous female here... But looking at the plot one would think she would stand up for herself and following that logic, she'd have more control over her responses, where in her pride stops her from being a mistress... But.... Ah well, lets see what happens..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I would agree it would be nice for her to get someone who would put her first but that would sort of defeat the story if it were that easy. The main point and drama of the story is that she loves both of them and is stuck in a love triangle but just wants them both to be happy, wouldn't you agree?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I'm not sure I like the relationship between the three. I'd rather her be with someone that could put her first. I know I probably in the minority though :(

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Plot Thoughts

Thrilled to se the new chapter! Any possibility of the three friends living and loving as a threesome? That way everyone would be happy and Sera would not again get short end of the stick, so to speak.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Okay apparently i missed ch.6 being posted i am so looking forward to seeing what happens. Sera deserves happiness just as much as Ryder and Dimitri. i mean either let Ryder keep her or let Dimitri or hell let her have both and carry children for borh. Let them all be happy together.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Ch 6

Yea, I noticed that too. Hopefully it comes back up soon!

xxxcartoonloverxxxcartoonloverabout 11 years ago

Did anyone catch The Pride of a Slave 06 . It was posted in the morning and by afternoon it was down.

bloodandsandbloodandsandabout 11 years ago

I have to wonder if sera will not be forced to leave because she will have to realize that she needs to end the current system that is in place. she may also be pregnant and need to protect her young. there could be an up coming separation in the works. also, I have to wonder about her art teacher. could he also be like her? or he could be aware of who and what she is, and he sees in her a chance for things to change.

plus, she doesn't come into her full power until 21, so she is vulnerable right now. which means yet another reason she may have to go into hiding. apparently, she will be more powerful then the vamps and weres. moreover, I just can't see her sitting back while her two loves go about their lives, getting mated/married, having children while she is stuck in the role of mistress with a side order of being an advisor. she deserves more then that. she should be the one to rule, free the humans, take down the vamps and weres by giving them a little taste of their own medicine for a bit, and she should get to have her mates and children.

bloodandsandbloodandsandabout 11 years ago
come back!!!!!!!!!!

please finish this story...so many questions left unsolved. please come back and write.

wolfgirl08wolfgirl08over 11 years ago
MORE!!! :)

Please continue... The story is soooo interesting and I cant wait to read more. You are really an awesome writer, please dont stop writing. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
What the hell??

Where is the rest? it's been over a year, I hope that wasn't supposed to be the end?!

This is an amazing story and you are an extremely talented writer, when Sera's mother died you had me tearing up a lot, not many writers can do that to me. I like the idea of Sera being with both males and maybe working out a way for all of them to be happy with that but there seems to be a much stronger lovers connection between her and Di and he acts more loving with their changing relationship, it almost seems like Ryder just wants her because Di has her and doesn't pay much attention to her emotional needs or even her sexual ones, he's a bit selfish in my opinion and there hasn't been any mention of Sera being physically attracted to him like there is with Di. Please continue with this story, we all need to know the ending!

lola_shortcakelola_shortcakeover 11 years ago
please finish this story

I want Sera to stay with both princes. i would be disappointed if they cant work our a way to share her. this story has the potential to be very long of it eventually deals with the slavery/cast system. most likely Sera and her abilities will assist with this. i hope that the story doesn't go round in too many circles and there is less of a focus on a wedge between the princes and Sera. more a 'us against the world' sort of thing where they are able to lead the society to a brighter future.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

More!! What happens next??

Chaka22Chaka22over 11 years ago
Really interesting story

You are such a talented writer. Please come back and continue the story. I have so many questions- Will Sera get pregnant? What's the art teacher's motives? Will Delilah return? PLEASE CONTINUE!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
the pride of a slave*

I think you are a very talent writer! And I think that sera should make a choice between the 2 brothers and in my opinion it should be di, the vampire * they are perfect for a each other and his father must except it.... So please carry on writing!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Hope theres more to come

I love your stories and really i hope that you will continue on with the pride of a slave... Also I know some change sites that they use or just continue on a different site. If that is the case id love to know where your may be posting more from yourself. But i again hope you continue this story.

lisaisaleftylisaisaleftyover 11 years ago
and another one bites the dust...

StormHerald has gone the way of LittleIrishDolly, LittleChinaDolly, Greenly, Darkknight0307, and oh so many more. They start these amazing stories and just fuck off to wherever. Why bother with these stories if you never had any intention to finish them? It's authors like these that make me wary of getting involved in new literotica stories, unless they have already posted many of their intended chapters and the author is active in the comments section. Go to The Rebellious Slave if you are interested in a great story with an active author participation. StormHerald is never coming back...

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

ello there sorry abt tht its just i read this awhileback but it only had 3 chapters i think and i lost u but now ifound you anyways please write more and u should publish it bc in a way its never been done so deliciously purrrrfect

SiesumiSiesumiover 11 years ago
More! please?

This is a fantastic story! I want to read more. Please tell me you plan on writing more?

Jennie_shyJennie_shyover 11 years ago
Please please come back

Wow, I read all the chapters in one night they are wonderful. Is the rest coming?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
I hate to see it done

I was so excited to read this story but i`m guessing your done with this site. I really hope you post and tell us for sure but it has been almost a year, oh well. You are a great writter and I hope you come back one day.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Oh my god i love the way you write you're amazing!! Please post thext chapter soon!! Can"t wait to see how this story unfolds :)

Marguerite01Marguerite01over 11 years ago
Fabulous - now where's the rest?

I love the way you write, your characters and the tensions between the three main characters are so believable. Bravo. When will we see these other long- promised chapters hmm? Just when it was getting more interesting too....

- Marguerite

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Please god tell me that there is more of this story coming

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

This is the best story ever unlike other authors u build up with emotion and not just jump straight to sex your amazing

Miss_SeraphinaMiss_Seraphinaover 11 years ago
OMG please come back!

I loved your other story but this one is just amazing! I keep hoping that Dimitri would get to marry her but it doesn't look like it... I am completely hooked on this story. I really hope you will come back and finish it (or let someone else continue, the storyline is to good to be left unfinished).

Loved loved loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
please continue

Please can we have some more

drews_lette11drews_lette11over 11 years ago

If your not going to finish this story, can I finish it for you? I can already tell where you were going with this story and I hate to see such a great story go unfinished. Look at all the comments your getting with this story. HOW COULD YOU STOP? is it writers block? I can help with that. I've never had writters block in my life and I'm really good at help people get past a writters block. The only block I have is word block lol. I know what I want to say but can't remember the damn word i want to use.

Kruth1130Kruth1130over 11 years ago

Well... I guess this is the end since you haven't updated in a year. Kind of a bummer :(

puppet_mistresspuppet_mistressalmost 12 years ago
Anymore to come?

Will there be anything added to this story in the future? I have read quite a few stories, and this has been one of my favorites.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

One of the best stories I have ever read! I would love to hear more but I guess this is a good ending too. I do wonder how the future mates will take it and what that art teacher is really up to

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

You'd think an author who seems to have a fan base WAITING and ASKING what is happening that the author of this wonderful story could at least comment or update their bio, but that's too much to ask I guess.

Beasts_onyxBeasts_onyxalmost 12 years ago

This was SO much better than your first story (which I still enjoyed). Your editor, though I'm sure making some corrections, misses a lot of simple errors, but I'm more than willing to over look those in exchange for the amazing plot and characters you have developed. I, like so many others, hate that this has not been continued for quite some time. Especially since you were "3 chapters ahead."

Hope all is well with you and you eventually pick this amazing story back up.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Great story but ...

I hate when this happens ... start reading a wonderful and well written story only to have a long wait for the ending. If there ever is an ending. Sigh.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Did the author die?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Your last chapter submitted in February?? It's December and we are all itching for the rest of this story!

lisaisaleftylisaisaleftyalmost 12 years ago

Where are you?!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Please continue

Please continue this story, it's so good and I would love to see where it goes and if Sera gets her happy ending.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
waiting for more

Love the idea of a love triangle that has at least a slim chance of success. Would like to see how this story progresses.

TiyeTiyealmost 12 years ago
great read

I must add my voice to the chorus of those begging for more. Can't wait to read more about Sera.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

More please please pretty please

luvfictionluvfictionalmost 12 years ago
update please!!!!

I absolutely love this story!! Please update soon. Waiting for the next chapter eagerly. Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

You are killing me... Please put a new chapter up. You said that you were 3 ahead.... Please pretty please....... Have read this soo many times, one of the best.

Please finish it. Pleaseeeeeee

Proppen81Proppen81almost 12 years ago
Please please please

Finish this story! I absolutley love it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
a plead for more

I'm begging you.. finish both stories.. Lilly's and Sera's... I know I, and many other of your faithful followers are dying for you to finish the story.. I don't know what's happened but I hope you are okay... I've checked your submissions every day since the first chapter of your first story.. you truly are an amazing writer and I would hate to think that you've given up on us. your stories are infinitely better than sopme of the smut on this site... please give us all some peace of mind...

please & thank you


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
First time commenting

I have read the stories of Literotica for over 10 years and this is the only story I have ever commented on. I absolutely love this story. Keep up the good work and hurry with the next chapter

ResidentWeavilResidentWeavilalmost 12 years ago
Pretty Please?

Not much more to say. This WAS a great story. But unfinished works are a crime.

You must have your reasons since there was not a lack of encouragement. There have been longer gaps but I suspect you have dropped this for some personal reason. I hope you change your mind.

ProvocativeProvocativealmost 12 years ago
Love it

I Love the way the story is going. How perfect. Keep it up, I can't wait to read the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
more please

Hi I would love you to finish this story I want/ need to know what happens so please please please please post more

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I feel like this is a real book im reading the story is so great! But also like when I read a book I can't put it down till i've finished it. So PLEASE finish the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Please update!

Really good story. I hope you will continue writing, because I am eager to find out where you will take this. I am curious, like the person who commented before me, will there be a pregnancy/pregnancies? What role will the teacher play? Please don't leave us hanging.

Avidreader99Avidreader99about 12 years ago
She could get pregnant and have both werewolves and vampires babies! double conception

I know it's weird but it could be a cool story idea, There's a True story about a women who slept with her husband and lover in the same day and had two twin boys by both guys. This could be an interesting chapter to create if your suffering from writers block, this might be a potential great story to consider it and helping create a new race or breed of immortals: the human, vampires, and werewolves immortals and heres article

Google this: Texas woman gives birth to twins - from different fathers

The 11-month-old twin boys born to a Texas mom have a lot in common, but one thing they don't share is a father.

That's because their mother, Mia Washington, cheated on her partner, James Harrison, according to the Daily Mail and her fling resulted in a one-in-a-million double conception. The result is that one twin, Jordan, is James's son but the other one, Justin, was fathered by a man whose identity has not been released.

The Dallas mother became suspicious about her sons' paternity when she realized that their facial features were dissimilar, according to the Daily Mail. She visited Clear Diagnostics DNA Lab, had a paternity test and learned that there was just a 0.001 chance that the twins could have the same father.

fematesfematesabout 12 years ago
More please... pretty please

I love this I've read it 3 times now, still waiting for another update. Wish you would come grace us with another chapter... Will wait forever.... Need another chapter.............. Must... Have... An.... Ending....... ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

More please

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Wanting more to read

I see that this was posted quite a few months ago I hope you will keep writing I was really enjoying this.

javeswjaveswabout 12 years ago
Love it!

Waiting for more. All the great stories take a little more time to produce but I am eagerly waiting to see how this plays out. I devour books and already have a couple of different ways this will play out in mind.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
please continue

Great story. Please continue the storyline.

magiczeesmagiczeesabout 12 years ago
Um... :/

Where is the rest this story is far from finished. Continue please.

SpicySynAmonSpicySynAmonabout 12 years ago
Love This Story!

Ok so, your characters are so interesting and intriguing. I love the build up of the story line and every single detail you've incorporated. I can't wait to see what happens next with these three and their relationship. I also want to find out more about Sera and what makes her so special. The path she's on is really a cool one, although the Art Professor is kind of creepy. I feel a twist coming on from that as well. Good luck writing and please don't leave this for too long. Syn'

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
dear lord

I haven't cried this much for the longest time. I suggest uploading the rest of your chapters or make this into a book before I go nutts!

Keep up the good work lovely face. >○<

AbbieStarrAbbieStarrabout 12 years ago
Please Tell Me there is more

I can't wait to read the rest of it !!!!

countrygirlflacountrygirlflaabout 12 years ago

I think you could at least finish the story.Its not really fair to your readers to get them started and then just leave them hanging.Its like being on the verge of a climax but never getting to finish,,just not fair,lolI wil start checking posting dates on all authors and stories from now on so as not to be dissapointed again,if its not regular,then its not worth starting.

ResidentWeavilResidentWeavilabout 12 years ago

As so many others have commented, I am disappointed this this was never finished. It was incredibly emotional and engaging. I really hope you can and will continue This sometime.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
What happened

Are you leaving the story as is? I hope not. I have read it twice now. I really hope you at least tie up the loose ends. Thanks for the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Upload Please!

The story is so good. The plot is getting so interesting. I noticed that you havent uploaded for a while, but please do. I would love to read more!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

i see a 3some in this story's future... please? such good friends that love sera so much... enough to please her together???? yummy!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
You said you were three chapters ahead...

Just saying that I'm hoping you will at the least put out those chapters before you end your hiatus :) you are a very skilled storyteller and I am lucky to have stumbled upon you - just wishing that you'll continue here on literotica :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
love the story

great job it feel like there more to come

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenabout 12 years ago

I concur with the others. If you have more, tell us about it please. This is a fantastic story, better than many books i've read. I love a good love story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
I have already given up.

I saw the new comments, but have already consigned this to the wasteland of unfinished masterpieces that currently inhabits this site.

lisaisaleftylisaisaleftyover 12 years ago
agreed with everyone

You need to come back and finish this amazing story! It's too good to give up on.

DracosBabyDracosBabyover 12 years ago
Please come back!!!!!!

Please give us another chapter. I am in love with this story and keep checking for an update everyday or two. I really like how both Princes' thoughts are on keeping her with them even though they know they cannot marry her. Please let us know how this workers out for them. Will they be together as an threesome or will she be with just one or either of them? And what about her powers that will come into full "bloom" when she is 21? There is too many questions left unanswered. Please give us our "fix" :)

Miss_DeviantMiss_Deviantover 12 years ago

This is the best story I have read on this site, or any other site for that matter. Please gimme more!

JhyrJhyrover 12 years ago
Joining the begging chorus

Please write more, I love this story!

LaraniahLaraniahover 12 years ago

Please please please finish I'm constantly checking on this and I feel like it's a book I would read hundreds of chapters of it I'm in love with this story please continue it :-D PLEASE!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

YOU NEED TO COME BACK AND FINISH THIS STORY!!! pretty please it is too good to let it go to waste please come and finish it!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I keep coming back and checking for the lasted installment. What happening? I hope you finish this for us, becauae i am very curiois about where it will lead.

What if she have two one vampire and one wolf....dont leave me hanging!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Are you OK? Did your muse--or perhaps your editor--desert you?

I've been enjoying "The Pride of a Slave" immensely, and hope that whatever has caused you to cease posting is not permanent.

As others have commented, your command of English grammar is weak, but that can be overcome. I'm not saying you should drop your current editor if he or she is helping you flesh out your tales, but as they stand they do need further correction from someone with a greater command of English--who is, in particular, able to recognize and correct a run-on sentence.

But: much more importantly, you are a natural story teller; you bring your characters to life and cause us, your readers, to root for them, or revile them, or whatever... And that is the most important factor in writing fiction.

Here's hoping that you will soon be in a position to start posting again (*please* let us know how you're fixed) and that you will not succumb to The Curse Of Literotica--whereby so many of the best tales are, for one reason or another, abandoned unfinished.

Regardless, thanks for the enjoyment you have already provided.


sammers2008sammers2008over 12 years ago

Love it stories can't wait to see if there more to come

willieonewillieoneover 12 years ago

I agree with the Where are the other three chapters? comment, you can't leave it there!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
up until now

I like this story. Now she slept with both of them and will gladly becomes their mistress/whore. I just want her make up her mind and be with just one at a time. She is human but act like an animal in heat, any cock (of those two) will do. This is not the kind of the leading woman roll for me or story line.Thanks God I just briefly reading through the story now I will read no more. To bad you are a good writer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Where are the other three chapters?

I love this story. It's one of the best on the sight and I was wondering, where are the other three chapters you and your editor were working on?!?! This story is really entertaining please don't be one of those authors who never finish their stories.


A Di-hard fan

BigDog167BigDog167over 12 years ago
More please!!!!

I keep checking back for the next chapter. Please post more or at least let us know what is going on in your bio section.


jamac1024jamac1024over 12 years ago

i do hope this story gets a definite resolution unlike the first one...i get that you'd like the ending to be up to the reader but for me personally, i'd rather have a completely finished story to read and not be left hanging with questions...whether it be a happy ending or not is up to YOU and i'd like to read a conclusive resolution

HaloveteHaloveteover 12 years ago

I'm like the others. I love this story. You kinda dropped off the map on us here. If you're unable to post a story as quickly as you had the others can you at least give us maybe a little update on your profile bio? I'd love to at least know that there's hope of a continuation. Otherwise I might lose my mind a little bit here XD

PrettyGPrettyGover 12 years ago
I swear.....

I would sooooo pay money for this story. I love everything about it and it has serious best seller potential. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!!!!! I'll be patiantly waiting for the next chapter :0)

foxy_lady76foxy_lady76over 12 years ago
please continue

this story is too good to stop now ! Every day I look too see if you posted another chapter please continue writing your writing is refreshing I've read your first story and enjoyed it. Now I'm addicted to Poas and i need another fix please write another chapter.

Teagan1flTeagan1flover 12 years ago
drums fingers

On the ipad looking for chapter 6 hope all is well. Thanks for you do.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Love it!

i first read your story 4 months ago and iv been checking back often to see if there is a new chapter yet! Please update it soon!! I love this story!!

shortydeeshortydeeover 12 years ago
Just when the story is getting to the

good stuff you leave us hanging. That is so unfair. I hope that you will be adding more to both of your stories. I really want to know what happens to Sera.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
lovin it....

I love this stories please update need to find out want happens with sera.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
pretty damn awesome

I am LOVING this story. I can't wait for more. You definitely need to try to get this published. I am addicted. I have to say, I want to see her pregnant by both princes at once. Maybe even more than two babies. And of course that would put her in serious danger, bringing about many more unexpected twists and turns and dragging this story out as long as possible until she hits her 21st bday and we have even more awesomeness to read about :) regardless, keep it up as long as you can. I hate it when I find a story I REALLY like and POOF all of a sudden its done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
So is that the end of this story?

Wonder why writers here don't follow through and complete the stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

An update please! Breathlessly waiting for more.


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

give me more please!(: love!

HaloveteHaloveteover 12 years ago

I'm loving this story very much. I hope that you update soon. This is the kind of story that I can't stop reading once I start. Was up till 4 AM reading it. lol.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Applause deserved

This is an incredibly intriguing view on werewolves and vampires especially considering your other story, it Is quite amazing, i commend you. Though i hope sera doesn't allow her new relationships to impact too heavily on her school work after shes worked so hard for it! Please keep writing this interesting tale! And i dare say those three are going to have to have a chat soon...


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Love this story!! Please update soon!!

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