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The Pride of a Slave Ch. 05


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I couldn't help but shift in my seat, tucking my knees to my chest, "How did they find out who had the immortality and who didn't?"

Victor cleared his throat, "The immortal elixir that was used on my ancestors and Mariah's ancestors, had other side effects, like enhanced speed, strength, and senses. The new elixir didn't give the user those side effects, but instead strengthened a different sense, a sixth sense. The future immortal could use a sixth sense that the current Immortals responded to."

I started to shake, thinking about the manic energy I used on Dimitri and Ryder whenever my friends fought, the same energy that seemed to calm them down and disperse a crowd of immortals.

I looked at him confused, "My mother, died of disease. If she had been immortal she wouldn't have died."

Victor shook his head, "No, it wasn't your mother. Your father died in an accident at the Administrators complex, didn't he?"

I paled and nodded, "He was nineteen, and he and my mother had just been mated, he didn't even know about me."

Victor nodded, "The fact that no one knew of your existence until my father stopped taking energy and died, was the only thing that saved you."

"I'm confused, you knew about me all along?"

Victor shook his head, "No, when I took your mother into my home, to help Esperanza find the will to continue, I did not think about you at all. And I continued to ignore you, even as my son became incredibly attached to you as a playmate, even as a infant. It wasn't until Ryder was first introduced that I realized what you might be."

I barely remembered the event, but I did remember that it was that time that the nannies had begun to be switched out regularly, never staying for too long before a new one showed up.

"Ryder was wild, like Mariah had warned, and as we feared, Dimitri and Ryder heartily disliked each other. You took over the introduction, grabbing Dimitri and forcing him to greet Ryder and to play together with the two of you. Mariah spotted it first, and she felt heart sick at the thought of what we were obligated to do."

Victor sat back weary in his chair, "I couldn't kill you Seraphina, simply because your mother was getting Esperanza to take a little energy, to get out of bed, to walk in the gardens and spend time with Dimitri. If I killed you, your mother would not be able to focus on the task, and I feared losing Esperanza. It was selfish, but on the occasions you weren't there with the boys, they would fight, violently. Mariah and I feared they would be like their grandmothers before them, both women spending their entire rule trying to kill the other."

"I feared that I would be handing over the country to a vampire who would repeat his grandmothers mistakes and destroy what little trust remained between our two groups. Then in walked your little self, and would grab Ryder by his weak point and sit him down, and would grab Dimitri by his weak point and would sit him down in front of Ryder and would demand they talk it out. And after a little while Mariah and I couldn't be without you there keeping our sons from killing each other, this little angel that blessed our families with the ability to teach our sons compromise."

I was overwhelmed, I was shaking and holding onto myself afraid, "What will you do to me now?"

Victors eyebrow rose, "Seraphina you are like a daughter to me and probably more so to Mariah, I could no more harm you than I could harm Dimitri."

I gave him a weak smile, "I sense a 'but' coming."

He nodded, "But, you are powerful Seraphina. Your gifts aren't at all developed and can you imagine how they will mature when you hit 21? There are humans, I am sure, that know about the human immortals, and my father did a good job of eliminating them as thoroughly as possible. But if you were to be found out, I fear what will happen to you. You know that you have never truly been a slave, I have never allowed it as much as your mother would let me. If I had my way, your mother and you would have moved in as my daughter and sister. But it was an old vampires dream, and your mother knew better."

I smiled softly remembering how often I had dreamed of that too but didn't say a thing, "However, if you were to be found out, I fear you would become the slave I never wanted you to be. You would become a possession, a way to control the ruling governments, a way to bend the rules to a single individuals will."

I gasped, "I don't understand, why would I do anything like that?"

"To save your life? Because you had been tortured? There are so many ways to get compliance from a person."

His cool voice caused me to wince, realizing he may know about that first hand.

"How do I stop being, this way?"

Victor smiled, "I don't know Seraphina, perhaps just being aware and wary of what others may want from you or want you to do for them, may allow you to put yourself on guard."

My mind instantly lingered on what had been happening with Joseph at the University. It made me doubly nervous.

"There is another reason I wanted to tell you this."

I looked up waiting, "You must not become involved with either Prince. If one possessed you, the other would become jealous and vengeful. You have always had an amazing way of balancing the two of them, giving each what they needed without causing the other jealousy, it has been an amazing ability that I think was inherited not from your father, but from your mother."

I winced and looked down, "But what has been going on, it hasn't been within my control."

Victor chuckled, "Yes, well you must figure something out. You cannot keep avoiding the boys as you have been, within a week it had resulted in the two of them nearly killed each other twice, and I cannot allow that to happen again. Even if this old Vampire has to beg on his knees for you to help Mariah and I keep our sons together as the governing system requires them to be, I shall."

I winced and shook my head, "You don't have to worry, I cant leave them."

My eyes began to water and the tears dripped down my face, I had never thought that I would become romantic with either of my friends, but having someone tell me that it would never, ever, be allowed, and that if by being in love with one would possibly destroy the other, it hurt me deeply, more than I ever expected.

Victor stood up and sat next to me and wrapped an arm around me in a surprising display of affection, "If there were a way to keep a balance and to get everything you more than deserve, I would have found it. The most that I can do for you is give you pieces of your dreams."

I looked over at him something unsettling coming to my mind, "What happens if I fall in love with someone? What if I wish to leave?"

Victor looked at me worried and strained, "I do not know. I had hoped that the boys would be happy for you, and that is still a possibility with time and maturity. As for the second part of your question, I would like to say you are forbidden to leave, and I suppose it is in my power to do just that. But I wouldn't do that to you, all I would do is ask that you remember that a week, with you still being here but merely in the background was a catastrophe. I shutter to think of those two pig headed boys living their lives entirely without you there, as the voice of reason."

He stiffened as he pondered something and looked at me out of the corner of his eye, his face changing into an expression I had never seen before, "Why did you ask? Is there someone I should be meeting?"

I scoffed imagining any creature who could possibly be interested in me and somehow get past my two over protective friends only to be met by an over protective King and possibly Alpha, would not be interested in me for very long. I shook my head and saw him relax with a great deal of relief.

"I must admit, the idea of you engaging suitors upsets me. There has been some benefits to my idiot son and god son's possessiveness of you, I have not had to worry about suitors."

I chuckled, "Slaves are not supposed to have suitors."

Victor removed his arm from me and tapped the corner of his lips, "When the University accepted you, it brought you up from your slave status. Your not restricted under the same rules that you once were."

I snorted, "It doesn't do me any good."

Victor chuckled and stood up from the couch and walked over to his desk and grabbed a paper, "That being said, I need to talk to you about your art professor."

He looked at the paper reading something, "I'm not entirely sure what your professors motives are, but humor me and don't allow yourself to be alone with him any longer. If he asks to speak with you after class, tell him you are unable to be alone with him because you are currently being formally courted by another."

I looked up surprised, "Who do I say is courting me?"

He winked, "That's none of his business."

I laughed and nodded but found myself wrapping my arms around myself when I thought about the intense look Joseph had been giving me as of late. Before I could say anything the phone rang and Victor looked down at the phone and looked back up mournfully. I looked and saw it was on the Kings line, which meant it was business call for him.

He picked it up with his official title and then covered the mouth piece and bid me a good night as I walked out the door. I hesitated and he smiled warmly at me, "Also, it is unlikely Dimitri will be back tonight, if it makes you feel better you can stay in his room, since he already said it was alright. And I will have your rooms switched to one closer to both he and Ryder." I thanked him heartily and left him to the straining task ahead of him.

I walked into Dimitri's room and threw myself onto his bed breathing in the clean scent of him and feeling myself calm down. I replayed the entire conversation that I had with Victor and once someone got past the hard lump of the impossibility of it, it didn't seem to bother me much. All Victor was asking was that I be wary of others, which I automatically was, mostly because it was not unusual for someone to pretend to be my friend with the sole purpose of getting closer to the Princes or to play a cruel joke on me. It had happened enough times, so the fact that I needed to be wary of being "used" as Victor had put it, didn't bother me as much as it would have, had I not been through what I already had been through.

That being decided I sighed and rethought about my "Prince mode." It made sense, as I had gotten older, the manic energy had increased and it had been able to go from stopping the princes through physical attacks just to get them to pay attention, then calm them, to not really needing more than to yell. Except for the rare occasions that their primal nature was in control, and then I had to hurt them to get their attention.

I thought back to the fight in the Quad earlier this month. I had told everyone to disband and they had done it, even though I could tell they were more inclined to hang about and get good gossip, I had commanded them, and they had jumped at the command. Even the nurse had jumped at the command and it made me nervous. I wasn't 21 and that was the age when everything would mature, my abilities would blossom, so to speak. I was worried that if I already had this much control over the immortals what kind of control would I have over them when I was 21. Would Dimitri and Ryder still be my friends or would they become slaves, and more horrifically, happy slaves who didn't know better.

I took my clothes off and grabbed one of Dimitri's large t-shirts putting it on over my frame. I pulled down his blankets and crawled into them, tucking them around my head and engulfing myself in darkness and Dimitri's scent. I fell asleep thinking about the few times I had fallen asleep on Dimitri's couch in high school and he had put me in his bed and we had slept in the same bed. It had been innocent, once upon a time, and I longed for that security again.

I woke up startled and sat up looking around not nearly as confused as I would have been, had I been in my own room. I heard the bedroom door open and I laid back in the bed and buried myself in the blankets and pillows, disappearing. I breathed shallowly and peeked out of the pillow only enough to see two shadows walking through the room. One walked into the closet and turned the light on, I could barely make out the figure, but I could tell it was a female, and by the height I could tell she was immortal.

My heart sank down to my toes as I realized that the other person whispering was Dimitri, "Come Elaina, we need to return to Ryder's party."

She crossed her arms, "I don't want to go, I want to see more of your Palace."

Dimitri stumbled and they both laughed and I realized with weariness that Dimitri was drunk, "We cant, I'm not supposed to be home tonight. My father doesn't sleep until really late, if at all, sometimes, so he could walk through the door any time now."

The figure shimmied over to Dimitri and the two shadows became one for a moment, "I want to see the slave. Can I see the slave?"

Dimitri, even drunk, straightened up and his voice became cold, "what slave?"

"The one going to University with us, my uncle says your father dresses her up like a princess. Its shameful, to have a slave prancing around like a princess with real prince's, around."

Dimitri pulled away from her and shoved her away when she tried to get close, "Get out."

She crossed her arms, "You know, your whole family is strange, some say too strange. A lot of people believe the slave is the reason for it. You haven't taken an immortal to your bed, except for Delilah, who was banished because she was attacked by that human."

Dimitri's body spoke of fury but the girl was either too drunk or too stupid to notice, "I can smell her in here, on your bed even. Is that why no Vampire graces your bed? Because you prefer slaves instead?"

I could literally hear Dimitri's self control snap and I feared for the girl. I jumped out of the bed and ran to Dimitri, pushing my hands against his chest. I purposefully summoned the manic energy this time, and said softly and deeply, "Stop."

He froze and his crazed look landed on my face, and instantly softened. I turned to the girl, "The reason you smell me here, is because I'm slow in comparison to the whole lot of you vampires and werewolves. I have to be in here most nights studying with him so I can appear smarter than I am."

I finally got a good look at the girl and she was really lovely, standing as tall as Dimitri, with short black hair that was cupped around her heart shaped face. Her deep blue eyes took me in as she crossed her arms, "Oh yeah, so why were you in the bed just now?"

I humped, "Dimitri isn't supposed to come back at all tonight. I am staying here because just like you mentioned or alluded to, I have enemies, and it makes me nervous, so I am hiding for one night of fearless sleep."

The girl shifted uncomfortable and looked me up and down, "You really aren't that weird."

I shrugged, "Thanks I guess."

She cleared her throat, "What I mean is you are weird for a slave. You look us in the eye, you compete with us, you are even well spoken like an Immortal. Which is weird for a slave but not really weird for a University student."

I sighed and nodded, "Again, thank you, I think."

She giggled, "Well, I think I should go. I didn't mean to make him mad or offend you, I was just very curious to meet you is all."

I stuck my hand out and she grabbed it in a firm, cool handshake, "It was nice to meet you."

She giggled as she pulled her hand away and tottered out of the room, bumping into a few things on her way out.

I turned to Dimitri who was standing where he was, staring at me, "What are you doing here?"

"I stayed the night in your room to hide out from my monsters, so to speak, and I was having the best sleep of my life until you came back. Why aren't you with Ryder?"

Dimitri shook his head, "He was starting to annoy me."

I sighed dramatically, "When doesn't he annoy you. Usually you are a good sport when you aren't so drunk."

Dimitri shrugged and tilted a little where he stood. I squeaked and pushed him to the bed until he was sitting down, "Any chance you could go back?"

Dimitri muttered under his breath, "Not a chance."

I nodded and grabbed the hem of his shirt and lifted it up, his hands coming up automatically. I tossed the shirt onto the floor and set down and unlaced his boots and pulled the mud covered thing off and deposited them by the bathroom door. I pulled the blankets down and Dimitri turned and tucked his legs in and I tucked him in. I watched him shimmy for a moment and his pants appeared, he handed them to me and I tossed them over to where his shirt was.

I filled the empty glass of water on his nightstand, knowing he always woke up at some point thirsty. Once he was settled I turned and gathered my clothes, feeling his eyes on me the entire time. I grabbed the last piece of clothing, my bra, and walked to the bedroom door.

"Don't go!"

I winced at Dimitri's too loud voice and shushed him, "Stop, I have to. Where would you have me sleep Di, on the couch? No, I need sleep so I'm going to my room."

I watched as he stumbled out of bed in nothing but his boxers and I sighed annoyed and he blocked me from leaving, "No. I want you to stay here."

He sounded petulant, like a spoiled child and I tried to reason with him but he wouldn't have it. I finally relented thinking of letting him fall asleep and then I would leave once he slept. He pulled me to the bed and I crawled in with him, making sure to leave the usual inch of space between us.

I started to close my eyes when I felt Dimitri close the distance between us and put his chin on the top of my head and throw his large arm around me and start to snore. I grumbled, realizing that now I couldn't escape and instead slowly fell into another deep sleep.

I felt hands on my back as I woke up, the hands cool on my hot skin. I opened my eyes and instantly recognized the colors around me. I turned my head and saw that Dimitri was lying next to me, him on his back, and me on my stomach. The sun was filtering in and his eyes were a deep, dark blue and I smiled into them.

"Morning." He grunted and I chuckled, "Hung over?"

"Yes. Do you mind telling me how I came to be in my bed, at home, with you?"

I laughed and turned over and sat up enough to lean against the pillows and look down at him, "I don't know exactly how you got here, but it was with a very interesting girl Elaina I believe you said her name was. Anyway she wanted to see the place and you felt obligated to indulge her. She and I conversed because she was upsetting you, and then she departed with some rather kind words. I got you undressed and put you to bed but you threw a tantrum when I tried to leave, insisting I stay with you, so I did. I had every intention of climbing out once you were asleep, but you pinned me down and I had no choice but to sleep as well."

He nodded and sat himself up as well, looking down at me without saying a word. I shifted, "Why did you leave Ryder's party?"

Dimitri shook his head, "Ryder's boasting upset me."

"Ryder always boasts."


"So what exactly was it that set you off then?"

Dimitri looked at me pointedly for a moment and I felt a flush whisper up my neck and across my cheeks, "That?!?"

Dimitri nodded and looked away, obviously disgruntled. I clenched my jaw and had a violent thought of pummeling my best friend, "I'm going to kill him.'

Dimitri turned and looked at me, "Why? You chose him after all, didn't you?"

I choked on the misunderstanding and stared at Dimitri incredulous, "I didn't chose anything Di. And I'm pretty sure that you stopped what we were doing when we were here. He had caught me, when I was thinking of you, I think. I don't know, it just sort of happened."

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