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The Pride of a Slave Ch. 05


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I must have sounded hurt because Dimitri grabbed my hand and relaxed the fist and laced it with his, "I didn't want to stop Sera, but we couldn't."

"I know Di, I'm not saying I don't understand."

Dimitri startled me by slamming his other hand into the bed, making a loud puffing noise, "It isn't right, I remember what he and I should be and should not be doing. But he disregards it, instead taking what he wants."

I groaned, "That's always been Ryder, Di, and you know it. You cannot compare him to you because you two are so different. Ryder will do what is best for the packs, but he doesn't feel like every rule is set in stone. He has bent the rules since we were toddlers, its just who he is."

"And who am I Sera?" His voice was cold but I ignored it.

"You are you Dimitri. You are calm, thoughtful, considerate of everyone before yourself. You will put the welfare of the entire world before your own. Your wants and needs come last, and that is an amazing thing Di."

He looked away and flexed his hand, tightening it on mine. I flexed back to remind him he still had my hand and felt him quickly relax, "You are right, I suppose, Sera. I sacrifice what I want for the better of everyone else."

His voice was hot and cold at the same time and I felt a shiver run through me as I sensed something switch in him. He turned and faced me and I looked at him curiously and was startled to see him leaning forward to kiss me.

I tried to pull back and even managed to scoot to the edge of the bed and nearly fell off before his hand, still laced in mine, yanked me back from the edge and pulled me until I was wrapped in his arms, one of my arms pinned to my back. I tried to open my mouth to stop him, but he pushed his mouth onto mine and I was silenced quickly. His lips and tongue plied at mine until I felt them relent.

I felt my body heat as he pulled me closer, deepening the kiss that I had become a willing participant in. That was how it was with Dimitri, I could never fight him off, neither could I fight Ryder off. I loved them both too much and the need in Dimitri's kiss pulled the response out of me. I closed my eyes, finally, releasing my reasoning and let myself respond to Dimitri.

He moaned when he felt me wrap one arm around the back of his neck and pull him in closer for a deeper kiss. My tongue now played with his, darting and caressing against his cool one, tasting him and breathing his flavor with all of my senses. He released my pinned hand and I lifted it and wrapped it around his neck as well.

Dimitri gripped my lower back and pulled me to him until our bodies were pressed, flushed, against each other. I moaned ever so softly as he broke the kiss and began to trail light kisses down my jaw and neck. He stopped at the collar of the t-shirt and pressed me down into the bed and pulled away, and began rubbing his hands across my body. He didn't try to lift the shirt up, but instead grabbed one of my breast through the shirt and massaged it, pinching my nipples and watching them harden through the shirt.

He did the same with the other breast and I felt myself instantly respond, my center becoming warm as jolts of electricity shot from my hardening nipples to my sex. He continued to play with them through the t-shirt until I became frustrated. I wanted to feel his skin on mine, to feel the skin of his fingers on the sensitive raised flesh.

I moaned in frustration and pushed him off of me long enough to pull the t-shirt off. He sat back surprised and then spent what felt like an eternity staring at my nearly naked form. I blushed at his stare and I watched his eyes turn a very light shade of blue, his carnal side on the surface. He pushed me back down and kissed me again, this time his mouth pressing harder and more demanding onto mine. I accepted the kiss, caressing and diving into his mouth, reassuring him that I wasn't going to leave.

He ran his hands gently down my body, his cool fingers tips, whispering along the heated flesh. I arched against him, the light caress almost more torturous than it would have been had he been rougher. He chuckled softly but didn't press any harder, instead sending my nerves on fire with the whispering sensation. He kept this up until I was writhing in a strange feeling of deep desire and frustration, then he finally pressed his cool mouth against my stomach, the sensation was intense compared to the whispers my body had expected. I hissed and arched against him, the simple act of kissing my stomach sending waves of electricity to my now damp sex.

He kissed me a few more times, than began to whisper touches again. I writhed and moaned softly in desperation until his lips locked fully onto one of my nipples. I gasped and grabbed his hair, fingers lacing into the silky threads. I pressed him to me and felt my body explode in a short, but intense orgasm.

He continued to suck and nibble on my nipple, and I felt his hand rub up my leg. I closed my eyes and felt his tongue continue to send electricity to my center and I felt his hand rub towards me. He touched the edge of my lace panties and removed his mouth from my nipple to pull back and look at them.

He smiled devilishly as he ran his hands along the black lace things. He hooked his finger into them and I lifted myself up allowing him to slide them down my ass, my thighs, calves and finally off of my ankle. He spread my legs open gently and stared at me for what felt like an eternity.

I couldn't help but to blush at his attentions and he simply murmured, "Beautiful." Before leaning forward and licking up the middle. I gasped and raised myself into his second pass of my slit. He pulled the puffy lips back with his cool fingers and I felt his tongue lap at the entrance of me, licking up the already pooled juices there. He licked until he was satisfied and then licked up and down, causing an overload of sensations coursing through me.

I felt myself build as he kept licking my entire pussy, and moaned and arched against him, hoping he would find the little nub that would give me release. He licked around it and I gasped in frustration as I tried to arch into his too quick mouth.

I cried out in surprise as I felt one of his long, slender fingers slide into me, and groaned when I felt him curve his finger and press against me. I flexed, feeling his finger inside of me just as he centered on my clit, and began to suck and nibble on it. His finger began to pull out of me and was replaced by two, this time. The second finger, causing a slight sting as it stretched my virginity upon its entrance.

He began to pump the two fingers in and out of me and sucked on my clitoris, building me up with epic speed and I moaned and writhed on the bed, my hands fisting the sheets beside me. He continued but was unable to push me off the edge and I gasped out wanting more of him.

I reached down and pulled his face from my soaping went sex, "Dimitri, I need more."

His fingers pulled out of me, and I felt my walls squeeze against them in protest. I sat up on my elbows and watched Dimitri pull down his boxers, his beautiful erection bobbing into view. I stared at him, as he had stared and me and I pulled myself up into a sitting position, and with no understanding past a carnal sense of wanting to taste him, I leaned forward and licked the dew at the tip.

I was surprised at the sweet saltiness of him, and ran my tongue down the length of him, my mind only hesitating once about the thought of something that seemed to be so large, pressing into me. The thought made me shiver in pleasure and trepidation, and I swirled my tongue along the edge of the head. Dimitri gasped as I pressed my mouth onto him, sliding slowly down his shaft until my mouth was full. I sucked and caressed the thing with my mouth before pulling up, increasing the suction and then sliding back down.

I had never done this before, but I knew what I was doing to Dimitri would give him pleasure and I was pleasantly surprised to feel that it was also giving me pleasure. He wrapped his fingers into my hair and pulled me down further on his cock until he was halfway down my throat, my breathing paused, and my nose pressed against his stomach.

I looked up at him, and the sight of me looking up at him with his cock in my mouth caused him to groan and he pulled away, gasping as he did so. He panted for a moment before he turned to me and laid me gently back down, "Did you enjoy that?"

I nodded and felt his fingers run through my folds and reveal my enjoyment on his glistening fingers. I watched with baited breath and he slowly licked his fingers clean, the sight sending another wave of pleasure to my already dripping sex. I pulled him to me and moaned softly against him, "Stop tormenting me."

He pulled back and continued to run his fingers back through me, over and over again, "Do you know how much your tormented me? How often I fantasized of having you here, like this in my bed, while you slept soundly next to me. I wanted you so badly it hurt sometimes, and I was enraged when Ryder got to taste and touch you before I could."

He kissed my neck, licking and nibbling it and I felt his cool member press softly against me. He grabbed it and rubbed the head all along me, centering it on my clit for a few strokes until I was bleary eyed with pleasure.

He leaned forward and nibbled my ear, "It will hurt."

I nodded and he centered himself against my hole and pressed in slowly but steadily. At first I didn't feel anything but as I began to stretch around his slowly invading head, I felt myself begin to rip and cried out when the head of his cock popped into me. He stopped moving as I dug my nails into his shoulders and panted with the pain.

His hand reached up and began to rub my clitoris and soon the pain was replaced with pleasure and desire as I began to writhe under his fingers, my pussy clenching tightly against his invaded head.

He continued to wait, playing with me until I finally moaned to him, "More, Dimitri."

He pressed in a little faster this time, and I was so focused on the inflamed electricity that his member caused in me that I paid little heed to the pain. My pussy stretched and clenched and released against him, the sensation no longer painful but entirely pleasurable. I rocked a bit on him as he paused to let me adjust.

I moaned against his shoulder, "Fuck me Dimitri."

He growled in response and I suddenly felt his cock slide slowly out of me only to be thrust back in gently. He kept up the deep, slow thrusting, and I met each thrust with a thrust of my own, my body heating into an inferno. I moaned and pulled at him as he thrust into me, my body jerking against his as I reached the crescendo. I cried out to him as I climaxed, clawing and thrusting against him, my body and mind exploding with release.

I heard him moan my name and squeeze me tightly to him and he thrust a little more urgently into me. I felt his seed a few moments later fill me and my pussy responded by squeezing and milking him as he came. After a few more languid thrusts he buried himself deep into me and then collapsed onto me a bit, panting and kissing my neck and shoulders. After a few moments Dimitri pulled out of me and disappeared and returned with a warm cloth in the blink of an eye.

I thanked him embarrassed and slowly cleaned myself up. My body was slowly returning to its senses and with it came a very painful sensation between my legs. I winced as I cleaned, seeing a bit of blood dripping out of me. Dimitri watched and touched my hand softly, stopping me.

He put the towel beside me and put his arms underneath me and lifted me up gently. He planted a kiss on my cheek and held me as he turned the bath on and let the hot water fill the tub. He gently laid me in it, planting a soft kiss on my lips before turning on the shower and jumping in. I laid back and let the hot water soothe the pain and eventually it did do the trick. When Dimitri emerged from his shower, dripping wet and naked I was conscious enough to blush in response. He chuckled and wrapped a towel around himself and sat next to me on a small stool.

"Does it hurt a lot?" His voice was concerned and I nodded in response.

"It does but the water is soothing it. It will only be this time that it hurts." I heard him chuckle again and I looked up at him confused.

"Are you planning on doing this regularly then?" his voice was teasing but there was a hint of cool passion in it and I flushed in response.

"I..didn't mean...I mean...I don't...I...um..." I was baffled at what to say and earned a laugh in response.

"Its alright Sera, its just me." He leaned forward and kissed me softly then stood up and smiling at me, left the bathroom.

I scrubbed my body thoroughly with every scented soap in the bathroom. I also scrubbed my mouth voraciously, hoping the scent of what had happened between Dimitri and I wouldn't be scented. I had just dried my hair and had walked out with the towel around me when I spotted Ryder and Dimitri both deep in conversation.

I froze when both pairs of eyes landed on me and squealed and ran for the closet in response. Both Princes burst out laughing as I shouted out for them to be quiet. I grabbed my clothes from the previous night, and put them on and walked back out. The two had gone from a seemingly happy conversation to both of them glaring at each other, Ryder and Dimitri both rigid and analyzing each other.

I rushed over to them and stepped in between them, feeling heartily irritated that they never, ever, seemed to get along, "What is the problem now?"

I asked annoyed and Ryder looked down at me, frowned and stormed out of the room. I turned to Dimitri looking at him confused and he winced and motioned with his head to the bed. I noticed that it was rumpled but sitting underneath one of the pillows was the rag I had used to try and clean up. I gapped at it and then turned to where Ryder had strode out.

I released a sound of disbelief and collapsed onto the couch shocked. What had I done? Everything Victor had said, began to come to mind. This would be the governments undoing. I did the exact opposite of what Victor had said, the day after he had said it. I had let myself become Dimitri's, had relished and demanded it even. And now there was a rift between them, one that I was scared couldn't be mended.

I looked up at Dimitri who was standing over me watching me carefully. He sat down on the coffee table and grabbed my hands, "Sera, perhaps we need to talk about what happened."

I nodded unable to say anything. He took a deep breath, "I love you, as you well know. But I love you in the way an Immortal should love his mate, in a way a King loves his Queen. If I were a different creature, with different circumstances, I would take you, marry you and leave all of this."

My eyes watered and I nodded knowing there was a resounding 'but' coming, "But, I cannot change what I am. I cannot change who I am, and I cannot give you everything you more than deserve. I was selfish, in taking you like I did, and I would say I am sorry, but I cannot. I simply love you too much to regret what happened. I have loved you for my entire life, since the moment you were carried into my nursery and turned those incredible brown eyes onto me. And even if you begged me, pleaded on your hands and knees to stop loving you, to let you go, I won't ever do it."

I nodded, shaken by what he had said. I purposefully ignored the thoughts about what kind of future I could have, now that I had done this, and instead focused on what I should do about Ryder.

"What about Ryder?"

Dimitri snorted, "He's pissed, but he will get over it."

I shook my head, "No he wont, you know as well as I do he will just brood and brood and brood on it until he is murderous."

Dimitri sighed and walked into his closet changing quickly into a very nice suit. He walked into the bathroom and began to tie his tie. I walked after him miserable, watching him in the mirror, "I want to talk with him, but I don't think he will let me."

Dimitri paused his tying and looked at me for a moment, "Sera, if you really want to talk to him, let him know this morning at breakfast, then wait. It is rare that he and I are able to deny you something you want, for very long."

He finished tying his tie and adjusted it. I watched him quietly and followed him as he put his shoes and jacket on and headed for the door. He stopped at the door and bent down and kissed me, his tongue lingering on my lips.

"I know you are worried. Tell him at breakfast you want to talk with him, then give him a little bit. I've been with him as long as you Sera, there are times I do know him."

I smiled and followed him out of the apartment, "Why are you so dressed up anyway?"

Dimitri grunted, "There is a council session being called at the University over three professors. They're employment needs to be reviewed and decided upon. And it just so happened that late last night an Administrator died, his daughter is old enough to take his place, and she is completely groomed and ready. There is just the unfortunate politics of setting her on the seat, the council votes and all that bore. Well, because my father and Mariah cannot be at both places at once, Mariah and I are attending the meeting with the Administrators and Ryder and my father are attending the meeting at the University which is a few hours later than my meeting."

I nodded, "Meaning I get to eat breakfast with Ryder and your father, and not you and Mariah."

He nodded and kissed my cheek when we arrived at the breakfast hall, then quickly disappeared down the halls. I watched him go and then turned and walked into breakfast. Ryder was there with Victor, the two talking somberly. I smiled at him and earned a dark glare in return. I sighed and sat across from him, wondering if Dimitri was wrong about our friend.

When we finished eating, most of the breakfast consumed in silence, Victor got up and left quickly through one of the hidden passageways. I continued to sit where I was at and watch Ryder stand up and walk around the table, and behind me to leave. I reached out and grabbed his hand, and he froze, neither returning the touch nor shaking it off.

"When you are done with everything, I would like to talk to you."

He had already started shaking his head and I yanked his arm, causing him to look directly at me, "Please, Ryder."

He looked at me for a few breaths then shook me off and walked out. I stared after him and sighed walked morosely to my room. I grabbed the art supplies that I had brought back with me and went to the Lilac room, and set up my easel and set to work. Instead of painting, though, I found myself sitting in the window, feeling the breeze blow through my loose hair and ruffle the pages of my sketch book.

I was looking at the garden but my thoughts were really towards what happened this morning. I felt both elation and dread, because it had felt right to be with Dimitri, and when I had told him to take my virginity, in much more crude ways, it had felt even more right.

I sighed and let my hand sketch without my mind getting to involved, the charcoal felt just as right in my hand as Dimitri had felt right in my arms, and it was a truly odd feeling. I looked down and watched the lines of Dimitri's chest appear, and felt a strange thrill when I ran my finger along a few of the lines to shade them.

I finished his chest and flipped the page over and let my hand take over again, this time drawing his legs, stopping at the high thigh. They were strong, lithe thighs, and I kept sketching every bit of him I had explored and touched this morning.

I was a blushing, quivering mess when I heard a throat clear behind me. I turned suddenly, startled and fell right out of the window and into the bushes below them. I released an oaf and stood up, pulling the leaves out of my hair as I looked back into the room and saw Becka bent over laughing hysterically.

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