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The Princess & the Queen

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It's summer and two families reunite after many years.
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Copyright PennameWombat August 2019

The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

This is my entry for the Summer Lovin 2019 erotic story contest. Naturally it's set at a beach holiday resort. Beyond that you'll need to read the story.

Note: This story portrays activities of a sexual nature between people who have blood relations to each other. These portrayals do not occur between siblings nor do they directly involve parents and their adult offspring but they may still be uncomfortable for some readers. Summer Loving, Anal sex, Exhibitionist, Wife sharing, Vibrator, Group, Double penetration, MMF, MMMF, Science Fiction


Long Since Met

"Hey, mom," Ian said as he walked into the large, airy beach house that the families were renting for a joint summer vacation the first week of August, he heard laughter in the kitchen so turned to enter from the entry way, "lost track of time at beach soccer, sorry I'm la... oh, uh..."

He stopped short as he saw two pairs of feet in flip-flops attached to long, toned legs which met two sets of round and mostly exposed ass cheeks. At the top of each set of cheeks small triangles of cloth emerged from the cleft and joined thin straps that flowed above the shapely hips and around thinner waists. Above that two bare backs with his mother's light brown ponytail next to a head of loose strawberry blonde hair that just covered the nape of the neck. Ian's mouth dropped open as two female faces turned to him just before he saw their very round and barely contained breasts in bikini tops hardly more expansive than the barely-there bottoms.

"Ian, oh my god, you've grown SO MUCH," he recognised his cousin Angie as she stood next to his mom, both now faced him fully. Behind them were a variety of vegetables and other ingredients the two women had been working on for the planned late lunch.

"Oh, yeah, you've really grown," Angie's smile was broad and wicked as Ian watched her eyes settle down his body, "you must be so proud of him, Kimmy."

"He's my big boy, all grown up," Ian's mother said with a lilt and a laugh as the angle of her eyes matched her cousin's.

Ian realised both women's eyes were fixed on his crotch he looked down quickly. He'd doffed his sweaty jock and soccer shorts and slipped on thin board shorts that offered no resistance to the raging erection that he'd gained with the extreme views of skin offered by his very fit forty-something mother and cousin. He looked up, two sets of eyes danced and twinkled as they caught his.

"Drop that bag and come say hi to me properly, it's been YEARS since I saw you," Angie said as she stepped forward and put her arms out, Ian's brain froze but the slightest quirk of his mother's eyebrow gave him no quarter, he bent his knees slightly to drop his bag and stepped to meet Angie halfway. The woman threw her arms around his chest and pulled his body tightly against hers, she twisted slightly to press her hip against his prick as she nudged the hard shaft fully vertical and squeezed it between their bodies.

Her lips came level to his collarbone and she kissed the flesh over it covered with his dried sweat just above the neckline of his loose t-shirt. He moaned slightly as she rubbed her body against his cock.

"Cm'here, stinky," she said breathily as she bent her head back and reached her right arm up to press the back of his head, his mother's barely perceptible nod convinced him and he leaned his head forward. Her mouth was slightly open and she pressed his head firmly, his lips met hers softly and with growing pressure. Her tongue rubbed a circle around the insides of his lips before it found his tongue. His last resistance was broken when she nudged the head of his cock with her body and he felt her hardened nipples as they pressed against his chest. His tongue went on the attack and pushed hers back before she rallied. His arms went around the smooth skin of her back before he worked them down to grasp one taut ass cheek with each hand which caused her to rub with more determination against the raging shaft of his cock. Their breathing shared a ragged, choppy cadence.

"Hey, cuz," Ian heard his mother's voice, distant, soft, amused, "if you don't let him go Anna's gonna be stuck at the station, eh?"

Angie pressed Ian's head one more time and sucked hard at his mouth as she lifted her body onto her tiptoes and back down to give his cock one last rub to drive a last sharp inhale through his nose. She broke the kiss and moved her head a couple of inches but kept her body against his and locked her eyes on his.

"Hope you haven't forgotten your little cousin, Ian," her voice was husky but light, "it's been a while!"

"They were always so close, Angie," Kim said, her own voice a bit choppy, "I'm sure my boy and your little girl will remember each other."

Angie gave Ian one last squeeze then loosened her grip and he followed suit, she stepped back, looked down at his crotch again.

"Get going you," she said, "no time to change clothes. It's five hundred degrees out and everyone's sweaty as hell. She won't mind in the least. I'll text her that you're on the way and she should watch out for the tall and handsome young man with the large bulge in his blue shorts."

His response was stuck in his throat as she grabbed his shoulders and turned him, slapped him on the ass.

"Oh yeah, that's one fit ass," Angie said as she pushed him out, "go! You're late!"

At the Station

Ian's wrist buzzed as he pulled the electric runabout into the parking area at the train station. The rented beach house offered a couple of them as did most places since the tight and crowded roads of the peak summer crowds made anything larger impractical.

"Tilly, play," he said.

"Heard from Anna, train's just pulling in. I promised her a bulge so don't disappoint," the speaker in the dashboard delivered the text in a smooth alto but his mind still pictured Angela's slightly deeper voice. He chuckled at the directive but tried not to think too deeply on it, "coming in on platform B."

He stepped out of the vehicle as the quick charging nozzle rose and inserted itself into the port on the bottom. Both runabouts had seen steady use as the two families shopped and settled in for their two weeks in this semi-tropical little resort town and it had requested a bit of a feed. The grid had complied and Ian paid it little mind as he veered left to head to platform B.

How long had it been since he'd seen Anna? Five, no, six years. He'd been sixteen when her parents had moved to the other side of the world to take new jobs. That would've made Anna thirteen at the time. Although first cousins, their mothers had been closer than sisters and while the adult couples had met up a number of times this was the first time both full families had managed it. A few more families were due over the coming weekend for the largest gathering of the extended clan for as long as Ian could remember.

He saw a scrum of people around the entrance to the platform, could see the top of the slightly square train over the gathered heads. This was a spur line from the provincial capital just over a hundred miles south so the train wasn't one of the ultra-sleek hypersonic long distance models but he still admired the slick lines of it.

He passed a growing stream of laughing and happy people who'd either arrived as groups or had met their contacts here. He bobbed his head around to try and see Anna but hadn't yet set eyes on a solo young woman who'd fit the bill. He'd always remembered her hair blonder than her mother's strawberry tint but not the straw yellow of his most recent and unlamented ex-girlfriend.

The crowd thinned and he saw, was that her? Her right side faced him as she leaned over and spoke to a little girl who looked up, both faces held huge smiles as the girl's parents stood alongside and smiled. A broad sunhat on a head covered with hair that just wasn't quite red that obscured the rest of the face, long, bare legs clad in very short white shorts that emphasised her nice base tan, the curve of butt cheeks obvious below the lifted rear hems as she leaned. A sheer white blouse billowed over a cream tank top in the breeze.

She lifted her right hand and waved, had the gesture returned by the little girl and then her parents as they turned. The young woman stood and turned, Ian's eyes squinted for a moment but then he saw the left side of her face and he broke into a broad smile, sped his pace a bit.

Her eyes locked on him, her smile had been broad, it wavered a bit but her eyes picked up the joy. She left behind her little backpack on the concrete next to her roller bag and ran to replicate her mother's earlier embrace. The same height as her mother she turned her head to press the left side against his shoulder, her hat knocked off to hit the pavement behind her. He wrapped his arms around her torso.

"Ian," she said quickly, "it's so nice to see you!"

"You too, Anna," he kissed the top of her head, "sorry I'm stinky, came straight from beach soccer."

"Who cares," she inhaled deeply, "um, nice, just like I remember when we played soccer in the backyard."

She rubbed against him, the cock he'd managed to quiesce a bit reacted immediately. He knew Anna felt it as she pushed herself against it, he felt the bare skin of her thigh against his below his shorts.

"Oh, you ARE happy to see me," Anna cooed, "just like mom told me you would be."

"Well, um," Ian stammered, heard the soft laugh, "of course!"

She turned her head and leaned it back, kept her thigh pressed between his legs, he accepted his fate and pulled her tight, at least it helped prevent anyone else in the slowly thinning crowd from noticing. He looked down, saw ample cleavage revealed by the very low square cut of the tight tank top that just concealed the areolas.

He forced his eyes up, saw the tongue held between lips and teeth with mirthful eyes. He saw the flicker of her expression and her body tense as his view took in the port wine stain that covered her left cheek, forehead, temple and neck, but left her ear mostly uncovered. He bent his neck and touched his lips to that left cheek and kissed his way softly toward her neck and felt her tension shift back to a hug and she exhaled slowly as she leaned slightly into his kisses. It had deepened in color since they'd last met but it failed to detract from the perfect heart shape of her face, her round eyes, one grey and one green, that gave the sharp intelligence behind them such focus.

He moved his head, two sets of eyes locked.

"Let's get your stuff, get out of here," he said softly, "our moms are fixing a late lunch."

She kissed him quickly on the lips, backed off, her eyes glittered. She released him, stepped back and looked down, his eyes followed hers.

"Nice," she said, grabbed his hand and led him toward her bags. She grabbed her pack and he took the handle of her roller bag. His free hand still held by hers he led her to the runabout.

As they walked he caught eyes and then a raised eyebrow from an elegantly dressed woman clearly older than his mother as her gaze rose from his crotch. She glanced at Anna's smiling face and winked at him as he and Anna passed. Anna didn't notice.

At the Beach

"Aunt Kimmie," Anna squealed as her arms squeezed Ian's mom around the waist, the dark-haired woman returned the hug. Ian stood the bag up and caught Anna's mom's Angie's eyes again on his crotch. Anna had held his hand on the road from the station and rested it on his bare thigh, on a couple of turns she'd nudged his prick which had never allowed it to relax.

"I'm not your aunt," Kim said, as she kissed the girl quickly on the lips.

"I can't call you 'first cousin once-removed Kimmie' now, can I?"

"She's got you there, cuz," Angie said, "anyway, lunch is ready. Ian, take her bag up to the room while we put everything out on the patio."

"Hey, mom," Anna said as she grabbed her pack from the floor, "aren't the Rainsenders coming tomorrow?"

"Yeah, Howard and Sherry have the last bedroom, you and Ian will share with their two."

"I am NOT sharing with that little bitch Brittany," Anna said firmly, "put her and her little brother together, I can share with Ian. You told me all the beds here are king size! Come on, cuz, no reason to make me move, let's put all this in your room."

Ian looked first at his mother then at Angie, their expressions unreadable.

"Well, if Ian doesn't mind...," Kim said slowly as she looked at her son. He shrugged.

"Lead on," Anna said cheerily.

"This is all so fresh," Ian said as he ate an orange, murmured agreement from the three women.

"Dad wasted no time hitting the golf course," Anna said, "couldn't even wait for his loving daughter to arrive."

Her laugh and bright eyes belied the somber tone of the words, brought light laughter in response.

"He'll blame my Greg for dragging him off," said Kim, "but with the crowds you take what tee times you can get. Anna, how was your first year at university?"

"I'm going to study exobiology," Anna said, "I've always liked biology and stars and now that we know there's another planet with life it might be more than just theories and less math than Ian and his astrophysics. Cuz, do you have your little scope?"

"Yeah, I do," he said, "that star will be visible the next few nights, east over the ocean, after about 11 from here. The light restrictions for the whole town because of the sea turtle reserve north of here and no moons this week mean it'll be good viewing. If your mom will let you stay up."

"Like I could prevent her," Angie laughed.

"Hah," Anna snorted, "plenty of time to sleep in the grave! Anyway, c'mon, I want to go the beach. Everyone done?"

The four made quick work as they quickly food away and loaded the dishwasher.

"You two go get your suits," Kim said to Anna and Ian, "we've get some towels ready, there are bottles of water and soda and beer in the ice chest."

"I don't want to dig mine out," Anna said, as she looked Kim and her mom up and down, "let's go to the nude beach. You two are almost there anyway with those suits. Get the 'esky' cuz, I heard one of my classmates call it that. After 'eskimo' she said!

Anna's expression brooked no objections as she took an armful of towels from Kim and set off.

"The joys of language," Angie said, as Ian took the handle of the ice chest and pulled it along on its wheels.

They saw Anna tap the sign at the entrance to the beach, which was partially obscured by a slight hillock.

'Nude Beach. All ages allowed. All bathers must be totally nude, photos by agreement only. No spectators.'

"She told me all winter how much she was looking forward to this vacation," Angie told Kim and Ian as they trailed Anna onto the beach. They saw a volleyball game in progress, people in the gentle surf and and dozens if not a couple of hundred sunbathers. But the beach still offered enough open space for a group their size.

"She's the one who wanted to go to a university so far north," Kim laughed, "something about an environment most like another planet, didn't she say?"

"Yup," Angie confirmed as they watched her open out her towel on a spot large enough for them all, "got the 'esky' there, Ian?"

"Not a problem," he pulled it along on wide tires, "it's built for this."

They pulled alongside Anna's blanket. The young woman had already shrugged off her thin blouse and had just pulled off her tank. Her large and round breasts were a match for her mother in size but for now lacked the near thirty years of gravity's extra efforts that slightly affected the older woman's. Ian thought of puppies and boring sports and anything else to control his prick as Anna slid her tiny shorts and g-string down her long legs. She kicked off her sneakers and stood naked, their mothers so far only topless.

"C'mon Ian," she implored, "surf's waiting."

His shirt already off to show his firm abs and chest, he kicked his own sneakers off and took a deep breath. He shoved his shorts down and stepped forward as soon as they hit the blanket. Anna grabbed his hand and took off at a run.

As with most bathers, the loophole that said their wristlet didn't count as clothing meant they'd all keep theirs on. The other loophole was sand shoes but while the sand was warm it wasn't yet unwalkable.

"I'll text Greg," said Kim to the disappearing pair, "they should be here about an hour..."

Anna led Ian into the surf and they both dove into an oncoming wave. Ian liked this beach for two key reasons, it had no rip tide and it dropped off quickly past the low tide line which meant they were soon in deep water. Both of them had swam competitively so neither had any hesitation and she led him well out into deep water, twenty or thirty yards beyond almost anyone else.

Ian went vertical and popped his head above the surface just as Anna did likewise and crashed into him. His arm went around her torso and she grabbed his hand and pulled it against her right tit. He felt the erect nipple and then felt her hip grind into his crotch. His cock stiffened immediately.

His brain shrugged and his fingers moved to caress the nipple as she pushed his erection vertical and rubbed it with her hip. She turned her head and kissed him hard on the lips for five, six seconds then put both hands against his chest and pushed herself. She did a backward dive and hit the water smoothly.

He blinked his eyes, tried to find her, the water's surface rippled slightly from her dive but revealed nothing more. He continued to tread water and spin slowly when hands grabbed his hips and turned him. He gasped as lips engulfed his rampant prick, the mouth sucked two-thirds of it in. Not just from the beach but from experience he knew he was no slouch in size, that was an impressive suck. Especially now.

He put his hands on shoulders with little idea what else to do. His cousin was giving him an underwater blowjob and he'd never felt anything so good. But he was conflicted. He and Anna had practically been siblings until she'd moved.

But this. Was. Exquisite.

His breath had just started to go ragged when his prick was released and a head of water slicked blonde-red hair broke the surface. Her pale cheek was flushed and her stain was deep red around that bright green eye. Her hands gripped and stroked his cock. He held her shoulder with one hand and used the other to tweak each of her very erect nipples in turn.

"My mom passed on that you and your last girlfriend had some issues," Anna said softly, then her voice went husky, "not such a good time lately myself..."

"I can't believe that," he replied, the words separated by slight pauses, "who was it? I'll thrash him..."

"I'd rather you thrash me," she raised the eyebrow to ripple the stained flesh, he smiled as he caught her intent. He pulled her slightly closer and push his hand down her flat abdomen and through the small tuft of hair he knew was a few shades redder than the hair on her head. Her breath caught as his fingers scissored the already-erect flesh above her slit. Her hands stroked his cock in return.

"I've dreamed of this...," her voice was so soft he barely heard her, he pulled her closer as they continued to work each other's hard flesh.

"Me too...," he said back as he kissed her stained forehead.

"I have something I need to tell everyone this week," she said, her eyes showed worry, but he kissed her lightly again, "will you support me?"

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