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The Prisoner Of Desire


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"Not off hand. You're going to have to call information to get it."

Following through on his suggestion, Hayden punched in the necessary numbers then blinked in surprise when the cell phone suddenly shut itself off. When it refused to light back up after she repeatedly pushed the button, she frowned.

"I think the battery is dead."

Tucking his tongue into his cheek, Lucas attempted to suppress the ironic smile that stole across his face. "You could never be an escape artist," he said with amusement.

Reaching down, he took her hand in his, and began pulling her down the block.

"Where are we going?" She asked breathlessly as she tried to keep up with him.

Without pausing, Lucas veered into the street, and began to cross it. "Your phone doesn't work, the busses have stopped running, and your only other option is to walk. Do you want to walk? I'm assuming it's pretty far."

"No," she agreed. "It's over three miles."

With a tilt of his head, Lucas kept going. "What I figured. I didn't bring my cell phone with me. We're going to have to go get it."

"From where?"

When they reached the other side of the street, he hesitated while looking down at her. "I don't live far from here. Just through those trees. You can use my phone to call a cab."

When he continued to pull her along, she followed him obediently without questioning his words. Stepping across a grass embankment, he led her through a copse of trees until they reached a walkway.

She had a vague impression of where they were headed, and her eyes widened as she took in the spectacular view of the large buildings that were placed on top of the hill.

"You live here?" she said in awe.

She had always admired these houses her entire life. She had never actually known anyone before who could afford to live in one of them.

"Yes," he said brusquely. "For about a year now."

Saying nothing further, he continued along the pathway until he reached a long driveway. With her fingers still encased within his, Hayden followed his footsteps as he headed towards the house that sat at the end of it.

She was so enthralled with her surroundings that it took her a moment to realize that they had reached the front door, and that he had released her in order to unlock it. When it opened beneath his fingers, he stood back, and waved a hand in the general direction of the entrance.

"After you," he said in a clipped tone.

The house was in shadows when Hayden walked through the door. She could vaguely make out that she was standing in a large room before Lucas entered behind her, and approached a small table to turn on a lamp.

When the room flooded with dim light, she quickly became fascinated with the elegantly furnished room.

"My cell phone should be in my room. I think I left it on the dresser," he said distractedly. "Come on. We'll find it so you can call that cab."

Traipsing after him, Hayden followed him down a long hallway until they reached a door. When he opened it, and stepped inside, it was obvious that it was his bedroom. Stepping towards a set of closet doors, he took off his jacket, and hung it up inside.

The room was fairly large, and was dominated by a king sized bed that looked fit for royalty. A single dresser sat off to one side. Except for a large, flatscreen television that hung upon the wall, it was the only other piece of furniture in the room.

"Nice place," Hayden commented as her eyes roved over the bed.

Lucas had stepped towards the door, and quietly closed it before turning to face her.

"Thanks." Lifting his wrist, he began opening the buttons on the cuff of his white shirt. When their eyes met, his expression was grim. "Take your clothes off, Hayden."

It took her a moment to register the words that had come out of his mouth. When she did, her lips parted in surprise. Her voice became weak as apprehension filled her.


His intent blue eyes never wavered. "Take your clothes off," he repeated. "I'm going to fuck you." His tone didn't brook any argument.

Taking a step back from him, Hayden's eyes widened. "You said you wouldn't rape me," she breathed tremulously.

His jaw hardened as he looked into her wary grey eyes. "I know. I know I said that." Stepping forward, he reached for her.

Slipping out of his tenuous grasp, Hayden quickly rounded the bed until it stood between them. Her wary expression had transformed into thinly veiled terror as she watched him from where she stood. "Please don't do this," she pleaded.

Instead of chasing after her, he stayed where he was while opening the buttons on the front of his shirt. When the material parted to expose his hard chest, he leaned over his bed, and placed his hands upon it.

"Why the fuck would you come here?" he growled. "I had you chained to a God damned bench. Do I strike you as someone that's safe for you to be around, Hayden?"

His blue eyes narrowed as his anger increased. "Don't you ever think? Now you're trapped inside of my house, and I can do whatever I want to you. If I want to fuck you, I can. If I want to kill you, I can. Did none of that cross your mind before you so easily followed me here?"

Hayden's chest fell as a ragged breath escaped her. "Are you going to kill me?" she whispered.

His scowl darkened as he straightened. "No. Come here," he demanded.

When she shook her head fearfully, he rounded the bed to come after her. Leaping across it like a cornered animal, she reached the other side, but he managed to halt her escape by quickly changing direction. He caught her as soon as her feet touched the floor.

A frightened cry of alarm was torn from her lips when his strong fingers gripped her upper arms. His cold blue eyes gazed down at her, and then he slowly backed her up until her legs were touching the side of the bed.

"Hold still," he ordered.

Then his fingers were quickly opening the buttons to her coat. When the last one was free, he pulled it from her shoulders, and dragged it down her arms. It fell to the floor at their feet, and then he was pulling her shirt up over her head before she had managed to catch her breath.

When she stood bare before him, his eyes roamed over her breasts hungrily before lifting to her face.

Her entire frame trembled while his eyes devoured her. "What are you going to do?" she choked out.

Instead of responding, he lifted her easily in his arms, and tossed her on top of his bed. Dragging his shirt from his body, he let it fall to the floor beside her coat. Kneeling upon the bed, he swiftly covered her slight frame with his much larger one, and rapidly sought out her mouth.

When he found it, he buried his tongue deep. Both of his strong hands reached up to grip her bare breasts, and he squeezed them roughly as a low groan escaped him.

His body tensed, and his movements became urgent. Pressing a thumb against her jaw, he slid his fingers beneath her neck to hold her in place while he ravaged her mouth.

His other hand slipped between their bodies to unfasten her jeans, and once he had them open his palm hurriedly pushed inside of her panties until his hand was pressed between her legs.

Without a moments hesitation he pushed his fingers inside of her, and began stroking them into her like a man possessed. A primal growl of need tore from his throat as she whimpered into his mouth.

She was hot, wet, and unbelievably tight. The feel of her alone almost sent him over the edge. He couldn't wait any longer. Bolting back onto his knees, he reached for the waistband of her jeans and panties, and roughly pulled them down her hips.

They slid down her legs with ease, and he quickly disposed of them before lowering himself back on top of her. He was shaking when he reached to free himself from the confines of his pants.

His forehead was pressed to hers, and his breath was leaving him in disjointed bursts. "I'm going to take you now," he informed her. "I'm not small. It's going to hurt. I'm sorry."

Her fingers were pressed to his shoulders, and they reflexively tensed at his words. There was no time to dispute them. She felt him hot and hard pressing against her entrance, and then he was filling her with a vicious thrust of his hips.

The pain was so intense that it brought tears to her eyes. Her nails clenched into the skin of his shoulders as a strangled cry was torn from her.

He was not similarly effected. His jaw slackened, and a pleasure filled moan rumbled from his chest. It was ecstasy. Exquisite, and perfect. He had managed to bury himself deep with a single surge of his body, and he was now encased inside of her hot flesh which gripped him firmly like a loving hand.

He couldn't force himself to be gentle. Sliding halfway out, he plunged into her again hard, and closed his eyes tightly as it nearly undid him.

"Oh, Fuck," he groaned. "You. Feel. So. Fucking. Good."

He felt harder than he had ever been in his entire life. He could feel himself thick, and pulsating inside of her. Every part of him wanted it to go on forever, but he knew he was close to losing himself. When he opened his eyes, he was arrested by her startled expression.

"I'm sorry," he panted. "Are you alright?"

Her quick nod put him at ease, and he pushed into her again before taking her mouth. "Wrap your legs around me, Hayden," he urged thickly.

When she swiftly obeyed his command, he was lost. Burying his face against her neck, he reached up to entwine their fingers, and pressed them to the bed as he began to move. He surged into her repeatedly, filling her again and again.

With her silky thighs encasing his body his rhythm slowly escalated until a strangled gasp of pleasure filled her ears. With a final lurch forward, he stilled as hot jettisons of cum began shooting inside of her. Once he had finished his entire body wilted against her.

Releasing her fingers, he clasped onto the sides of her head, and pressed his mouth to her temple as he cringed. "Please don't hate me," he gasped in agony.

Hayden's breath expelled from her slowly as her heart raced. When he lifted his head to look down at her, his expression was sorrowful.

Brushing the hair back from her face, he looked into her grey eyes in an attempt to gauge what she was thinking. For an endless moment they gazed at one another in silence, and then finally her lips parted as she spoke. "Can we do that again?" she wondered softly.

It was not what Lucas was expecting, and his blue eyes widened in surprise. "Really?" he asked in amazement.

Biting her lip, she suddenly felt shy. "I was afraid that it would hurt," she admitted. "It did at first, but then it felt okay. If you're not going to kill me, I'd like to try it again."

Lucas choked on a laugh as he smiled. "Of course I'm not going to kill you, and yes, we can definitely do that again. Are you sure you're alright? I expected you to start screaming, or crying."

Hayden frowned for a moment before responding. "It wasn't very nice of you to scare me the way that you did." she told him.

"I'm sorry," he said sincerely. "I was angry because you put me in a position where I felt like I couldn't stop myself from doing something I said that I wouldn't do. I gave you every opportunity to escape me, and you weren't cooperating." His brows furrowed in recollection. "You were practically begging me to take you by coming here."

Hayden nodded sheepishly. "I came here because I wanted to be with you. When you let me go it made me realize that you were putting my needs before yours. You could have kept going, but you didn't because you didn't want to hurt me. That's the type of person I wanted to be with for the first time."

Her grey eyes delved into his fascinated blue ones with reproach. "I was trying to work up the courage to tell you that when you started chasing me around."

Lucas attempted to stifle a grin, and failed miserably. "Does this mean I'm not going to prison?"

Hayden grinned back. "As luck would have it, I know of a lawyer who is pretty good at making deals."

Her response brought forth a chuckle from his lips. "I'm not sure that he's going to be available. He just met the woman of his dreams, and hopefully she's going to keep him fairly busy."

Hayden lifted her fingers to the back of his head, and pulled him towards her until their mouths met. When she released him there was a look of wonder upon his face.

"I think that can be arranged," she said with a smile. "How long are we talking?"

Lucas was beaming as he responded. "How does forever sound?"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Well damn this was awesome. Any part 2 coming? :D

lolololitalolololita4 months ago

Where the fuck is part 2!!!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Like the writing and I think you should know that most of all. Some suggestions from one writer to another. A little more about how he had been possibly watching her from a far and had fallen in love with her already before the abduction. Some insights about her boyfriend being a self centered pig and her wanting to be taken and submissive to the right man. A little more time before the taking of her virginity for him to show her that he could be the loving dominant she always dreamed of. Liked it, thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great dialog but the sex could have been better written - it was practically over before it started. And he should have at least gone down on her first

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