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The Proposal Pt. 04


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"I don't know why the only man I have ever loved has a fantasy about sharing me sexually with other men. In my opinion that is sick." She answered glaring at me.

"Wait a minute, I admit my part in this but you didn't exactly put up a lot of resistance to Martin's advances. Don't pretend we haven't role played in the past pretending I was someone else while we screwed." I countered.

Allie look away avoiding eye contact with either Dee or I. It was clear we struck a nerve. I considered bringing up her masturbation session I witnessed where she was calling out Martin's name but said nothing knowing that would definitely strike a fatal blow to our marriage already on life support.

"Have either of you considered that both of you were fantasizing about the same thing?"

I looked at Allie and she looked back with a blank stare before I asked, "Just what are you suggesting?"

"I'm offering an alternative thought that it might be a shared desire? There are countless couples that have opened their relationship in that way."

Neither one of us replied concerning her suggestion and she asked, "After all that happened, do you still love each other?"

I knew that was a redundant question so I answered for both of us, "Of course we do." Allie nodded in agreement.

I couldn't help but ask Dr. Dee, "From what Allie shared with me, aren't you in an open marriage yourself?"

"We're not here to talk about my marriage we're here to discuss yours. No two marriages are the same. I think we've gone as far as we can on this first session. I have some homework for you both. Read this pamphlet before our next meeting and answer the questions separately. Don't share your answers with each other." She instructed handing us each a copy.


I wish I could say everything at work was running like clockwork. Allie and Denny were worse than two siblings competing for attention. In this case it was about there individual authority at this demanding gym. We were busting at the seams with new members. I couldn't help but notice their rivalry extended to much more than just business stuff. Both Allie and Denny were attention whores. I had the duty of telling each one privately to tone down their attire. It almost seemed like we were back a Church camp all those years ago. When I confronted each of them their reply was the same. "As soon as she does I will."

It was noticeable the percentage of new members that were males outnumbered the females three to one. I can't say for sure but having two highly developed hotties running around the gym dressed in spandex without underwear might have something to do with that.

Martin and I were slowly regaining our working relationship but it wasn't easy to forget my wife screaming out his name while shoving that foot long dildo up herself. I still was undecided whether or not to bring up that incident during our counseling. Allie's midterms made it impossible to meet with Dr. DeeAnn until this afternoon at 4 PM.

I signaled to Martin we needed to talk. He said something to his client and came over. "What's up?"

"Could you and Denny close up? Allie and I have an appointment."

"Sure, no problem... How's that going?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your therapy."

"Who told you we were in therapy?"

"I just guessed but that little minx you hired told me about you and Allie."

"So you and Denny are discussing us?"

"Come on, it's pretty obvious to everyone that something is not right between you guys and she asked me if I knew anything. I didn't tell her I knew but I'll warn you now that girl has the hots for you bad, really bad."

"Denny? No way."

"Jason, you can't be that oblivious to the way she looks at you. Anyway... I just thought you should know."


The drive to our appointment was in virtual silence. I had read the pamphlet and answered the questions as honestly as I could but the whole time I was wondering what Allie's answers would be. We glanced at each other but neither one of us said anything. It was like we were on our way to witness an execution not attend a counseling session.

"I'm surprised you even wanted to do this. What made you change your mind?" Allie asked.

"Are you kidding? I'd do anything to save our marriage, you know that."

After a protracted time of silence she replied, "Me too."

There was no one in the waiting room and I wondered if we got the day wrong. The office was unlocked so I took the liberty to open her door. She was sitting at her desk looking through her laptop when she saw me.

"Come on in and have a seat. Sorry I'm running late."

Allie dropped into the overstuffed office chair without saying anything. I pulled my chair closer to Allie's before sitting. Dr. Dee seemed engrossed in whatever she was looking at on he laptop so I just quietly sat there waiting. She was gorgeous by any standard for a women her age. I wondered if those large full breasts had any assistance before looking away, hoping to not be caught checking her out.

"Thank you for your patience but I was downloading somethings that might be helpful for you. Now... did you manage to fill out the brochure I gave you?" She asked holding out her hand.

We both handed her our pamphlets. Before looking at them she asked, "What did you did think?"

We looked at each other and Allie spoke first saying, "It was difficult."

"And What about you Jason?"

" was difficult. It made me think about things that I avoided most of my life."

"That was the purpose. Our lives are not set in stone but fluid and evolving. Now I want you to both look at this video while I review your booklets." She said turning the large screen laptop to face us.

Initially it looked like a vacation promotion video that had clips of everything from cruise ships to island resorts. The video was titled For the discerning Couple. It went on to show listings of clubs by cities. It quickly occurred to me these were all hedonistic clubs and activities. I looked at Allie's expression and she appeared as confused as I did. Dee was still engrossed with reading our surveys so I remained quiet and continued to view the website. When I passed one of the ads for an island resort Allie brought it back enlarging the photo promotions. The photo she highlighted showed an attractive white couple walking with a very developed black guy. What I couldn't help but notice was that the woman was holding hands with the black guy. Allie chuckled, causing Dee to look up.

"Almost done. It appears we have a lot to discuss." Dee said while highlighting something on one of our booklets.

When she finally finished she said, "Okay, done. I found it very interesting that almost all your answers were were the same, particularly the ones defining love and desires. What did you think about the video?"

"Why did you have us watch this particular website?" Allie asked.

"I was showing you some alternative lifestyles I thought might find intriguing but we'll get back to that later. Right now I want to discuss your answers if that's alright with you."

We looked at each other and nodded in unison.

"I found several things extremely interesting. Jason, your answer how you view your future as a couple said that you're willing to stretch your horizons as long as it is with Allie. Allie you said that you're wanting to try new things but only with Jason's approval. You both added that you thought life was an adventure with endless possibilities. Do either want to comment or expand on your statement?"

Allie replied, "I was saying I think our story has yet to be written."

"Under the subject of personal goals you both included you'd both eventually wanted to have children... Jason do you really want four?"

"Four??? No fucking way!" Allie exclaimed punching Jason's shoulder.

Dr. Dee then broached the subject of fantasies by asking , "Is it alright if we talk about your individual fantasies?"

Allie looked at me like she wasn't sure and after a few moments of silence I answered for both of us. "I suppose that's one of the things we need to talk about."

She handed us each our surveys back and said, "I think it's more effective if you read your own replies. Jason if you don't mind going first..."

"Ummm, it asks, What are your sexual fantasies both long term and current? I wrote that I was open to new things between us that possibly included others. My long time goal is to invigorate our marriage to greater heights through new experiences. My current goal is strengthen our relationship with greater trust and openness."

"Very interesting Jason. That was fairly pretty nondescript. I've got a feeling Allie's answers are going to be more forthright... Allie? Your turn."

"I'm not sure how you're going to take this but here goes. Jason I love you but I feel like we're in a rut sexually. Our lovemaking is like Groundhog Day. You're undoubtedly the most attractive guy I've ever met but I think you lack genuine creativity and spontaneity. You're older than I am and suppose to be more experienced."

"What exactly is it you want from me?" I interrupted.

"What do I want? Everything! Or at least more than now. There are long periods were you don't even touch me. It makes me wonder if you even want me. I have men hitting on me daily telling me how hot I am but you don't give me a fraction of the attention total strangers do." She said looking at me with her eyes tearing up before adding, "I know it's difficult to hear but I'm being honest."

I was unable speak after hearing Allie. Fortunately Dee saw my discomfort and interjected, "That's enough for today. Our time is almost up. Will I be seeing you Monday?"

"You bet!" Allie answered in a millisecond. They both looked at me for my reply. I just nodded.


On the way home I was waiting for Allie to continue roasting me further but she was silent. I had to ask, "Did you really mean all those things?"

"What do you think?"

"I think... I'm embarrassed I don't seem to satisfy you."

"I wasn't saying you don't satisfy. You do, but what if I want more?"

"I don't follow what you're saying."

"Let me ask you this, why is it usually me that instigates our love making?"

"I really didn't know that. If that's true, it's not that I don't find you sexy, it's probably because I'm just dog tired or I'm nonassertive by my nature."

"That's true. You've never really been passionate about anything but that damn gym since I've known you. Just look at how you reacted to the whole situation about Martin. I expected you to beat him to a bloody pulp but you're so damn passive you even hired him back."

I thought, she's right. "I'm sorry." I replied.

"Stop it! Stop apologizing! Don't you see how wimpy that is? Any other husband would be furious and at least tell me me what a cheating whore I was. But... no, not you. You're a monster of a man physically but I think inside you're a timid little boy."


"Sorry?" She interrupted. "Please..."

I of course was extremely embarrassed being dressed down by my wife. The rest of the drive I said nothing and let her vent. I half listened to her tirade but was caught in my own thoughts. I knew there was some validity to her accusations but she misunderstood my desire to avoid confrontation as weakness. My childhood was filled with one violent argument after another. After our years together I couldn't remember a single argument. My opinion was that peace and harmony is more important than being right.

"Answer me...are you even listening to me?"

"Sorry...what was the question?"

"Geeez, are you serious? I just asked what you thought about that video Dee showed us."

"It seemed like an advertisement for hedonism featuring swingers resorts. Does that interest you?"

As we pulled into the driveway she still hadn't answered her question. Instead she said, "Why don't we discuss that later?"

As soon as we entered the house Hobo started whining for his dinner. Allie opened a can of tuna while he rubbed himself on her leg. She glared at me still fuming. I decided to take action as I walked toward her. A look of bewilderment was on her face as I drew her close and kissed her deeply while squeezing her tight. Then, I lifted her up throwing her over my shoulder and started carrying her to the bedroom. She screamed, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Taking charge," I answered. She half heartedly was kicking and whining for me to stop as I carried her to the bedroom. I fully intended to reinsert myself as the dominate force in this relationship after what she said.


When I woke the sun was streaming in through a crack in the curtains. Allie was wrapped around me like an octopus. I smiled remembering last night and our marathon of sex. I thought about peeling myself from her ensnarement and getting ready for work but decided to savor the feeling of her breasts pressed against my back. Work would have to wait. Just as I drifted off, my morning nemesis, the alarm clock blasted loud enough to raise the dead. I swatted at it but only accomplished knocking over my empty wine glass.

Allie rolled away mumbling something unintelligible as I drug myself out from the bed and staggered toward the shower reeking of sex. I wasn't sure of Allie's schedule today so I let her sleep. As the hot water streamed off my back I smiled when I recalled last night and how she responded to my unusual aggression .

After dressing in my workout shorts and tank top, I threw on one of my favorite Hawaiian shirts. Then I left a note on the counter saying I'd see her later and to not forget to shut off the AC. When I entered our parking lot it was full, with cars parked down the street. Martin was finishing up his advanced aerobics class and Denny was busy with her hot yoga class. I decided to take the opportunity to do my workout routine that had been interrupted by all this drama.

I thought, It's funny how when things take root in your mind, the harder you try to erase those thoughts the more prominent they become. As I powdered my hands getting ready to bench press, I considered what my life would look like now if Martin had actually fucked Allie. Would I just be another one of Martins cuckolds?

"Penny for your thoughts." Denny's voice startled me. I turned to answer her but the sight of her sweat soaked spandex top formfitting her young pert breasts and prominent camel toe caused me pause. My prolonged gaze didn't go unnoticed as she gave me one of those slight smiles that ever so slightly curled the corners of her lips.

I replied, "My thoughts? You don't wanna know."

Thinking my thoughts were about her, she said smugly, "Awww boss. Don't worry I won't tell." She spun around walking away with a little extra sway of her hips.

Back in my office I was thinking of what Dr. DeeAnn said and the website we watched. My curiosity got the better of me and I logged on to the opening introductory page. There were numerous selections to choose from. Most were beach resorts but we already lived at the beach and that made no sense. Then something caught my eyes. It was an "All Inclusive Ski Vacation." I clicked on the link and read the the opening description. I went on to say that the package included ski instructions for the novice to more experienced skiers. When clicked on the photos most of them were of hardbodied instructors posing in bikinis and briefs. Mostly in the hot-tub. However, there were enough scenes of actual skiing to legitimize the ski school introduction. It all had a sinful feel about it. It was a bit bit pricey a 20K but it did include private airfare. '

We hadn't been on vacation since our honeymoon. I knew if I booked it without getting Allie's permission I'd be in deep shit but the longer I considered it the more I liked the idea. So...I booked our reservation. In my defense, it did have a 24 hour cancellation policy.

I called Allie. On the fifth ring she picked up and said in a groggy voice, "This better be good buster."

"Well...remember how you've been saying we need a vacation?"

"Yeah...what are you suggesting?"

"Well you have two days to go shopping. We're booked for a stay in an Aspen Resort."

No reply.

"You still there?"

"You booked a vacation without asking me?...What the fuck were you thinking?"

"Well... I was thinking how hot you'd look in a skin tight ski outfit and string bikini."

Long pause. Then... "you'd better increase my credit-card limit."

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NitpicNitpicalmost 3 years ago

Four chapters of not much.If he wasn't a wimp he would have divorced her when she kept avoiding him and sent the separation papers.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Does chuckecheese ever finish a story? Don't bother reading since he leaves everything hanging... Seems it's his mo. Read another story of his on another site but it too was left unfinished. Either he can't figure out a decent ending or he just enjoys getting to the interesting point and let's it hang. Somebody should write endings to these stories if he can't figure them out. Too bad FTDS isn't available anymore.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

"What we have here is a failure to communicate."

Vacation at the swingers resort.... Hmmm... What could possibly go wrong... Jason seems a little dense. Ending in full swap? Allie just can't resist temptation and has to eventually try other men on for "size". So much for her protests about his desire to possibly share her. She'd cheat eventually.

How many more chapters.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraalmost 3 years ago

Very suspenseful, rollercoaster. I just hope they stay off that worst ride of all, the Cucky-Go-Round!


Dude needs to man-the-eff-up and defend his wife from all comers (pun intended), which is what she wants. This type of Beta male is analogous to America in the 21st Century. 'Toxic Masculinity' is the real backbone of CIVILization.


Come on, OP, make us PROUD!

mburs2016mburs2016almost 3 years ago

Again love the way the story is going keep up the suspense for as long as it takes its going to be worth it in the end ...well written and great content

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