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The Psychiatrist Ch. 07: Poker Night

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Holly knowingly bangs the poker guys.
11.7k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/10/2019
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Chapter Seven


NOTE: OK folks here's the deal. If you don't like stories where the wife acts a little crazy with men other than their husbands then you won't like this story. If that's the case it would be best for you to move on to other stories. Literotica literally has thousands to choose from. But on the other hand, if you've been following the adventures of Rob and Holly, I think you will get a kick out of this new twist in their story.


With our extra windfalls of monthly cash, we decided to do a radical upgrade of our downstairs game room. Before the remodel, it was little more than a partially finished basement with high windows around the perimeter of the room. The laundry machines were in one corner and what furniture we had faced a large screen TV in the opposite corner. We had a pool table and a ping pong table and that's why we called it our game room.

The whole area downstairs was as large as the upstairs of our house. As you can imagine, there was a lot of wasted space. We hired a contractor to turn it into a game room, a separate laundry room, a bathroom with shower and a guest bedroom. With some custom landscaping and steps we also made it a walk out basement to our back yard.

The construction crew got on it right away and the job was finished soon after the pool project was completed. Our house became very popular as party central. Not that we had wild parties or anything but we did tend to have lots of family and neighborhood gatherings. A lot of Jenny's friends started hanging out at our place as well. We loved it!

About that same time, a group of five other friends and I started playing poker the first Thursday of each month in our new game room. I had purchased an actual poker table that the family also used for board games. Ours was just a friendly poker game with $5 limits so nobody could lose much.

Sometimes one of the guys would invite a guest to join us but we never had more than eight guys on any given night. Normally it was just the six of us. Holly would fix up some snacks for us to enjoy during the evening. Since we had a mini-kitchen with full size refrigerator and bar in the newly remodeled game room, we were all set with everything we needed in the way of beer and other refreshments.

Throughout our evenings, Holly would pop in from time to time to see how we were doing and if we needed anything. All the guys appreciated her appearances since often she was ready for bed by the time of her final visit. Don't get me wrong, she always put on a robe or some sort of cover up but still, we could all tell there wasn't anything under her sleep wear and I think we all got just a bit aroused by her visits.

Chuck was one of the regular players and of course he knew what had happened at Lou's Tavern. Chuck and I still played golf together as well, so one day while waiting for our tee time to be called, our conversation turned to the hot time at Lou's place. He tossed out a comment along the lines of; "Wouldn't it be hot if she did the same thing for the guys at one of our poker nights?"

By now, it had been a year and a half since the night at Lou's Tavern and over a year since The Lakeside Resort adventure. The more I thought about it, the sexier it all sounded. I couldn't get the thought out of my mind of just how hot it would be to see Holly in action again. A couple of weeks later Chuck and I had lunch after golf. The other two guys in our foursome couldn't join us because they had afternoon appointments, so it was just Chuck and I in the clubhouse cafe.

During lunch, I mentioned that I couldn't get the idea of Holly acting like a 'sex crazed woman' for the regular poker guys out of my head. Chuck's eyes lit up and he asked; "You mean, you really would consider something like that?"

Of course, he didn't know about our weekend with Jim and the other doc's at The Lakeside Resort. He asked; "But how could we make it happen without Jim being there?"

That's when I told him that I was still very pissed off at Jim and there was no way in hell that he would ever step foot in my house. And furthermore, he certainly wasn't ever going to get at Holly again. Chuck's attitude took a dip when he thought that our poker night fun wouldn't be happening. But he chirped right up when I told him that I had met with Jim after the Lou's Tavern experience and Jim had enabled me to be able to put Holly under hypnosis and bring her out of it as well.

"You're kidding! Do you mean that you can do the ear pinch deal and say the word 'COMMENCE' and Holly will do the same stuff she did at Lou's?"

"That's right!" I said, "Although I haven't tried to put her into a hypnotic state yet. But Jim did have me bring Holly out of the hypnotic state just to show me how it worked."

"Wait a minute! Does that mean that you and Jim hypnotized Holly again after we were all at Lou's place last year?"

Now it was my turn to back-peddle, so I truthfully told him that I met with Jim for coffee and during that meeting I explained that I was uncomfortable with him being the only one to have this kind of power over my wife. I wanted him to train me how to do it, just in case Holly ever accidentally got into a hypnotic state when someone perchance said the words "COMMENCE" or "RELAX" or "AWAKE". I told him that I wanted to be able to snap her out of it if something like that happened.

So, I told Chuck that Holly and I did meet with Jim so he could teach me how to handle the hypnosis thing. Everything I said to Chuck was true, I just neglected to mention that there were four psychiatrists at that meeting. Fortunately, he bought my explanation without asking any further questions. But that just got his gears to running faster when he asked: "So would you really consider putting Holly into a hypnotic state for us guys on one of our poker nights?"

I told him I would have to check with Holly first because I most certainly wouldn't do it without her full consent.

Poker night was still two weeks away but I was getting hornier and hornier thinking of Holly being in action again after an entire year. This really surprised me because I had assumed that after our weekend at The Lakeside Resort, that would be the end of our extracurricular activities. Now I realized that I was hooked on having my bride act like a wild woman from time to time.

So, one night after dinner the three of us watched a kid's DVD before we put Jenny down for the night. While Holly tucked her in and said good night, I poured each of us a glass of nice Chardonnay and waited for her in the living room. She came down and nestled in close to me and said; "This is a pleasant surprise. Did you have something on your mind?"

She knows me so well. I responded; "Well babe, there is something I wanted to talk about but quite frankly, I'm a little bit nervous to bring it up."

"You mean after all the things we've been through there's something that still makes you nervous?"

She didn't know just how close she had hit upon what I wanted to discuss. So, I decided to just go for it. After taking a deep sip of wine I pressed on; "Well babe, Chuck and I had lunch last Saturday after golf and we got to reminiscing about the events that took place at Lou's Tavern. I still can't believe we are such good friends after the way he let me down when he was supposed to be watching out for your welfare. But the more we talked about it, the more I found myself getting turned on from the memories of watching your hot little body satisfying all those guys."

I paused a little to let that soak in before going on. "One thing led to another and Chuck just casually said something. I think he was joking, but he said, 'Wouldn't it be great if we could get Holly under hypnosis with the poker guys some Thursday night?'"

Holly's eyes got wide and she asked; "You can't be seriously considering it, can you?"

I told her that I honestly couldn't get it out of my mind and had been thinking about it all week since Saturday. Then I told her that this time would be entirely different from my perspective because both other times I was reduced to being only an observer but this time with the poker guys, I would be a full participant. She smiled and then asked how we could even do it without Jim being present. It was then that I realized there was one little detail about the weekend at The Lakeside Resort that I had never shared with her yet.

"Holly, when we were with the docs at the resort that weekend there is one additional little thing that took place that I guess I haven't shared with you."

She got large saucer eyes again as she looked at me asking; "OK, what have you been holding out? What else did I do?"

"Oh, it wasn't anything else you did, it was something that I did."

Again, she looked quizzically at me and now her eyes were filling up with suspicion as she asked; "OK, just what did you do? Was there another woman involved that I don't know about?"

"No, No babe, nothing like that at all. What happened is, I told Jim I wasn't comfortable with him being the only man to have this hypnotic control over you. I was worried that you might inadvertently hear one of the command words said and immediately get under hypnosis. I wanted a way to get you out of it without having to call on Jim."

I went on to ask her if she understood my concern and she agreed that it could pose a problem. I went on to explain, "So, we solved it by him telling you while under hypnosis to respond to my voice commands when accompanied by the corresponding physical touches just as if you were responding to his voice. In fact, I was actually the one who told you to "AWAKE" that weekend."

Again, Holly's eyes got big and she asked: "So have you ever put me under hypnosis without me knowing it?"

I was quick to respond; "No babe, in fact I don't really think that would even be possible because you would know if I were pinching your ear before I said the command. And besides, Jim isn't sure whether you would respond to my putting you into a hypnotic state due to the fact that you would be conscious of what I was doing. But if you were ever again in a hypnotic state, he's certain that you will now always respond to my voice just as readily as you would respond to his.

Holly felt more comfortable with that explanation and after taking another gulp of wine, with a twinkle in her eye she asked; "So, what were you thinking about the poker guys? Do you really want them to poke her?"

She giggled at her little pun. I expected her to be mad and was just a little bit stunned by the twinkle in her eye. So, I couldn't help but ask.

"What would you think about it?"

She said; "Well we both know how hot our sex life became after each of those two events. And now that it's been over a year, I guess I wouldn't mind since I'm never aware of anything that's happening anyway. I suppose it's really up to you since you're the one who has to see your wife acting like a little sex crazed woman."

I was beside myself by her response; no anger, no disgust, no bickering and no begging on my part, she basically just responded with a simple; "I'm OK if you're OK."

Wow!! Her answer also gave me an insight into her internal thought process. It seems that since she's totally unaware of what is happening to her, it's almost like she wasn't involved. It's as if it were happening to some other person and not to her. With that in mind, she knows that after the events, she is much more open to new experiences in our own personal sex life and that part of it apparently excites her a great deal.

I kind of wondered how she would act if she were awake and aware of what was happening instead of being under hypnosis. I'm pretty certain that if she were in her right mind, she would never do the things I've seen her do while in a hypnotic state. Especially considering her conservative, purity pledge view of morality and marriage. Nonetheless, I was getting more excited by the minute at the thought of seeing her in action again. I couldn't wait to tell Chuck and the other guys.

Holly and I didn't talk about it too much the next couple of days because I was afraid that the more she thought about doing the poker guys the greater the likelihood that she would back out. But the week of our regular poker night she and I did talk while we were in bed. It was Monday night and I reminded her that this is the week the poker guys were coming over on Thursday. She somewhat surprised me by saying;

"Yes, I know and I haven't been able to get it out of my mind ever since our conversation."

"So, does that mean you are excited about it? Or are you nervous about it? Or are you thinking of calling it off?"

Holly paused for a while and I began to think she wasn't going to respond at all when she quietly said; "Well, I'm not ready to call it off but at the same time I wouldn't be honest if I were to tell you that I wasn't a bit nervous about the whole thing. After all, I didn't know the doctors, they were strangers to me. But I know these guys and I know their wives! I just don't want to do anything that would put other marriages in jeopardy."

"That's an honest answer babe and one worth thinking about. What would you say if early in the evening I explain to the guys what our experience was at Lou's Tavern so I can judge their response. Chuck can back me up by adding his comments since we will be letting them know that he was there."

"If all the guys express a desire for something like that to happen with them I will tell them that it can. I could go on to explain that we would simply stop playing poker at 10:00pm instead of 11:00 or 12:00pm as is our normal time. I could explain to them that after we take a short break, I would ask you to come down so I could put you into a hypnotic state and then you could serve us our special final coarse of refreshments so to speak."

"I will also explain that if any of them were uncomfortable they could just bow out and head home at 10:00 with no repercussions and no snide remarks from any of us. What do you think about that idea?"

Holly smiled and said; "Well, I guess that makes me a little more comfortable with the guys but I'm still not sure how the wives will respond if and when they find out what happens."

I assured her that I really doubted that any of them would find out but if they did, we could hide behind the fact that she was under hypnosis and that she wasn't really aware of what she was doing. Of course, there would be some explaining to do but at least she would be somewhat in the clear.

Holly just responded by saying; "I guess that will work."

After our little discussion in bed we made passionate love that night. Then we both drifted off to sleep with her nestled up close to me with my semi-hard cock resting between her beautiful ass cheeks. Holly slept soundly but I seemed to be having erotic dreams all night long.

Wednesday night she started asking me what kind of thing I wanted her to prepare as refreshments for the guys. We settled on the normal chips & dips along with pizza rolls that she could just pick up at Costco so it wouldn't be a big burden on her. Then she asked what I wanted her to wear.

I suggested she wear her tight white short shorts that she looked so hot in. And on top I asked her to wear a loose-fitting peasant blouse that I always liked. I suggested this knowing that every time she bent over, at least half of the guys at the table would be getting an eyeful of her gorgeous 36C breasts.

She didn't really need to, but she asked anyway about a bra and I told her if she was comfortable, it would be more exciting if she went without. She just smiled saying that sounded good to her and then she asked one more question; "So just to make sure I understand what the whole situation is; Chuck is the only guy who knows what happened at Lou's Tavern is that correct?"

I responded in the affirmative and she added another question;

"And no one at all except you knows about The Lakeside Resort; Is that right?"

Again, I assured her that no one, not even Chuck knew about our weekend with the four doctors. She was obviously relieved. Then she asked me how I was going to introduce the whole situation to the guys so I went over my little preplanned speech. I also told her that the guys who were uncomfortable would be heading home at 10:00 but the rest of the guys would stick around for her final visit of the evening. I told her that she should come downstairs about 10:10 but this time she should be wearing her little black teddy. She asked; "What about a robe or cover up?"

"That's entirely up to you babe, you decide what's most comfortable for you."

She snuggled up to me in bed and said; "Sounds like fun to me, I only hope it will be fun for you as well!"

Thursday night the guys began showing up about a quarter til seven and by ten after we were dealing the cards for our first game. Once everyone had a couple of beers under their belt, Chuck and I began asking about the hottest things any of our wives had ever done. Fortunately, Jeff pipped up that one time he and Brenda were out water skiing at the lake. When they were taking a break, Brenda took her top off and was lounging in the sun on the bench seat at the back of the boat. Anyone passing by could easily see her in all her glory. He said he had a hard on the rest of the day and that night their sex was out of this world.

Wally then told about the time that he and June had gone to the Caribbean and by chance stumbled onto a clothing optional beach. At first, they kept their swimsuits on but by lunch time they were both naked as jay birds and having a great time. The sun was intense, so about 2:00 they went back to their bungalow and within seconds of closing the door they were stripped and rolling around on the bed like a couple of teenagers.

Everyone was getting a kick out of the direction our conversation was going and that's when Chuck asked if I wanted to tell the guys what happened with Holly at Lou's Tavern. (This is the way he and I decided we would get into the story of Jim the psychiatrist).

I said; "Oh gosh, I don't know, it's kind of embarrassing."

Of course, the guys played right into our hands and started pressing me to share the story. So, I shared the whole thing and you could have heard a pin drop.

At first, we were still playing poker while sharing our stories, but by the time I told them about my return to the Tavern near closing time and how I walked into Lou's office, all cards were face down on the table and all eyes were on me. I even shared with them about the three specific commands that Holly responds to under hypnosis and how she responds. When I finished, they started asking me if Holly ever found out what had happened, so of course I told them how over the next couple of weeks after the event, I shared every detail with her.

The guys were all amazed but the big shock came when I told them how Holly and I had met with Jim later and he taught me how to put Holly into the same hypnotic state. And also how to get her to wake up out of hypnosis. Inevitably as expected one of them asked if I had ever hypnotized her since that night.

I responded, "Not really, except that Jim put her under hypnosis and I woke her up just so I could see how it worked." Then I said; "Come on guys, let's keep playing, I feel like winning some more of your money."

Rich dealt the next hand and as a matter of fact, I did win that hand so I said: "Gosh guys, I feel so good about taking your money, how would you feel if I brought Holly down tonight and put her into a hypnotic state? That way you could see her act like a 'sex crazed woman' right before your eyes."

There were shouts of excitement all around the table and Jeff then asked; "Do you mean that she would give us blow jobs and let us fuck her?"

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