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The Puppet Master Ch. 01


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One day Bethany sat outside on a bench, reading a script, as Mikhail walked by.

"Hello Mrs. Worth," Mikhail smiled as he called for her attention.

Bethany let the paper drop and smiled up at him over the top of it. The sun was to his back and she was glad she had on her sunglasses as she took in the tall and good-looking young man, with his handsome face and thick wavy black hair. She thought Mikhail possessed a self-confidence, which was quite unusual for a young man. She smiled back at him and said, "Hello to you, Mr. Davydov. You're looking good today. Be careful, someone could easily take you for a young hot actor."

Mikhail lifted his head up suddenly as if being surprised and then teased, "So you think I'm hot Bethany?"

Bethany started to blush. She had really fumbled herself into a conversation he was sure she had not planned.

Many of their text conversations had been rehearsed in his head before he began them. Most of them were business related or family related. This opened an opportunity.

"I...no...," Bethany stammered.

"It's okay with me. I'm just glad I'm not sticking out in this crowd. May I ask the beautiful lady for a lunch date?"

Bethany sat the script aside and walked over to where he was. She didn't stand close enough that he could touch her and said, "I'd love to."


"How is your family?" Mikhail asked as Bethany took her seat across from him at the restaurant.

"The girls are all good. The two oldest are auditioning for small roles in movies," Bethany smiled.

Mikhail noticed she didn't mention her husband, but from his surveillance of the house he knew, that he had moved out a couple of days ago after another huge fight with Bethany over their money trouble.

They both laughed. She continued, "I am so glad you asked me out to lunch. It's been a while since I been out with anyone interesting,"

They shared small talk for some time. Bethany felt, that Mikhail was easy to talk to. With a warm smile she asked, "I hope I'm not pushing the boundaries of our newly formed friendship. But please tell me something about yourself."

Mikhail saw an opportunity and said, "I'm an orphan. I was left on a bench in Moscow and grew up on the streets. It was a tough life and I was responsible for my rise from a Russian orphan working the streets to the investment firms in London. I don't like to talk about it, because there are plenty of unhappy memories."

"Oh my," Bethany said with tears in her eyes. She blurted out quickly, "I'm glad you survived."

Mikhail leaned back in his stool and tilted his head saying, "Survived....I did more than that. Apparently there is a Hollywood star who thinks I'm hot."

"Stop it." Bethany could feel her face blushing and cleared her throat. "I'm just glad your trust me with your story."

"Keep it between ourselves," Mikhail laughed and raised his hand and the waitress approached. "Can we get two glasses of champagne?"

The girl walked away and Mikhail said, "Champagne is the only way to celebrate a new friendship!"

Bethany laughed. "I can live with that."

They both laughed as the champagne was placed in front of them. Toasting to a new friendship they took a sip.


That night Mikhail was happy. His plan had worked and he was getting very close to his target.


Some days later Bethany was standing on the set, when her fellow actress Maureen Kieran walked up to her. There was a break from filming the scene and Maureen started a conversation.

"Have you heard, that the producers have found a company, who wants to invest in the show."

"I know. Some time ago I showed a representative around the studio," Bethany replied.

"That's right I noticed you were with a young man with dark hair. He's yummy hot," Maureen laughed.

Bethany thought to herself, "How can Maureen say things like this when Mikhail is disgustingly close to the age of the shows young stars."

Maureen continued not realizing Bethany's distaste, "He had such a handsome face and his dark good looks were kind of broodingly, yet dangerously intense. And the scar just above his right eyebrow makes him dangerously hot. As I said yummy."

"I hadn't really noticed. I was busy making a good presentation," Bethany replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I've heard you and Joe are in a tough spot right now. Someone said he had moved out," Maureen said with a bitchy glee.

This was typical Hollywood Bethany thought but she replied with a strained smile, "You're well informed. Joe and I was separated a month ago. Now you'll have to excuse me."

Bethany walked away, while thinking on her situation. She hadn't been thinking of dating again, but Maureen's rude comment about Mikhail made her aware of his appearance. Maybe....no she laughed at the silly notion. He was so much younger than her, so he wouldn't be remotely interested in her, when there were so many young women around. For all she knew, he was seeing her as a mother figure.


Mikhail continued to insinuate himself into the life of Bethany and her family. He would call her and chat with her about anything and nothing. He was pleasantly surprised, when Bethany also started to call him in the same fashion. In the beginning he didn't flirt. He felt, she wouldn't have welcomed that. Mikhail was astute enough to realize she was still upset over her break-up with her husband. He wooed her in a different way, by praising her children. He had met them a couple of times and they had accepted his friendship with their mother. Bethany began to invite him to family dinners and he accepted gladly.

One day after dinner Bethany was telling him about something that had happened on the set. He was pretty uninterested. He had eyes only for Bethany, who sat next to him with her slender tanned legs crossed, with a thin gold chain around the ankle. He could not take his eyes off her foot in the black silk shoe that swung back and forth and got the little chain to flash seductively.

As Bethany started to talk about the strain relationship with her husband and their financial struggles, Mikhail decided to test the waters. He leaned forward and gently stroked her hand. He continued caressing her delicate hand without her trying to pull it away.

"How are you holding up?" he asked.

"I'm fine," she said.

Mikhail let his fingers slip around her palm and squeezed it encouraging. "You're underestimate yourself. You're beautiful, charming and intelligent. And hot. Everybody loves you. And I've seen how the children adore you."

"The kids have taken it fine," Bethany said. She let him hold her hand. He was so nice, so comforting. It was not anything sexual, she said to herself. Only a friendly hand that held hers. But she had noticed, he had called her hot.

Mikhail squeezed her compliant hand for a moment and let it go. He rose from the couch and poured them a drink. He wanted to mellow her with alcohol, so he could take some chances with her.

He poured wine into two glasses and brushed her hand when he gave her glass and looked deep into her eyes.

Bethany looked back into his intense eyes. Excitement widened her eyes and she smiled. She knew it was a little flirtatious, she admitted that to herself. But pleasing men was second nature to Bethany. She smiled and lifted her eyelids at a man in a way that conveyed how attractive and interesting he was. She thought it was a harmless habit and besides, she liked Mikhail even if he was so much younger than her.

Mikhail put his arm along the back of the couch. It touched gently on her shoulders. He casual pressed his thigh against hers. He would instantly retreat if she signaled he was going too far. He wasn't going to rush this. Planning her seduction was an excitement in itself. He told himself to be patient.

"You can trust me, Bethany. You don't have to be strong around me, I'll be the strong one. So unload all your problems to me, and then we'll try to find some solutions."

They talked for hours and Mikhail assured Bethany, that he would look into her finances. He kept on touching her in a small way, and she never signaled he was going too far.

"May I offer you another glass of wine?" Bethany asked.

Mikhail decided to refuse. "It's late," he said, "I have an early meeting tomorrow."

He thought he saw a disappointed glint in her eyes. It was encouraging. He took her hand between his hands. He lifted and kissed it, and then let his lips fleeting stray her cheek.

"Thank you for a lovely evening. On Thursday we'll dine out - my treat as thanks for all the dinners, you've invited me to." Mikhail said, just before he walked out the door.

"That sounds nice. I look forward to our dinner." Bethany smiled at him.


To set the mood for their date, Mikhail sent Bethany some text during the week. "Wow, Mrs. Worth. I've checked up on your career. Yesterday I got hold of an old series starring you and I'll just say wow :-)"

As Bethany read the text, she couldn't hide a smile. She knew, Mikhail referred to a night soaper centered at a fictional tropic isle resort, she had done for PlayboyTv years back. She wrote back, "That was a long time ago, time has taken its toll."

A minute later another text biped in on Bethany's phone. "Stop it. Like a fine wine, you just get better with age. Looking forward to Thursday."

Bethany smiled at this. Maybe she was older than Mikhail, but he seemed interested in her. She texted back, "Me too, and I've gotten a babysitter, so we can relax and enjoy."


Thursday evening a sleek black stretch limousine pulled into Bethany's driveway. Mikhail got out as Bethany walked out of the door. What a vision she made. She had on a clingy red dress, which showed off her luscious breast and tanned skin. She had curled her hair and was looking really hot.

"Wow, as I wrote. Just like fine wine," Mikhail said as he greeted Bethany with a kiss on her chin.

"Stop it. I just wanted to look nice, because it's the first time in ages I've been out on a date," Bethany said and then stammered, "Not that I think of this as a date."

"Definitely a date. I'll be envied by all the other men tonight," Mikhail laughed and pulled Bethany into the limo.

Mikhail knew, that tonight was the night were his dreams would come true. He had chosen a new underground play and booked a table at an intimate little night spot where a pianist played sentimental music and couples could inch their way round a tiny square of dance floor.

The play was witty and frankly erotic. Mikhail noticed how often Bethany laughed. She often turned around and smiled at him. One time he leaned toward her and whispered, "I'm sorry, I didn't know it would be so daring."

"It's great, just what I needed," Bethany whispered back.

Mikhail instinctively knew she was ready, but he would have to take his time. Bethany was still conscious of her failed marriage, still somewhat loyal to her husband. Mikhail sensed she wanted to make love. He could feel the sexual restlessness in her and the constant moistening of her lips with the tip of her tongue made him aroused.

She was a healthy, warm-blooded woman and she needed a man. He was going to have her this night, he knew it. He thought she probably knew it too. The play had set the mood for the slow piano music and the body contact as they danced. They were hardly moving and their cheeks were close together. Mikhail's pelvis pushed forward till their groins were touching. He knew, she could feel him through her thin red dress.

As the evening came to an end and they once again sat in the limo, Mikhail asked softly, making his voice very low, "Do you want to see my place?"

"I don't think we should," Bethany whispered unsure.

Mikhail moved closer and took hold of her hand, "I think we should. You deserves some happiness in your life."

Bethany wasn't sure she would be able to stop him from coming toward her. And if he were to sit closer toward her and put his arms around her, she'd have to tell him that was a bad idea with her being just separated and so much older than him. On the other side she wanted him to kiss her. She wanted him to wrap her in his arms and force this burning physical attraction she was feeling a fog over all of her inhibitions, until the only thing she cared about was the pleasure he could bring.

"Please, don't..." Her voice was hoarse, barely more than a whisper.

Mikhail leaned in and kissed Bethany, softly, sweetly, brushing his lips against hers. He pulled back, looked into her beautiful brown eyes, and she tried to protest, "Mikhaiiiiiiiil....."

"Shhh," he said softly and lowered his head slowly, giving her plenty of time to escape.

Satisfied Mikhail felt, how Bethany lifted her mouth, closing the last fraction of an inch that gaped between them. Her lips were soft, her mouth sweet, tasting faintly of wine. He touched her lips with his tongue. She opened her mouth to him, and he kissed her with passion, kissing her harder and deeper.

Mikhail pulled her onto his lap to straddle him, exploring her soft curves with his hands. After some time he pulled her dress down and groaned as he filled his hands with her full round breasts. He leaned forward and drew a hard pink nipple into his mouth, tugging and tasting, drawing harder and harder, until Bethany cried out.

Bethany felt Mikhail's hardness through his pants, pressing herself against him shamelessly.

The car was filled with their moans, but after some time Mikhail pulled back and looked into Bethany's passion filled eyes. He liked what he saw.

"We're here. Let's get out." He said and lifted Bethany in his powerful arms. Before she could say anything, they were in the house and Mikhail was almost running towards the bedroom. He didn't give Bethany time to object and soon after she was standing beside a king-size bed.

Mikhail kissed Bethany once again, as he unzipped her dress and tugged lightly at it. Soon it was slowly sliding down her beautiful body. Mikhail noticed, she was wearing a laced and almost transparent thong. He pulled them down and made Bethany step out of them.

Mikhail took in Bethany's hot mature body, "Wow. You look really hot, Bethany. You have a fantastic body. Look at those breasts, so full and still so perky." Mikhail let a finger trace around one of Bethany's nipples and trailed down the curve of her breast. "Your stomach is so flat and your hips are so shapely," he continued as he leaned in and kissed her again.

Bethany was filled with desire. She had been afraid, that she was too old for him, but his praise made her feel desired. She had to let him know that she didn't want to think, she didn't want to stop, she only wanted to feel. Bethany tried to unbutton Mikhail's shirt. She wanted to touch him. With one hand he helped her and they yanked his shirt over his head. Soon after Mikhail was also naked.

He pushed Bethany lightly down on the bed and stood naked in front of her in all his glory.

Bethany looked at Mikhail. He was naked. Completely naked. She found herself staring, her mouth all but hanging open in surprise. In Hollywood some men looked better with their clothes on, but Mikhail was not one of them. In fact he surprised her big time. The young man was in outrageously good shape. He had muscular arms, shoulders and his stomach was a defined washboard. Bethany's eyes zoomed in on his manhood. Her eyes widened as she took in Mikhail's massive throbbing pole.

Mikhail got up on the bed and admired the vision beneath him, as he positioned himself right along his dream woman. Bethany was a vision with her blonde hair framing her radiant face with those amazing dark-lashed brown eyes and full sensual lips. Mikhail decided to take his time, so he began to kiss Bethany gently on the mouth and then let his mouth make butterfly kisses along her jawline. As he reached her ear he buried his face in her soft hair and was surrounded by her exquisite sensual scent.

Mikhail ran his fingers through Bethany's hair and said, "You're so beautiful. I can't stop kissing you."

"Don't stop, it feels really good," Bethany said as she turned her head and her lips found Mikhail's.

Mikhail started to kiss Bethany's throat and moved his right hand from her waist to her breast. As he gently squeezed it he felt her nipple tighten and spring to life. As he rolled her stiff nipple between his fingers once again his lips sought out her moist lips in some passionate kisses. Bethany moaned into his mouth and pushed her full breast up against his hand.

Mikhail gently nipped her bottom lip and then he licked his way down her throat until he arrived at those twin mountains. Right away he began to worship her breasts, he had been dreaming about for so long. Mikhail kissed, bit and licked gently all around her pink nipples. He moved from one tit to the other, only sucking her nipple into his mouth.

Bethany started to whimper, as she experienced her body react to her young lover's teasing.

Mikhail drew her nipple out with his teeth and then lashed it with the tip of his tongue. He let his hands roam all over Bethany's body. It was obvious to him, she had kept herself in top shape. His fingers danced lightly over her flat stomach, before arriving at her wet slit. Soon Mikhail moved down between her slender tanned legs. He spread her legs to his hungry eyes. He touched her then, first with his gaze and then with his mouth, kissing the inside of her knee, then higher, wending his sensuous way up her thigh.

Bethany was trembling. She was actually shaking. She knew what she should do. She should slip away, out of his grasp, walk to the other side of the room and tell him no. No, she didn't want this. She was just separated and he was too young. But if she voiced her concerns, she would be lying. She wanted Mikhail like she never wanted a man before.

Bethany could feel his hands at her waist. Then she felt him kiss her intimately. Softly at first, but then harder, deeper. She could feel his tongue, feel the wetness of his mouth, feel him kissing and exploring as his hands slid down to cup her derriere and hold her more securely against him. She should be the experienced one, but it was shockingly intimate. She'd never known a man bold enough to think he could do such a thing. She waited for a moment, listening for herself to tell him to stop, but all she could say was his name.

She was lost.

She felt her body arch, felt herself opening and moving toward him, wanting more. She laced her fingers through his hair, holding him in place, afraid that he would stop, afraid...

Mikhail let his tongue dance lightly around her opening. Fuck, she tasted good. He enjoyed her taste and grinned to himself as he grabbed her smooth tanned thighs and drove his tongue into her depths. Bethany moaned as more of her juices flowed into Mikhail's mouth. He had been fantasized about this moment at least a thousand times, but none match the reality. Her womanly scent filled his nose like an aphrodisiac. He ran his fingers over her labia and was amazed at the inner moist heat coming from this gorgeous woman.

"Aaaarrghh," Bethany screamed as Mikhail's mouth found her clit and he sucked on it. He positioned one of his fingers at the entrance to her moist hole and as he once more sucked her tiny pebble into his mouth he slowly pushed his finger inside her tight mature pussy.

"Oh, Mikhail, don't stop, please don't stop," Bethany moaned out loud.

Mikhail slid his finger deeper into her pussy. He licked around her clit and began to thrust two fingers in and out of Bethany's tight pussy. Bethany pushed her ass off the bed in an attempt to meet his thrusts.

"Oh, God. I'm so cloooose," Bethany screamed and began to buck against Mikhail's hand as she climaxed.

Mikhail kept stimulating her with his mouth and fingers, watching his dream woman go through the throes of her orgasm.

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