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The Quarterback and the Tutor Ch. 05

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Tom busts up with Sandy; he and Lucas move forward.
5.3k words

Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/19/2015
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I walked into the engineering building for my 8 AM class on Tuesday morning and was met in the main lobby by Sue Martin. She was obviously bubbling over with news she couldn't wait to share with me. She was a close friend of mine and we'd shared a few classes together even though she was a chemical engineering major.

"Have you heard the news about Tom Braddock?" she asked conspiratorially.

My heart was in my throat. Had something bad happened to him? Had he been in an accident? I kept my face blank of emotion.

"Haven't heard a thing, Sue. He sent me a text message yesterday that he wouldn't be able to make the tutoring session Monday night. I figured he had something else come up."

"Oh, something came up alright," she snickered. "Yesterday he caught Sandy fucking Roger Kitchens in his office. BUTT. ASS. NAKED. I hear he went ballistic and they've busted up!"

I was shocked but I didn't want to over react to the gossip.

"I guess SO, he couldn't very well let her get away with that, could he?" I laughed. "It seems the quarterback and the cheerleading princess were not the fairytale romance we all thought they were. Isn't it odd that Roger Kitchens would be having sex with a student in his office?"

"That's where it gets even more scandalous," she giggled. "I hear he's been called on the carpet over it and it could cost him his job."

"Yeah, what is it that he does exactly? I've heard his name but I don't know anything about him."

"He's an associate professor of French literature in the language department and he's a good looking bastard too. I wouldn't mind doing him myself."

I laughed.

"Come on, Sue. I can't imagine you getting involved with a professor."

"Come on, my ass. Lucas, sometimes I think you live in an air bubble. You've got this reputation as a great lover but to me you border on being a total dork."

"Thanks a lot, Sue," I grinned. "I love you too. So what happened with Tom and Sandy or do you know? How did he even come to be at Roger Kitchens' office anyway?"

"Well, I heard that he'd been following Sandy around because he suspected her of cheating," she whispered. "So he had a screaming fit and threatened to beat Kitchens' ass and several people came around to stop the fight. And Sandy and the professor were totally naked while this was going on in front of everybody. Tom threw their clothes out the window and they were on the third floor!"

I laughed to myself. Tom must have thoroughly enjoyed that episode. It definitely saved him from the pain of initiating his breakup with Sandy.

"What about Sandy? What did she have to say about all this?"

"Oh, she was crying and screaming and accusing Tom of stalking her. It got really nasty with her claiming it was all his fault because he stopped having sex with her. I'm sure it'll all be in the campus newspaper this week."

"I'm sure," I said sarcastically. "Nothing like adding to the continuing soap opera saga of this university. I swear more shit like this happens here than at a dozen other schools combined."

"I haven't seen Tom this morning and I heard he called the engineering office and said he's going to be out a few days. To recover from the shock, I guess.

"Somehow I doubt that," I snorted. "At least he'd better not. His classes are too damn tough to skip. Plus, he's got Barnes AND Crenshaw in the same semester."

"No wonder the poor guy needs a tutor. One of them alone is enough to drive you crazy, both of them together could give you a nervous breakdown."

At that very moment Tom walked in the front door, saw us, and walked over, grinning.

"Goddamn, you guys. Can you believe all this shit? I feel like a rock star. I must have been stopped fifty times on the way across campus. I even got my picture taken several times. Fucking unbelievable."

That was my arrogant Tom at his zenith, posing for the campus paparazzi.

"Sue was just telling me how brokenhearted you are," I deadpanned.

"Brokenhearted? Relieved is more like it. I've been wanting to play the field for some time now and I was stuck with Sandy. Guys, I AM IN HEAVEN!" he laughed.

These comments were directed at Sue for her benefit and the shock on her face was priceless.

"I heard you were going to beat Roger Kitchens to a pulp," she gasped.

"Well, it was hot there for a minute or so but I think I'm going to send the guy some flowers or something as a thank you present."

"I can't believe it. I guess it's a good thing guys can recover from these things so fast. What about Sandy?"

"What about her? I'm just glad to be rid of her and I don't care what she thinks. Look, I need to go to the little boy's room before class and I'll catch you guys later."

"I need to get to class early so I'll see you two later."

Sue waved and left us.

"Tom, you do realize most of the campus will know about this conversation before five o'clock today?"

"Of course I do, Lucas. I found out about Sue being the department gossip queen when we were freshmen." He winked at me and laughed. "Do you think I laid it on too thick? Anyway, the main person I want to hear it is Sandy."

"Oh, she will, I'm sure. Sue's best friend is Elizabeth Peters and..."

"And she's on the cheerleading squad."

"You better go do your business fast in the restroom. Classes start in five minutes."

"I've got to make a quick run to the library on break so are we on for lunch today?"

"Are you sure your adoring public can spare you?"

"Kiss my ass."

I gave him a look that let him know I'd love to kiss it and he grinned.

I had to force myself to pay attention in my morning classes. All I could think about was Tom breaking up with Sandy and that I didn't have to be jealous of her hold over him anymore. Tom was waiting for me on the green under our usual oak tree when I finished my last morning class. Somehow he'd managed to sit on a bench without being surrounded by friends and the curious.

"This looks peaceful."

"Yeah, I was just beginning to wonder if I've become invisible or something," he laughed. "People have been following me around between classes and even in class I've had people ask me about it."

We were walking toward the cafeteria.

"How did this little drama play out, Tom? You couldn't possibly have been luckier."

"I'd had a couple of guys tell me that Sandy was fucking Kitchens in his office. Man, how stupid can you get? They even told me what time she was usually there so I just followed her and opened the door. They were butt naked fucking on his couch."

"How goddamn stupid is it to not even lock the damn door?"

"They did," he grinned. "Davy Lewis is fucking Kitchens' secretary and he got the office key from her and made a copy. So all I had to do was show up, unlock the door, and burst in, the wronged boyfriend."

He was laughing mischievously and this was Tom at his playful puppy dog little boy best. I wanted to kiss him because I adored him when he was like this.

"Of course you screamed and made a scene just like Sue said you did..."

"Naturally," he snickered. "I had to make a scene no one would ever forget. The highlight was throwing their clothes out the window. Man, you should have seen them in the wind."

We'd sat down at our table with our hamburgers and fries and I could feel the eyes of the dining room on us. There was a slight hush and I knew people were listening to us. Finally, two guys from Tom's dorm came up and asked to sit with us.

"Lucas, this is Ben Atlee and Sean Combs. They're on my hall."

"You don't seem too heartbroken, Braddock. The word was that you're beside yourself with grief and anger," Atlee said.

"Ready for psychiatric counseling," Combs grinned.

"Oh, I'm so broken up over it I've decided to give up on women and I'm going to take up with men from now on, maybe Lucas here."

We all laughed as Tom and I exchanged knowing glances.

"Oh yeah, the word's already on the grapevine that you couldn't be happier," Combs laughed. "The word's also out that your ex is furious. She's been telling everyone that you quit having sex with her and she knows you were cheating on her. That's why she took up with Professor Kitchens or so she's saying now."

"Oh, really? I quit fucking her because she's as frigid as a deep freezer and I felt like my dick was going to crack off every time I stuck it in the ice. If Kitchens was able to thaw her out more power to him."

"This ought to make for an interesting situation on the football field with her having to cheer you and the team on," I said.

"Screw her. We've only got three more regular games and then however many playoff games we make. I don't give a shit if she cheers or not."

We finished lunch and Tom and I walked out on the green again. He squeezed my hand briefly.

"Can I come over tonight?" he asked quietly. "I know we don't usually have a session on Tuesday night but since I missed last night I thought maybe you wouldn't mind."

"You can come over any night you want to," I replied softly. "I'd like it if you came every night."

"Maybe I will for a while and if anyone asks I'll just say I'm spending extra time with my best friend while I'm getting over the breakup."

I burst out laughing.

"That ought to go over well since you've broadcast it to everyone that you're ecstatic that you're single again. Yeah, you're really grieving."

"I don't care what people think right now."

"Careful, Tom. And officially, you're still being charged my fee three nights a week. The other nights are gratis time between friends."

"Of course, Professor, let's keep this on a strictly tutor/student arrangement," he laughed. "I'll see you tonight. God, I wish I could kiss you right here in front of everyone on the green."

"We'll make up for it tonight. Just remember right now a thousand eyes are watching your every move and half of them will be reporting what they see to your ex."

"Damn, I know," he sighed. "Later, man. I'll pick up some KFC for us. You prefer chicken breasts right?"

"Get the strips and then we don't have to mess with the bones."

"I'll pick whatever sides look good at the time. Okay?"

I nodded and we parted.

I walked on to the library. I usually did a lot of my homework there and I was in a study group that met in the library every Tuesday afternoon, sometimes more often. We had our meeting and discussed class topics and our notes before working on difficult class assignments together.

I went home and changed into shorts and tee shirt with the university logo before lying down on the couch to take a welcome nap. I must have slept a couple of hours or so because I was awakened by Tom knocking on my door at six. He was laden with his books, his canvas bag, and bags of KFC.

"I came prepared to spend the night," he grinned. "I figured you wouldn't mind since I brought supper."

"Get in here, stud."

I closed the door and pushed him up against it, kissing him and holding him tight. The food, his books and bag were dropped to the floor. I fell to my knees and unfastened his jeans, pulling them and his underwear to the floor. His penis began to grow.

"Oh, god, Lucas, suck my cock," he groaned.

I sucked his dick in my mouth, deep throating him, my nose buried in his thick pubic hair. I pushed his shirt up and rubbed his chest, pinching his nipples. Tom could be a loud expressive lover and he was moaning, making sounds of sexual passion.

He began to fuck my mouth, grabbing my head in his hands. I played with his balls, pulling on them gently; I put my hand up for him suck on my fingers before I began to insert them, one, two, three into his asshole. He was leaning back against the door with his legs spread to give me better entry.

"Suck my big cock," he yelled.

He made one final push into my mouth and began to shoot his load. He whimpered and moaned as I fucked his ass with my fingers, probing his prostate. It was a race for me to swallow all of his cum as he forced his cock down my throat.

Then it was over and he collapsed to his knees beside me.

"Jack off in my face, baby," he whispered. "Do it now."

I stood up and pulled my shorts down.

"Strip naked for me. I want to see your beautiful body."

I quickly stripped and he pulled his jersey off. I stood over him and began to jack off. I knew I wouldn't last long, looking at his stunning face and body, and I decided to give him a show. I wet my fingers on one hand and inserted a finger in my asshole while I played with my cock with the other.

His eyes never left my body, his face and chest flushed with sexual heat, and I could feel my balls rolling while my groin ached to orgasm. He moved forward and his face was so near my cock I could feel his hot breath. I began to masturbate faster and faster until I reached the point of no return and the ejaculations began.

I aimed at his face and the first shot splashed over his nose. I counted the blasts, nine of them, a flood of cum that covered his face and chest.

"Goddamn, Lucas," he said hoarsely. "I've never seen anyone cum as much as you do, not even in a porno movie. And the taste is addictive."

He was licking his face and using his fingers to eat my cum. I knelt beside him and began to lick him, transferring the cum from my mouth to his. When we were done he held me in his arms.

"I love you," he whispered. "I'm so glad I'm your man because you make me so happy."

He buried his face in my neck and I felt him trembling as if he was crying. I felt wetness on my shoulder but I didn't know if it was tears or cum. I knew from the way he clung to me that the breakup with Sandy had affected him far more than he'd pretended.

I held him close to me as he made every effort to control his emotions. Finally he kissed my cheek.

"You're so good to me, Lucas. I'm such an asshole and I don't know why I deserve you."

"Well, you're my asshole and I love you. Don't put yourself down."

He laughed.

"I'm your asshole and I love to eat your asshole out," he snickered. "Isn't that what you call a conundrum?"

I slapped his head gently.

"Who the hell knows, asshole? Let's eat this chicken before it gets too cold."

I got us two Cokes and we sat naked on the floor in front of the television, feeding each other boneless chicken strips and potato wedges. When we finished I put the leftovers in the fridge as he got his books together to study.

"Let's take a shower first," he suggested. "I'm starting to feel sticky from all the cum you shot on me."

We took a shower, bathing each other lovingly, then dried off before dressing in fresh underwear. He held my hand as we walked back to the living room.

"You ready to attack this engineering work?" I grinned.

"As ready as I'll ever be, I guess, but I'd rather go to sleep in your arms watching television."

"You can do that. As soon as you finish your homework, lover boy."

I couldn't tear my eyes away from him while he worked. He was just so beautiful and seemed so innocent that I wanted to protect him, to take care of him. Periodically I'd help him with a problem if he got stumped.

More and more I'd come to realize that Tom's need for a tutor was questionable. He could have passed his classes without me but I made him better. His test scores were higher because of me but he was definitely not slow or dense. He'd already told me that he decided he needed a tutor but only if that tutor was me.

So I worked with him, helping him to excel, to get the A plus where before he might have gotten a B plus or just an A. I was proud of him because he tried so hard and was determined to graduate in the top percent of our class. His dream was to be an NFL quarterback but he was not content to skate by and be handed a worthless degree.

He put his pencil down and lay his head in my lap, facing my stomach. I could feel the warmth of his breath on my crotch as I combed his hair gently with my fingers.

"All done with your homework, Tom?"

"No," he said softly. "I just need you to hold me for a while."

His voice was filled with unspoken emotion.

"Are you okay, baby?"

He shook his head no.

"You wanna tell me about it?"

He wrapped his arm around my waist and buried his face in my crotch and stomach. There was nothing sexual about it and no erections. He was in emotional pain, seeking comfort.

"Everything will be okay, Tom. I'll take care of everything I can, scare all the boogeymen away for you."

"You'd really do that too, wouldn't you, Lucas? I'm sorry I'm so depressed."

"It'll be alright. Can tell me why you're so depressed? I thought you were happy about the breakup."

"Oh, I am," he said miserably. "There's just so much pressure on me. What am I going to do, Lucas?"

I pulled him up to my chest and held him like a baby in my arms.

"Can I do something to take some of the pressure off you? Tell me what's wrong, Tom."

He burrowed his face in my chest, his breath ragged and hard.

"Sandy's blaming me for everything. She texted me and said she only went with Kitchens because I've neglected her but she's willing to forgive me and take me back. She wants me to go to the president and intercede on Kitchens behalf or he's going to lose his job."

"You DID text her back and tell her to go fuck herself, didn't you?"

He shook his head no, his eyes filled with misery.

"I got a call from the coach on my cell phone, chewing me out for making such a scene in Kitchens' office. He told me Kitchens will probably be fired because of me and he's thinking about benching me Friday night. Too much negative publicity, he said."

"WHAT?! He's full of shit and I don't think he'll do it, Tom! It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! Without you they'd lose the game because Victor Thomas can't throw worth a damn. He's the lousiest backup quarterback there ever was and Friday's game is against a team we've lost to more than won."

"I think that's one of the reasons he's going to bench me; because he doesn't think we're going to win anyway. Coach really likes Sandy and he was always going on about how we're perfect for each other. He knows Sandy's family from back when she was a little girl. And yeah, Victor's not very good but Coach is so mad with me I think he'd lose a game just to punish me."

Our relationship had obviously developed to the point that Tom was able to let down the façade of the macho quarterback always in charge. I looked at his perfect face and saw a side of him that I didn't think many ever saw.

"Maybe I can help."

"How? How can you help, Lucas? You can't make Coach Sanders do anything he doesn't want to and he's really pissed with me about this. Oh god, what am I going to do?"

"Will you let me take care of it? I've met Sanders several times and he's not as strong as you think."

"How can you say that?"

"I'm a good judge of character and I see things that most people don't. When you've spent your entire life in the closet you learn how to read people like a book, like you've got a sixth sense. I know how to read the mood in a room as soon as I walk in the door and whether or not I need to be on the defensive."

"I'M gay and I'VE spent my whole life hiding it so why can't I do that?"

"Your ego. You're an arrogant prick," I laughed. "You think you're infallible and you walk through life expecting to be treated like a god."

"I DO NOT!" he yelled.

"Yes you do, Tom, but don't worry about it. It's just who you are, that part of you that makes you a great quarterback and a great leader."

He kissed my chest.

"I'm nothing without people to back me up. Like you, Lucas. You complete me."

He was so miserable, so deeply depressed, and I could feel his pain. His coach rejecting him was at the root of his problem, not the breakup with Sandy.

"I'll take care of it, Tom, but you need to do what I ask."

"Okay. What?"

"Tomorrow I'm going to talk to Louisa Martindale at lunch and tell her that Sanders has benched you because he's known Sandy all her life and he's mad with you over it."


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