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The Rainbow

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Encounter with mysterious stranger has deeper meaning.
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Note: This story was inspired by the spiritual and uplifting poems of Du Lac, one of Literotica's most exquisite poets.

Pam Kernis walked eagerly to Stone Ridge State Park. The feisty thirty six year old felt better than she had in days, and was determined to get in a relaxing swim. Although the grounds officially opened at 9 AM, Pam had discovered a way of sneaking in using a hidden trail and could enjoy a pleasant dip without anyone bothering her.

The sun was just peering above the horizon as Pam increased her pace. She was in a surprisingly good mood considering the circumstances. Her life had taken a dramatic turn nearly five years ago, when her husband abruptly abandoned his family for a nineteen year old floozy. Pam was left to raise her identical twin daughters Rosa and Pearl on her own, and the constant battle to collect child support weighed heavily on her mind. But the twelve year old girls were doing as well as could be expected, knock on wood. They were avid soccer players and had just recently made the High Honor Roll. Pam was so proud of them.

As difficult as her divorce had been, the devastating news had come just two years before, when Pam was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. She had been given just six months to live, plunging her into a deep depression. When the clouds cleared, Pam's life became an obstacle course of chemotherapy treatments, radiation, unflattering hairpieces, and family therapy. Yet, she had persevered, eating a nutritious diet and exercising regularly. Her doctor shook his head as she passed the one year survival mark, then eighteen months. Eventually the day came when Pam had enough of the dreadful chemotherapy shots that made her so sick. She opted for no further treatment at all, despite the objections of everyone around her. Pam had always believed in holistic, natural medicine, and decided instead to continue her healthy vegetarian diet and exercise regimen.

That was two months ago, and although Pam often felt very tired, the clean mountain air exhilarated her and heightened her senses. Yet, as she walked Pam couldn't help but think about her current situation. Although it had been very exciting to watch her girls mature into beautiful young women, Pam sorely missed male companionship. She had gotten so self-conscious about her ill fitting hairpieces she rarely dated. And besides, who would date someone with cancer anyway?

Pam tried to push the doubting thoughts out of her mind as she reached the pile of wood that hid a rarely used trail leading to the back of Stone Ridge State Park. It seemed to take a little extra effort to move the dozen or so logs in the ill defined pile, but eventually she squeezed by the rotting stumps and continued on her way. In a few minutes she reached the imposing Lake Okukaw, 250 acres of virginal wilderness. The morning sun reflected off the aquamarine water as two cardinals frolicked in the wild bayberry bushes lining the shore. Pam took out her towel and quickly got out of her skimpy bikini top and matching teal pants. Although she knew it was risky, the lithe blonde had been sunbathing in the nude for a couple of weeks now. She then went for an energizing swim, being sure to leave the premises before the park rangers started preparing the park to open about 8:30.

Pam leaned back on her towel and closed her eyes, taking in the various competing sounds around her. The gentle "phoe-be" of the black capped chickadee, a distant morning dove imitating an owl, and the splashing play of a nearby waterfall. For a moment she was one with nature, and experienced intense rapture whereby time stood completely still and her ravaged body was made whole. After what seemed to be an eternity, but was probably only 15 minutes, Pam opened her eyes, utterly refreshed. She ran toward the warm shallows, splashing herself and whistling in glee as Lake Okukaw and her shared a secret. Pam's hair had just started to grow back, and was so golden it would put a towhead to shame. She had lost considerable weight, but so far had managed to avoid appearing malnourished.

Pam lay back on a small raft that had been washed up in the shallows, once more closing her eyes and wallowing in the enchanting sounds of nature. She was just about to fall asleep when a strong masculine voice startled her.

"Hello....Is anyone there?"

Pam opened her eyes and let out a half shout/half scream as she took in the most handsome man she had ever seen. He was walking toward her on the bank clad only in a pair of white shorts, with a dazzling smile which melted her very core. Pam tried to hide her breasts with her hands, then realized the futility of the situation. She decided to act like there was nothing unusual about swimming in the nude, putting her arms down and idly treading the very shallow water.

"My name's Ray Milone....what's yours?"

Pam thought the name sounded familiar, but couldn't quite place it.

"Pam Kernis....what brings you here so early?"

"I was sent to help you." Ray had reached the edge of the water at this point and continued to stare lovingly at the enchanting young woman in front of him.

"Who sent you?" Pam was suddenly alarmed.

"The rainbow" Ray responded simply.

"The rainbow!" Pam was flabbergasted. "I don't see any rainbow."

"You'll see it when you believe it." Pam's jaw dropped as Ray lowered his shorts and boxers and quickly walked into the water toward her. He embraced her with infinite tenderness, kissing her gently on the cheek.

"You have beautiful skin." Ray slowly massaged Pam's arms, continuing up to her neck. One side of her could not believe she would let a total stranger do this...and yet...it felt so right, so utterly completely right.

Ray planted small kisses on Pam's neck as he slowly moved to her willing mouth. He kissed her passionately, probing his tongue past her moist lips as Pam quickly returned the favor. The two lovers exchanged deep sloppy wet kisses as time stood still. Pam could feel Ray's erection pressing against her thighs and yearned to have him deeply inside her. As if he coud read her mind, Ray positioned himself at the entry to her throbbing sex and gingerly pushed forward. Pam gave a cry of complete ecstasy as Ray's hardness entered her with aching slowness. Finally, he was inside her as deeply as he could go, and gently pulled back. The two bodies became one as they moaned in extreme bliss. Ray was by far the most considerate lover Pam had ever had. He matched her rhythm perfectly, and in a matter of minutes she felt herself building to a massive orgasm, something she hadn't experienced in years.

"Ray...I....I'm almost.."

"Pam...I'm...I'm going to.."

With a sudden intense grunt of pleasure, Ray spasmed between Pam's thighs, setting off her own orgasm.

"OOOOOHHHHHH Ray, Ray, Ray!"

"GAWWWWDDDD!" Ray screamed as he ejaculated a full eight spurts before collapsing on Pam's spent form.

The two completely satisfied lovers reluctantly made their way off the raft to the sandy beach. Ray once more embraced Pam in a full body hug that both of them never wanted to end. Pam was so tired from the intense lovemaking, she quickly fell asleep, dreaming about Ray kissing her forever...


Pam awoke with a start. The towel felt cold and clammy beneath her, as it had been misting lightly. Pam scrambled to find her clothes, but they were gone. She decided to wrap the towel around her, figuring that no one would see her anyway.

Suddenly, she remembered her encounter with the mysterious stranger. Everything about the whole situation seemed surreal, and Pam wondered if she had simply dreamed the whole thing. As she was walking away from the shore, a white piece of paper pinned by a rock caught her attention. It was a note! With trembling hands, Pam unwrapped the slightly moist document. Although there was some smearing, she could still make out all of the words:

Dear Pam,

I'm sorry I had to leave you so quickly. Hike up Pete's Pass to Overlook Point and you will see the rainbow. Then, I will be with you again, but only for a short time. I will never forget you.

Love, Ray Milone

Pam didn't understand why Ray would only be with her a short time, but it didn't matter, she simply had to see him again. Still holding the note, she started walking briskly to the entrance to Pete's Pass, about a half mile away. The rain increased in intensity, yet Pam was completely oblivious to it, caring only about her new found friend. Pam hiked up Pete's Pass in record time, and reached Overlook Point completely out of breath. She wasn't used to walking so much in one day, and plopped with relief onto the lone bench which afforded a magnificent view of the now distant Lake Okukaw. As Pam got her wind back, the rain gradually stopped and the sky brightened in spots. Pam concentrated on one part of the horizon where the clouds appeared to be parting. And then she saw it...

A breathtaking double rainbow, in vivid colors! Pam was blinded by the fire engine red, the tangerine orange. A thin strip of lemon yellow gave way to shamrock green, then a marvelous midnight blue. Finally, a voluptuous lavender completed the enchanting picture.

Pam reveled in the miracle, hoping Ray would arrive soon. As she watched the kaleidoscope of colors, a vague form above the rainbow began to take more definite shape. Pam's hands began to shake....it was a church, the church where her wedding was held! Pam smiled as she watched herself exchange rings with her ex-husband. They had been so much in love.

As Pam's eyes continued to widen, the image of her wedding slowly became more indistinct, to be replaced by a bustling maternity ward. Two nearly identical babies were wheeled into place by a smiling nurse. It was her twins, Rosa and Pearl! Pam couldn't believe how fast twelve years had gone by. She continued to take in a movie of her life, as one picture faded into the next. First there were the twins, performing at their first preschool play, then Pam being handed her diploma in Social Work. From this she viewed her mother's 65th birthday party, the twins' winning soccer match, and the first disturbing image....Pearl and Rosa bursting into tears.

What had happened? Pam suddenly realized that the only time she had seen her girls cry so intensely was when she had told them about her cancer. Tears filled Pam's eyes as well, as she became painfully aware of her own mortality. But then, the final image sharpened and etched itself on her consciousness: Ray's head, with that beautiful winning smile!

Or was it? As Pam continued to concentrate on Ray's face, she suddenly realized why he looked so familiar. Right before she died, her mother had given her a small painting of Jesus which she had kept on a nightstand by her bed. Ray looked exactly like the Jesus figure she prayed to every night! Pam watched in transfixed rapture as Ray/Jesus made the sign of the cross. She reached her arms out as if to touch him, still cradling the precious note. And it was in this poignant position that Pam's spirit left her earthly body...


Dave Richer let out a sigh that was pure emotion. The park ranger could not remember a more difficult day, certainly the most trying of his career. It was bad enough that Pam Kernis' body was found on Overlook Point, clad only in a towel and with a mysterious note at her feet. Dave consoled himself that she had apparently passed away of natural causes, but the note, signed by Ray Milone was particularly troublesome. Ray had been Dave's best friend, an enthusiastic naturalist who often went kayaking on Lake Okukaw. On that fateful day nearly two years ago, a sudden storm overturned Ray's kayak before he could paddle to shore. Although scuba divers had searched for days, Ray's body was never recovered, and he was presumed dead.

Dave tapped his fingers on the small table in the ranger's shed just outside of Stone Ridge State Park. His favorite oldies station was playing in the background, and he was waiting for that one tune he knew would relax him. As if on cue, the suave voice of the radio announcer cut through Dave's nervous tapping.

"And now, a Harburg and Arlen classic...Over The Rainbow."

Dave smiled as the words he new so well imprinted themselves on his consciousness. Perhaps he would be able to make it through the day, after all...

Somewhere over the rainbow
bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?

If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?

With renewed energy, Dave turned off the radio, and put the still soggy note into his pocket. As he was closing the door, a shaft of light illuminated a small photograph on his desk.

It was a picture of the grinning Ray Milone...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

I have read this many times and sadly I have never commented. This story made me cry. I also have had to sit back and really think about the stoy and comments that other people have left. I had to reread this but then one night it came to me. Ray embodies the Holy Trinty Father Son and God. How ever Ray shows up as pam's lover. Then he shows up as the picture of Jesus. when Pam realizes that the reason he looks like someone she knows is because of the small painting in her room, and then as the holy ghost when Dave has the picture.Ray turns into what ever form Pam needs at the time. This story is amazing please keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Ray as the messenger & escort?

The romantic in me believes that Ray was sent as a messenger to bring Pam home, as her journey in this imperfect world was at an end. He was also sent to escort her on her journey. There are those who believe that the spirits of those who drown are caught between heaven and earth, unable to make the transition. Assuming that be the case, Ray was called upon by whatever force rules us all to gather Pam's spirit up and escort her to her final reward. Did Pam make love with Ray or was it her mind doing wonderful things as her system began the transition? Sack it is a wonderful story. Thank You. Ronnie W.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Very beautifully and

courageously written Sack, you have a way with words that can bring a reader to feel what your characters feel. I envy that.

neonlyteneonlyteover 18 years ago
Delicately Told

Nicely told Sack, not an easy subject to explore.

dcpoet44dcpoet44almost 19 years ago
due to the realities....

of illness in the piece, i feel there is a justification of the inspirational aspect. i don't feel it as a jesus reference in my thought process. i'm seeing as one working through the illness and finding a way to deal with the calamity effects of sickness. climbing that rainbow is a beautiful metaphor to recovery. i love this little bit as as it is an incredible metaphor:

Somewhere over the rainbow

bluebirds fly

Birds fly over the rainbow

Why then, oh why can't I?

If happy little bluebirds fly

Beyond the rainbow

Why, oh why can't I?


this is a wonderful piece of writing. god can be anything but the traditional sense that many of know of. god can be a rainbow and why not?

certainly what we know of god in a christian form is not of anything that i perceive of as being anything that causes any inspiration. that is my take. god is what we make of it to be. and that is what it should be. for those that beg to differ. that is their right. sack.....this is my interpretation of it. i could be wrong but i love a challenge.......don

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