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The Reluctant Gift


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"No! I mean, no Scarlet, please. You won't have to."

Sheri got up and stood beside the trainee. "Let's get this over with. This has been exhausting." She pushed Ivory down. "On your hands and knees. Ass up. Quickly."

Ivory moved into position rapidly, lowering her shoulders to the floor, her butt exposed.

Sheri knelt down beside her, and spanked her a dozen times, then switched sides so she could use her other hand, since the first was stinging. Another dozen strokes on the recalcitrant young woman's rear, and she was done.

"That was well done, Amber. Let's go, trainee, and let our guest get some rest. Tomorrow's her big day."

"Good night Mistress. Thank you for today."

"You're most welcome, child."

Sheri poked the girl beside her. Ivory took the hint. "Thank you Scarlet. I'll try to do better."

Her hosts headed up the stairs, leaving Sheri alone. The first thing she did was remove that silly mask she'd been forced to wear all day, changing the constant shadows into harsh fluorescent light. Feeling truly free for the first time in days, she opted for a long soothing hot shower. She was sore in places she didn't even know she had. Even sorer in places she was more intimate with then she'd ever dreamed possible.

Stretching out on the padded floor area, she inventoried her sore areas. Her back, legs and rear were almost completely recovered, still sensitive in a few places, but for the most part no longer troublesome. Her breasts were still sore, her nipples overly sensitive and still aching from the earlier whippings. The day's activities had not given them a break, and she massaged them softly, soothing the ache.

Her sex had been severely abused, and felt raw and swollen. She got up and looked over the lotions in the bath area. She retrieved the bottle they'd used earlier, and carefully rubbed it into her openings, grimacing when she'd run up against a particularly sore spot. She had concerns over how she'd hold up the next day. Hopefully an evening of rest and recovery would help.

Sheri laid back down, stretching out, her mind a seething jumble. She couldn't relax, thinking about all that had happened to her, what was likely to still happen. Closing her eyes didn't help. The bright lights were a huge distraction. Again she was up on her feet, searching out the light switches, finding them at the top of the stairs. She couldn't help herself, and reached out to test the door handle. Locked. Not much of a surprise. She turned off the lights, and saw there was still a glow of light downstairs. Night lights. At least she wouldn't stumble on her way back to her bed.

She didn't know what to do with herself. She'd been kept awake for hours on end, and she was exhausted, physically and mentally. She knew she should be sleeping, but she couldn't turn her brain off. Every night the Mistress had kept her up until the wee hours of the morning. She'd been getting by on just a few hours sleep.

Sheri realized her hands had wandered down between her legs. Her fingers caressed between her legs, parting her lips, insinuating themselves gently inside. She was moistening, opening, a second finger sliding within. After all she'd been through she couldn't believe she was doing this. Her body craved release, one more good orgasm. She rubbed herself, the soreness retreating, imagining the Mistress between her legs, pleasuring her, readying her for the guest.

Moaning, she let herself go, building, cresting, letting the feelings take her. Her legs were trembling, her nipples aching. Gasping, she felt the surge rip through her, making her cry out. Slowly her entire body relaxed, the tenseness draining free. She smiled. Tomorrow would be a big day.

* * *

"Good morning, sleepyhead. Rest well?"

"Like a baby Mistress."

"That's good. Are you ready for your big day?"

Sheri looked over. The Mistress was kneeling beside her, reaching out and running her fingers through her hair. Sheri rolled her head, enjoying the feel. The Mistress was dressed, somewhat. A body length burgundy teddy, and scarlet mask covering her eyes.

"Am I, Mistress?"

"I sincerely hope so."

"Train me, Mistress."

Scarlet laughed. "Dear Amber, you're training is complete. This morning is a little relaxation and preparation. I need you to get up now and clean up a bit. When you're done put the mask back on."

"Yes Mistress."

While she was getting cleaned up, the Mistress approached her. "Here, we need you cleaned thoroughly. You know how to use one of these?"

Sheri took the proffered object. The plastic bottle had a narrow nozzle, pre-lubricated. "I believe so, Mistress."

"Good. There's a second one on the sink."

Sheri completed her thorough cleansing, taking her time, dried off and put her mask back on. She was immersed in shadows again, and made her way carefully to the breakfast table. She was surprised at how comfortable she was spending all her hours naked. She realized she'd lost a few pounds in the last week, the light meals and strenuous activity doing what her endless hours of Pilates couldn't.

After a light breakfast, Sheri was surprised to find a quiet and obedient Ivory join them. Together, Ivory and the Mistress had her lie down on one of the tables, and gave her a lengthy massage, applying lotion to the last of her fading bruises and welts, adding some light makeup to cover any last markings.

When they were finished with her, she was given an outfit to try on. She squeezed into the form fitting red sheath dress, letting her helpers make the necessary adjustments to get it to fit properly. She felt more exposed dressed in that silly outfit then she did naked. Which she practically was, the few ounces of material hardly more than lingerie.

The top had a large heart-shaped cutout exposing most of her chest. The chest area had inserts, pushing her breasts up and out, creating even more of a spectacle then her ample cleavage might otherwise. The material was paper thin, her nipples pressing outward, every bump evident. The air was cool between her breasts.

That wasn't the worst of it. Her backside was completely exposed, an inverted heart cutout baring her full cheeks. She felt the tightness of the material pushing her ass out through the opening. The rest of the dress only reached a few inches below her butt, so tight she was afraid it would leave marks.

"It's perfect. You are going to be such a hit," the Mistress exclaimed, making her turn about. "What do you think, Ivory?"

"Beautiful. I'm so jealous."

"No need, dear. Your time will come."


"Soon, Angel."

If Sheri had thought that was the end of it, she soon found out how wrong she was. The Mistress gave her a loose skirt to wear, covering up her exposed butt-flesh, giving just a hint of decency, effectively countered by her eye-drawing chest. She was escorted upstairs, where a hair stylist waited. She tried to look around, get a feel for her surroundings, but the mesh of her mask made things difficult. She could see the house was spacious, the clatter of the heels that Ivory was wearing echoing in the open space.

Having her hair done seemed to take forever, while her nails where manicured, and her feet were pampered. She giggled at one point, the difference between her current situation and those first couple of horrid days contrasting so vividly.

"Something funny Amber?" The Mistress asked, from her seat beside her where she was being taken care of as well.

"What a difference a few days make, Mistress."

"Oh. Thinking about our first meeting, are we?"


"I hope you're not going to hold that against me."

"Mistress, I'll hold anything against you that you wish me to, or would allow me to."

The Mistress laughed in turn. "See, Ivory? You could learn quite a bit from our courteous visitor."

Ivory was on the other side of the Mistress, undergoing a makeover of her own. "I have no doubt, Scarlet. Thank you for including me."

"I think she's rubbing off on you, for the better. It's too bad her stay must end soon."

Sheri didn't want to think about that. One more evening of complete submission, doing whatever she was told, giving herself over completely. Endeavoring to please her Mistress and anyone else she might be asked to. Including the guest. Especially the guest.

They broke for a small lunch, Sheri accustomed to the light fare and small portions. She'd been hungry the first couple of days, but now she found herself enjoying every bite, savoring the taste of the fresh fruit, the light salads, the savory small pieces of meat.

After lunch they retreated back to the preparation room. They were alone for a few minutes, and with an apology, the Mistress replaced Sheri's mask with a new one, this one completely opaque, casting her back into complete darkness. She felt nervous for the first time in days, the blackness bringing with it a feeling of utter helplessness.

She didn't have long to think about it. Her next visitor arrived, and she was made to remove her clothing. A touch up to her initial waxing was done, and makeup was artfully applied to her face, breasts and even between her legs. She was itchy, longing for a more prolonged touch, feeling a need for attention.

"Patience, dear. How are you feeling? Still sore?"

"Just a bit, Mistress. Hardly worth mentioning."

"I understand, believe me. The last couple of days have been taxing."

"Were they ever," Ivory said softly, suddenly stammering, "If, if that's ok to say, Scarlet."

The Mistress chuckled. "Yes dear. I know it was hard on you as well. I hope you've learned something from this."

"Yes Scarlet. Thank you."

With the makeup complete, she squeezed herself back into the dress, once more making adjustments where necessary. The Mistress brought out a can of spray adhesive, helping ensure that the dress stayed where it should, particularly the top of the heart which had a tendency to draw away from the skin and flap a bit. A new pair of red 4" heels completed the ensemble.

"His flight should be in by now. The driver should pick him up any moment. Time is running out. Time for the last few touches."

Sheri was surprised to find out the last few touches including ample application of lube in her back door, followed by the insertion of a moderately sized plug, opening her up. She was given something to drink which numbed the back of her throat, the bit of soreness she felt there abruptly gone. The thought of why these preparations were necessary brought about a new nervousness and a bit of trepidation. Not that she had any say in the matter.

"I think we're ready. Time for everyone to get in their places."

Sheri was escorted from the room back into the main hallway. They turned to the right, back toward the entrance as she recalled. The Mistress halted her, and guided her down to her knees, where she knelt on a raised, padded platform, reminding her of the kneelers in church.

"Now lean all the way down, arms outstretched toward the door. Straighten your thighs out, and raise your rear. There. Perfect. Hold that position a moment."

The position wasn't comfortable, but certainly nothing particularly difficult, and she remained stretched out, her arms extended, head bowed. She felt the Mistress adjust her hair a bit, spreading it out, then heard the clatter of heels approaching.

"What do you think Ivory?"

"It's the best ever, Scarlet. Just amazing."

"I hope Robert thinks so."

"He'll be devastated."

"You can sit up now, Amber. Relax. When our guest arrives I'll let you know and you can return to that position."

"Yes Mistress."


Sheri nodded. "A little Mistress. I hope I don't disappoint you or our guest."

"Dear, I don't believe that will be a problem. Just do your best. Can you do that for me?"

"Of course, Mistress. I promise."

"Excellent. Now hold still now." The Mistress reached through the opening in the back of her dress and took hold of the device that was still wedged inside of her bottom. A couple of drops of cool liquid spilled down her crack, and the plug was removed from her, leaving her feeling open and ready. The Mistress's soft finger penetrated her easily, carrying the lube further inside. "There, we've done all we can."

"They're pulling up, Scarlet," Sheri heard Ivory say.

"Positions! Hurry now!"

Sheri quickly assumed her pose, and felt the Mistress's hands position her rear properly, and once more spread her hair out. "Arch your back down a bit, and keep your rear up. Good. Perfect." She sighed. "Amber, dear, you're going to break his heart." The clatter of heels retreating surprised her. As the echo of the footsteps softened, she realized she was alone. Completely alone, half naked, ass on display, in a position of total submission.

She heard the door open.

* * *

Robert checked in his pocket one last time. The ruby earrings had taken weeks to design and create. Each nearly two carats, flawless. They'd be perfect for Jean. For once, he'd win. He knew she'd love them and could scarcely wait for his deserving reward. She was always especially accommodating after these trips. He was a lucky man.

He opened the door, announcing his presence. "I'm home."

Robert set his bag down by the entrance, and turned inside. And froze.

The most amazing sight met his eyes. A woman was kneeling before him, her strawberry blonde hair arrayed luringly. Her glorious ass was raised in the air, exposed by her dress in the most inviting manner. The bright red skintight sheath had a charming cutout of the material. The girls full, round cheeks portrayed a perfect heart, the point of the heart reaching down to the small of her back. He felt his own heart hammering in response.

Robert stepped forward, catching his breath, looking around for the rest of the household. He slowly walked around the girl who awaited him, quiet and still. From behind she was almost irresistible. The perfect ass. Flawless. He could already feel himself responding. He reached out and drew his hand gently across her bare cheeks as he continued his appraisal. The girl's tiny shiver made him smile.

He finished his circuit, pausing in front of her. He was dying to see what she looked like. At first glance her body was perfect, smooth round butt, narrow waist, long slender eggs. He bent down and brushed her hair back, encouraging her to raise her head. A red satin mask covered her eyes, her small uptilted nose achingly cute, her perfect crimson lips begging to be used. They wouldn't have to beg long.

"Rise up, girl. On your knees, please."

She slowly rose, languidly, exposing the most amazing chest behind another heart-shaped cutout, displaying her full breasts, the nipples barely covered. The girl straightened up, kneeling upright, her arms behind her back, pushing her chest out. Her head was tilted up, her smooth slender neck exposed. She was stunning. He studied her for a moment, his observant gaze taking in the signs of restraint around her neck. She'd been wearing a collar recently, probably for an extended period. What had Jean been up to?

He leaned in, running his finger across those enchanting lips. "And who are you?"

"Amber, if it pleases you."

"Jean put you up to this?"

"Mistress Scarlet has prepared me for you, Master. As a gift."

A gift. Amazing. "Assume your position, if you will, Amber."

"Yes Master," she replied softly, stretching forward once more, as gracefully and sexily as possible.

Robert opened his pants, unable to resist any longer. He was achingly hard and ridiculously horny after a week alone on the road. He walked behind the girl gazing at the invitation spilling out of the material. With a slow caress down her crack, he advertised his intentions. He was torn. Her ass screamed out to be taken, and at the edge of the material he could see the start of her bare pussy, lips puffy and smooth, a hint of moistness already visible.

He decided he'd save that perfect little butt-hole for later. Decision made, he reached down, rolling her tight skirt up over her hips, freeing that full sweet rear. He smiled when he saw her flesh quiver at his touch. She seemed quite disciplined: silent, waiting, responsive to his touch, courteous in her words. Damn that Jean! Playing on his weaknesses and desires. He couldn't have designed a better play thing. He was certain he'd never seen a more delicious ass.

He reached between her thighs and nudged them wider, watching as she slid her knees apart. Her smooth opening beckoned. Hard cock in hand, he slowly dragged it down her crack, seeing her tremble when he crossed over her tight little star, before pressing the swollen head against her moist slit. With a small thrust of his hips he entered her, hearing the smallest of moans escape her. Hmmm, not completely quiet after all. The sound of her acceptance was intoxicating.

Grabbing her lusciously curved hips he pushed forward hard, his long thick member driving inward, irresistible, filling her completely. She gasped when his hips met the soft flesh of her ass. The feeling was absolutely exquisite. He closed his eyes, savoring her tightness and enveloping warmth. He reached down and took a cheek in each hand, squeezing, grinding forward. If was beyond wonderful.

He heard the clatter of heels from both sides. He opened his eyes, looking over and seeing Jean and Teri approach, dressed to kill.

Caught like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar. He grinned.

"Happy Valentine's Day, sweetie." Scarlet said. She leaned in and gave him a kiss, resting her hand on Amber's exposed rear.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Uncle," Ivory chimed in, leaning in for a kiss of her own. Her lips lingered, mouth opened slightly, her tongue pushing between his lips. Her soft hand ran down his chest. He wondered how much longer he could resist her allure. Jean had made it clear the time was not right yet. He'd wondered if maybe, just maybe, today would be the day. It was a fantasy he'd entertained on the flight home. His gift assuaged any immediate need he felt to claim his wife's devious niece. He was in no hurry now.

"Enough, Ivory. You're distracting him," Scarlet reminded the teenager, before leaning over and spreading open the cheeks of their captive, getting a good view of his thick pole disappearing into her. "What do you think of your gift, Master Steel?"

"You spoil me. Best Valentine's gift ever." He laughed, pulling out and driving into this sweet new plaything again. It felt too good to stop, and he started a slow screwing motion, easing in and out of her, her sweet pussy accepting him more readily.

"You have no idea. Two virgin holes, and eager to please. Completely, utterly, yours for the night. You're going to owe me for this one."

"Who's is she?" Robert asked, racking his brain as to which of their friends might have had this sweet thing stocked away for a rainy day.

Scarlet seemed reluctant to tell the truth. "I...I sort of captured this one. We have to let her go tomorrow. But for tonight, she's all yours, Master."

Robert's motion stopped. She was using their public names, and now he understood why. What had she done? "Captured? Sort of? How long have you had her?"

"Just a week. It's ok, we were careful, nobody'll miss her. She was born for this, a natural. When I saw her I knew I had to have her for you. She's perfect, isn't she, Master?"

Robert sighed hugely, pulling out of the innocent victim. He walked around her and helped her up to her knees. "Amber. You are a lovely, incredible gift. Achingly beautiful. My devious wife knows my preferences all too well. But I won't force myself on you, no matter how tempting it is."

"I'm yours, Master. Your gift. Please. I don't wish to disappoint you, or the Mistress. Enjoy me."

"You don't know what you're saying girl."

"Please Master! I understand completely. Tomorrow I return to my old life, the steady dreary 9-to-5, too much TV, dinners alone, and empty bed. Tonight, I'm a fantasy, your fantasy come true. The Mistress has worked hard to ready me for you. Allow me to be whatever you want. Anything you need. Don't make this week a waste. Use me, enjoy me, Master. Don't leave me like this."

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