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The Reporter

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Eager Reporter learns more than she bargained for!
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The Reporter: Digs for the truth

Wind rushed past the open car window and Suzie Clending's dirty blonde hair fluttered in the warm sunny breeze. The old country road was winding and she checked the map she had sitting on the seat, which she found to be less helpful than her GPS. It seemed the further out she went the less reception she had on her phone. It was a little unsettling to the twenty five year old reporter and she didn't like the idea of her phone being unreliable if something where to happen way out here.

Normally she wouldn't have come this far out of the city into the wide countryside, especially to meet up with convicted rapist, but when a young reporter gets a chance at a juicy story, it becomes to tantalizing to pass up. Checking her phone and seeing the last bar flicker, Suzie took a deep breath and reminded herself how good this story would be.

Little over a week ago she had heard that Bill Winslow had been quietly released from prison, a man who had served the last ten years in prison for the rape and forced confinement of the mayor's daughter Emily Santoro. Part of what made the case so intriguing to Suzie, was that It was rumored that the mayor had several officers falsify evidence to ensure a conviction of Bill. Turning down another side road, Suzie realized she hadn't really seen another house in a little while and she was deep into farm territory now.

Suzie had gone directly to her editor Richard and begged to have this story, while he did relent after a little while, Richard who had initially worked the case, warned her steadfastly against pursuing it. The case had been strange right from the get go and Richard had let her know in no uncertain terms that there was something strange about Bill Winslow. The relationship as his attorney's had called it, with Emily was strange to begin with, but there had been rumors before that, rumors about women who had gone missing around Bill.

Richard showed her his initial reporting on the case, he told her how Emily had been a driven young woman, always worked hard, did lots for the community and was even engaged to her high school sweetheart. But all that had changed when she had come across Bill and to this day Emily herself couldn't explain what had happened. The best she had come up with, was that Bill just had this power over her, some kind of hypnosis was the closest she could get to explaining what had happened to her.

Seemingly overnight the young woman had been corrupted, unable to stop herself from doing whatever Bill wanted her to do. Neighbors had claimed at the trial that they had seen the pair do all sorts of things, right out in the open. One neighbor had even taken a short video of the mayor's daughter undressing for Bill in the back yard and then Emily in broad daylight had gone down on him, both where clearly aware of having an audience.

More stories had come out during the trial, all with similar themes of Emily seemingly following what sounded like simple suggestions, but one friend claimed where orders. Everything clearly painted an opposite picture of what Emily's character and personality had been like up until that point. Friends and family had argued that the Emily they knew would never have left her fiance for Bill, or play along with his sick games.

The crown had produced evidence that Emily had been blackmailed into the so called relationship and that she was in fact forced into the relationship with Bill. Obviously the defense had argued whole heartily against that and according to them after the verdict, the judge had been in on the cover up.

It was also intriguing to Suzie that Bill himself had said very little during the trial and had said nothing since going to jail. In ten years he had given no interviews, nor had he apparently admitted any form of guilt to anyone.

Being a very thorough person, Suzie had talked to several of the officers involved in the case, who all had the same story, with small variations here and there. Emily herself had declined being interviewed, wanting it all to stay behind her, only advising Suzie to not go anywhere near Bill. From everything that she had gotten her hands on, Suzie could see that there was something fishy about the case and the thrill of being able to put a definitive answer to the case, was just to much to pass up.

During her research she had laughed at reading that one of Emily's friends had claimed that Bill was magic and Suzie was both excited and scared to meet this man so many where afraid of. Richard had been extra adamant about her not going to meet Bill after she had managed to get a hold of the man himself.

When Suzie wouldn't relent about meeting him, Richard had demanded that she bring someone along to accompany her. Suzie felt like she was being treated like a toddler and that no male reporter would have been micro managed the same way. It had been almost an argument between the pair and Suzie pointed out that there was no way Bill would do something to her, when obviously people knew where she was, not to mention if he tried anything, she argued with Richard that she could look after herself.

Turning her car onto the long lane way that would bring her up to Bill's place, Suzie had been astonished that Bill had not only taken her call, but had agreed to let her come up and speak with him.

Pulling her car up in front of what was an old farm house, Suzie saw that it had been worn down over time.

The paint that had been on the house was faded and peeling off the old boards, the old windows looked caked with dirt and dust, while the curtains she could see where faded from years in the sun. Stepping out of her car Suzie looked around the property and with the exception of an old well, a tool shed and a barn that looked ready to collapse, there was nothing else for miles.

Looking down at her phone it was impossible not to feel nervous and for the first time Suzie wished she had listened and brought a friend, though she would never let Richard know that. "Get a grip Suzie!" Starting to walk up the stairs on the front porch, Suzie licked her lips nervously before knocking on the old wooden screen door.

It took several more knocks before the door began to open and Suzie was greeted by a half hearted smile from Bill Winslow. "Hi Bill? I'm Suzie Clending, we spoke the other day on the phone?" The door creaked open as Bill stepped out onto the porch and Suzie held out her hand to him.

For a moment Bill didn't say a word, he simply and without even trying to hide it, looked Suzie up and down her 5'5 curvy athletic frame. Though she had clearly tried to dress casual, the tight blue jeans she wore hugged her hips and the black button down blouse, while not skin tight couldn't hide the large breasts underneath.

Suzie shifted nervously under Bill's intense stare, his brown eyes seeming to undress her with each pass they made over her, quickly unsettling her. For his part, Bill was kind of a lanky man and at just under 6 feet tall, had a good few inches on the smaller reporter. Gray had seeped into his messy black hair and the stubble across his unkempt face was like wise showing gray.

"Hi Suzie! It's nice to meet you, I hope you didn't have any trouble finding the old place?" Taking Suzie's hand, Bill smiled and shook it firmly before ushering her towards a porch swing just off to the side of the house.

Breathing a sigh of relief that his eyes had softened and hoping Bill didn't notice that she was feeling uncomfortable, Suzie returned the smile and began to lead the way to the swing. "No, your directions where perfect, but it is a long way out isn't it?"

"Yeah, but after everything that's happened it felt good to get away and not have everyone stare at me, you know?" With Suzie slightly ahead of him, Bill again made no attempt to hide his leer and watched Suzie's heart shaped ass sway in the blue denim.

"That makes sense." Suzie wasn't unused to people checking her out, it happened daily. But maybe because it was Bill Winslow that it sent a shiver down her spine. "This was your parents house?"

"Grandparents actually, they left it to my parents who then left it to me a long time ago." Reaching the old swing Bill took a seat first and offered the other side to Suzie. "But it's perfect for me now, no one around, no distractions, I can just renovate it in peace and try and get my life back."

"I bet, after ten years you must be excited to be free and able to just do your own thing." Taking the offered seat, Suzie crossed her legs and brought her arms to rest in her lap, hoping to cut down some of Bill's eyeline of her chest.

"Feels great." Licking his lips Bill started to slowly rock the swing, it's chains creaking from the motion. "But you didn't come all the way out here to talk about the house, you want to talk about what happened ten years ago, don't ya?"

"Yes, I'd be really excited to hear your side of things of what happened." Suzie wasn't able to hide the excitement that popped up into her eyes. "I know you didn't say much back then and after everything that's been said since, it would be great to set the record straight."

With an agreement from Bill, Suzie removed her cellphone from her purse and set it down to record their conversation, she didn't want to miss anything. Initially Bill had talked about the reporting of the case and how inaccurate he had found things, like Suzie he had laughed when he had heard that he was apparently magic.

Going into details of the trial, Bill made sure to be as elaborate as he could be, almost dragging out the proceedings and bringing up stuff that really didn't pertain to the case, trailing off about this and that even if it had nothing to do with anything pertinent. For Suzie's part she couldn't help but get excited, asking questions and trying to make sure she wasn't missing anything, or getting anything wrong for her report.

Being a hot, humid day Bill brought out a pitcher of ice cold lemonade, which Suzie took with some hesitation, after all it was Bill Winslow giving her the drink. Being polite she accepted, feeling better that Bill had a glass poured for himself. Following closely to web of stories Bill was spinning, Suzie never noticed that he wasn't drinking from his glass and that it wasn't until after she had finished her first glass and half way through her second, that the nervousness and unease she felt from being alone out here with Bill, was gone.

Had she been paying closer attention, Suzie might have picked up on the fact that Bill's eyes where no longer moving over body as he spoke and he had instead been looking intently into her emerald green eyes, watching and waiting for the drugs in the lemonade to take effect.

"But enough about court, you really want to hear about what I did with Emily, what I did to Emily don't you?" Seeing Suzie's pupils dilate, Bill knew he had fixed the right dosage and hadn't missed a beat since being in prison.


"I'll tell you everything Suzie, every little detail of how I fucked her." Each eye had a glassy shine to it and Bill reached over taking the empty glass from Suzie's hand. "But I think you should give me something in return for telling you this story Suzie, I think you should touch yourself while I talk, show me how hot you think it is, what I did to her..."

Swallowing deeply and far back in her drugged mind, Suzie knew what Bill was saying was wrong, knew that he had done something to her and there was clear hesitation from her. But as he began to talk, he softly started rubbing her thigh, which caused Suzie to uncross her legs and at another word from Bill brought her hand between her thighs, starting to massage herself through her jeans.

Going into extreme detail about what he liked to do with Emily, Bill smiled seeing a dark wet spot start to grow on Suzie's crotch. Reaching over without stopping his story, he undid the button on Suzie's jeans, gently encouraging her to undo the fly.

Suzie could hear the way Bill was talking about Emily, about how he had fucked her ass for the first time on her anniversary, but that all seemed like a distant voice, where as his voice suggesting she undo her pants seemed loud and clear. Leaning back Suzie slid the zipper down on her jeans, revealing the black lace panties underneath.

"Does that feel good Suzie? To touch yourself?" It didn't take long before Suzie was resting her head against the back of the swing, her hand now inside her panties.

"Yes..Mhmm It feels good." Suzie's juices where coating her fingers and even though Bill had stopped talking about his story, her fingers never slowed.

"And you want to make me feel good to, don't you?" Undoing the button on his own pants and pulling the Zipper down, Bill reached into his pants and pulled his already erect cock out into the afternoon sun.

A quiet moan slipped from her pink lips and Suzie closed her eyes, her hair shifting slightly as she softly nodded. "Yes.."

"Then get down on your knees Suzie Clending, it's time to make me feel good." Softly starting to stroke his cock, Bill shook his head in disbelief that he hadn't had to go hunting for such a beautiful young woman, Suzie had willingly come to him. "Don't stop touching yourself."

The tiny voice in her mind that knew something was terribly wrong was happening, seemed to be getting quieter and quieter and though that voice was screaming to run, Suzie never heard it and slowly sank to her knees in front of Bill.

Reaching down Bill picked up Suzie's phone that had fallen to the ground when she had moved to her knees. "I guess it's better to learn things first hand eh Suzie?" Pressing stop on the recorder, Bill took a handful of Suzie's hair and began to pull her mouth towards his cock.


The sun was beating down on the old farm house, the roof of the porch offering some shade to the unusual couple on such a hot day. Sweat covered Suzie's body, her face covered in thick globes of cum, caused her now damp blond hair to stick to her. Gripping the railing of the porch with both hands, her pants and panties where sitting in a discarded pile by the swing, her legs spread wide allowing Bill full access to her over charged pussy.

"Mphh...Mpphh...Mphh..." Each thrust Bill drove into her from behind brought moans from deep within Suzie, moans that filled the humid air around them. The black button down blouse was wide open and nearly half off the young reporter, while her bra had been stretched and twisted until it broke apart, giving Bill two perfect 34C hand holds to use as leverage as he drove back inside her.

"Tell me you love it slut!" Bringing his hand back, Bill landed a stiff stinging slap to Suzie's already bright red backside.

"Mphh..I love it, you feel so good..." Bowing her head the combination of cum and sweat began to ooze down her face, a large drop dripping onto Bill's hand.

Initially Bill had been worried after so many years if he could get the concoction just right, that perfect mixture to make her compliant with anything he said. Whatever hesitation she had was long gone, not only had she followed his instructions, but Suzie had been quite the enthusiastic little cock sucker, eagerly taking his load of cum on her face.

Needing time to recharge after his initial orgasm, Bill had taking Suzie's pants and panties off her, telling Suzie to lean against the hand railing, he had her continue to finger herself, all while he made her beg to be spanked. There had been no resistance of any kind when he had torn her blouse open and dug his fingers into the bare flesh of her breasts, far from it.

The normally confident and in control Suzie, the girl who had denied needing anyone to help her, who had only slept with two men in her life and had recently become engaged, had begged the much older man to penetrate her, she had pleaded for Bill to fuck her.

"Lick it off you fucking whore!" Driving his cock as deep as he could and holding himself deep inside her, Bill yanked Suzie's head back by her hair and brought his hand up to her mouth.

"Mpphh..." Suzie lurched from a hard, quick thrust and lapped her tongue against the back of Bill's hand, there was a mixture of sweat, jizz and her own juices on his hand.

'That's a good little slut, you want more don't you?" Using his index finger Bill scooped up another large pool of cum.

There wasn't time to answer before the cum covered digit was in her mouth, Suzie's lips wrapped around his finger tightly and her tongue quickly beginning to move over it like a snake.

"Good girl, lick that cum off." Pulling his cock back Bill rammed himself deep inside Suzie, releasing his grip on her hair he brought his hand down to leave another stinging slap against the tender flesh of her ass.

"Fuckk..." Licking her lips the second Bill's finger had been removed, Suzie cried out feeling herself on the bring of an orgasm.

The most arrogant grin crossed Bill's face and he brought both hands down to grip Suzie's waist. It was the ultimate beauty of his drug, Suzie wasn't just some drugged out woman he could rape, she was an active participant in her own rape, her voice begging for it as she rotated her hips to meet his thrusts.

"Do you wanna cum you little slut?" Bill growled into Suzie's ear, each thrust driving her forward into the railing.

Her impending orgasm was all Suzie could think about, not the fact she had come out to the farm house for a story, not the fact she was currently being raped, not the fact she was engaged, nothing entered into her mind except that unquenchable desire to cum, it had become a need in her and there wasn't anything else in that moment that mattered.

His tempo increasing, Bill listened to the beautiful young woman beg him for release, listened to Suzie plead for that oh so desperate orgasm, driving herself back onto his cock in hopes that next thrust would send her over the edge.

Suzie had succumb to Bill, the same as Emily had and the same as countless other woman had before her. Like those other woman, Suzie gritted her teeth, her hands clenched the railing for dear life, her head went back as her eyes rolled and she let out a deep, guttural cry as the orgasm overtook her and tore through her young body.

Listening to Suzie's moans and feeling her pussy clench around his cock, Bill didn't even try and hold back, letting loose a large torrent of unprotected and still very potent semen deep inside her quivering pussy.

"Fuck that felt good Suzie..." Bill savored the feeling of his cock inside Suzie for a few moments, before using a strong grip in her hair, to turn her to face him. Suzie's eyes where still glassed over as Bill stared into them. "I wonder when people will start to wonder where you are..."

With the grip in her hair there was no resistance from Suzie, who was still coming down from her orgasm and not fully understanding what was being said, let Bill guide her back down to her knees in front of him.

"Clean it.."


The sun had moved further along in the sky, the shade was now starting to overtake the porch. Laying on the porch swing, Suzie's eyes where closed and she was gently rubbing her thighs together, a quiet humming noise coming from between them. "mhmm."

Walking back out onto the porch himself, Bill had Suzie's cell phone in one hand and a small black bag in the other. Looking over the naked young reporter he knew there was still several hours of effectiveness left in the drug and he planned to make full use of those hours. Tossing Suzie's cell phone down on her discarded clothes, he dropped the black bag down at Suzie's feet.

There was something so enticing about Suzie Clending, she had just touched a nerve with the ex con, like few other woman had and he knew he wanted to keep her. Without doubt she was beautiful and a great fuck, but it was after reading her text messages that Bill had only gotten more excited. There were several messages from her editor, boyfriend and friend, all warning her to be careful.


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