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The Roman Wife

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The wife of a wealthy nobleman experiments when he travels.
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Quintus is a nobleman in the Roman Village. He has huge property and his own gladiator arena. With a large group of gladiators under his ownership, and a mighty victorious group they were, Quintus was very wealthy and successful. He also has a countless amount of slaves to tend to every facet of life. They take care of the grounds, the livestock, the cleaning, and tend to his wife Livia, amongst other things. Due to the large amount of slaves and gladiators, Quintus is in charge of the town vigiles that guard the town, led by Commander Lucius. Because of his wealth and influence, Quintus has long served on the town council.

Quintus runs a peaceful life for his town. He has brokered deals with neighboring towns that fostered good relations. He his a different town each week. Some of those deals include gladiator games, trading crops, supplying troops if a neighboring town is under attack, vacation homes for the neighboring nobles, and a weekly loaned personal concubine for the noblemen of the neighboring town. The concubine is a slave girl selected to travel back to the visiting town with the representative, spend the week, then be returned a week later via a small escort.

Quintus has to travel a lot for to his business dealings. When he is away, he leaves Lucius in charge of the town. Lucius is trusted by Quintus and even has a room inside the Villa for when he is in charge Lucius tends to all business dealings and daily life. He makes sure everyone is well taken care of and that the town runs as usual. He also benefits from the concubine as acting leader.

Recently, Quintus received word that he would be away for a month. He was called to the Capital, which is an exciting opportunity that he can't pass up. He briefs Lucius and leaves signed orders that instruct Lucius is in charge. He hands off the signed orders and wishes him well. He spends that night with his wife and enjoys her company. In the morning, he has one last romp with his concubine, then kisses his wife goodbye and departs for the Capital.

Livia was always slighted by the fact that Quintus had a concubine and got to have sexual adventures, while she was not allowed to take another man. She knew this was the way of life and was very happy with her life, but wished she could explore more. Quintus is good to her and treats her well, but he travels often, is constantly distracted by town issues and business deals, and is able to have relations with other women. She always had a sexual fire yearning inside her, but spends her days suppressing it.

At the week's end, Lucius welcomes one of the neighboring town council representatives and negotiates the trading of crops and payments. They have an extravagant feast and celebration all day. The gladiator games were all cancelled while Quintus was away, but the festivities continue lavishly. Finally, at the end of the night, they exchange the newly selected concubines for this week and the representatives leave.

Livia retires to her room and feels for the poor girl who was sent away. Laying alone, her mind wanders. Her thoughts betray her and she wishes it was her that was sent away, picturing being lusted after and at the service of the noblemen. Day after day, night after night she would be called upon to give and receive pleasure. Her hands wander and she touches herself, bringing herself to orgasm shortly after drifting asleep. She is awaken the next morning by her personal maiden Mira, still in a half naked state of disarray. Mira, helps her out of bed and into a new outfit, all while avoiding eye contact.

Walking the halls, Livia passes Lucius' quarters. She hears groans and moans, and feels jealous of the girl here for the week. Livia can't hold it in anymore. She is horny and her desires are burning. She has to experience a sexual life. All day she thought of how she could do it without getting caught. She knew that at risk is her livelihood, her marriage, and possibly her life. As she goes about her day with a different point of view, she notices one thing different. Noblemen paid little attention to the slaves, barely noticing their being unless they needed something from them.

Livia sends Mira on a secret trip to the market to secure an outfit that a slave girl would wear. Telling her it is an idea to help the betterment of the people, she has the maiden help her dress in it. She sneaks out undetected and, once alone, rubs a little dirt on her face to blend in. She walks around town and watches as the people that serve her walk right past her, some even elbowing her aside if she got too close. This was her ticket. She knew that if she wore this disguise, nobody would notice who she really was. But then she thought about what happens if she takes it off. Without the rags to distract, she'll surely be noticed. A couple of trips through the market gave her an idea. She sees a potter who has a pile of raw clay, not yet turned to pottery. She could use this to change the appearance of her face. Though an odd request, she was able to buy raw clay that wasn't too far off from her own skin color.

She practiced the next day molding a new nose and cheeks. With those additions and a wig, she looked like a whole new person. It is time to feel alive for the first time. She carefully drafted a plan to secretly expose herself. She separately recruited two slave girls and told them she will pay them handsomely if they performed a show for the vigiles. She would be also dress them in specific dresses, which are designed to work for their part in the play. Each girl agreed, each being told there would be 2 other girls, with herself being the third girl. They were to meet at the amphitheater and were told that it would be sexual in nature.

Livia also drafted a letter to Lucius, offering to host him and his vigiles for a special entertainment show at the amphitheater, starting at sundown. She gave him the letter, asking him to encourage his troops to attend. She said she wanted to thank them for making her feel secure in her husband's absence. He told her he would attend along with most guards, save those who were on duty.

That evening, Livia put on her clay disguise, her wig, and her rags, ensuring she looked like a different person. She snuck out and met at the amphitheater. One girl was already there and they waited on the other girl who finally arrived. In the performers area were the instructions detailing how each girl was to behave as well as the outfits Livia secured and had designed for the show. The letter listed details of the scenes they were to act out, with the characters each would play and the necessary actions. The girls got dressed and reviewed their parts.

After it was dark, with candles and lanterns illuminating the stage, the three girls walk out on stage. They act out a scene where the other two girls are nobles walking in a market. Livia, being dressed in rags, sneaks around and pretends to pickpocket them. While "sneaking" away, the nobles turn and "catch" her. This elicited laughter from the crowd. The girls grab her and drag her to the other part of the stage. She tries to put up a fight, but she clumsily falls. While they hold her dress, she squirms and it comes loose. This is the moment Livia has been waiting for. She stands up and with a final pull, the dress falls off and she is now naked. The crowd erupts in cheers. Livia turns red in the realization that she is naked in front of Lucius and the vigiles. She instinctively covers herself with her arms. The other two girls toss the dress aside and grab her arms, exposing her chest to the crowd. She gets her arms free and grabs the neck line of each girls shirt.

As they swipe at her to grab her, she pulls and the clothes rip, leaving those girls naked as well. They face the crowd with angry faces and the crowd cheers hard. The two girls grab Livia by the arms. They spin her around and bend her over, her ass facing out to the crowd. The crowd erupts again, screaming crude directions and requests to the girls. After a couple of spanks on Lidia's ass, they let her go and she drops to her knees. She makes a begging gesture and the two girls act out discussing what to do. They turn back to her and gesture to their pussies. Livia is nervous here as she's never been with a woman. She crawls forward and plants her face in a pussy. She sticks out her tongue and licks.

The taste of pussy makes her insanely wet. She vigorously licks, trying to please the woman. While doing so, the other woman puts her hand on the back of Livia's head and pushed it harder. She keeps licking until the woman shakes and moans, orgasming and siding Livia's face. Once the woman steps back, she instantly grabs Livia's head and turns her to do the same for the other woman. Livia licks her pussy until she orgasms as well. They both then lay Livia down and finger her. This feels amazing, better than she's ever done to herself. They are driving her wild and she is trying hard to prolong it, but can't hold back. She finally orgasms in front of Lucius and the vigiles, rewarded with cheers and more lewd requests.

The three girls exit the stage and get dressed in their next outfits. These are more exotic and revealing outfits and they dance and strip naked for the crowd. They have their hands all over each other before bending over and fingering each other some more. They then get up and bow and walk off stage. They make it to the performers area where they catch their breath. They get dressed and part ways. As Livia makes it back home, she undresses and brings herself to another orgasm in bed.

She is awoken in the morning by Mira, who is very concerned about getting her dressed. Noble ladies aren't supposed to be naked and exposed and this is the second time she has been like this. Livia tells Mira that she will start getting paid if she can swear to secrecy. Mira agrees and Livia starts to open up to her, telling her only that she likes to walk amongst the common people dressed like them. She says this leads her to pleasure herself at night. Livia tells Mira that she will most likely be naked while in her room while her husband is away and there is no need for concern. Opening up, even just with the small details, releases a huge weight off of her chest.

Over the next couple of days, Livia was much more comfortable staying naked in her room. With Mira in and out, she is much slower to get dressed, which heightens her experience. She enjoys watching Mira see her bare breasts. They both became more comfortable with this. Outside of her room, Livia is particularly interested in the sounds coming from Lucius' room. Hearing the moans, groans, and grunts excite her. She secretly wished she could be in there with him. One day while walking by, Lucius opened the door exiting his room. They were both caught startled in the hall and Lucius did not close the door behind him. They greet each other and Livia peers over his shoulder into his room behind him. She sees the concubine on the floor naked and spread. Her arms are tied to the bed and she is covered in Lucius' cum. When Lucius realizes Livia could see, he quickly closes the door behind him. He laughs it off saying to pay no attention to what is in there. He escorts her away and they walk the hall together.

After parting ways, Livia wonders how long the girl is going to remain tied, also thinking about how long she has already been tied up. She also thinks about how she was covered in cum. This brings her great excitement. She knew she had to feel this feeling. When she got back to her room, she starts to draft a letter. The letter states that all make slaves and gladiators are to provide semen. It commanded all gladiators and male slaves to produce 3 samples each. The letters were delivered to each area along with buckets for collection. The buckets are to be delivered to the west side of the Villa. Livia also arranged to have Lucius out of the Villa that night.

After the sun set, Livia checked outside and saw numerous buckets. With nobody around, she had to work fast. She carries the buckets up to her chambers and left them across the hall in the bath. It took her a long time to get them all inside but she was finally done. She rests for a bit to catch her breath and prepare herself for what she is about to do. She surrounds the bath with the buckets and strips naked, slowly stepping into the empty tub. She grabs a bucket and slowly pours it over her head. It was thick and glazes over her. Her heart races as she thinks about what she is doing and how she is defiling her body. She does in the feeling of the thick cum choosing her hair and skin. As it empties, she wipes her eyes and basks in the feeling. She grabs another bucket and pours it over her chest. She looks down and sees herself covered. She continues dumping bucket after bucket on herself until she is bathing in cum. She sits there waist deep in it, allowing it to drop and dry on her skin. The smell of sex overtook the air. She imagines man after man using her body, then depositing their cum on her, as she had seen what Lucius had done to the concubine.

She laid in the tub for a while, feeling it dry on her skin, thicken in her hair, and glaze her face. She couldn't get enough of it. Every time a layer dried, she would dunk her head under and recoat herself. She starts having trouble opening her eyes as they are almost glued shut. As she decides she is done, she pulls herself out of the tub. Livia realizes she has a problem. In her haste to enjoy her activity, she did not bring her robes. She also didn't think ahead about how to wash off, since the bath was drained of water and is now full of semen. This would also have to be emptied. Standing naked and glazed, she walks to the door. Peeking out and hearing and seeing nobody, she makes a dash across the hall to her room. She rushes in and closes the door, almost knocking over Mira, who was readying the room for night.

Mira turns and her eyes widen seeing Livia run in naked and covered in a white coating. She is slow to react before rushing to get her robes. She asks Livia if she was ok and what happened. Livia stumbles trying to lie, but couldn't come up with anything. As Mira went to robe her, Livia declines. This encounter embarrassed her, but also excited her. She wants to draw it out. She sits down and tells Mira what she was up to. She tells her that she saw the concubine covered in Lucius' semen and wanted to experience that. She tells her that she collected the semen from the slave men and gladiators in town and coated herself, bathing in it. She explains how free it made her feel and how exciting it was and how much she loved it. She wasn't ready for it to end. She tells Mira that this must remain private.

Mira asks if she could suggest an idea, to which Livia allows. Mira suggestd changing the bedding to the common ones and she can sleep like that. Livia likes this and asks her to do so. When she finally lays down, she also tells Mira that the concubine was tied up. She tells Mira to do the same for her so she can feel that same feeling. Mira ties her hands and legs to the corners. She asks if there was anything else, to which Livia dismisses her for the night, telling her not to come back until morning.

That night Livia got little sleep, but it was the most exciting night. She was tied spread apart, unable to wiggle free. No matter how she thrashed, she was stuck. If someone came in, she wouldn't be able to stop them. She was still covered in so much cum, which dried all over her. In the morning, Mira came in and untied her. The semen had fully died and crusted on her. Her arms and legs were sore from being tied and her pussy was on fire. Mira helps her up and puts a robe on her. She helps her across the hall to the bath. Livia saw that Mira had emptied and cleaned the bath, and filled it with water. Mira helps bathe her, which only increases her excitement. After getting clean, Livia retires back to her room for more peaceful rest. She dreamt of being tied up in a room full of men, unable to stop them from all taking turns using her.

When she awoke, she knew she would have to devise a plan to go all the way and be taken by a man. She thinks about who she can involve. Lucius is her first choice, but she is too scared that he will recognize her. She thinks about going to the guards compound, but they too have seen her up close and it might arouse suspicion if they talk too much about it. She then thinks about the gladiators and smiles. It will be perfect. They don't usually talk with the people of the town, the nobles, or the guards and they have little credibility even if they were to say anything. She can disguise herself and give herself to them.

She plans out her disguise and the actions she will take. She will dress like a slave, using the clay features to alter her appearance. She will sneak into the gladiator compound after their training and dinner and give herself to them, taking turns with each of them. Then she'll sneak out in the night and head back to her room. She is so excited thinking about it. She will do it the next day so she can make sure everything is in order. She tells Mira that she will be away on an adventure for the night. She tells her to block any visitors, saying she is not feeling well, just in case anyone is looking for her.

Livia spends the day getting ready. Mira helps her get dressed and in disguise. She sneaks out and heads for the gladiators. With perfect timing, and the keys to the gates, she is able to sneak into the gladiators' compound undetected. With the guards outside the perimeter, she can go about unnoticed. She walks inside and sees the gladiators in their common space, red wine flowing. She gets very nervous starts to wonder if she made a mistake coming here. Before she could backtrack, one of the gladiators sees her and calls out to her. He asks what she is doing there and how she got in.

She tries to act confident, relying that how she got in is not important. She let them know she has watched them train and perform and was very impressed. She wanted to know what they were like outside of the arena. They ask if this is a trick, which she denies. She told them she wants to show her appreciation for their dedication and skill. She was now surrounded by them. One asks how she is going to show that. In response, Livia, her hands shaking, pulls her straps and her dress falls. She stands there naked in front of these muscular men.

One of the men walks over to her and reaches out, grabbing her chest. She stands her ground, starting at him with a look of confidence. He then reaches around, grabbing her ass. She stands there getting felt up, enjoying the touch of another man. He then turns her around suddenly. He bends her over on a nearby bench. He pulls off his tunic and she feels his cock line up against her pussy. He eases it in, but once in, quickly changes to a much faster pace. He is so strong and very rough. Livia is now nervous, thinking this was a bad idea, but the pleasure from his large cock is telling her otherwise. His aggressive nature is intoxicating. It didn't take long for her first orgasm to wash over her. After the first orgasm, she comes back to reality and can hear all of the other men saying crude things about her. They comment on her tits, ass, pussy, and how hard they want to fuck her. They call her a white and all the derogatory names they can come up with. She orgasms at least once more before he grunts and shoots his load inside of her. She goes to sit down but another man grabs her and pulls her back up, taking over. She tries to ask him for a break but he tells her to shut up. He shoved his cock right in her, continuing the fast pace of the last guy. Livia feels humiliated by how she was spoken to, but it also excited her. She was compelled to comply and shut her mouth and take it. She can't believe how unreal and good this feels. She wonders how long it would take to be with each man and how many orgasms they will give her. She looks around and sees just a sea of men, all waiting their turn. After this guy shot his load in her, a very large man lifts her up, sits down, and sets her down right on his cock. Moaning in pleasure, she grabs his shoulders and bounces up and down, until he cums in her.

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