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The Royal Garden Ep. 02

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Prepare the soil.
3.1k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/09/2016
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*Author's note:* This series is my attempt at the spy genre - be sure to start with part 1. As I go, I'm going to be discussing my process in the comments. I'm eager for feedback, so please join me in the comments section.

(If you want to see my attempt at cosmic horror, check out my series titled "The Practice" - find it by clicking on my name, and be sure to begin with Part 1.)


After having been kidnapped and forced to join a mysterious conspiracy, Orchid's next two days were rather mundane. She whiled away the time hidden in Genthi's tiny quarters in the warrens under the palace while the cupbearer's apprentice snuck her food and reading material. Orchid had never cared much for geography or world history, but her interest had grown rapidly since her life had come to depend on impersonating a Dalanci princess. She spent two days mostly alone, and two nights sharing a small cot with Genthi. There had been no repetition of their earlier... intimacy... but Orchid was growing to like and admire the girl. She was surprised to find herself frequently wondering how to initiate another physical encounter.

On the third day of Orchid's isolation Genthi returned earlier than usual for lunch and in a rush. She threw a sack of food onto Orchid's open book and said, "Eat up, it's time to go. I've got to take you to the Gardener - the planting ceremony is tonight."

Orchid's heart jumped. She had just began to feel a little bit safe, tucked away in Genthi's room. She grabbed the food sack and stared into it wordlessly. Loaf of bread. Wedge of cheese. Dried, spiced meat. She had no appetite for any of it and pushed the sack off her book onto the floor.

Genthi picked the sack up, set it back on the small table, and began to lay the food out in front of Orchid. "You need to eat, at least a little. Please."

Orchid nodded and nibbled on the bread. "Genthi, I don't think I can do this. I want to leave."

Genthi's mind glowed orange and green as she squeezed Orchid's shoulder - she was worried, too. "The King is in danger, and so is the kingdom. People risk their lives every day for the greater good. This is how people like you and me can serve."

"My brother is fighting in Delance right now," Orchid said, but Genthi cut her off.

"Don't tell me anything like that. You're Orchid, or we're both dead."


The Gardener was a skinny eunuch named Yth who spoke little. Genthi briefly kissed Orchid on the lips before leaving her alone with the man in a large, sunlit room filled with fountains and mirrors.

His first words to her were, "Remove your clothes, my lady."

My lady? He waited with seemingly infinite patience while Orchid's body trembled. She had little experience with men, and few male acquaintances outside her family. Still, this was a eunich, not really a man at all. She reached behind her back to untie her dress and then slipped out of it with a shrug of her shoulders. The linen piled around her ankles and her toes curled on the stone floor.

"Everything, my lady. We have to prepare you for the planting ceremony."

Orchid's face burned but she grasped her slip in two hands and tugged it over her head, leaving herself complete exposed. The air and sunlight were warm on her skin. Yth circled her, inspecting her body like a gem-cutter with a rough stone and occasionally sighing to himself.

Orchid glanced at her own figure in a mirror: tall, light skin, light brown hair with thick waves, and green eyes that her mother said were her best feature. All common physical traits for Denlanci royalty, as Orchid had recently learned. She pushed her shoulders back and straightened her stance, considering how she might look to a man. Round breasts, more than a handful and firm, with nipples that had hardened in the gentle breeze. A trim waist, flat stomach, and long legs. A firm butt, thanks to the hours she spent on her feet practicing magic. The hair on her pussy had started grow back into itchy stubble, but she found that she liked the look and feel of her bare lips.

"I suppose I can do something with you," the Gardener announced, and began his work.

Orchid pondered her fate while following the eunich's simple instructions. Sit here, stand there, lie down. Lift your arms, spread your fingers, spread your toes, spread your legs. Close your eyes. Get in this bath, now this one, now this other one. Put this on, take it off, wear it like this. The sun raced through the sky while Orchid lost herself in the pampering, trying not to think too much about what came next.

"Please tell me about the planting ceremony," she asked, breaking the busy silence. "Tell me about the King."

The eunich spoke without pausing in his work, gently shaving every stub of hair he could find on Orchid's pussy with a shining razor. "The King is wise and good. Everything he does is for the good of his people and Kartour. Remember that, tonight."

"And what about the ceremony?"

But the Gardener would say nothing more.

Eventually the Gardener stood Orchid in front of a large mirror and pronounced, "Done, my lady." Orchid looked at herself again with wide eyes. She had always known she was pretty, but the girl who looked back at her now was stunning. Had the Gardener used some sort of magic? Her hair glistened in the sun. Her skin was smooth and radiant. Her lips were full and moist. A green silk gown emphasized her waist and breasts and seemed to make her eyes sparkle. She twirled in the mirror and grinned despite herself. The simple young girl had... bloomed?

The metaphor stole her smile and Yth sighed again.


"Ladies and gentlemen, my friends, welcome. As you all know, in my grandfather King Opheron's time Kartour and Delance were close cousins. His Queen was a Delanci, a heritage I am proud to carry. Alas, in my father's days that ancient alliance was broken by Delanci treachery. Today, it is my great honor to have restored that historic relationship permanently by unifying the crowns of our two nations."

It was difficult for Orchid to focus on the history lesson while she stood alone in the center of throne room, staring up at King Eradis on his throne and surrounded by a wide ring of hundreds of courtiers. Like anyone in the capital she had seen the King from a distance many times before, and had heard him speak on holidays and other times of great import - but this was different. In this massive stone room, surrounded by the nation's wealth and trophies from his many military victories, the King radiated power and authority. The assembled nobility watched him with rapt attention. Orchid saw Vingoth the cupbearer standing below and beside the dais, and Genthi with him - neither met her eye. She recognized a few other nobles but couldn't put many names to the faces. People darted quick glances at her, the men's eyes lingering, but King Eradis commanded the room.

"Prince Opheron has taken the Delanci throne in my name and vanquished the house of the Betrayer, whose memory will be blotted out from history. The Prince sends thanks and praises to all the brave houses of Kartour who achieved eternal glory on the battlefield, and he also sends to us Delance's greatest prize," the King said, turning his eyes down towards Orchid. "This lovely flower." Hundreds of pairs of eyes turned to Orchid at once and her knees trembled. The King held out his hand to her and commanded, "Approach."

Orchid stepped forward and slowly ascended the steps of the dais while heads turned to follow her. She still had no idea what this ceremony would entail, and she hated being the focus of so much attention. When she reached the top step she dropped into a deep curtsy before the King.

Laughter hit her like a tidal wave from every direction and her face flushed a deep crimson. Was she doing it wrong? She collapsed to her knees, barely able to breathe. The orange glow from the crowd showed their anticipation, but of what?

"Your father and brothers had the dignity to die on their feet," the King thundered. "Stand up!"

Orchid breathed deeply. Was she going to die? She pushed herself up with her hands and got back to her feet, surrounded again by laughter. She looked around at the crowd, anywhere but at the king. A group of young women standing below the dais and opposite Vingoth and Genthi were the only ones who didn't seem to find her predicament uproariously funny.

The King grabbed Orchid by the jaw and turned her face towards him. "You belong to me now. Take off your clothes and show me what your father died protecting."

Orchid was stunned. He wasn't going to kill her, he was going to humiliate her. Take off her clothes in front of all these people? She couldn't move a muscle.

"It looks like I'll get to do some conquering myself!" the King said, eliciting cheers from the nobility. With a strong grasp he tore the front of Orchid's dress and ripped away a broad swathe of cloth. She reflexively clutched at her breasts and tried to protect herself while the King laughed. "Your brothers died trying to protect your sweet fruit. Is this all the fight you've got in you?"

Orchid tugged the scraps of her dress together, trying to cover herself, and saw gleeful laughter in every direction. A chant grew from the crowd: "Plant her! Plant her!" She turned to run, maybe she could escape down the stairs, but the King's hand grabbed the back neckline of her dress and pulled, tearing it off and throwing her to the floor at his feet. As she lay naked on the floor a fierce anger kindled in her stomach. No one, not even a king, could treat her like this! With her magic, at least she could go down fighting...

The King loomed over her and pushed her onto her back with his boot. "What's your name, flower?"

Orchid shook with rage. She was enduring this to try to save him? But before she could lash out, her eye was caught by a nearby girl with honey blonde hair who wasn't laughing - she stared straight at Orchid and shook her head almost imperceptibly: "no". It was enough. Orchid didn't want to die.

"Orchid, your majesty," she whispered.

"So everyone can hear," the King commanded, pressing his boot down on her breast.

She took a deep breath, tears pouring from her eyes. "My name is Orchid!"

The crowd cheered and began its chant again, and the King spoke over them. "Bend over the arm of my throne. It's time to complete the conquest!"

Orchid struggled to her feet again and tried to blank out the cheers and laughter. She looked at Genthi - the girl was laughing along with the rest, but shone with the blue of sadness. The crowd went wild when the King removed his royal robe and revealed his own nakedness beneath it. He was nearly fifty, but still thick and muscular despite his grey hair, with the body of a warrior. His cock stood out erect before him, and several cries of admiration were shouted from the assembly. "I've already got my lance!" the King announced. "Bring me my sword." Yth the Gardener approached and wordlessly handed the King a length of wood with a patch of leather on the tip. A switch.

The King waved the switch through the air several times, as if it practicing forms with a sword. The crowd laughed appreciatively - he was giving them a show. Then he took Orchid's arm and pulled her to the side of the throne, grabbing a large pillow from the seat back. He laid the pillow over the jewel-encrusted arm and pushed her hips over it, shoving her head down into the seat cushion and her ass into the air. How considerate that he put down a pillow for her! Orchid's hands reflexively moved to cover her butt and were immediately snapped with the switch. She buried her eyes in the seat until the King grabbed her hair and twisted her face towards the crowd.

"The nobles of Kartour deserve to share in the plunder, my little flower; don't hide your face and deprive them of what their blood has won!"

Orchid's ass was high in the air as she bent over the arm of the throne, and her bare pussy was exposed to everyone. The King was going to take her virginity right here on the dais, in front of all these people, laughing at her, mocking her.

She couldn't see the King standing behind her, but the crowd grew hushed. "Prince Opheron bravely sustained a gash to his arm while he singlehandedly slew the Betrayer's family and plucked this flower for me. As compensation, three strikes." Orchid heard the switch swish through the air before she felt it land on her left cheek. She squealed at the sharp sting. Her fingers dug tightly into the cushion and her eyes watered. The first blow was followed swiftly by two more.

"Who else requires compensation? Speak up!" the King shouted.

A man's voice rose from the crowd. "Delpi, my son and heir, was killed, and my house lost a hundred men taking the gate, your majesty!"

"The strength of House Ulot will never fail!" the King said, followed by five blows to Orchid's ass.

A woman cried out, "Both my sons, your majesty!"

"Great glory for House Rythlo!" the King shouted. The switch rained down on Orchid several more times. Others yelled out, naming the sons and soldiers who had died conquering Dalance, and each speaker was followed by a handful of strikes on her burning skin. If not for the arm of the throne Orchid would have collapsed to the ground from the pain.

Orchid lost track of the switching after a while and only came back to herself when she felt the King's rough fingers caressing her butt cheeks. Even the lightest touch to her reddened skin sent bolts of lightning through her body. His hands squeezed her cheeks and then his fingers slipped between them. Orchid jumped at the sudden touch and the crowd laughed again. The King's thumb traced down between her pussy lips and her body shook at the invasion, but she was surprised to feel just how wet she was.

He pulled his hand away and held up his moistened thumb: "Look! Your bravery has weakened her defences!" The crowd roared with approval. "Your courageous sons killed thousands of men to win this treasure. I hearby claim all the lands and people of Delance as my dominion, now and forevermore!"

The nobles went wild. Through the pain and disorientation, Orchid was struck by the absurdity of it all: as if her pussy were some powerful artifact, some symbol of conquest, some great treasure. Was real princess pussy that special? She felt pressure against her as the King leaned over her body. The head of his cock slipped easily between her wet and engorged lips, apparently aroused by the intense sensations of the switching, but her hole was tight. Despite shouts from the crowd, he moved gently, pushing the head of his cock into her slowly yet insistently.

Orchid gasped as his head stretched her open. His cock was warm inside her, and she felt a sharp pain as the crown spread her hole wide. She gasped and he paused... waiting for her to catch her breath? She had fantasized about her first time, and it had never been anything like this. The pain and a wet trickle down her leg told her she was bleeding; she was surprised he could fit inside her at all. When he pushed forward again she felt their skin slide against each other and the sensation made her moan as he filled her up. She felt stretched deep inside as he penetrated her, and it felt wonderful and agonizing at the same time.

After an eternity of pushing into her she felt the King's thighs rest against her stinging butt and realized that he was all the way in. She felt his head twitch deep inside her, and her pussy clutched painfully back on him as if to reciprocate. He held that depth for several heartbeats - which she could feel throbbing in her pussy - and then slowly withdrew until his head perched against her opening again. Orchid groaned at the emptiness his cock left behind, but her groan turned into a loud cry when he thrust back into her.

The crowd stomped their feet while the King took her from behind, but Orchid had no mind for them. Her body ached and shuddered as the King's cock filled her over and over, and her moans grew despite her anger and humiliation. Her clitoris yearned to be touched, or licked again...

As he pushed deep into her the King whispered over the cacophony, "Use the pillow." He shifted his weight slightly and and corner of the pillow on the arm of the throne slid up between Orchid's legs and pushed directly against her clit, making her cry out in surprise. The King began thrusting into her with a rolling motion of his hips, and in a matter of seconds Orchid was screaming in pleasure.

Her body was betraying her. She didn't want to have an orgasm, not like this, displayed like some war trophy in front of hundreds of mocking strangers. Orchid bit her lip and tried to push down the pressure building in her tummy. The King's cock pounded into her, and his hips ground her pussy into the pillow. She wouldn't give them the satisfaction, she wouldn't surrender...

The King grabbed her hair and lifted her face towards the crowd while he sunk deep into her. Orchid could barely see the bright orange crowd through the flood of arousal coursing through her body, bursting through her defenses. With a desperate wail every muscle in her body tightened as she came, and her pussy spasmed wildly on the King's spear. She felt an explosion of heat inside her when the King came, and the feeling of his seed filling her made her legs weak. He thrust and thrust and thrust into her, taking her, owning her, conquering her.

When the King pulled out he left Orchid collapsed over the throne in a sweaty, exhausted heap. He displayed his bloody spear to the crowd and they whooped and cheered wildly for his conquest. "Gardener!" he called. "Take my Orchid to the garden." To the rest he said, "A week of festivities to celebrate our victory!"

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LadyPartsLadyPartsover 6 years ago
love a good noncon

I think this is noncon as opposed to reluctance. The use of force and threat of harm are all that kept her in place. That’s noncon.

I think the deflowering went too fast actually. In the span of one sentence she went from pain to pleasure on her deflowering and that just doesn’t work at all. If you’re trying to portray her as a previously unknown masochist, those feelings should have been explored a bit more. Whether her arousal came from being whipped, or being penetrated she was in pain, was humiliated, shocked, etc, so the transmutation of pain to pleasure was rushed, IMO.

Lastly, this chapter did not convey Orchid’s gradual acceptance and buy in of her role in uncovering the spy. And by the way that is an excellent plot point for a noncon story! Very original! She submitted passively to being whipped and deflowered but there was nothing that conveyed her buy in to find the spy.

I know this is an older story but that shouldn’t stop people from commenting. I don’t know why people stop commenting on older stories.

ThePracticeShortStoriesThePracticeShortStoriesover 8 years agoAuthor
episode length

Thanks for your feedback on episode length. I just submitted episode 3, and it's about 2500 words, so shorter than this one. I feel my tendency was to be overly wordy, so I am trying to be more concise. One episode can really only sustain one sexual sequence and one or two expository/investigation sequences... I think.

Part of my reluctance to go longer in these earlier episodes is that I feel that the heroine is very passive in Act 1. Act 1 is all about the setting, characters, and introducing the conflict, but Orchid doesn't really have much *agency* yet. So, maybe I'm keeping these parts shorter so that the overall story can get to the meat more quickly. I really want Orchid to have *more* agency *sooner* than Hannah did in The Practice.

And yes, the Cupbearer and his apprentice could have been more forthcoming. I'm sure that will come up when Genthi is back on the scene, probably in episode 4.

Julez, thank you for your feedback on the humiliation scene. It will be interesting to learn more about the King as we go.

kris10ekris10eover 8 years ago
Great start.

I WOULD HAVE TO AGREE TO EVERYONE ELSE ABOUT THE CHAPTER LENGTH, ANY SHORTER AND IT WOULD F BEEN TOO SHORT. The sad thing about 2-3K's are that the moment you begin to get into it, its over...tear. I can't wait for the next chapter, I very intrigued by the development of this story. There are so many ways you can tale this and I am very excited in finding out how all this will end. Loving the sexty 50ish

evebroughtanaxthistimeevebroughtanaxthistimeover 8 years ago

Hmmm, wonder why anybody would want to kill the lecherous old slut. Hope she teams up with the murderer. Or maybe she should fuck the prince as well and compare their cocks every time they have elderly guests over. When the guests act mortified, she should just laugh and say "Oh well, beggars can't be chooses. At least I'm still alive". Then team up with the murderer.

This is going to be a scream when the real princess shows up and demands to get planted. Will shutup now. Looking forward to chapter 3. And yes, any shorter will be far too short for comfort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Great story so far

Your writing style is very good, very readable. The chapter length is fine, in fact it could be a little longer. This chapter works very well, and I think you made the right decision not to split it up. I really like your characters, and your world building is intriguing.

I think Orchid's situation is most definitely non-con. She does not consent to anything, but she is aware of her sense of duty. It is clearly motivating her, the fact that she acknowledges that her brother is risking his life and she can do no more underlines it. She would be well within her rights as an unwilling participant of this plot, to use her magic to lash out, I like the way she considers this, especially when the humiliating assault begins. It makes her seem more human. (It also made me angry with the cup bearer and his apprentice for not giving her even a slight hint of what was going to happen. Even foot soldiers get that much of a warning).

As for the scenes with the king, very well written. You skate a line of erotic reluctance and force extremely well. Humiliation definitely isn't my thing, and I found Orchid's reactions quite believable. For me, there was no doubt that despite her body's physical reactions, she is not enjoying the experience. I am so glad you didn't resort to the magic dick; using the cushion as a physical stimulant is a great idea. Also, having the king suggest it, along with his not-so-butal actions, hint that despite the show he is putting on for the baying crowd, maybe isn't the unworthy, thuggish brute Orchid initially thought he was.

Looking forward to the next chapter.


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