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The Rule Ch. 01

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One couple lovingly dominates and cuckolds another.
4.9k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 05/01/2023
Created 02/11/2023
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Fair warning: this is a story about one couple (lovingly) dominating another. There's cheating, cuckolding, and humiliation, but the sort that all the characters enjoy. If that's not your cup of tea, turn back now.


Before inventing The Rule, having the world's most attractive roommates was more annoying than anything else, thought Kevin as Beth walked into the kitchen.

Kevin sat at the kitchen table eating his morning cereal, slowly waking up as his coffee dripped out of the old fashioned coffee maker nearby. His brown hair was messy- he didn't see the point in taking a shower first thing since he'd just be bug fixing all morning. If nobody at work had to see him, he certainly wasn't going to care. One of the perks of working from home.

Kevin was happy to admit to being an average looking guy. His girlfriend, Chissy, who he loved very dearly and thought was very beautiful was also, if he was forcing himself to be objective, average looking. She was an art teacher at a nearby high school, so she left for work hours ago. She had sandy blonde hair which was usually a little messy as well, and flecks of paint could often be found if you looked hard enough. To some, this made her seem a little disorganized or spacey, but to Kevin, her art leaving little marks behind made her seem beautiful.

There was one area in which Chrissy was decidedly not average: she was absolutely stacked. You'd never know this, however, as she always wore a baggy sweatshirt or a smock. Even her t-shirts were fairly loose in an attempt to hide them. She didn't dislike them, just the attention they could draw. Especially teaching high school boys.

Both of them were fairly average. If you passed them on the street, you wouldn't give them too much thought.

But if you passed Beth and Mark? You wouldn't think about anything else for the rest of the day.

Beth was stunning. A brunette, she looked like a supermodel, though slightly curvier in all the right places. She had full lips which Kevin had never seen smile, and piercing blue eyes. You'd think she'd coast on her good looks, but she was the most successful of the four of them: she was a VP at a tech company, and had earned a reputation as a ruthless negotiator. On her business phone calls that Kevin overheard, she sounded endlessly intimidating. A true ice queen. She was perfectly polite to Kevin, and sometimes even warm to Chissy, but in many ways she was the scariest person Kevin had ever met.

Mark, her boyfriend, was tall at 6'4'' and in incredible physical shape. Dark hair with dark eyes, he lifted weights every day in the morning before going to work at his construction job. Endlessly charismatic and slightly arrogant, he was apparently quite the playboy until Beth managed to tame him.

Chrissy and Beth became roommates, and eventually, Mark and Kevin moved in when things got serious with their respective girlfriends. And so they all lived together in their two room apartment on the upper east side of New York.

The Rule that Kevin and Chrissy had come up with was pretty simple: it was impossible not to check out these perfect human specimens, so as long as you didn't check them out for more than 2 seconds, it was OK.

It all started with little comments. One day, when Mark left the bathroom in a towel, he walked by Kevin and Chrissy on the couch in their common area. Kevin laughed softly and shook his head.

"What?" asked Chrissy, after Mark had entered his room.

"There's just... you know, no fat on that guy at all," Kevin said with a smile. "I've never even seen some of those muscles. Is he real?"

Chrissy just laughed and agreed.

A few days later, the roles were reversed. They both were sitting on the same couch when Beth left for Yoga. Chrissy shook her head as the door shut.

"What?" asked Kevin.

"She's like... a walking LuluLemon ad or something. It's crazy."

Kevin laughed. "I could buy you so LuluLemons if you want."

She dismissed the thought by waving her hand. "Pssh, no pants are going to make my ass look like that."

Kevin rubbed his chin, mock seriously. "Does she have a butt? I haven't noticed."

Chrissy rolled her eyes. "Please! I'm as straight as they come and even I can't help noticing that thing."

Her tone was playful, but Kevin still wanted to make sure. "You know you're beautiful, though, right?" he said seriously.

She took his hands with a softer smile. "You have to say that." She gave him a quick kiss. "But I still love hearing it."

This continued for a while- each person often noting how attractive the roommate of their own sex was, and the other person politely agreeing without taking it any further. That is until one fateful day- the day they invited the rule- when Kevin and Chrissy were reading books in the common room. Kevin lay on the couch, and Crissy was curled up on the small, comfy chair next to it.

Mark entered the common room from his room, in his gym clothes.

"Chris, I think my headphones are under that chair. Can you get up for a second?"

Kevin sucked air through his teeth. You never called Chrissy that.

Chrissy wore an unamused look on her face. "Well I would have... if you hadn't called me Chris," she said, snuggling deeper into her blanket. "But now I'm just sooo comfy, I don't think I can move!"

"Come on," said Mark. "I need them for the Gym."

"Nope!" she said, her tone teasing. She lifted her legs up onto the chair. "Now you have to kneel down and reach under the chair. You can pretend you're bowing to me, like I'm a queen, as punishment for calling me Chris."

Kevin chuckled softly, loving his girlfriend's flair for the dramatic.

Mark's mouth pulled sideways until he wore his signature cocky smile. "As much as I'm sure you want me kneeling in front of you, your boyfriend may not like it."

Kevin raised an eyebrow. The sexual implication wasn't exactly subtle.

Chrissy didn't take the bait. "It will set a good example for him should he ever think of calling me Chris. Now quick, on your knees!"

Mark took a beat to size up Chrissy before his smirk got bigger. "I've got a better idea," he said. He squatted down, and for a second, Kevin thought he actually was going to bow before her.

But suddenly Mark picked up the chair with her in it, standing tall with the chair and Chrissy in his arms.

Chrissy, caught totally off guard by this, spilled forward out the chair and found herself completely pressed against Mark's chest. Her face was pressed against him for a moment, cheek squished against solid muscle, until her hands could find something to use to balance herself. She found her hands on his chest and shoulder, basically the only things she could grab to pull herself up a bit. Mark was clearly tipping the chair towards him to make her predicament a bit worse.

"Mark, what the hell?" said Kevin. He was blown away, not that Mark could pick her up in the chair, but by the complete ease with which Mark handled the weight. He held the chair and his girlfriend with the casualness and ease that Kevin would hold a box of papers.

Ignoring Kevin, Mark gently turned to the side, still holding her. "There they are," he said. He took his time moving them with his foot, before slowly putting Chrissy back down exactly where they started. "Guess I didn't need you to move, huh?" He said as he towered over her, his hands still on the arms of the chair.

Chrissy's playful attitude was gone, totally replaced by fluster. "Um..." was all she could muster as she stared into Mark's eyes. Kevin could see the red in her ears and cheeks- she wasn't embarrassed, or at least not entirely embarrassed. Kevin had seen this before, of course- she was flustered with unexpected lust.

Mark walked out, still wearing his usual grin. "Thanks... Chris," he said, and walked out the door to the Gym.

Kevin and Chrissy took a second after the door closed, looking at each other in shocked silence.

"Wow!" said Kevin, shaking his head and trying to break the tension, "What an asshole!"

"Hah, yeah..." said Chrissy, distractedly.

There was another beat where Kevin tried to read Chrissy. "Though," said Kevin, his tone teasing, "What was it like being carried in the arms of Superman over there? Was it everything you dreamed?"

"Hah," she said, "No, he's... just so cocky, you know?" She still seemed pretty flustered. "Just crazy that he would pick up the whole, um..." she trailed off.

Kevin sighed, which immediately broke Chrissy out of her trance. "Look," said Kevin, "I think we need to lay our cards on the table."

"What do you mean?" she asked, her tone slightly worried, unsure if she had crossed a line.

"I mean, yeah, sure, Mark is like the cockiest guy on the planet. And Beth looks at me the way I think people look at bugs."

Chrissy laughed.

"But," continued Kevin, "They are both like the sexiest human beings I've ever seen in real life. I think somehow they're photoshopped, even though we are in real life. Can we both admit that? Can you admit that you are like... crazy attracted to Mark?

Chrissy was hesitant, but slowly put her head in her hands, nodding with her face covered. "Am I the worst person for nodding there?" she said, her voice muffled by her hands.

"No, that's what I mean!" said Kevin, chuckling. "Look, I'll say it: I'm crazy attracted to Beth, too, so we're even, OK? I'm just saying- if we both pretend like the attraction doesn't exist, I think it'll drive us crazy. So fuck it, let's just be honest with one another."

Chrissy looked up at him. "So... what do you want to do?"

"I'm saying I am super comfortable with our relationship and I love you very much, so... if you're feeling turned on by something besides me and want to say it, it wouldn't bother me. Okay?"

She smiled. "I love you too."

There was a pause. "So..." said Kevin.


"So he just picked you up and threw you against his chest after implying you wanted oral from him. How are you feeling right now?"

Chrissy leaned back and groaned, admitting defeat to it. "Oh my god, Kevin, it was so hot. I don't know what it is about him..."

Kevin rolled his eyes. "I wonder what it could be? Maybe his height or his muscles?"

"Yeah, but I usually don't go for guys like that! But he just picked me up like a rag doll, and... oh man, his muscles are insane. They're like rock solid when I was pressed against him, it was crazy." There was a beat before she sighed. "Wow, you know what, you're right! It feels nice to admit that."

"See?" said Kevin.

"You don't care?"

Kevin sat up on the couch. "I mean... It's not that I don't care. I just think if we don't admit this kind of stuff to each other, we're going to go crazy. And I'm comfortable with us. It doesn't bother me if you find other people attractive... we just happen to live with those people."

Chrissy nodded. "Yeah. Okay, yeah." She shook her head. "Why do they have to be so hot?"

Kevin shrugged. "I have no idea. It doesn't really seem fair." He got up, and headed over to Chrissy's chair. Putting his hands on her knees, he slowly kneeled in front of her. "But since Mark got you so flustered..."

Chrissy smiled mischievously. "Mhmm..."

"And I have no problem bowing in front of you..."


Kevin's hands reached up to her pants, undoing the button. "Maybe I can help you out..." As he pulled at the top of her pants, she lifted her hips, allowing him to pull them down and revealing blue and white striped panties.

"Out here? Are you sure?" Chrissy asked, looking around the common space.

"Beth's on her business trip. The man of steel is off to the gym. I think I'm safe to do..." He leaned down and kissed her inner thigh. "This."

She squirmed happily and let out a moan. Kevin kissed slowly up her thighs towards her panties.

"What if, ah," she moaned breathily, "What if he forgot something and comes back?"

His lips reached her panties and he was shocked by how wet she already was. Kevin thought for a moment, and then took a chance. "Maybe he'd pick you up again."

She moaned and shuttered- that was the right answer.

"Maybe," Kevin continued as he slid the panties down her legs, "he'd see you like this and he'd want his turn."

"His turn... ahh... his turn to do what?" she asked, drunk with lust and desperate for Kevin to continue this taboo dirty talk.

"Well..." he said, slipping a finger inside her and feeling how wet she was, "To fuck you against the wall."

She moaned louder than she ever had before during foreplay, which was all the encouragement Kevin needed. He began to lick her clit as he fingered her slowly, doing her best to drive her mad.

For reasons Kevin couldn't quite place, he was harder than he'd ever been in his life, almost painfully so.

"Does that mean... does that mean you'd be fucking me against the wall first?" she asked, desperate for Kevin to keep the dirty talk going, but unwilling to outright ask him to talk about Mark.

Kevin lifted his head up but kept fingering her. "Oh, I would." He was getting braver with this dirty talk. "Well, I'd try. But it wouldn't be like when he would do it, would it? He probably doesn't even need a wall- he'd just pick you up and fuck you in the air." He put his head back down and kept licking. He couldn't believe how hard his cock felt in his jeans- he felt as though he could feel every heart beat.

Chrissy moaned again, running a hand through his hair, unconsciously rocking her hips so she'd push against his tongue more. The other hand found one of her own huge breasts, and began gently squeezing it over her sweatshirt. "Tell me... tell me more," she begged with her eyes squeezed shut, desperately imagining the filthy situation. "Tell me what it would be like if he... if he caught us."

"You want me to tell you exactly how I think it would happen?"

She nodded eagerly, eyes still closed.

"Well, I'd lift you up and push you so your back was against the wall, and I'd stick my cock inside you. I'd be rough and rip off that sweatshirt so I can see those big, beautiful tits of yours. The ones that drive me crazy. The ones that I bet drive him crazy."

Since he was busy talking, her hand found its way to her clit and began rubbing it as he continued to finger her.

Kevin continued. "And he'd come home, all sweaty from the gym. And he'd see us, right here in the common room. He'd walk in and see us right away, me fucking you against the wall. But we wouldn't stop, would we?"

She shook her head no.

"No, we wouldn't stop. I'd be facing the wall but you'd be facing him over my shoulder. Maybe he'd watch from the couch for a little while, but then he wouldn't be able to resist, would he? Not when he sees how you're looking at him. Because you would be looking at him, wouldn't you?" Kevin felt himself get even harder, if that was even possible.

She nodded to this idea.

"And he'd see how bad you want him, and he'd see that I'm not making you cum, and he'd offer to step in and help out. He knows he can make you feel good. So I pull out of you, and he pulls off his shirt and pulls off his shorts and walks over to where you are on the wall and starts kissing you."

Chrissy moans. She's close.

"He's pressed against you. Do you think he's as hung as he acts? Or is he all talk?"

"Beth says..." Chrissy gasps, feeling like she was drowning in the upcoming orgasm. "Beth told me once... he's... huge."

Of course, thought Kevin. He also felt like he might cream his pants. For reasons he didn't understand yet, this absolutely filthy conversation turned him on to no end.

Without thinking too much about it, one of Chrissy's feet landed on his crotch as he sat below her. She felt how hard he was against her foot and was encouraged that Kevin was loving this too. As she squirmed with pleasure, she gently rubbed her foot up and down the cock trapped in his jeans.

"So he puts it inside you, and it's like nothing you've ever felt before. He starts fucking you gently- but it's not like me, barely pushing you against the wall. He picks you up, just like in that chair..."

"Yes..." she moans, her orgasm agonizingly close. Her foot kept rubbing as she squirmed- Kevin was certain she wasn't even meaning to do it. Kevin's voice began to waiver- he worried he might actually cum in his pants.

"He's... he's got you in his arms and he's fucking you, he's fucking... fucking you like his own personal... slut..." He couldn't believe how close to cumming he felt, even though all Chrissy was using was the back of her foot.

"Yes!" she moans again, louder. Her foot pressed against him more.

"He's bouncing you on his dick and... driving you deeper and deeper onto his cock, making you feel things you've never felt before, making you cum so easily-"

"YES!" she screamed, finally getting her orgasm, which was easily the largest Kevin had ever seen. As she bucked, she pressed her foot against Kevin's cock one final time, and Kevin could not help it- cumming in his pants in what was one of the best and simultaneously the worst orgasm of his life.

Her whole body squeezed tight as she was rocked from the orgasm, and then with a few deep breaths, slowly but surely came down from the highs and opened up her eyes.

Once she opened her eyes, a sudden wave of humiliation washed over Kevin. He had just cum in his pants while his Girlfriend was imagining fucking a different guy- what was wrong with him?

"That was amazing. So, so amazing," said Chrissy, dreamily. "You are the best boyfriend in the whole world, you know that? Literally the best." She panted a few more times. Before leaning up. "Now that you've given me such a nice orgasm, maybe I can return the favor..."

Kevin felt heat in his cheeks. "Um..."

"What do you want, baby? I'll do anything, anything, you want after that, you name it, I'll do it. You want to fuck my tits, baby? I know you love that. You want to fuck my a-" She looked down and realized. Her sexy tone was suddenly replaced by shock. "Did you... did you cum in your pants?"

"Uh, yeah," Kevin said, blushing. "I kind of... yeah, I did."

"Just then?"


There was a shocked pause. Chrissy was baffled, but didn't want to hurt Kevin's feelings. "Oh. Because of... was it something I did, or...?"

Kevin suddenly felt the need to defend himself. "Well, it's... you were having such a great time, and you looked so hot, and your foot... your foot was pressing against me."

"Yeah?" asked Chrissy, not convinced by that explanation. "Just the foot against you did it?"

"Yeah, it was just... I just was really sensitive tonight."

Chrissy looked deep into his eyes. "That's it?" she said, dubiously. "Are you sure it wasn't something else?"

Kevin's throat was dry. "Like what?"

"Like maybe," she said, her tone inquisitive and mischievous, "You liked that story you were telling too?"

Kevin felt himself blush even more.

"Did it turn you on, hmm?" Her eyes were intense, locking to him, studying him. "To think of your girlfriend... acting like a slut with Mark, hm? To think of him rocking my world and taking what's yours?" Kevin couldn't believe it- despite having orgasmed a mere minute ago, he felt himself quickly getting hard again. She saw this in his jeans and her jaw dropped. "It is that, isn't it! You loved it too?"

Kevin was a whirlwind of humiliation and arousal. Was that it? "I... guess I did..." he said earnestly.

"Stand up," she said, taking charge. As he did so, she slipped off her sweatshirt, revealing her massive tits contained by one of her custom-made bras. He moaned at the sight of them- no matter how many times he saw them, he loved them each time.

She leaned in, his crotch right in front of her face. She took a moment to study the cock tenting in his pants and the cum stain near it, before she turned her eyes upward. One hand began very gently rubbing his cock through his pants.


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