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The Sacrament of Holy Incest

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Speculative imagining about an ancient religious perversion.
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The Gnostics were a branch of the early Christian church. They were found mostly in the Eastern Mediterranean area. Their beliefs were Christian but also influenced by Greek Mystery Cults as well as other older religions in the area. Their beliefs were varied but a common theme was the monotheistic belief in the supreme female deity, Sophia (Wisdom). Some believed she was the real creator, and as incarnated in Mary, the real mother of Jesus.

There is an ancient document that claims the Gnostics held menstrual blood and semen to be their sacraments. These body fluids were held to be sacred because, it was believed at the time, the fusion of blood and semen creates life. In their worship they held a ritual in which a woman in her time of blood would have intimate relations with a man in front of the congregation. The man would be chosen randomly and she would have sex with him no matter whether he was her father or her brother or her son or anyone else (this is all actually true).

Some people say that this is Orthodox propaganda made up to discredit the Gnostics. I don't think anyone knows for sure though. It may be significant that in the same region, before Christianity, there was the practice of ritual prostitution at temples of Astarte and Baal. It is possible that this practice was transformed into the Gnostic ritual as it was told. I like to think this is true anyway.

When I first read about this ancient sacramental sex, I couldn't help but imagine what this ritual must have been like these early Christians. It fascinates me that something like this might actually have happened at some point in history. I want to know what it was like to actually be a part of it. Here is how I imagine it:

In an old Roman basilica transformed into a Gnostic church, you would see golden mosaics of Sophia and Jesus. Here, a small congregation gathers on Sunday morning. A woman, wearing only a robe walks solemnly to the front altar. Although she is the mother of a now grown man, she is still youthful and vital herself, beautiful and in the full of her life.

One of the church elders casts lots to choose her partner from among the adult men in the congregation. It is believed that the Goddess herself causes the lot to select the man of her choice. On this occasion, the Goddess has chosen the woman's own son.

The young adult man is led shyly to meet his mother who now sits on the Christian Gnostic altar at the front of the congregation. This is his first time being chosen for the sacrament. The woman smiles at her son, proud to see him step forward to serve the Goddess before the congregation. She is pleased, as his loving mother, to be the one to share in his first sacrament. Being a good Christian man and unmarried, he has never before experienced the pleasures of the flesh with a woman.

The mother lifts her robe before her nervous son and the watching congregation, baring her nakedness before men and Goddess alike. She takes her shy son's hands in hers and guides them to her now naked breasts, leading him to caress her lovely softness. She pulls her son forward although he is shaking with nervousness. He buries his face in his mother's naked bosom and suckles her nipples. There he takes refuge from the silent gaze of the congregation behind him.

The mother lovingly guides her son's head down her naked body to her waiting pube. As he as seen other men in church do, the son kisses his mother's vertical lips between her opened legs. The soft skin of her inner thighs lightly cradles his cheeks. He lovingly kisses the lips that gave birth to him and finally inserts his tongue, licking the blood and juices that flow for him there.

The mother runs her fingers through her son's hair, his face buried in her crotch as if hiding from the watching eyes. She lets him hide that way for awhile, protecting him with a motherly embrace of her legs wrapped around his head. He lovingly licks her deeper and deeper with increasing confidence. Her love for her son is becoming mixed up with another sort of love as she is tickled pleasurably by her son's probing tongue in her wetness.

The mother looks up at the congregation and smiles proudly as her son's tongue discovers her inner secrets. The watching sect members see that the young man has become filled with a strong religious passion as he lovingly licks his mother inside and out.

They watch solemnly, as the mother begins to display an intense religious ecstasy brought on by the undulations of her son's tongue. Now she holds his head between her hands while tilting her pelvis, guiding her innocent son's tongue to the top of her swollen lips, to her center-point of pleasure.

The congregation begins to sing a hymn as they watch the loving mother and son. The mother sings too, in joy and worship.

Finally, she decides that it is time.

She pulls up on her son, prompting him to stand manly before her and the congregation. She hopes he will be manly in his love and not bring public shame. He stands before her. Her menstrual blood, thinned with her vaginal juices, is smeared wetly around her son's mouth.

Pulling off his tunic he reveals a long aroused member that does not disappoint his mother. Her son's strong healthy body is beautiful and she feels both pride and a shiver of desire seeing him naked before her with his sexuality fully aroused by their public intimacy.

He is excited now and no longer looks shy as he looks down on the sensual nakedness of his very own loving mother. She sees a hungry look in his eyes. He doesn't seem bothered by the crowd anymore and maybe doesn't even notice them now. Never before has he been so completely aroused as he is now by his naked mother's uninhibited sexuality.

Knowing her young adult son is inexperienced, the mother takes her son's long aroused cock in her hand and lovingly guides him into her wet waiting hole. Her son pushes his rock hard penis into his mother, gasping at the sudden pleasure he is experiencing for the first time. The mother also gasps with pleasure as her son powerfully thrusts into her. Such a fine young man her son has gown up to be! Now she hopes he will show the congregation that he is truly a man.

The son does not disappoint his mother. With the brand new pleasure of his first thrust into his mother, the son is hungry for more. He thrusts into his mother again. Again it is pure pleasure and the mother expresses her own pleasure with a moan, looking at her son with eyes of encouragement. He thrusts again and again into his mother. She moans with motherly pleasure at every thrust.

Now he thrusts hard with a rhythm, ramming his rock-hard cock into his mother's pleasure-hole over and over while her motherly moans rise in pitch and volume. The son is egged on by his mother's crescendo of pleasure-sounds. He speeds up and cannot stop. They have forgotten the church around them and think only of each other's bodies, mother and son in sexual bliss together.

The mother is proud of her strong grown-up son as he fucks her hard like a man. She is overwhelmed by sexual delight and motherly pride at the same time. She shouts her son's name as she squeezes and spasms in a climax of pleasure on her son's powerful thrusting cock. He too is caused to cum by his mother's excited sexuality. He fills his mother's sacred opening with his fresh milky cum. The mother is proud to be the vessel of the Goddess and to enact the holy sacrament with her very own beloved son.

The mother and son pant with pleasure as the Gnostic priestess of Sophia steps forward. The priestess gently holds open the mother's labia before the watching congregation as she reverently collects the mixture of cum and menstrual blood that slowly oozes out.

The sacred body fluids are then ritually mixed with a larger vessel of wine, milk and honey. The priestess says a blessing over it. Each member of the congregation comes forward in turn, and kneeling worshipfully before the priestess, takes a sip from the sacramental vessel. The cum-blood-milk-wine sacrament embodies the sacred life giving power of the Goddess Sophia and imbues Her compassion and vitality on the worshipers.

For mother and son, this was a holy and religious moment in their lives. It is a great honor to serve the Goddess in this way. It has also changed their relationship at a very personal level. Their love for each other has a new dimension now. What was felt as tension before is now a relaxed pleasure in each other's company.

Now, whenever the son is with his mother, he relives tactile memories of the deep pleasure experienced on the day they came together. He discovers that he cannot talk to his mother or look at her without his sexual member twitching with a spark of carnal excitement. Always he will remember feel his mother's loving and sensual body against his in the throws of passion.

For the mother too, her love for her son is now deeper than ever before. She treasures the memory of her son's strong passionate love making on the day that she made her son a man. The memory will be with her forever. Now when she looks upon her son, her fondness for him is deeper than ever before. Now her motherly love is steeped in memories of their shared sexual pleasure.

That's how I imagine it might have been. I don't know why the Orthodox priests wanted to end such a beautiful ritual. I think it might have been deeply moving for believers as well as a sweetly enjoyable experience.

Now I wonder if anybody has ever thought of reviving or recreating this historically significant ritual? It could be an interesting project for some graduate student of religion or history. Such a project could help deepen our understanding of early religion. As a bonus, it would be fun too.

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Much_too_oldMuch_too_old7 months ago

You may be interested in a book, "The Moon Under Her Feet," by Clysta Kinstler, it's a retelling of the Gospel story by Mary Magdalene High Priestess. If you ask a good Catholic what is the origin of the name Mary, they will likely tell you it derives from the Latin word for 'Sea.' However, when I was studying Egyptian hieroglyphics as part of my degree, I learned that the name can also derive from the Egyptian verb, 'mri,' to love, and might be a title for priestesses, 'the one who is loved,' and may also refer to sacred temple prostitutes. Any reference to such practices had they existed, would have been eliminated form history by the prudes of earlier generations as well as the Catholic hierarchy. It then makes you wonder about all the other Marys in the Gospel as there are several of them. Was there a cult of priestesses connected to Jesus? There is good evidence suggesting Mary Magdalene was Jesus' wife or partner, and she was the first to learn of the Ressurection. An interesting concept to ponder, my gut feeling is the Marys were priestesses and to me makes a whole heap of sense and ties a lot of the legend together. You might also like to read "The Gospel of Mary," and some of the other non-canonical texts.

rodavrodavalmost 7 years ago
I gave you a five star

It is very exciting for a mother and son having intercourse in front of the congregation. Hope you can make more stories like this and in the modern times.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Interesting take

Mother Nature gave every woman a cunt, and gave every man a cock designed specifically to fit into a cunt.

What Mother Nature did NOT do, is dictate whose cunt a man should or should not stick his cock into.

Priests and society did that, just as they dictate that every relationship must be monogamous.

If Nature did not wish fathers to fuck daughters, brothers to fuck sisters, and sons to fuck mothers, she would have made it impossible.

It is a historical fact that for thousands of years, ancient civilizations practiced incest to ensure their bloodlines remained pure.

With regard to other relationship permutations, if a cunt was intended to accommodate only one cock, and a cock was intended to fuck only one cunt, then Nature would have made all non monogamous relationships impossible.

Mother Nature invented cocks, cunts, nudity and sex. Priests and society invented guilt and shame, although priests were happy to turn a blind eye to everything society regarded as perversions when it suited their purposes, including bestiality, prepubescent sex and incest.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
give me that old time religion

This is a beautiful and creative account of the religious tradition of family fucking, especially of its highest form, motherfucking. Boys are prepared by the religious instructors of the community for their anointed role, as are their mothers. The boy is made to understand that his penis is a sacred instrument, ordained to penetrate his own mother's vagina, and the harder his penis is, the better it fulfills its holy role. The boy is taught that he must look on his penis as his cock, on his mother's vagina as her cunt, and on the creamy semen in his young balls as the blessed fluid meant to be shot up his mother's cunt. At age 18, in the view of the whole community, naked boys come together with their naked moms and perform the sacrament of motherfucking. As the boys spray their potent semen all over their mother's cunt they grunt out the traditional utterances--"Mom, look, I'm blowing my balls right up my own mother's twat!" and "Here's your baby boy's sperm, mom, straight from my balls!" and "Here comes my baby sister, mom!" and "Here's my baby-batter, mommy, just for you!" All the spectators pray that the coupling proves fruitful, as each mother and son pair smiles and gently kisses, the boy's fat cock still buried in his mother's cunt. Then the whole community bursts into wild applause, with loud cheers and whistles.

ArwonArwonover 10 years ago
The Sacrament of Holy Incest

Fascinating story about ancient sacramental sex. To think that this may have happened is breathtaking. While i was reading your story i was wishing i could have experienced ancient sacramental sex. Your vivid imagination i think put an excellent slant on how it may have actually unfolded in those ancient times. The ritual would be extraordinary if your imagination is accurate.

The story is captivating and i found it very stimulating. It is a fabulous illustration of how beautiful pleasurable and gratifying incestuous sex can be. Your own comment is a perfect summation quote ''I don't know why the Orthodox priests wanted to end such a beautiful ritual. I think it might have been deeply moving for believers as well as a sweetly enjoyable experience''. I agree. It does make you wonder if anybody has ever thought of reviving or recreating this historically significant ritual. In this day and age i would not discount the possibility. A beautifully and articulately written story which i enjoyed immensely. Thank you for posting it.

Youre sincerely, Arwon

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