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The Sacrificial Lamb


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Rather than damp grass -- that light rain was still falling! - Eve now lay in a pool of liquid mud; that motorbike had been parked in a low-spot and the men circling Eve in their heavy boots had cut the ground to shreds. Exhausted though she was, Eve began dragging herself back toward the higher ground, clear of the filthy water; Eve was struggling with that when the couple arrived at her side.

Eve had seen them earlier, they'd been two of the people who'd tarried to watch Eve's violation. Eve recognised them from their clothing, both dressed in khaki shorts, shirts and those floppy bush-hats; they looked better suited to an African Safari rather than a damp morning in the Peak District. Close-up Eve could see them in detail and her first thought was: 'They're old people; thank God for that'.

Eve guessed that the pair were older than her own parents; late sixties at least. The man was very tall, skeletally thin and pale, but with raven-black hair -- that must surely be dyed? - with a goatee beard to match. The woman -- clearly she was the one in charge -- was his polar opposite, barely five feet tall and a hundred pounds, with grey-flecked, once red hair; Eve was minded of a dormouse.

Having helped Eve to a slightly drier and more comfortable location, the woman sat down beside her and proffered a bottle of water pulled from her rucksack. The man towered above them both, moving restlessly from one foot to the other. "Take this and have a drink. But rinse out your mouth first my Dear, wash away the taste of those horrible men."

As Eve complied, the woman turned to her husband and snapped "Oh do keep still Stan! And pass me your water bottle too." Stan complied promptly and while Eve slowly sipped on the water and recovered herself, the woman produced a small towel, which along with Stan's bottle of water, she used to wipe the worst signs of Eve's ordeal from her face, before moving on to Eve's arms and shoulders.

The cool damp cloth felt wonderfully relaxing and restorative and it was a couple of minutes before Eve moved a muscle; even then it was just a stiffening of her body and a sharp intake of breath: Having cleansed Eve's neck and décolletage, the mouse-woman's hand had slipped lower, onto Eve's breasts; Eve twitched when the woman's hand touched her nipple, the sensation felt like a small electrical shock.

Eve's nipple re-hardened in an instant, but Eve wrote it off to the effect of the cool water-soaked cloth on that sensitive bud. Realisation only dawned when the woman's hand moved to Eve's right breast; rather than the damp cloth it was the woman's bare fingertips which had stroked Eve's nipples. That touch didn't feel quite right for cleaning off the filth and it certainly seemed a little more... protracted than it needed to be.

A second longer and Eve would've said something, but the woman's hand slipped lower, wiping the underside of Eve's breasts, then down onto her belly. The electrical-crackles had passed, but Eve began to tremble; not so much from what the woman's hand was doing now, but from thoughts of how much further south it planned on travelling and what the woman intended when it got there!

It was the sound of Stan's voice which broke the tension: "So how is she? Is she going to be alright? They've not... damaged her have they?"

"Calm down Stan, Eve's going to be fine. The scrapes and bruises might take a few days to fade away, but she's a healthy young woman; a hot bath and a good night's sleep, will see her as right as rain. Now sit yourself down on that rock, Stan, you're making the place look untidy " While the woman's words were reassuring, Eve endured a tremble of... unease; though she couldn't quite say why.

Stan had settled on a rock before he spoke again and when he did, Eve began trembling with a vengeance: "So if she's young, fit and healthy like you say, then why can't I fuck her? One more cock in her pussy isn't going to matter."

"Don't be bloody ridiculous Stan! Have you seen the state of her... between her legs; It's like a sewer down there... back and front! Today's Saturday, so you'll no doubt want to shag me this evening... There's no way on earth that I'm letting you poke your cock around inside that cesspit and then afterwards put it into me..."

Eve gasped in astonishment, while Stan wailed like a petulant child, in the few seconds before the woman continued: "...And what the hell are you doing sat there? That was the rock I told you to sit on."

"But this one's more comfortable, that rock's all jaggedy"

"Jaggedy it might be, but she's shackled to this tree and the chain won't stretch that far. You'll need to move over there if she's going to suck your cock for you."

Stan moved immediately, unfastening his shorts as he went. Eve meanwhile was stunned and remained silently compliant as the woman grabbed her by her plaint and using like a leash, led Eve on hands and knees across the few feet of grass to where Stan now waited. Only at the last did Eve resist; trying to shy away at the sight of Stan's erect and now exposed cock.

Stan had the biggest cock that Eve had ever seen, even those in the videos that Eve knew she ought not to watch. Its head glowed purple and in stark contrast to Stan's pale thighs, the skin of its shaft was a deep brown... And it wasn't straight! Stan's cock was gnarled and bumpy; seeming to twist and curve like an ancient olive tree as it rose up from his pubic hair.

Despite Stan's apparent age his cock looked as hard as an iron bar, an impression confirmed when Eve wrapped her fingers around -- or at least as far as they'd reach! - around it; neither Stan nor the woman had ordered Eve to do that, Eve simply couldn't resist. It felt unusually warm beneath Eve's fingers... almost hot! And in further defiance of his age, Eve noted that Stan's pubes too were raven-black.

The woman had now passed the leash of Eve's plait to Stan and by so doing, presumably passed control over Eve herself to him too? Stan didn't need to do anything with it; Eve already knew that Stan wanted his cock sucked and she was happy, indeed eager, to oblige. Eve climbed onto her knees and without hesitation rocked forward to engulf the cock's magnificent crown.

Stan gave an approving grunt so Eve went again, spearing some of his thick shaft beyond her lips too. Those knots and bumps rumbled between Eve's lips and bounced across her tongue, the sensation was arousing beyond belief and the taste of Stan's cock was... just yummy. Eve felt the heat she'd noticed earlier and the flavour was hot too; spicy, like a sweet curry. A world away from any that had been there before it.

Greedy for more, Eve pressed down for a third time and went even deeper, Stan's cock-head slipped further into her throat... and there it wedged, Eve couldn't pull free! Eve suffered a moment of panic before her head was plucked free from Stan's cock. It was the woman who'd rescued her and as Eve's her heart-rate and breathing settled, the woman spoke into Her ear:

"Don't try so hard Eve, you'll do yourself a mischief. Stan doesn't expect you to swallow it all; he'll need to teach you before you can do that... It took me years before I could manage get it all in." Eve stared at the woman in wide-eyed amazement, given how petite she was, Eve found it hard to envisage her accommodating all of Stan's cock inside her pussy, never mind inside her mouth and throat!

Taking heed of the woman's words, Eve re-applied herself to Stan's erection; now concentrating on the quality rather than quantity of her attentions. The wordless sounds coming from between Stan's lips and the feeling of his hand tensing, then easing and clenching once again as it stroked through Eve's hair, suggested that she was hitting the spot for Stan.

Eve took time out to ease her over-stretched jaw and instead lavished adoration on Stan's shaft and balls with her tongue, teeth and fingers. The spicy-sweet flavour seemed stronger down there and also beneath Stan's foreskin; Eve couldn't get enough of that! Eve became so engrossed by Stan's cock that she was barely aware of the woman once more cleaning her down with the damp flannel.

The mouse-lady had already cleaned-off the sweat, mud and spent semen from Eve's back, buttocks and thighs; it was only when Eve sensed pressure between those thighs that she finally took notice. Eve felt the scratch of fingernails, the woman's hand was between her legs, but not with a flannel! Eve started at the touch and immediately, felt Stan's hand tighten in her hair.

Eve's breathing and heart-rate sky-rocketed; though Stan's reassuring whisper of: "Don't worry Eve... she won't hurt you." eased her fears just a little, Eve was far from comfortable. Eve's attention remained fixed upon the woman's encroaching hand and her disarmingly soft-spoken words; even Eve's most scandalous fantasies had never included another woman!

Stan's crooned reassurances and his gentle stroking of her hair, didn't quell Eve's tremors as she felt the woman's hand move upward between her thighs. But, despite Eve's concerns, when the woman instructed her to open her legs wider, Eve did so without demur. The woman's fingers then teased between Eve's labia and when the woman spoke again, Eve found her words, or perhaps her touch almost hypnotic:

"Those boys have really had their fun with you haven't they." The fingers - more than one - probed deeper. "Like a pack of wild dogs, taking turns to cover their bitch." The finger's -- now three, perhaps even all four? - were fully inside Eve's dissipated channel. "They've flooded you with cum, you're overflowing with it; that tag at your collar's accurate... you were their bitch in heat."

The woman's touch became more aggressive... forceful; Eve realised that it was now all four of the woman's fingers and her thumb too! Drawn together into a cone, or perhaps a spear's head; the hand twisted and writhed like a snake; pressing harder and ever deeper, into Eve's unprotected pussy. "But they were careless with you Eve; wasteful... After you've filled a bitch's cunt with semen, you shouldn't allow it to just leak out again."

The woman redoubled her efforts and Eve felt her knuckle joints and then the heel of her hand grind against her clitoris, crushing the sensitive nub against the constraint of her pubic bone. Eve yelped around Stan's cock at the jolt of pain and an instant later gasped in her relief when the woman's hand slid past it, to distend the more elastic cleft beyond.

Eve's breathing was deep and strained, feeling a similar... fullness, to when that first man had taken her bum earlier. In a further reminder of that harsh assault, the woman's honeyed-voice turned harsher too. "Knotting! That's what a come-filled bitch needs; now you get back to sucking on Stan's cock, while I push all this come into your womb... where it's meant to go."

Eve felt the woman's fingers spread wide, then close once again, but now clenched into a fist; a gut-bursting ball that she began to slowly pump back and forth inside Eve's ravaged channel. Stan was still stroking Eve's hair and it was he who now spoke: "Back to work Eve, just like Lucy told you... She isn't going to let you come until I do, but don't fret, I won't take much longer.."

That re-focused Eve's wandering thoughts: She hadn't envisaged the woman's incursion and would've refused point-blank if asked, but having now accommodated it, Eve realised that she'd enjoyed it. Eve was very aroused, knew this sapphic penetration could give her another orgasm and Eve craved that orgasm! Almost equally, Eve craved Stan's climax; would his semen taste as yummy as his cock did?

Eve was now on a mission, she really went to town on Stan's cock; taking it increasingly deeper into her throat, then laving the crown with her tongue between penetrations. Eve allowed it well beyond the point where it'd lodged that first time and from the growing intensity of Stan's rumbled gasps and groans, Eve sensed he was appreciating her efforts.


That must have been apparent to the woman too, still working her fist inside Eve's cunt she muttered "Well aren't you an eager little cock-sucker... I'll bet that it doesn't take Stan very long to train you to his satisfaction."

Almost as the woman spoke, Eve felt Stan's grip tighten in her hair and two seconds later, the first stream of cum was discharged inside her mouth. Stan's seed did carry the spicy-sweet taste that she'd hoped for and Eve would've swallowed every drop had the old woman not chosen just that moment to press and twist her hand both deeper and harder into Eve's pussy.

Eve bucked, twisted and squealed as the resulting orgasm ripped through her and the last two streams of Stan's semen fell like ribbons across Eve's face. By the time that Eve had recovered -- seconds, minutes, a life time? God knows! - It was the woman who was grasping Eve by the hair as she licked the spilled seed from her face. Even in her dissolution, Eve thought 'it's not just me who loves Stan's flavour'.

It seemed only moments later that Stan and his wife returned Eve to her favoured spot beside the tree. Eve watched as Stan re-ordered himself and his wife wiped her hand and arm free of Eve's outpouring, before leaning down to deliver a light and almost maternal kiss to her cheek. "Rude I know, but we have to rush away right now or risk being late for lunch with our grand-children."

A they strode away toward the main path, Stan paused for one moment and looked back; a lascivious grin on his face. "You really are a most delightful poppet Eve, I do hope that our paths cross again... preferably somewhere that's a little more discrete and a lot more comfortable." As she watched them leave, Eve felt a second wave of unease flow through which set her trembling.

That mention of 'luncheon with the grandchildren' had given Eve a similar jolt; what was the time now? Eve scrabbled in the long grass at the foot of the tree, recovered the key and released the chain from around its trunk. The collar's lock was harder to deal with so Eve still wore that, with the chain coiled in her hands as she set off in the opposite direction.

It was only thirty metres to the clump of gorse bushes but Eve had barely reached its cover when she heard voices back in the clearing. Eve cowered in silence, only reaching into the bushes to retrieve her backpack after they'd moved away; the chain and collar went into it, while her running shoes, and lycra clothing came out; Eve didn't bother with her panties, she was leaking beyond anything they could stem already.

Two minutes later and Eve was on her way, running south east towards Longside Lane. It was almost two miles to where Eve had parked her car and exhausted though she was, time was of the essence; Eve had recovered her watch -- and wedding ring! - so she knew that it was almost eleven. Adam and their sons would get back from cricket practice at midday, Eve needed to be home and... presentable, before then.

Eve had run the London Marathon only a few weeks earlier, but that was as nothing compared to the exhaustion which she felt as she'd approached the car. While throwing her backpack into the boot, Eve saw two men loading bicycles onto another car, parked further down the road; they were too far away to recognise, but both their bicycles and clothing seemed frighteningly familiar.

When one of the men turned, looked and began walking towards her, Eve leapt into the car a roared away in a plume of gravel; the car door wasn't closed and she'd left one shoe, Cinderella-like on the roadside. Eve made it home with a few minutes to spare and raced straight up to the bathroom. Eve's clothes smelt as rank as she suspected that she did herself, so those went onto the floor of the shower beneath her feet.

By the time Eve heard her sons and husband return she was showered and dressed; wet haired and without make-up, but presentable at least. Those scratches and a bruise on Eve's cheek she could attribute to an errant tree branch, but it was vital that Adam didn't see the rest of her for the next few days: Eve's body was a patchwork of scrapes, scratches, bites and bruises!

In deference to those, Eve forewent the summer dress that she'd intended and was instead dressed in espadrilles, Capri pants, and a fully buttoned plaid shirt. Eve headed into the kitchen, to put the finishing touches to her contribution to the buffet lunch, while Adam got the boys cleaned-up and changed, Eve had finished and was just loading the food into the family car by the time the boys were ready.

By twelve-twenty the family were all aboard too, the boys secure in the back and Adam driving while Eve did her best to comb-out her still damp hair and apply a few touches of make-up on the move. Adam wouldn't begin the service until three o'clock, but the church-picnic was to begin at one and Eve had been tasked with saying grace ahead of that; they couldn't be late!

They arrived with a few minutes in hand; the boys rushed off to find their friends, while Adam mingled with his parishioners and Eve joined the other ladies in setting out the buffet. The picnic, as ever, was at Chatsworth Park, in the tended parkland adjacent to the great house; Eve couldn't stop herself from glancing up toward the heath where she'd spent her morning and wondering if she could see the actual tree to which she'd earlier been tethered.

Eve's blessing went off smoothly and immediately after, she and the other ladies began serving food; children first as always. It was about twenty minutes later, the queue almost at an end when Eve heard the voice: "How lovely to see you again Eve; who would have thought that our paths might cross again so soon?" A wave of unease crashed in Eve's belly and set her heart racing once again.

Had the woman not spoken Eve probably wouldn't have recognised her. Beyond a change of outfit -- sandals, a flowery cotton dress and a matching sun-hat -- her hairstyle was entirely different too. Rather than the faded, salt and pepper hair which Eve recalled from the morning, the woman's head was now crowned by a flowing mane of lustrous auburn hair; she looked years younger!

Eve would have perhaps recognised Stan though, his khaki shirt and shorts had given way to a dark and unsuitable formal suit, complete with a collar and tie, but he'd still topped off his ensemble with that floppy bush-hat. Despite their warm smiles, Eve's knees began to tremble and her hands grasped the table's edge for support as she stared silently toward them.

With Eve tongue-tied the woman continued, her voice low: "This afternoon's sunshine would make things more comfortable, but here's certainly not discrete; C'est la vie. We spoke to Adam a few minutes ago; it seems that he's going to a full-day diocesan meeting in Buxton on Wednesday? Presumably your boys will both be at school all day too?"

Beyond her trembling knees and silence, the colour began to fade from Eve's cheeks; despite the heat that she could feel spreading from her groin? The woman produced a small card from her handbag and slipped it into the breast pocket of Eve's plaid shirt; her fingers seemed to tarry there for a few seconds longer than necessary, during which time Eve felt them tease at her nipple.

That touch elicited another spark in Eve's belly, she could barely breathe as the woman concluded: "That's our address; perhaps you could visit us on Wednesday? Come straight after you've dropped your boys off at school; we don't want to waste a moment of the day, do we." Eve remained silent... and trembling as the couple turned and walked away.

Eve was still staring after them when Adam appeared at her side a few seconds later "Are you OK love? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Eve shook her head to clear her mind and pasted a smile on her face. "No, I'm fine; perhaps still a little tired from this mornings run... By the way, who are the elderly couple over there; I don't recognise them from the regular congregation."

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