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The Sacrificial Lamb

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A wife is careless in what she wished for.
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Eve looked down to her left wrist, but her watch was missing. It, along with the rest of her jewellery had been removed; even Eve's wedding ring... most especially the wedding ring. Eve's clothes were missing too, she was naked, save for the leather collar about her neck and the length of light chain, which secured Eve to the scrubby tree beside which she sat.

Eve didn't need her watch to know the time, it was around eight-thirty o'clock in the morning, on the last Saturday in June. Eve knew her location too, she was at Chatsworth Park in Derbyshire. Tough not in the landscaped gardens and parkland adjacent to the house, Eve was up on the heath to the east, where it climbed towards Beeley Moor, a mile or more from the nearest road.

The day wasn't cold, but it ought to have been warmer; a cloud bank had drifted in from the North Sea overnight and the morning was misty, with fine rain falling. The rain was light, but in Eve's nakedness it proved sufficient to raise goose-bumps on her skin and turn her nipples bullet-hard; though perhaps the rain wasn't entirely responsible for the latter?

Eve had had this dream -- or was it perhaps a nightmare? - a thousand times or more, throughout her whole adult life; but this was the first time it had never rained. Then again, until this morning it had always been just that... a fantasy. While the limited visibility would provide Eve with camouflage for what was to come, it might just as easily provide too much and perhaps no one would discover her here?

It was about twenty minutes before that concern was answered; Eve heard a dog begin to bark; the barking grew louder and a few moments later it arrived in the small clearing where she sat. The sound was deep and heavy, befitting the dog's size when it appeared and though it sounded inquisitive rather than aggressive, Eve climbed to her feet as the dog approached.

Some breed of wolfhound perhaps? When it bounded forward and reared-up, it's front paws reached as high as Eve's shoulder. Be it Eve's stumbling beneath its weight, or her rain-slicked skin, but the dog lost balance and dropped back to the ground, its claws leaving scratches along Eve's arm and across her right breast and ribcage as its paws slid away.

Before the dog could leap-up again, a shout of "Si'down Rex!" boomed out and the dog settled obediently onto it's haunches. Eve's attention turned in the direction of the voice: The man who'd called was tall, dark and athletic, with a rugged, unshaven face, probably in his mid-thirties, so around Eve's own age. A grin appeared on his face as he added "So what've you found today Rex?"

The man strode across the clearing toward Eve, his hand grasping the tag attached to Eve's collar; it was tight beneath Eve's chin, she couldn't read it herself. "Well now, this says she's a 'bitch in heat'... Though not the sort to interest you eh Rex? But... As my old Gran used to say... Waste not want not." The man caught Eve by her hips, lifting and spinning her around onto hands and knees.

Eve felt the man drop to his own knees behind her, she heard the rattle of his belt buckle and the hum of his trouser-zipper, followed by a grunt of "wider" as a hand pressed on the inside of each of Eve's thighs. Next came the sensation of the man's cock stroking back and forth through Eve's pubic hair, searching for and soon finding, the moist centre of her womanhood; he penetrated Eve an instant later.

His incursion wasn't violent, but it was powerful; more than half of the man's cock entered Eve with that first thrust and a second thrust delivered Eve of the remainder. Eve's gasp of accommodation was lost beneath the man's bestial growl of conquest and after a few seconds hiatus to savour Eve's subjugation, the man's fingers grasped Eve by her hips and he once more began to move.

Their coupling was forceful, with the man offering no subtlety, just a hard and metronomic fucking. Eve doubted that the man had managed twenty strokes before he tensed-up and his fingers bit even harder into the flesh around Eve's hips. The man bellowed in climax and began pumping semen into Eve's vanquished cunt; Eve barely noticed, her own climax had arrived long before.

Hardly surprising, Eve had dreamt of this moment for almost twenty-years; she'd been more than ready. The heat had begun spreading from Eve's groin by the man's third penetration and by his sixth her sheath had been pulsing around his cock. At a dozen strokes Eve had dropped to her elbows and wailed like a banshee as that long-imagined orgasm had ripped through her with a power that surpassed even the most vivid of Eve's fantasies.

By the time Eve recovered her equilibrium the man was gone. Glancing around Eve caught a final sight of his dog at the clearing's edge, then it too disappeared into the mist. Eve dropped completely to the ground and lay there until she regained enough energy to drag herself around to again sit with her back resting against the tree to which she was tethered. Eve was still sat there when she heard the noise... A metallic swirling, rattle.

Eve looked up as the sound resolved itself into that of a mountain-bike. A fair-haired young man in his early-twenties stared at Eve from its saddle, then raising and waving his arm, the man turned away and began shouting: "Joey! Joey! Over here... come'n''look at this!" Having presumably attracted Joey's attention, he climbed off his bicycle and let it drop to the floor as he walked towards Eve.

A second and matching, bicycle had arrived before the man reached her; Eve noted that this second cyclist was a match to the first, they had to be brothers, perhaps even twins? The second cyclist rode straight into the clearing, stopping between his advancing brother and Eve. Discarding his bike with similar carelessness, he enquired: "So what've we got here Mike? She looks ripe for a shag and well tasty too... I'm having a piece of that."

"Not yet you're not. I spotted her, so I'm getting first dibs... you can have the sloppy seconds." Joey stepped aside with a grin, conceding precedence to his brother without argument. Having finally reached Eve's position, Mike bent forward, gasped her by the ankles and dragged her onto the flatter ground, clear of the tree; Eve yelped but didn't offer any resistance.

Mike casually unzipped his lycra cycling suit, pulled it off his shoulders and wriggled it down to his knees. Without speaking, the man placed a foot between Eve's calves and tapped it against them both, Eve maintained her silence as she compliantly parted her legs in response. Kneeling between Eve's open thighs, Mike took a moment to stroke Eve's left breast and mutter "some cracking tits on her too."

Joey was nodding and sniggering in agreement as Mike steered his cock into Eve's pussy and penetrated to his full length with a single easy thrust. Looking around to his brother Mike growled: "Sweet... Though I'm guessing that we're both getting sloppy-seconds."

Eve lay submissive as Mike used her and despite the lurid encouragement of his brother, Mike took Eve quite slowly and gently. His hands and mouth expended as much attention and energy on her breasts as his cock did between her legs and Eve's left nipple along with a good proportion of her breast were deep inside Mike's mouth when he jerked, froze and began pumping cum into her receptive channel.

Having shot his load, Mike whispered 'thank you' and planted a few gentle kisses upon Eve's breasts, before moving away to allow Joey to take his turn. Looking up Eve saw that Joey's cycling suit too had been peeled off and was bunched halfway down his thighs; while Joey's face also wore a smile, his didn't presage the kindliness of his brother.

Eve's assumption proved correct: Joey leant over and gasped Eve by her hair; that was tied back in a single thick plait. Jerking Eve upright, Joey used the plait to lift her from the ground as he snarled "I'm not getting my knees shit-up fucking you on the floor". He turned Eve around and pushed her forward as he added "Grab ahold of that tree and open your legs."

Eve meekly complied, though that didn't earn her any more consideration: Joey slapped her hard on the buttocks and growled "Wider! Get your cunt a bit lower!" Eve had earned three more harsh slaps before Joey was satisfied with her stance; two seconds later and the full length of his shaft was buried between Eve's legs, driven there with a single, vicious thrust.

Things didn't get any easier, Joey pounded into Eve like a maniac and when Mike suggested he should 'take it easy bro' Joey replied "Why? The dirty slut can take it!" Joey speared into Eve so hard that one foot was lifted clear of the ground with each penetration; occasionally it was both feet! The assault was remorseless, but and perhaps fortunately, also short-lived.

Joey's hands had been mauling at Eve's breasts throughout, until heralded by a feral growl, they clenched tight about the delicate orbs, twisting the flesh and pinching hard on Eve's nipples. The barbarous pounding of Joey's cock ceased in the same moment, he was deep inside Eve, while she had one leg in mid-air and the other barely touching ground with the tips of her toes; Eve felt his semen spurt and flow into her ravaged body.

Despite the harsh assault, Eve too had climaxed, perhaps even harder than she had beneath, the the dog-walker? Mike's gentle ministrations had nicely... primed her, while his brother's subsequent abuse -- a violation just such as Eve had craved -- touched-off a truly volcanic orgasm, the sounds from which drowned-out even Joey's crude shouts of climax.

Eve's feet once more found solid ground, when Joey released her breasts and eased away, but she still clasped tight to the tree as her trembling legs struggled to her upright. Eve listened as Mike now called to his brother: "Fucking Hell Joey! Get your kit on and let's get out of here; somebody must have heard that commotion!".

Eve's legs failed her as she listened to their bicycle wheels begin to turn and despite gripping hard to the tree's trunk, Eve finally slid to the ground, her breasts, belly and face scraping against the tree-bark as she descended. Despite the lads' concerns, it was quite a while before Eve was next discovered, though Eve was still embracing that tree trunk when she was.

It was a man on an off-road motorcycle; Eve was so dissipated that he'd pulled-up in the clearing before she'd even heard, never mind seen him approach. All of the Estate's roads and tracks are off limits to motor vehicles and sign-posted to advise of that; the expression on the man's face suggested that his violation that edict was small-beer compared to the one which he intended to commit next.

Having stared at Eve for several seconds and indeed, she at him, the man sounded his bike's horn three or four times, before stopping the engine and climbing off. He strode across to Eve, grasped her by the ankles and roughly dragged her away from the tree; Eve was again supine in the dirt, with legs spread and a man again knelt between them when she heard the second motorbike's arrival.

By the time that first man had finished with her, Eve had heard several more motorbike engines; she never did discover exactly how many were in the gang. Eve heard that first man advise his friends that "she's got a nice tight cunt, but she's a slick little bitch; there's been a few in there already." Then a dispute broke out between the rest regarding which of them would be,,, enjoying Eve next.

That argument was settled, or at least eased, by a suggestion -- Eve had no idea from whom -- which did gain agreement: One of the men rolled a bike over towards Eve and set it on its stand, while two more pulled Eve to her feet and draped her sideways across its saddle: "There you go, we can fuck the slut from both ends now... have two at a time."

Further debate then ensued as to which two men would be first, but that almost immediately faded away as one, perhaps more... canny man, ignored the discussion and simply stepped forward and mounted Eve. He caught Eve by her hips, kicked her ankles apart and sank his cock into her overused pussy: You're right, she's had a few before us... but her cunt's still fairly tight."

As he was speaking, a second man grasped Eve's plait, jerked her head up and forced his cock between her lips; Eve's lips were already parted in response to the pain of her hair being pulled. The man didn't instruct Eve to suck or lick his cock, he instead just fucked her mouth and throat with as much vigour as the man between her legs and snarled: "Fresh as a daisy at this end... the dirty whore must've been swallowing it."

It wasn't Eve's first experience of oral sex, she pleasured her husband Adam that way on high-days and holidays, but never quite like this. Adam would lie quietly while Eve gently... explored and teased using her lips and tongue, as a precursor to 'normal' sex. Today it was an end in itself, the man using her mouth like a second pussy, no doubt intent on depositing his seed in there too.

That all said, it wasn't unexpected, indeed Eve's dreams had long, perhaps always included having her mouth used in this way; in fact in exactly this way! Two men taking her in tandem; Eve had learnt that it was called 'spit-roasting' and had long craved it. Once Eve had overcome the sensation of choking and gagging during those first few seconds, she discovered this assault too was all that she'd imagined.

The man fucking Eve's pussy climaxed quickly and he was swiftly replaced; Eve's own orgasm arrived shortly after that. The man using Eve's mouth took a while longer and Eve was grateful for that; it allowed her to... savour the experience of having her mouth flooded with semen for the first time. The gagging sensation returned, but only for a moment; thereafter, this sensation too exceeded Eve's expectations.

The flavour was still fresh on Eve's tongue when the second man in her pussy unloaded his spunk inside her; the next man in line was the one who took Eve's final virginity. Until only seven or eight years ago Eve hadn't even known anal sex was... a thing. Eve's immediate reaction to the discovery had been disgust,considering it sordid, debased... vile! But in the years since, it'd made ever more frequent appearances in Eve's dreams.

Eve had known, or at least, thought likely... perhaps just hoped? That some man would choose to take his pleasure in her backside. Forewarned is forearmed and before setting out that morning Eve had lathered her bum -- both inside and out! - with almost a whole tube of a gel-lubricant. That which had remained Eve'd deployed around her pussy lips and inner thighs, where it had already proved its value.

Eve sensed the third man shuffle in behind her, felt his hands grasp and spread her buttocks and heard the growled "Her arse still looks fresh.." Through discrete enquiries into anal sex Eve had learnt the importance of staying relaxed and not tensing-up, but that information proved redundant; Eve didn't get the chance to do either, a split second later the man's cock-head and half his shaft speared into Eve's virgin bottom.

The lubricant proved its worth once again, though Eve still screamed out in her violation; how could she not, it was barbaric! Eve's scream only dwindled when the man's penetration had driven the last of the breath from her lungs, not that anyone would've heard it. The cock between Eve's lips muted it to some extent, while any sound that did get by was drowned-out by the shouts and cheers of the men surrounding her.

Eve was still fighting to recover her breath when the man began to piston into her; an assault which he precursed with another growl: "Tight as a fuckin drum! I don't reckon anyone's been in here, but they've not cum inside 'er if they 'ave."

The man's review was immediately answered: "Then don't shoot your load into her either, keep it sweet for the rest of us."

Eve shuddered beneath those words.: She'd fantasised about being taken anally, but even with the lubricant's aid, the reality was more... strenuous than she'd envisaged. Eve felt full to bursting! Her temperature had gone through the roof and within just a few seconds sweat was pouring from every pore!

Only when Eve got her breathing back in check did she begin to appreciate the plus sides, the first being that sensation of being full to bursting! Eve had always known that she was sexually acquiescent and while Adam had too rarely... utilised that trait, it had invariably come to the fore in her dreams. But in neither the real world nor her fantasies, had Eve enjoyed such a feeling of submission as the next few minutes delivered

Eve was like a rag-doll, nothing more than a fuck toy for those two men! The man before her had one hand entwined in Eve's plait and the other roughly fondling her breasts while he drove his cock in and out of her mouth and not just her mouth, he penetrated right into her throat! Meanwhile, the man behind tightened his grip on Eve's hips and recklessly pounded his cock into her bum.

When the man violating Eve's bum slipped a hand around her waist to force a finger into her pussy, Eve's arousal jumped a step higher. A second later Eve realised the man's hands were both still biting into her hips; so that finger -- now two! - penetrating her pussy belonged to a third man. Not even Eve's most salacious fantasies had stretched that far!

Eve's orgasm was immediate and stronger than anything she'd ever even envisaged. So powerful that Eve barely registered the man shooting his load into her mouth, face and hair and the climax of the man pounding into her bowel not at all. Only after Eve resurfaced from the abyss did she realise that it was a different man now parting her buttocks and pressing a cock between them; or recognise the fresh wetness pooled on her lower back was semen not sweat

Soon after that, Eve lost track of... well, pretty much everything; not least any sense of time. As for the motorbike gang... well, Eve hadn't known how many there were to begin with and while she later guessed at five or six, it could easily have been seven, Eve had little chance of reaching a definitive answer during the course of her ordeal as most, perhaps all the men, yook her more than once.

That was the one of the few points on which Eve could be suee: More than once Eve had tasted something that she recognised immediately - her own juices! - amidst the semen and male-musk coating a cock that slid across her tongue. Other cocks had carried an altogether.... mustier flavour, a seasoning which Eve thought likely to have originated in her own bum.

That second man hadn't been the last to use Eve's cunt, nor had all the men who'd followed the third adhered to the stipulation of not depositing their semen inside her arse; Eventually, Eve's bowel was as awash with cum as her pussy. While Eve continued to enjoy climaxes of her own, none ever reached the summit to which that first man who'd used her arse had driven her and by the end, Eve was simply exhausted.

Eve knew her ordeal was reaching its end when she heard an authoritative voice calling: "Time we were out of here fellas. If we stop much longer some busy-body will see us and call the cops, then the shit will really hit the fan."

Desoite her exhaustion, that had drawn a smile from Eve: Despite the... distraction of the men's assault, Eve had noticed several people passing by in her peripheral vision. Most had hurried on, but a few had loitered to watch the show. None had tried to intervene, but Eve couldn't blame them for that, had the situation been reversed, Eve doubted that she would have had the courage to do so either.

One man was still fucking Eve -- in her pussy -- when she heard the first motorcycle start; by the time he'd finished they'd all disappeared save the one that Eve was draped across. Not three seconds later Eve was pulled off it, dumped unceremoniously onto the floor and that one too fired-up and sped away; its rear wheel carelessly bespattering Eve with mud as it departed... The men were finished with Eve, she was now irrelevant.

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