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The Secret Life of a Loving Wife


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My petite friend smiled knowingly as she played with herself. "Yeah," she said. "I've never admitted it to anyone, though. But not romantically. I like men that way, but I fantasize about sex with both."

"No one knows? So you've never done it with another woman?"

Cassie released her vulva and moved both hands up to play with her nipples. On the TV screen, Angela was now sitting on her escort's waist, slapping the young woman's breasts and reaching behind her to finger her babbling hostage's exposed pussy. Her partner tonight had a pleasantly high-pitched voice.

"I didn't say that," Cassie answered with a suppressed smile.

I laughed.

Cassie pondered her thoughts for a moment. "In college we would have parties, and one time I ended up in a bedroom with a woman. She was a cute little redhead, smaller than me even, but she had a great figure. I don't have big breasts so I fantasize about them a lot."

"You have great breasts," I said. "I adore your breasts. But back to the subject. What did you do with this cute little redhead?"

"Not enough. We kissed, we got naked, I played with her breasts a lot. We started to finger each other, but then someone knocked on the door and we panicked. Nothing like ... like that." She nodded to the screen, then turned to me with an impish smile. "I pretended to be drunk so I'd have an excuse, but I wasn't drunk."

I chuckled. "You little sneak."

Cassie's long nipples were so impressive. She lay back, her eyes closed, gently twisting them back and forth as she reminisced. "The girl talked to me the next day, and she said she couldn't remember anything, but had some recollection of making out with me. So I pretended not to remember, either. But I remembered it all, every moment, because I was stone cold sober."

"Would you do more now? Would you go further with a woman?"

She giggled and opened her eyes, and we made long eye contact. Her eyes were beautiful. "Yeah," she said quietly. "I fantasize about it all the time."

"Why don't you? You're single and there are all sorts of ways to hook up with people in this day and age."

She looked down between her legs, running her fingers gently up and down her glistening slit. "I don't even know how to start," she said. "I'm not going to put my picture on a web site. And I'm not going to go to a lesbian club. The bottom line is that I like men in the long run. I just really, really want to play with a woman. And I don't know how to make it happen."

On the screen, Angela questioned her little guest, "Had enough?"

"Yes! Yes! Please stop!"

"Will you lick me as much as I want?"

"Yes! Anything!" I wasn't sure why the slender brunette's voice was such a turn-on, but it was.

Angela's mouth curled into a strangely elated smile, so unfamiliar to me that it was almost as if she was a different person. Cassie and I both had the same realization as her demeanor changed from aggression to one of anticipatory delight. "I really don't think Angela is a secret lesbian," Cassie said, watching the scene and gently teasing herself. "I think she's just having fun. Kind of like what I want. Both with women and with kinky stuff."

I nodded as Angela stood and took a deep breath, gazing down upon her quarry and tracing a finger along the curve of her pale breasts. "Truth time again," I asked Cassie. "Do you like the kinky stuff?"

"Of course. Everyone likes kinky stuff."

"What do you like?"

She looked me up and down, her gaze lingering on the cock that I was rubbing. "Well, aren't you bold," she said, mirth on her lips.

On the screen, Angela was untying the slender young woman and leading her to the bed. The brunette lay on her back and Angela climbed onto her in a 69 position, her large breasts swaying beneath her.

"I've decided to stop holding back. And anyway, I've been telling you my fantasies."

"Good point." She looked at the wall behind me, her eyes unfocused as she retreated into her mind. She took a deep breath. "I can't believe that I'm going to say this. I've never said this to anyone."

I was trying to hold off on an orgasm. I didn't want to break the moment. I slowed down my hand on my cock as she intensified the efforts on her nipples. I looked straight into her vulva, so soft and inviting with its thick, puffy lips. I wondered what they would feel like if I was pushing inside them.

"I have a bunch of fantasies that I like," she said shyly. "One of my top ones is about being a high-class call girl. I go to people's houses and I perform for them."


Cassie's left hand dropped between her legs, and her fingers started stroking.

"Kind of like Angela's dates are doing. Sometimes it's a single man, sometimes a single woman. Sometimes it's a party and I'm up on a table or a bar. But most of the time it's just me and a husband and wife."

"So a threesome."

On the screen, Angela was still in the 69 position, but she had pulled the brunette's legs up and pinned them under her armpits, jackknifing the girl. She was feverishly working the girl's vulnerable nether regions with tongue and fingers, and appeared to be getting the same treatment herself.

Cassie nodded blissfully as she played with herself, watching Angela out of the corner of her eye as she stroked. "I service both of them. I give them oral, and I let the man fuck me while the woman sits on my face. They spread my legs, each one sitting on one of my thighs to hold me apart, and they play with me until I scream."

My breathing was accelerating. On the screen, Angela was now cumming, her back arched and head up as the slim brunette licked her from below. "Then what?"

Cassie's voice was getting quieter with every sentence. "It depends. Sometimes the two of us gang up on the husband and drive him insane. We tie him to the bed and tease him. Sometimes we gang up on the wife and do the same thing. She's always got big breasts and I love playing with them. And sometimes..."

My eyebrows rose. Her hand was moving faster.

"Sometimes they gang up on me. They tie me to the bed face down, and the wife starts playing with me. Lubing me up in the back, which terrifies me. Then she lies down so that my face is between her legs and I have to eat her out. Her husband...he, uh, gets behind me. Then he starts using me anally until I make the wife cum."

"Oh, my god." I was stroking myself faster now, as was she. "You're into anal?"

"I've never done it. I want to try it, but it scares me to death. And yet I'm fascinated by it. I want to be used, just a tool for their pleasure. When I finally make them cum I'm so turned on that I'm practically delirious. And then they double up on me again and make me cum over and over and over."

On the screen, Angela and the brunette were now lying side by side, gently stroking each other's vulvas and kissing in afterplay.

"What type of woman do you like?"

Cassie was briskly rubbing herself. I was starting to learn her signs of impending orgasm, such as the little wrinkle that showed up between her eyebrows. She began to shudder, and I was getting close myself.

"Can I tell you a secret?" she panted.


Her fingers became a blur and her back began to arch.

"The threesome is with you and Angela."

I spurted out cum like I never had before.



Nope. That wasn't the tone. Cassie rewound the recording, we listened, and I dialed my phone again.

Beep-bip-bop-boop-beep -

Nope. We repeated the process.

It took several more tries to get the ten digits right, and I was scared to death when it finally matched. The phone rang and I handed it quickly to Cassie.

"The things I do for you," she said with a nervous smile.

"I think this is going to be a win-win," I replied, but I was nervous too.

A smooth female voice answered. "Hello?"

"Hi, is this Becky?"


The following night, I once again greeted Cassie after work as I hid inside her condo. I made some nice salads and she went into the bedroom to change. When she came out, she was wearing something completely foreign to me, a night club outfit that featured a short mini-skirt, semi-transparent top that showed her bra, and knee high leather boots. I looked her up and down. "If you dressed like that at work, I'd pay you a lot more," I quipped.

She waggled her hips at me. "After this whole thing is over, you should pay me a lot more anyway."

We sat down to dinner. It was starting to feel weirdly familiar, almost like sitting down to dinner with Angela back in more normal times.

"So where do we stand in our investigation?" she asked. "What are we hoping to learn tonight?"

I looked at her beautiful smooth face, her bright eyes blinking behind her nerdy oversized glasses, and I smiled, both at the memories of the past few days and the anticipation of what was to come. Whatever else I wanted to say about Angela's adventures, her enactment of her fantasies had inadvertently led to me realizing some of my own. I wanted our investigation to end, but then again, I didn't.

I munched my salad thoughtfully. "Well," I said at long last, "we know that she's not having an affair. At least, not a traditional one. She's just having lots of sex. We just don't know what it means."

"It means your wife is an insatiable horncat," Cassie grinned, and it made me laugh. "So are you going to confront her?"

I rubbed a hand up my forehead and through my hair. "I guess I have to. But I'm not sure how."

"You'll figure it out. Tonight will help, I hope."

A wave of sadness swept over me. "Whatever her reasons, though, it seems clear that she doesn't want me involved in her sex life. And I don't understand it. I've always treated her well. I've always tried to be a good husband."

There wasn't much Cassie could say to refute or comfort me, so she sat silently, a sympathetic expression on her face.

"I don't even know what to do," I said at long last. "It's not like our marriage has been unhappy. We don't argue. We're affectionate. Our sex life is dull, but it exists and it's ... nice. I guess I could just let her keep doing what she's doing and look the other way, and maybe I could even do the same thing now that I know. It's not like I've been satisfied with our sex life. But that doesn't seem right."

"I don't think you can't keep this a secret, Tom. You have to talk to her."

"But is the marriage over at that point? It seems like it should be, but as weird as it sounds, I don't want it to be. I want to be ..." I nodded toward the blank big screen TV, "I want to be part of THAT. I want us to be open and honest and I want to be in the room while she's doing all of those things. And ... and frankly, I would love to have sex with other women with her blessing."

I looked across the table at Cassie. Her doe eyes were downcast.

To hell with it. I'll say it. "And I probably shouldn't say this, but you would be first on my list if you were interested."

She blushed profusely. "You don't have to be nice. I apologize if I shared too much last night."

I laughed genuinely. "I've thought about it for years. Remember when I told you that I fantasized about you? It's completely true. Every single day that we've worked together for the past 12 years, I've looked at you and wondered what you would be like in bed."

She scrunched her face in suspicion. "No, you haven't. Why would you fantasize about me when you've got D-cup Angela with the blonde hair at home?"

"If you only knew the thoughts I've had about you," I said, then hesitated a moment. "It's confession time. Do you remember the year at the Christmas party when you wore that silver dress? The ones with the sequins?"

"You remember that dress?"

I snorted. "You in that dress may be the sexiest thing I've ever seen in my life. My god. If you had any idea about how often I've fantasized about you in that dress..."

"The silver sequined dress? The cocktail dress?" She seemed incredulous, and I could see her mind rewinding to that night. "That was at least seven or eight years ago."

I nodded. "You were so beautiful that night. You were a vision." I closed my eyes and remembered the scene that was so locked into my memory. "Your hair was swept up in some beautiful type of updo that made you look like a princess, and you had ruby and diamond earrings that I had created. It made me so proud that you wore them. Your neckline was low enough that your cleavage moved in it when you walked, just barely moved, but enough that it would catch my eye every time I saw you. You wore an eye shadow that was gold with some type of glint in it. You smiled at me from across the room, and we had a very formal dance where I kept a hand's width between us. But inside I was torn on whether I would rather bend you over the buffet table and fuck your brains out, or just drive off into the night with you and start a whole new life."

I opened my eyes. Her mouth was agape and she was staring at me. Her eyebrows turned up in an empathetic gesture. "Tom, I never had any idea."

"How could you not know? My pupils dilate every time you walk into the room."

She shook her head. "I had no idea. You've always been so professional to me, so polite and courteous, that I never dreamed that you had any interest."

The tension was building, and I needed to break it. I winked at her. "And that whole time, you were lusting after my wife."

She laughed, her perfect teeth glinting in the light. "Not just your wife, remember. I wanted the full threesome."

We both laughed, but it was a careful laugh. We had breached a critical wall and there was no going back.

"So what now?" she asked. "What are we doing here?"

"I feel like I need to give my marriage every chance of surviving, but I have to ask. You and me ... if I asked you tonight...?"

Cassie threw her head back in laughter. "Tom, I've masturbated in front of you! Of course the answer would be yes! I've lusted after you for years. But at the same time I appreciate your loyalty to your marriage and I always thought the world of Angela. I would never do anything to come between you two if you think there's something to be salvaged. But if not," she locked eyes with me for a brief second, and we both felt the chemistry. "If not, or if you can ever convince her of that threesome, you know where I live."

I wanted to kiss her. It wasn't even about sex or romance. She was just a wonderful person. I started to speak, but suddenly the doorbell rang.

We both froze. Cassie's eyes shone with nervousness. "Oh, god," she said. "Oh god oh god oh god oh god. Are we really going to do this?"

"Are you sure you're okay with this?"

"I'm scared to death. But I also can't wait."

"Well, I'll tell you this. You're the best damn Chief Operations Officer that an employer could ever have."

I stood up and went to the entry, which was around a corner from the dining area. Out of Cassie's sight, I opened the front door, and there she was.

It was her.

The redhead who'd started this whole thing.

She was well-dressed and sophisticated looking, even though she looked even younger than I remembered. We were betting it would be her based on the very specific and strategized request we'd made, but there was no way to confirm until this moment. My heart leapt into my throat.

She looked me up and down. "Is this Cassie's house?" she asked. She had a calming, low-timbre voice.

I froze up, but somehow managed a short nod. I extended a hand that probably was stupidly awkward but she seemed nonplussed by it, shaking it perfunctorily. She looked past me into the empty living room. "You know I only work with women, right?"

I nodded, and my voice and breath began to return. "Yes, yes, of course. And your name is...?"

"Kara." She looked at me unblinkingly. "Are you going to invite me in?"

At that moment, Cassie walked around the corner from the dining room. She looked so small, so vulnerable, that I immediately felt a pang of guilt for dragging her into all of this. But then again, this was her fantasy, and it was my gift to her as well as her favor to me.

Kara the Redhead looked her up and down, and her eyebrows rose in approval. "Well, hello, honey," she said, and entered the living room.

For a brief second, I thought Cassie was going to run. She just stared, her big brown eyes so wide that they showed an outline of white. But then, ever so slowly, a smile began to appear on her face.

"Well, hello yourself," she said. "Please come in."


Kara was a bombshell, a classic femme fatale. She was wearing a very stylish mini-dress, sexy but not slutty, and an oversized handbag bounced at her side. Underneath, it was clear that she had perfect succulent breasts and a gorgeous feminine ass that swayed as she headed toward the couch. Her hair was a beautiful copper, long with a very slight curl that gave it fullness.

Cassie and I were both hypnotized by her, and I was the first to break out. "Would you like a glass of wine?" I asked.


I hustled to the kitchen, not wanting to miss a second. Kara and Cassie sat down on the couch together, turning to face toward each other, and I once again hoped that I hadn't pushed my friendship with Cassie too far. I hurriedly found a bottle of wine, an opener, and some glasses, slightly chagrined that I now knew where everything was stored, and poured us three glasses. I carried them into the living room with only a slight clink, and the two women each accepted a glass. I sat down in a chair facing them.

Kara took a long sip and nodded approvingly. "So," she said, "what's on the agenda tonight?"

Cassie seemed too starstruck to speak, so I stepped up. "Cassie is a friend of mine. She's always had a fantasy of being with another woman, so I decided to give her something special."

"A friend?"

"Yeah. A friend."

Kara's eyes moved from me to Cassie and back.

"We just watch porn together," Cassie said abruptly, and neither of us could suppress a smile.

Kara looked bemused, but shrugged it off. She turned to Cassie. "And you specifically requested a busty young redhead with long hair. Will I fit the bill?" She did a spokesmodel move with her hands to draw attention to her body.

Cassie stared at Kara's breasts for an uncomfortably long time. She nodded and swallowed hard. "Yes. Definitely."

"Excellent. And it's just you and me, per my policy. Is the gentleman watching or will he wait out here?"

The question surprised Cassie, and she looked at me. I grinned devilishly. "I'll be watching," I said.

She gave me a playfully baleful stare, and I saw her knees press together.

"In that case, the gentleman will put this on," Kara said. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a small item.

Curious, I let her hand it to me. "What is it?"

"It's a device to ensure that you don't attempt to become involved," Kara explained.

I turned it over in my hand. It was made of stainless steel, a tube and a ring, with a four-digit combination lock on it. I pondered it for a moment before it struck me. "You want me to put this on?" I asked incredulously.

"It's my requirement."

I was starting to get the impression that Kara really didn't trust men. "I'll promise to stay away," I said. "You don't have to worry about me."

"It's my requirement. Put it on or I go. Or if you wish, you can go."

We couldn't have her go. That would destroy the plan. And there was no way that I wasn't going to watch. "How do I get it off?"

Kara smiled. "You can guess the combination. On average, it takes about three hours. If you don't get it right by midnight, I'll text it to you."

I held the chastity device in my hand. Could I really do this? Sighing, I stood up. "I'll be back in a minute."

"No, put it on here where I can see it and check it. We're going to be naked, so you can get naked, too."


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