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The Secret Life of a Loving Wife


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"So what do we do now?" she asked.

"Now? We wait. If anything happens at all, it'll happen later in the evening. So you're stuck with me for dinner."

We ordered Chinese, and I paid. As we divvied up our chicken lo mein and "happy family" seafood, we chatted.

"Any luck with the thief yet?" I asked.

"Not yet. But it's just a matter of time. Given the pattern, I suspect that they'll show up on video sometime in the next few days."

"Well, they're not going to be happy when we catch them. I'm in a pretty vindictive mood right now."

Cassie nodded, studying me. "So how are you feeling about tonight?"

I took a deep breath. "I'm not sure. A part of me hopes that she just sits and reads a book, but another part of me wants any ambiguity to go away. No matter what we see tonight, what happened last week still happened, and I have to figure out what to do about it."

"What are you going to do about it?"

I thought for a second, then threw tact out the window. "I need to figure out what she's doing and why she's doing it. If she's cheating on me, then we're done. But I'm not sure that's the case. I thought a lot about what you said when you first saw the videos, about whether she's cheating or just fucking around, and I think you're right. Two women in two nights argues that she's not in love with someone else. If it turns out that she's just been wanting more in bed than I've been giving her ... um ..." I blushed with embarrassment. "I can learn from that, and I'm glad to be more open to possibilities."

Cassie laughed. "You don't mind letting her diddle women as long as you get to watch?" Her grin was infectious, and her eyes flashed mischievously but compassionately.

I sheepishly grinned back. "Not just watch. I want to play, too. If she wants to have casual sex with other women, I'm fine with that. In fact, I'm delighted about it. Just let me watch, and give me a crack at the other girl, too. To be honest, I've been bored to death with our sex life."

Cassie smiled coyly, averting her eyes toward her food.

"Did I say too much?"

It took a second for her to respond. "No, not at all. I just find it funny that you're a perv. You're so upright and serious at work. You're a boy scout. I've never seen this side of you."

"I'm not a boy scout," I snapped peevishly. "I'm definitely a perv, but I just don't go around talking about it." Then I softened back up and thought for a moment. "Maybe we're all pervs. I just learned that my wife is a perv, and she's the last person I would ever suspect. And now I also know that you like lesbian porn."

Cassie giggled, her face a deep red. "What can I say?" she confessed. "I like men, but women are soooo hot."

It was indeed a strange new world.


"Okay, are we ready?"

It was midnight now, and stone silent outside our little high-rise cocoon. Outside her huge glass window, the lights of the city shone beautifully, and I wondered how many other stories like mine were playing out down there.

Cassie had hooked my laptop up to her big screen TV, so there would be no more huddling over a small screen. I logged on and went to today's files. There were several, as usual, but they were less numerous and much bigger than the files from the entryway camera, including one very large file at the bottom.

The first file, from early in the morning, showed Angela getting out of bed. We slept nude, so Cassie got a good view of Angela's naked ass as she walked toward the bathroom. I felt guilty about the unintentional invasion of privacy, but then again Angela had forfeited that right in my mind. She rummaged in the closet, then disappeared into the bathroom and the video ended.

"Angela has a nice ass", Cassie commented to break the awkwardness.


A second mundane video showed her coming out fully dressed, then leaving for work. A third video showed the dogs coming in and jumping on the bed to sleep.

"The dogs sleep on the bed?" I couldn't believe my eyes. "I had no idea they did that. They aren't supposed to sleep on the bed."

Cassie chuckled. "It's unbelievable what goes on in your house when you're not there."

The fourth video was in the early evening. The dogs suddenly leapt from the bed and ran from the room, and a few moments later Angela arrived, wearing a nice business suit. She sat on the bed facing away from us and removed her heels, then pulled her phone from her purse. She looked something up, then held it to her ear. Cassie and I sat in anticipation.

"Hello, Becky? This is Angela."


"Yes, it's fun time again. Who do you have available?"


"I'm feeling rather combative today, and I need to be taken down a notch. Who do you have that's assertive?"


"Is she taller than me?"


"And you trust her? This is someone that I can be helpless with?"

Cassie and I turned and gaped at each other, eyes wide.

"Okay, that sounds great. When can she be here? Let's go for two hours."

Angela hung up and set the phone on her nightstand, a devilish smile of anticipation on her face. She stood up and stripped down, removing her suit, bra, and panties. I'd seen this show before, so I instead watched Cassie out of the corner of my eye as we sat together on the couch. She was watching intently, her dark pupils dilated widely inside her pretty chocolate irises. When Angela turned at some point, she got a full frontal view. I watched Cassie's eyes do a head to toes scan.

"She has nice nipples," I remarked. "Just in case you missed them."

"Your wife is so hot," Cassie conceded with her typical forthrightness. She shifted a bit on the couch, and I could definitely tell that she wasn't wearing a bra. Her nipples were pushing against the fabric hard. My god, they were long.

On the screen, Angela walked naked to her closet and opened the door. It blocked our view, but we could tell that she was rummaging around. A moment later she reappeared with a small suitcase in tow. I had seen it in her closet, but had always assumed that it was empty.

She set it on the bed and unzipped it, and I leaned forward with interest. She pulled out a blue lingerie piece and appraised it, then set it aside. Then out came a red lace playsuit, also appraised and rejected. Then something black and leather.

"I've never seen these things," I said glumly.

Cassie pursed her lips. "Sorry," she said.

Hands on her hips, Angela considered her options. Setting aside clothing for a moment, she began taking other things out of the suitcase. A vibrator. A large dildo. Some sort of dildo-belt combination. Several smaller items. My jaw hung slack in shock.

"Did she just take out a strap-on?" Cassie asked.

"I had no idea she owned a strap-on," I said, dumbfounded.

"Lucky for you, I guess."

I couldn't help but laugh, and Cassie giggled at her own joke. My Chief Operating Officer was showing a very different side of herself.

Angela then surprised us. Instead of putting on lingerie, she went back to her closet and pulled out the outfit that she had just worn home. It was a conservative navy blue skirt and beige top, the uniform of the female lawyer. She began putting them back on.

"What's she doing?" I asked.

"I don't know. But did you notice that she's not putting on any underwear?"

Angela put on the skirt and blouse, but was commando underneath. No bra, no panties. She then took the waistband of the skirt and began rolling it on her waist. Cassie gestured to the screen. "Do you see what she's doing?"

I shook my head. "I see it, but I don't understand it. What's she doing?"

"She's rolling up the waistband to make the skirt shorter. Let's see how far she goes."

Angela was standing in front of a mirror now, rolling and checking. The skirt went from just above her knees to mid-thigh, and sexy as hell. My wife had great legs.

"I wish she would dress like that for me," I said. "I can never get her to dress sexy."

Angela left the room, and the video went black.


It was easy to forget that the action wasn't live. The camera captured events and recorded them, so we didn't have to wait for the next chapter to unfold. It was right there in the largest file, the next one on the list. I moved the mouse to it, and hesitated.

"Are you ready?" Cassie asked. Her right leg was bouncing with nervous energy.

"I have a bad feeling about what we're going to see," I said.

Cassie nodded. "So what's our goal in watching it?" Always thinking, that girl.

I sighed deeply and took my hand off the mouse. "You're right. What is our goal?" I wanted to see what was next, but why? Curiosity was probably only going to be painful.

Cassie pursed her thin lips. "I think it'll be easy to fixate on what's happening, but you need to know why it's happening."

I looked at the screen. The cursor was resting on the file. "I need to understand why," I parroted. I wasn't thinking clearly but I trusted Cassie to have the answer.

"You've told me that you're not averse to what she's doing. You're just shocked that it's happening behind your back. Right? You told me last week that you're actually turned on by what's she's doing."

"I am."

"So whatever happens next, we need to watch it with an eye toward her motivations. And from there we'll figure out next steps. Given the call, we know now that last week wasn't a one-time dalliance."

The stress of the last week had been burying me, but I suddenly felt much better. Or at least less bad. Cassie was bearing some of my burdens, and she was able to think clearly and objectively. This is why I had wanted her in my business, and now it was paying off personally. To her surprise, I leaned over and gave her a quick hug. "Thank you so much," I said. "I don't know what I would do without you here helping me."

"You're the best boss ever," she replied curtly. "Of course I'm going to help you." She grinned wickedly. "Plus ... free porn."

I clicked the file.


Whatever else I might want to say about my wife, she had good taste in women. The video opened with my wife entering the bedroom. Behind her came a beautiful woman with black hair and olive skin, obviously Latina. The Latina was dressed in a black leather corset, her ample cleavage spilling out over the top, along with a g-string and knee high boots. She was a couple of inches taller than Angela, and had a long sexy cascade of jet black hair.

"Whoa," said Cassie. "She's gorgeous"

I couldn't speak.

They stopped and faced each other in a perfect viewing position for us. "Okay, here's what I'd like," Angela said in an instructional tone. "My safe word is 'F Scott Fitzgerald'. If I say that, the game stops, got it?"

The Latina nodded. "Got it. F. Scott Fitzgerald."

"And no matter what you do, no marks. No bruises no hickeys, no marks. I can't have any marks at the end of the night. That's very important."

Cassie and I looked at each other as the Latina agreed. "She doesn't want you to find out," Cassie observed. I nodded, frowning.

Angela proceeded. "Great. Here's the scenario. We're on a business trip, and you're my coworker. We're in my hotel room. You force yourself on me. I'm going to try to escape, but you're going to pin me onto the bed. Rip my clothes off, grope me, do whatever. I'm going to fight hard, but I'll eventually give up and let you know that I've surrendered. At that point, tie me to the bed however you want, and start using these on me." Angela pointed to several sex toys on the nightstand. "Use them however you want, but at some point I want you to use the strap-on on me. Start in the front and then move to my rear. But lube me up a lot before you do it. Lube me up slow and tell me what you're doing. Make me know that you're going to take me anally. And feel free to make me give you orgasms, too. I just want to have at least two myself."

Cassie looked over at me sympathetically. Her eyes were wide as saucers.

"I can't believe this." I felt as if I could barely breathe, and my skin prickled with shock.

The Latina nodded at my wife of twenty years. "What gives you orgasms?" she asked. "Will penetration do it? Or do you want a vibrator or fingers or tongue?"

"I love oral," Angela said, "but vibrators work great, too. Feel free to do anything you want for your own orgasms."

For some reason, her words comforted me a little. She loved oral. At least she was being honest with me about that.

On the screen, the Latina nodded.

"Okay, let's start." Angela smoothed her skirt and said, "Thanks for coming to my room, Samantha. I just needed some help with my suitcase."

The Latina woman, apparently in the role of Samantha, got into her character. "Glad to help, Angela, but that's not why I came up."

"Why did you come up?" My wife was a pretty good actress.

"You know why." Samantha stepped close to Angela and ran her hands up Angela's arms. "Do you feel the attraction too?"

"What? No!" Angela stepped back. "What are you doing?"

"I want you, Angela. I'm going to have you."

"No! I'm married! What are you doing?"

It was stilted dialogue, but Cassie and I were glued to the scene like it was an Oscar-winning film.

Samantha stepped forward again, and Angela was now backed up to the bed. The tall Latina offered a truly sinister smile. "You know you want it." She gripped Angela around the waist.

"Are you crazy? Get away from me!"

With a shove, Angela was on the bed and the Latina was on top of her. The two women wrestled quickly and intensively before Samantha gained control. Grasping Angela's wrists, she pulled them over her head and wedged her legs between Angela's knees. "Kiss me!"

Angela fought like a wildcat, but she had disadvantages in both leverage and strength. Samantha slowly immobilized her until Angela was helpless. "Kiss me," she repeated, then forced her lips onto Angela's mouth. Angela squealed in mock protest but could only absorb the kiss as her hips and legs flailed, the short skirt riding up dangerously high.

I was in shock. There are some moments that life does not prepare you for, and this was one of them. I was watching my beloved wife of twenty years, lying on our bed in my own home, being forced to kiss a woman in a pseudo-dominatrix outfit.

And she wanted it.

My cock was rock hard.

Angela fought and flailed and struggled, but she had no chance. At some point, Samantha managed to shift both of Angela's slim wrists into her left hand, holding them secure. With her right hand, she grasped Angela's blouse and pulled hard. Buttons flew, the blouse opened, and Angela's creamy breasts were now exposed and vulnerable. Samantha began roughly kneading and squeezing them while Angela struggled.

I looked over at Cassie. Her nipples were quite erect and noticeable, her mouth agape and her eyes unblinking in concentration.

Samantha released her kiss. "You like that, Angela?" she purred. She squeezed Angela's nipple hard.

"You're hurting me! Let me go!"

As much as I realized that it was a game, I was still concerned. Samantha was really working Angela's breasts, much harder than I ever had. Angela kicked and struggled, her back arched in pain, but she had no chance of escape.

"How about something more fun?" Her left hand still pinning Angela's wrists, Samantha's right hand moved down, sliding up under Angela's shortened skirt.

"Oh, god!" Angela's kicks became even more frenetic, her large breasts bouncing with her efforts. "What are you doing? Let me go!"

Samantha laughed. "I'll let you go when I'm finished. But we're just starting."

They wrestled for several minutes. "Get your finger out! Oh, god!"

"Second finger going in."

"Oh, no! No!" Angela kicked and bucked.

"Third finger going in now." Samantha shifted her hand slightly, and Angela grunted and gasped.

"No! I'll do what you want! Anything! Stop it!"


"Anything! Please!"

Samantha stopped moving, her hand still under Angela's skirt. Angela suddenly stopped moving and moaned in pleasure.

"I'm going to tie you to the bed and have fun with you for a while. You'll enjoy it too, or at least most of it. You'll stop fighting me while I do it. Otherwise, I'm going to put my entire fist up you right now. What do you want?"

"No fist! Please, no fist! I'll let you tie me up!"

Samantha smiled cruelly down at Angela. "This is going to be a fun night. Stand up and strip for me, blondie, then lie down on the bed."

Angela stood and stripped, obediently removing the torn blouse and the shortened skirt while Samantha leered. She then lay compliantly on the bed. Using rope from the nightstand, Samantha tied Angela's legs apart, one leg to each foot post, then tied her wrists together and secured them to the headboard. As she worked, Cassie looked over at me.

"Did you have any idea that she was into this?"

I shook my head. "None at all."

"Would you do this to her if she wanted?"

My cock was about to burst out of my pants. "Absolutely. This would be a dream. I've tried for years to get her to tell me her fantasies, and she never will."

Cassie pursed her lips. "It's hard to talk about fantasies. And that's not exactly the public persona that Angela projects." She tilted her head toward the screen.

On the video, Samantha peeled off her g-string and removed her corset. She had fantastic breasts and a smooth, shaved pussy. Grabbing a vibrator off the nightstand, she climbed onto the bed between Angela's outstretched legs. "I'm going to wear you out, girl," she said, lowering it to Angela's clit.

I watched my wife submit to the dominant woman. I had never done anything like this with her. I was a man. I was taught not to treat women like this. This was rape, or at least would be if Angela wasn't paying for it. I would never do that to Angela. Apparently that was my mistake.

Cassie was leaning back on the couch, watching raptly. She had a knuckle in her teeth, anxiously biting on it, and the other hand was on her hip. She brought her knees up to curl up against her chest. Her shorts were so short that I could see a fair bit of her hip. Was she turned on by this? Horrified? Both? Should I have subjected her to this? I only knew that my cock was standing up like a steel rod, and I didn't know what to think about that.

Angela came pretty quickly. She was tied so tightly that she could barely move, but I could see her telltale signs. As she arched, I told Cassie, "She's cumming now."

"I can tell," she said, her voice low and breathy. She was rocking ever so slightly on the couch, and my hard-on was actually painful, sending order after order to my brain to do something about it.

Angela rode the orgasm for a full minute, moaning and mewing. When she finally came down, Samantha forcefully pushed the vibrator up into her cunt, then retrieved something else from the nightstand.

"No, not nipple clamps!" Angela struggled in vain, her muscles tense against the ropes. She howled in pain as Samantha applied them, giving a good yank to their connecting chain to be sure that they were tight. It's a good thing that we live relatively distant from our neighbors, because Angela was protesting loudly, begging to release the clamps.

"Unbelievable," I breathed.

"What?" Cassie looked over at me.

"Her nipples are very sensitive. I've always had to be very careful with them." My eyes drifted down to Cassie's t-shirt and her prominent points, and I wondered.

"Well, it looks like they're really painful," Cassie said. "Those are clover clamps, and they can be tight. But she's not using her safe word, so she must like it."

My, my. Cassie seemed to know a lot about bondage. I tucked that fact away for future reference.

Samantha straddled her way up to Angela's chest, her caramel skin standing in stark contrast to the white mounds of Angela's breasts. "You're going to lick me, girl," she said. "If I smack your left tit I want you to go faster. Show me your tongue moving fast." She slapped Angela's left breast hard, jangling the clamps, and Angela waggled her tongue quickly.


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