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The Secrets of Hypnotism Pt. 02

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Ross is humiliated and dominated for his teeny micropenis.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 03/30/2023
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I couldn't believe my eyes. I knew what a small penis looked like; I didn't think it would have been that little boy-like, almost like a baby rattle or a toddler's toy resembling something relatively microscopic. Ross's little, tiny cocklette is a liability to his masculinity. He failed to develop in the area women valued and lusted after. Everyone knows the inches a man supplies are his unquestionable worth. No wonder Ross is always so frustrated. I would be, too, with nothing between my legs.

His professional journey dwindled into this moment of horrifying exposure. The crowd consumed every fraction of Ross's ego -- most admired in his exposed shortcomings. In contrast, some cringed from second-hand embarrassment. Even though they were generously endowed, they undoubtedly pictured themselves packing little baby gherkins in Ross's shoes and couldn't imagine the painful embarrassment. Every man in the audience knew the fate of a man with no penis, which was an awful reality.

I don't think he will get any calls from women soon. Now, many women won't even want to see him naked, knowing what little he was packing underneath his hefty, overcompensating legs. And if he's even lucky enough to travel to the bedroom with a lady friend, they will most certainly remain friends after seeing his unimpressive, bare, smooth little grape. He acted like a big man, but no woman would have sex with a man owning such a tiny willy.

The thickness of his legs simply engulfed his little boy's penis, almost a non-existent illustration. It was challenging to even see it from where I stood. I was smiling proudly at the irony -- Ross did everything he could to overcompensate for having a super tiny penis, which only made it smaller and less evident in the methodology.

Several employees screamed, 'What a tiny, little baby dicklette he has down there,' 'I didn't know they came that tiny,' 'The sausages provided tonight are huger compared to that little wurst he has wiggling between his legs,' 'I can't believe I was ever attracted to him,' 'No wonder he is such a massive jerk, I can't imagine going through life with such a useless package unable to please anyone,' 'It looks like we have a capital lost here,' 'Nobody wants that tiny nub near them; not gay men or women want something so tragic,' 'Poor guy, that is just a tiny little earthworm scared of the world; it is trying to hide in Ross's legs,' 'It's super hot in here, but very cold for Ross,' 'He should work at Microsoft because that softie is micro, or even that micro is soft,' 'This is what you get for treating us like crap all the time,' 'What an adorable little turtle,' 'My three-year-old son is bigger than him,' How cliche the big boss has the most miniature baby carrot I've ever seen my entire life.'

Living in a La La Land of hypnotism, he was ignorant of the witty and rather clever comments about his itsy-bitsy manhood. The girls who fancied him were disappointed. The men he played rugby with were having the time of their lives, live-streaming it on their social media accounts for many to see in the rugby space.

Madam Borne was physically shocked, "In all my years of doing this kind of work, I have never seen a penis so tiny. How are you feeling right now, Ross."

He giggled and jumped up and down, "I am so happy to finally share my body with everyone. I know I have a little pinky-winky micropenis -- or my mom would call it a little vanilla tootsie roll. She gave me that nickname last year after she caught me naked in my room. I told her I hated it when I discreetly thought it was cute."

Madame Borne snapped, and a horrified look developed over Ross's face.

She whispered to him, "You just revealed to everyone how tiny your little penis is. Everyone knows, and you must be so embarrassed. I love it."

She kissed his blush-filled cheek and snapped.

He continued, "Now, people know, and I don't need to sulk in depression about it. And honestly, trying to hide my little bouncing tee-tee from everyone is exhausting. Even though how much effort do I need to hide the little lollipop, it does a pretty decent job itself of how small it is. It sucks having a little tiny wee-wee like this," as he pointed at his under-sized crotch with both hands.

"I need to point to my little man so you know exactly where to look. Your eyes may get lost trying to find it, haha."

He danced and performed his attempt at the helicopter, but his little fella wouldn't swing like hung ones.

"See, look how tiny it is. It doesn't even swing and just bounces like a little acorn, haha."

He grabbed it with two fingers and flicked it, "The best part about having such a small dinky winky is no one knows when I have a boner, and trust me, I have one almost all the time; it's what happens when you are pent up and sexually directionless, especially when you are a virgin."

Madame Borne asked, "Is that why you are always such an asshole to everyone?"

Ross nodded, "Yes, I am very sorry about that. Since my penis is freakishly tiny, I thought I needed to overcompensate for not being a man where it matters."

Everyone couldn't believe Ross was teasing himself and degrading his newborn-like micro-phallus. They laughed at Ross's brutal and somewhat awkward honesty, and Madame Borne looked at his lifeless, soft willy, "You don't have one right now."

He looked down at his micro-shaft twiddly wang and giggled, "You are right. I am mildly timid right now. I need someone like her," and pointed at Kate. Someone beautiful like her would help stimulate and stretch my little guy to vitality."

She looked surprised and eventually smirked at what he asked her to do.

Madame Borne snapped and said at Ross's defeated face, "You are about to have your little ding-a-ling played with on stage in front of hundreds from a request you made. Let's continue, shall we?

He shook his head and screamed inaudibly, but she snapped her fingers again.

As Kate walked up slowly, Ross's eyes almost bulged out of his horny head, seeing Kate's gorgeous body draped in a sexy, tight velvet dress. She knelt and placed her pinky over his underdeveloped chode. It was twice the size of his little pickle. She giggled loudly and started swirling it in a small circle with her pinky.

"Yes, baby, please swirl my compact cock around and laugh at how tiny and inexcusably fun-sized my pinky winky is."

She laughed and held her mouth with her hand. Poor Ross, you can see the fear in his eyes as this goddess decimated and humiliated his little weenie. She poked the little innie of a dicklette inside him like a clit, it popped back out, and she giggled ferociously. She continued playing a delightful peek-a-boo game with his amusing little dick.

"What's left of your penis is solely a tiny nub that withered away from your anxiety. Just relax, baby. You and your shriveled-up, little toddler-length penis are safe with me."

"Thank you, honey. You are beautiful. Do I know you from somewhere?"

"Yes, we attended university together, and you constantly teased me about my fat body. I am now a model and hold this sexual position of domineering power over you, tarnishing your reputation with this crowd. Your powerful identity has been diminished from the little skin tag between your legs. It is absolutely pathetic and minuscule," she declared.

"I am so sorry for bullying you. Privately, I find bigger women hotter because I find a big woman dominating me to be particularly alluring and intimate. And imagine how much I will disappoint her with my micropenis; she won't feel anything after I pitifully attempt to please her."

"You should be more than sorry. Because of people like you, I've suffered from body-image issues my whole life. But look at me now; I am a famous commercial model making millions of dollars, while you will be stuck with that little irreversible penis your whole life. No matter what you do, that micropenis will stay the same tiny size and eventually shrink into almost nothingness. You should suck my toes like the dirty pig you are, but you will probably enjoy that, so that isn't happening. Also, you should know all these photos and videos will be shared in every WhatsApp group in our social circle by the night's end. Any chance you had to escape is officially over.

His eyes darted away from hers in stained disgrace, but she just moved in the direction of his sorrowful eyes. With her intimidating gaze, she forcibly made him look at her rounded, juicy breasts and reflect on his current position. He was in complete uncontrollable dominance, and it was a ravishing scenery. She pulled her dress down so she was naked before him. The audience complimented the view she gave them.

His tiny little willy extended past his grape-like balls to four inches.

The crowd chanted with zeal, "Baby boner!"

She pointed at his tiny, smallish pecker, "Whoa! You are a grower, haha; it grew to almost four inches, which is more than I thought. There may be hope for your little dicklette yet, boy. You want to explode on this stage with hundreds of people taking in the panorama of your little hard-on, don't you?"

"Yes, mommy, I want to explode badly, and this is the first time my little child-like wee-wee has been played with. I wish I were in a diaper for you to see me as the child my cockle has turned me into."

"Hehe, I can tell. It is sad to see such a successful man with the potential to do good in the world resort to what you've done."

She moved toward Ross and planted her voluptuous ass on his little baby boner, covering it completely. Ross moaned loudly, garnering condescending squeals from the engaged audience members.

She snorted at Ross and turned to the crowd, "What do you all think? Does Ross deserve to have his little thingy burst of happiness? Does he get a happy ending?"

Everyone shouted in unison, "No!"

She let go of his little boner and said, "I don't care about you at all, but it must be hard for you to have such a tiny pee-wee in a world full of big cocks. It must stink seeing so many attractive women in the audience, knowing none of them will ever touch your little wiener. That's so rough for you. You'll never understand how funny it is for women and men to see a guy running around with a one-incher, as they saw when you danced like an idiotic dupe with your little soft peter, especially since you seem super butthurt over it to try every method to overcompensate for it. After this hypnotism, you will go back to being a worthless scoundrel. But some advice, you shouldn't be living with the anger of being so small. Just try to embrace your little penis.

She slapped his bare butt and said, "You don't deserve to cum, baby boy. Cumming is a reward, and why should you be rewarded for being such an arrogant know-it-all who ingratiates himself over everyone else, the toxic aura you reek of, and especially for having such a teensy-weensy prick unable to accomplish anything except entertaining a crowd of people who are tired of how you treat them? You are a bad little boy who deserves to be spanked."

She looked at the crowd and asked, "Who wants to spank the naughty little boy?"

Conor Riley, a good-looking guy with messy ginger hair and a barely smaller physique than Ross, came up. He walked up and, in Ross's eyes, recognized him.

Madame Borne snapped and said to him, "Look whom we have here. You are about to be spanked by a former rival of yours. You must be terrified." She looked at Ross's teeny weeny and asked, "Do you have any last words before you are murdered by Conor's humiliating torture," knowing he couldn't answer back?

Conor's been waiting for this moment for years since he was on a university rugby team rivaling Ross's. Ross humiliated him after their team lost, and he's never forgiven him. Madame Borne informed Conor that Ross's body is acting alone and pursuing its impulsive urges. In contrast, Ross's mind is very aware of what is happening. This puts a snarky grin on Conor's pasty face.

"Hello, little baby boy Ross. How's it hanging, or should I say, how's it poking out? That is one tiny cock, and you should feel ashamed of yourself for ridiculing many of us when you have that micro-sized package that anyone would demand to return."

Ross stood up from his chair, and Conor flicked his little gherkin back and forth with tremendous pride at the authority over him. Conor sat down on the chair and tapped his lap. Ross went over Conor's lap, and he began rubbing his giant ass.

"You have one beautiful, beefy ass, and it's just such a shame you have such a tiny little pecker. I almost feel bad for you, but this is so deserving."

Ross's eyes looked at the crowd to seek sympathy, but he received nothing besides laughter and white flashes from several cameras. He looked directly at Rachel and Christina, two women who adored him, now joined the others in mocking his little weenie. They were laughing but filled with internal rage that he would flirt with them, only for them to find out he had nothing worth flirting over. He tried to avoid eye contact, but there was always someone he would look right at, and they would laugh, lick their lips, wiggle their pinky, or give him the universal small penis sign.

Conor began to lightly spank him, which made Ross groan out of bliss, "Whoa dude, don't blow your tiny load on me. I knew a bitch boy would enjoy this. Imagine enjoying a masculine man spanking you for having a little button. You, indeed, are a miserable waste of a man with that poor excuse of a boner.

Ross screamed, "Spank me harder, daddy!"

Everyone was floored by what was happening. He began spanking him harder until his ass was becoming a plump tomato.

He whispered, "I know the real Ross can hear me, so I can imagine this is your worst nightmare. Let's make it even worse for you. Now, with every spank I give you, you must scream, 'I have a tiny little penis.' Got it, boy?"

"Yes, daddy. I know it is super, super tiny, and I want to shout it from the rooftops."

Conor grabbed Ross's chin and stared directly into his depressed eyes. Conor didn't use this position to feel bad for Ross; he used this as motivating ammunition to spank him harder and make the experience even worse. He wanted Ross to cry like a baby boy. With that, Conor spanked Ross with all his energy, and each time Ross shouted how he had a 'tiny little penis.' Tears began rolling down his cheeks as Conor spanked him with dire strength and superiority. Conor stood up and demanded a thank you from Ross.

"Thank you so much, daddy, for the much-earned spanking."

Conor hugged Ross and giggled as his stiff little penis grazed Conor's leg. He patted his bottom and gave him a little peck on the lips for being a good sport. This victory was for Conor to secure final sovereignty in this showdown. Everyone saw an emasculated Ross renounce the last particle of manhood he had left to offer. Conor walked back with a massive chip on his shoulder, high-fiving several friends and feeling scornful about what he's wanted to do for years.

Madame Borne snapped, and Ross was filled with tears as he was painfully spanked in front of hundreds of people. He looked horrifyingly upset, and we all just continued laughing. She snapped, but something went wrong. Instead of continuing his humiliation, Ross screamed and gained complete control and bodily autonomy. Madame Borne couldn't do anything about it. He was resistant to her hypnotic voice now. She was dumbfounded, and Ross was right about overcoming hypnotism.

He was so embarrassed and angry, "Finally, I am out of it! How dare you people treat me like you just did. You all are disgusting pieces of shit, and I hope you all rot in hell."

Madame Borne laughed, "It's cute you think you have power over us."

He continued to go on a screaming rampage, sounding like when a spoiled brat had a hissy fit. His rage made his little cocklette even more satisfying to watch. Sadly for little Ross, he unknowingly left his little dicklette wholly uncovered for the crowd's continued enjoyment. They just looked at it as it bounced, like when little boys run around naked. It fluttered and quivered to Ross's anger, and unbeknownst to him, the little guy barely went past his baby balls. Ross finally noticed the laughing crowd looking at his mid-section and life-changing predicament; he looked down at his insignificant genitals. They didn't even hang down, just poked out as a frightened little nublette. He squealed like a little girl and covered his scared, little gherkin. He cowered with dread, sponging up the horrifying laughter at his shortcomings with condescending pointing.

Ross shouted, "This is harassment! You made me do all those things against my will. I never wanted to do any of them."

All Madame Borne could do was chuckle, "Babe, all I did was unleash your body's innermost desires that want to be fulfilled. Your mind may have resisted, but secretly your body craves to be seen completely naked, have your little dicklette laughed at, have a big mommy dominate you, and be spanked by a masculine man to show you in your place."

There was nothing he could do because it was true. He could feel his little weenie growing ever so slightly. He ran off the stage, and everyone loved seeing his big bubble butt shake and waggle as he hustled with trepidation. He scurried off too quickly and accidentally fell on his back. His undersized, little toddler stiffy was pointing straight to the ceiling.

Madame Borne shook her head at Ross, "You can try and deny it, but we can see you have a micro-sized boner just from the sheer mention of what your body truly wants."

He lashed out in pain and covered his micro cocklette, which was pointless since everyone saw how nanoscopic his little private areas were. Trying to avoid the pain, he groaned, pushed those around him, and sprinted through the swarm of laughing coworkers.

His already burgundy-toned ass was spanked even more as he ran out. Everyone clapped and whistled as he exited the bar, not caring about his clothes, just his dignity, as he hopped utterly naked into an outside, cold, rainy night. I can't imagine how tiny his little willy will be after he makes it home. The night ended on such a happy note, and this was how you celebrate the holidays. The party continued with senseless merriment from hypnotism, a fun time with coworkers, and rewatching videos of Ross's micro-berry leap around.

After the year ended, He withered away in his sadness for the evening that will forever haunt him and have him ponder how something like that could have happened. Not much changed physically, except everyone knew about his tiny secret. He now knew his rightful place in the organization. Even though he was still a successful CFO, he couldn't avoid the continuous smirks he would receive in the hallway. The worst part was that he couldn't bring it up because he didn't want to relive the humiliation. After all, it would only remind people of his little baby dicklette hiding in his suited pants. People also consciously used words like "tiny, small, minuscule, etc., to accentuate his social status. He was trapped and slowly became a more empathetic boss toward me and others. If he ever chose to challenge me, I reminded him that he had no authority over me with that tiny baby boy-like penis.

Last I heard, the CEO sternly talked about how he embarrassed him due to his little, tiny, half-inch dinkle. I couldn't imagine how embarrassed Ross was. It's too bad he wasn't fired, but this was even better; knowing everyone around him not only knows about his incredibly shameful micro-secret, but they have actually seen his pathetically scared peanut, and he can't do anything about it. He was forced to accept his fate as the small-dicked baby boy in the office, enduring several smirks and chuckles. He was no longer the big man in the office. I was finally happy at work and thriving as the most respected person in the finance division.

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BabydickloverBabydickloverabout 1 year agoAuthor

Hello! Thank you for commenting on my story! Both those ideas sound great! Please send me an email feedback message on here, and I can help write a story like that! :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Fantastic story, I enjoy the fact that women mock small penises.

Would you ever consider a story where the micropenis owner wants to be caught? Like he is an exhibitionist?

Or a story of one guy in the changing room and some girls steals his clothes there, leaving him stranded naked.

Regardless, your stories are fantastic, keep it up !

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