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The Seduction of Bobby's Mom


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"Erin, I have a lot to do at home if I'm going to end one relationship and then start another one. I'm thirty nine years old and I'm through living in a loveless relationship with a man who mentally checked out on me years ago. If you really want me - I'm all yours; I'm not going to waste another minute away from you that I don't have to. I'll be back tomorrow with my things and then we'll really have a lot to talk about. It won't be easy for me with my sons and I know we'll each get a lot of grief from people who know us, but you're so worth it and I can't let this chance for happiness slip through my fingers. I might never find it again."

She bent over and kissed me and then she was gone. I sat in the tub crying, thinking that my life may finally be coming back together. I thought about all that I had lost over the past several years and then the lover that I now found and I couldn't help but wonder if there was some silly sort of balance to the whole thing.

And then I realized my life would never again be the same and what I was willing to travel to California to find, I stumbled across in my own neighborhood under the strangest set of circumstances. If I hadn't lived it, I would have never believed it. Thank you so much, Bobby Martin!

In the weeks and months that followed Cheryl did everything she said she would do and we did receive more than our share of grief over our new relationship, especially from her sons or I should say from one son who was probably more annoyed that his mother succeeded where he never could. But gradually over time even that level of animus seemed to fade and eventually it was gone and we just became a normal couple living in our house.

Of course I never went to UCLA, there was no longer anything there that I wanted or needed. I enrolled at the University of Houston, Cheryl's alma mater instead. Since there was already one lawyer in the family I decided to major in pre-med. And when we had our quality time together I realized that the house was finally a fun place to be once more, full of people who really loved each other again and I knew that somewhere my mother and father were smiling, happy for me.


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MikeykeithMikeykeith3 months ago

Stunning, Hot & Beautiful; one of the best I've ever read, if not the best.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

very good and so loving not just sex which on its own is so very boring

nogravynogravyabout 1 year ago

While I would have liked to have seen more about Erin and Cheryl's life together to soften the rather abrupt ending, the story is so well done that it stands up to the shortcomings. Still Five Stars from me!

Nicole2023Nicole2023over 1 year ago

So good I read it twice

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

One of tge most erotic romantic lesbian love stories I've ever er read! Thank U so much aswud be cool to read a sequel if possible but if not I'm satisfied! Thank U to a great writer!โค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ’–โ™ฅ๏ธ

kbone1kbone1over 1 year ago

Kelley - I'm sorry about Stacy!! I truly am sorry.

kbone1kbone1over 1 year ago

I'm sorry! I explored the story a little and didn't post it in time. I truly loved this story and Cheryl's situation with hubby. Blast him and his adultery. He couldn't even say the things that Erin said to Cheryl a lot

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