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The Stars Align

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In which I experience my first ever threesome...
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It's late-ish morning, and we've taken a break from the sex to eat some eggs, drink coffee, and chat, the sun streaming in through the ranch sliders that open from the bedroom on the deck. My cute little house is totally private, and I always keep the curtains open -- I love being able to look into the tree tops from the bed.

Rob has been back in the country a few weeks, and built a few days visiting me into his trip. We've known each other for decades -- we slept together a couple of times in the late eighties (or was it the early nineties?), the last time when he was on his way out of the country. In his recollection of that moment, he'd tried to convince to run away with him -- obviously I didn't. We lost touch with each other once he'd left, but then the internet was invented, and we eventually reconnected on social media. In the last year or two the messaging had veered into the sexual, and we'd exchanged photos that were increasingly x-rated. He had a weirdly vivid memory of a blow job from one of the times we'd spent together decades ago, which I found very endearing. He's been at my place for 36 hours or so... we've spent most of that in bed, fucking, sleeping, eating, drinking, fucking some more. During the long rambly conversation over breakfast, Rob asks if there's anything in my bucket list that he might be able to help with while he's here and willing.

"Well", I say, "funny you should ask... I've always been intrigued by the idea of an MFM threesome, but the opportunity has never presented itself."

"Hmmm", he responds, with a cheeky grin, "Is there anyone handy who you think might be up for that?"

"Maybe... let's see shall we?" I grab my phone and message Dean. It's been a few months since we were last in touch with each other...

'Heya! So this will be a bit random, but you might remember me talking about a long-standing fantasy of an MFM threesome. I happen to have a willing volunteer -- would you be interested in being the other M?' I hit send, smiling to myself a little, and chuck my phone back on the bedside table.

"Tell me about Dean", Rob says -- "I probably should know a bit about the guy who I might be getting naked next to."

"Ha", I respond, and launch into the story of Dean. A local guy, we'd met on a dating app, and fairly quickly established a regular weekly hang out -- he'd come over, we'd have a few drinks and chat, followed by some awesome sex, and then he'd go home. Resolutely single, he bailed after a few months when I suggested that our Thursday sessions could be a concrete thing, so we didn't have to arrange the meeting every week... apparently this was too much commitment. In fairness, I had probably gotten a bit attached to him, but I never wanted anything more, just a bit of certainty. We never really talked about any of that though -- it just finished. But we remained on good terms -- he'd done some work on my house, we still found it easy to be in each other's company, and there was still definitely a flirty vibe to our interactions. I tell Rob all this while we're finishing breakfast, with a few spicy details about the sex thrown in. In the middle of that, my phone pings.

'I could be... when were you thinking? Oh, and hi. How are you?' I show Rob and he laughs.

"I'm not here for long -- best strike while the iron is hot."

I know Dean's days are always busy, so I'm not sure if this'll happen, but it's worth a try.

'I'm great thanks. How's this evening for you?' A few minutes later, another ping.

'Ha -- you really are keen. But sure, I think I can make it work this evening. 7ish? Should I bring anything?'

I reply: 'Beer. And an adventurous attitude.'

He messages back with a laughing emoji (as usual). Rob moves the plates off the bed, takes my coffee cup out of my hand and puts it on the bedside cabinet, and pulls me towards him, obviously turned on by the details I've shared about fucking Dean, and by the prospects the evening holds. It's a few hours more before we venture out of bed, getting in a leisurely swim in the ocean and picking up a few things from town for dinner. Late in the afternoon I put clean sheets on the bed -- the previous ones had gotten fairly filthy -- and we have an early meal, Rob taking every opportunity he can to touch me, kiss me, fondle bits of my body while I'm cooking and tidying up. I'm a bit nervous -- this is uncharted territory for me, and while I've thought about it often enough, I'm unsure how everything will work in reality. Just as I'm wondering if the guys will get on, what happens if they don't, will it all just turn into a pissing contest?... my phone pings. It's Dean.

'Just heading into the shower and then I'm on my way over. Looking forward to watching you cum, and seeing how much fun you have -- I always enjoy fucking you, and seeing someone else fucking you is definitely a bonus'.

I smile to myself, feeling more confident about the evening ahead, and message back: 'The door won't be locked -- just let yourself in.' I raise my eyes from my phone and see Rob looking at me smiling.

"Everything good hon?"

"Everything's perfect", I reply.

"Good", he says. "I want this to be all about you. And you know to just let me know if you need things to stop, or you need anything at all?"

I nod, because I do know that -- in fact, I'm confident that both of them actually do care about me, in their own odd ways... Dean's text has reassured me about that, and now I'm excited and a little nervous, but good-nervous.

By 7, Rob and I have had a couple of drinks, so I'm nicely chilled out, while still quite excited. We're sitting on the couch, talking about music, with our hands wandering over each other a little, when there's a knock at the door. In my small house the door is only a few metres from the couch, so I can see Dean's silhouette through the frosted glass, and get up to let him. (I don't know why he always knocks -- I've always said 'just come in when you get here', but he's got some old-school manners going on that I obviously can't shift.) He gives me a kiss hello, and I take the beers out of his hand to put in the fridge, opening him one in the process. He's already gone through to introduce himself to Rob -- they're standing shaking hands, which for some reason makes me laugh -- and Dean drops into the chair. The couch isn't big enough for three people to sit comfortably, but I think he also just wants a bit of space to calibrate himself. We all make some small talk for a little while, Dean asking Rob what he's been doing while he's been back in the country, Rob asking Dean about the surf... but while we're talking, Dean is also watching Rob's hand move further up my leg, under my dress. I adjust myself a little so he can see Rob's fingers skating over the outside of my underwear, and a small 'mmmm' escapes my mouth.

"I see I'm going to need a bit more beer to catch up with you two", Dean says, and stands to go to the fridge.

As he walks past the back of the couch, he stops and leans over, pulling my face around a little with his right hand to kiss me. Long, slow -- we've always kissed really well. As he's kissing me, I feel Rob's fingers slide in under the edge of my knickers. Another small groan escapes my throat, which Dean can feel through the kiss -- he has a pretty good idea what's caused that, and I can feel him smiling. His hand slides down my neck and down under the neck of my dress -- still kissing me, he's now cupping my left breast in his hand, feeling for the nipple through my bra, squeezing it a little. Rob pulls his fingers out.

"I just need her mouth for a second."

Dean breaks off his kiss, and Rob slides his fingers in my mouth, while Dean is still squeezing my nipple. I know what Rob wants, and I'm careful to ensure that his fingers are as wet as possible when he pulls them back out and slides them back under my knickers, connecting with my clit. I tense a little... the feeling of him caressing my clit while Dean is applying more pressure to my nipple is quite intense, and my head is swimming a little with the physical sensations, but also the realisation that this is really happening. Dean recognises that tenseness.

"You're about to cum, aren't you?"

I look up at him, smiling. "Maybe a little bit."

"Go on then", he replies, while Rob is increasing the pressure on my clit -- they both know I'm good for more than one. Probably more than ten. I can feel it mounting, my breath becoming audible, small moans. Dean leans over to kiss me again, tweaking my nipple extra hard, while Rob slides a finger inside me.

"Christ, you're really wet", he says, and all of that just pushes me over the edge. My body tenses more, stretching out, pushing against Rob's fingers and pulling up into Dean's mouth, my hand reaching around his head to pull him into the kiss that's gotten harder, more urgent, until I squeal into his mouth a little, everything building up into an almost unbearable pressure... and then I release, arching back a little, my whole body straining into the feeling... and then the tension washes out of me. For now. Dean laughs, giving my nipple one last squeeze as he straightens up -- he knows we've only just started. Rob pulls his fingers out of me and slides them into my mouth so I can taste my cum. Seeing this, Dean leans back into for another kiss, licking the taste off my lips.

"Mmmm", he says, "I'd forgotten how good you taste... I might need a bit more of that soon."

Dean turns and continues his interrupted trip to the fridge. Rob excuses himself briefly to use the bathroom, and I follow Dean to see if there's more cider in there... there isn't, but I find a bottle of wine and pour myself a glass. Dean's opened his beer and is on the other side of the counter, smiling at me with a pretty cheeky grin.

"Are we having fun?" he asks.

"Always", I reply, returning the bottle to the fridge and walking back towards the couch.

He grabs me as I'm passing, pulling me into him and kissing me. I'm a little bit compromised with a full glass in one hand, but I regain my balance, steadying myself by wrapping my free arm around him, pulling myself against him. He's definitely a bit of a dad bod (mostly comprised of beer), but he's a tradie and he surfs, so he's also pretty fit, and I always loved the physicality of him. His hard cock is pushing against me, his tongue roaming around my mouth, his hand on my bum, squeezing hard. Returning from the bathroom, Rob is greeted with this sight. He pauses for a second, doing a quick assessment of the situation, and then comes in behind me, removing the glass from my hand and putting it on the bench.

"We don't want any spillage," he jokes, and then moves in closer, his also-hard cock pushing against my arse as he moves my hair to one side and kisses up my neck, sinking his teeth in gently every now and then. I'm surrounded, feeling a little bit overwhelmed, but also loving having the undivided attention of these two guys and the feeling of them both hard against me, knowing that the next hour or two is going to be... well, I don't what it's going to be really, but I'm pretty sure it'll be fun.

Dean breaks our kiss and pulls back a bit.

"Arms up", he says, looking me in the eyes and smiling. I raise my arms, and he pulls the dress I'm wearing up and over my head. I'm wearing a bra, black, lace, that you can see my nipples through, and sheer black underwear that make it clear I had a full wax very recently. I feel a bit vulnerable being suddenly basically naked, but I don't really get a second to think about that... Dean puts his hands on my hips and turns me so I'm facing Rob, who leans in to take up kissing me while Dean moves in closer, pressing his still-clothed cock up against my arse and sliding his hands up around me, between me and Rob, until he's cupping my breasts through my bra, again squeezing harder than most people would. As Rob's tongue and mine slide around each other, I reach down, unbuckling his belt and undoing his jeans, sliding everything down. His cock is rock hard, springing free from his clothes -- I feel it hard and warm against me, and pull back from his mouth.

"I want that', I say, and start lowering myself down until I'm on my knees at Rob's feet. Dean, sensing what's happening, has pulled back a bit, watching me as my tongue circles around the head of Rob's cock. He knows only too well what that feels like, and his own cock gets even harder at the recollection of the sensation. Rob pulls his t-shirt off so he's totally naked, taking a swig of the beer on the bench. Returning the bottle to the bench, he moves his hand down to rest on my head, just encouraging me a little. Holding his cock up, I run the tip of my tongue down the length of the underside and back up again, and then pull just the head into my mouth, sucking hard on that for a moment. Rob groans a little and Dean smiles.

"She really is pretty good at that", he says.

Rob replies, "Fuck yes."

I let go of the pressure and slide my mouth down Rob's cock to the base, pulling it all in, so all he can feel is warm... wet... as he watch himself disappear into my mouth. Wrapping my arms around his hips, I pull him into me, searching for that last millimetre, holding for a second as I feel him in the back of my throat, and then pulling back up so I can breathe. Rob looks down and smiles.

"Don't forget I'm not the only cock here."

I turn slightly -- Dean already has his shorts down, his different-but-equally-great cock hard and ready for me.

"Mmmm" -- I can't stop myself seeing that, and swing around fully, bringing just the tip of my tongue in contact with him. There's a small drop of pre-cum just leaking out, and I scoop that up with my tongue with another "mmmm". Dean slides his hand under my chin, stroking my face for a moment, and then sliding his thumb into my mouth and pulling down a little, so my mouth open further.

"Are you ready?" he asks, and I nod slightly, but he already knows the answer is yes.

With his thumb looped into my mouth, he pulls down on my jaw so I'm forced (but not-really-forced) to open my mouth wider. Holding it open, he pushes forward so his cock slides into my mouth, his other hand around the back of my head, pulling me into him so that I have to (and I want to) take all of him in one movement, the head of his cock suddenly in the back of my throat. He holds me there for a moment, pushing in just a little big further, both hands now in my hair, pulling me hard into him. Rob is watching, one hand on his cock stroking himself slowly, not even wanting anything himself at that moment, just enjoying watching how much I can take before I start gagging.

Dean pauses for a moment, just because he loves the sound, and then lets go of my head so I can pull back and breathe. Although he's let go of me, his hand is still in my hair, and he uses that to turn my head back to Rob's cock. I'm a little disoriented at this point, and can't quite pull myself together to get my mouth back around Rob... but before I know what's happening, Dean has wrapped his free hand around Rob's cock and is guiding it into my mouth. I'm a bit floored by this -- I know Rob has been pretty flexible in various contexts in the past, but I'm pretty sure this is the first time Dean has touched another guy's genitals. But overtaking the surprise is my awareness of exactly how fucking hot this is, and I suck Rob's cock back into my mouth, taking everything I can. Dean's other hand is still on the back of my head, his fingers twisting my hair as he pushes me in a tiny bit further while also applying a little pressure to the hair he has twisted around his fingers, and then increasing the pressure - another thing he knows will have a particular effect on me. And it does. I groan a little, sucking in on Rob's cock even more than before. He's looking down intently, loving the sight of my blowjob being directed as much as the feel of my mouth around his hardness. I pull back a tiny bit, Dean letting me, which allows me to swirl my tongue around Rob's cock, and then pull back a little more, opening my mouth so they can both see the fully rock hard cock resting on my tongue for a moment.

I take a second to breathe, letting them enjoy the sight, and then suck Rob's cock back in, as much as possible, tightening around him, and then let got in a sudden movement, swinging back around and onto Dean's cock, his hand in my hair loosening its grip as I move. He's a little surprised, but goes with it, pushing into the back of my throat as my hungry mouth sucks him right the way in. I hold there again, sucking in tight, and then letting go. Pulling back, I smile.


Rising back onto my feet I find the wine that had been taken from me. I'm a little flustered... and totally turned on. As I'm drinking, Dean slides he hand between my legs, inside my knickers, over my smooth pussy, slipping a finger in between my lips.

"Is she wet?', Rob asks.

"So wet", Dean responds.

"Did you expect anything else?" I say, smiling.

Dean's finger is sliding over my clit, pushing in a little. Rob moves in, reaches behind me to unhook my bra and letting it drop to the ground. He bends down to take one of my nipples in his mouth, flicking his tongue over it. I'm in heaven, all this attention just on me. I hold still, just letting them take what they want, thinking about the feeling of their different cocks in my mouth just moment before, the sensation of Dean's fingers on my slick clit and Rob's tongue on my nipple building up until I can't hold it any more.

"I'm going to cum", I whisper, to no one in particular.

Dean increases the pressure on my clit -- he knows he's nowhere near the limit for that, but he also knows what it takes to make me cum. Rob shifts up to kiss me, hard, slide his hand over my breast to squeeze my nipples in his fingers. It's a different feeling from Dean's fingers, but also amazing. For the first time, but not the last, I wonder if I can handle all this... but my body says 'fuck yes!', and I let myself surrender to it. As Rob kisses me deeper, I have one arm wrapped around his neck, pulling myself up as Dean is still caressing my clit, his mouth closing over the nipple that is closest to him. That's the thing that pushes me over the edge, my body tensing as I groan into Rob's mouth, the sensation overtaking my brain until I can just feel that and nothing else...

Dean's holding me, knowing I'll be a little limp as I come down from that orgasm. He smiles at me.

"You're so fucking wet now", he says. I turn to look at Rob, and he leans in to kiss me.

"So fucking hot", he says, about nothing in particular, but also everything.

"Bed?" I ask, looking at him and then back at Dean.

"Hell yes", they both say together. Grabbing my hand, Rob leads me into the bedroom.

"I'll be there in a second", Dean says... always on task, he's checking everyone has drinks, and collects them all up to bring into the bedroom.

Rob and I move into the bedroom -- it's only a few steps. The side lights are on, so everything is clear enough but it's not too bright. Rob's cock is still hard -- my hand grazes up it as I lean in to kiss him again, our tongues sliding around each other, then his teeth close down on my bottom lip and I let out a low moan. He pushes me back on the bed, so my feet are still on the floor but otherwise I'm lying flat. I'm down to just knickers, sheer, black -- he can see the hint of my smooth mound through them. Standing between my legs, he looks down at me.

"How's this going for you?" he asks.

"Fucking awesome", I reply, smiling at him. "Come and make me cum again" I lift my hips just a little, inviting him.

Kneeling on the floor between my feet, he grabs my legs and pulls me towards him until my crotch is just in front of his face. Moving his head down, he licks up inside one thigh, slow, kissing, a little bite every now and then, until he's nearly at my cunt... and then to the other thigh, teasing me. As he's doing this, Dean walks in, taking everything in with a quick glance and a chuckle.


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