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The Student and The Professor

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A manipulative student controls her professor.
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The Student

She knew exactly what she was doing to him! She knew what 3 weeks without cumming would do to a man and she also knew that the sight of the key, resting so obviously in her magnificent cleavage, would be triggering him right now as he tried to concentrate on delivering his lecture. His cock would be throbbing and pushing helplessly against the bars of it's confined prison - desperate to get hard as she playfully twiddled the key in her fingers. She also knew that this would serve as a strong reminder that he was not in control of his sex life, or anything else for that matter, and any possible relief would only come from spoiling and pleasing her. She smiled to herself as she remembered how she had trapped her university professor in this inescapable predicament.

She had watched him deliver his first lecture, at the start of term, to the new students from the back of the lecture hall and decided quite quickly that this professor was prey waiting to be devoured. He was about 50 years old and still looked in good shape for his age. His wavy hair, brown with flecks of grey on the side, giving him a slightly raffish look. He spoke with that confidence that men of this age often seem to have and at times seemed to flirt slightly with the girls sitting in the front row who giggled at his jokes. She licked her lips in anticipation as she could tell that underneath all that confidence was just a weak, submissive man and she new exactly what she was going to do to him.

For the next few weeks she arrived early at his lecture to ensure that she could get a seat on the front row. She had an amazing curvaceous body and specifically chose clothes to show it off in all its glory. Her short skirt or split dress would often reveal her beautiful, shapely thighs, she would dangle one of her high heels letting it swing from her toes, and she made sure that her top always gave him a clear view of her perfect, large breasts and deep cleavage. It was no surprise that he seemed to stumble and lose his train of thought when he first saw her sitting there and at every subsequent lecture she would notice him regularly steeling furtive glances in her direction. Often at that time she would fix her hypnotic green eyes on his and run the tip of her pen across her plump lower lip or innocently just trail her fingertips down the side of one breast. She would often then observe a twitch in his groin area as blood involuntarily rushed to his cock and she enjoyed the spectacle of watching him fighting to stay in control. She was very aware that straight after every lecture he would be rushing off back to his office to masturbate furiously while thinking about her. Tut, tut professor.

After about 4 weeks of this "softening up" she decided to pounce. At the end of another lecture where she had teased him mercilessly she waited until he hurried off as usual and then followed him back to his office. She knocked on the door and waited until an alarmed cry of "one second' came from the room beyond followed by the sound of clothes being hurriedly readjusted.

Eventually the door was opened by the red faced professor and she enjoyed the look of shock and then fear that passed across his face.

"I am very sorry to trouble you professor but I wonder if I might discuss something about the course with you?" She said pushing her breasts up towards him. "I hope I am not disturbing anything it's just you appear a bit flustered!"

"No of course not, sorry - it's just, it's just I had spilled something on my trousers and was just wiping it up. Please, please come in Rosie"

"Thank you professor" she said raising one eyebrow and striding confidently into his office thinking how interesting it was that he knew her name already! Without waiting to be asked she took a seat opposite his chair and seductively crossed her legs exposing more thigh again.

The professor hurried to sit in his seat, probably to hide his obvious erection, and studiously put his hands together and crossed his fingers. "So how can I help you Rosie"

Smiling inwardly as she heard him use her name for the second time she said "well I was just wondering if there will be any lectures on psychological manipulation and behavioural conditioning in this course?"

"Well it might be something we touch on in parts but not specifically. Why is this something that interests you?"

"Ooh that's a shame" she said with a pout. "Yes this is something I am very, very interested in - specifically with regards to men"

She watched his reaction as she said this and could see his growing curiosity. "Men really! is this something you have studied?"

"Yes I have studied this subject but also something that I feel I just have a natural talent for" she said leaning forward so that her cleavage grew in front of his eyes.

"Uhmm wwell" the professor stammered looking flustered "like I said iiit is something we may touch on but not cover in great detail"

"Nevermind" she said with a soft sigh "I am not sure there is really much that I do not know already. Look! let me show you"

And with that she stood up and leaned forward so that her breasts strained against her top right in front of his face. He could hardly breathe at the sight that unfolded before him when suddenly a sparkly pendant dropped from a chain and started to swing in front of his eyes.

"It is okay" she said her voice slowing right down and softening it's tone. "You can stare, I know you like what you see and the feelings it is bringing on. You can look at my cleavage or the pendant swinging rhythmically in front of it. It doesn't matter,I don't mind which, they are both just as nice. Perhaps your focus will flick between the two while you notice your breathing becoming more relaxed. Taking nice slow deep breaths." She watched as his eyes seemed to glaze over - sometimes moving side to side following the pendant rocking from her hand and sometimes becoming fixed straight ahead between her breasts, pupils dilating. She felt that flush of arousal pass through her and the distinct tingling in her pussy that she always got when starting to take control and corrupt a new victim. She loved watching the internal struggle going on in their brain knowing that her power would always break them.

"Now I know you have been imagining me a lot lately and I want you to imagine me again right now." She said with a voice like warm honey. "Imagine you are following me along a long panelled corridor. You can see my body swaying in my high heels as I walk you along it. You can see my beautiful curvaceous arse, rocking from side to side just like this pendant, as I stride along. Follow me Professor, follow me along the corridor. Now imagine we arrive at the top of a staircase and I am going to take your hand and walk you down the steps. Only ten steps and with each step down you are going to feel yourself drop deeper. With each step down you are going to feel more relaxed but your weakness increase. Let's begin - take the first step"

And she slowly counted him down each step, each time reinforcing his deepening trance and growing weakness. Watching his pupils dilate further and his breathing slow until he was basically a drooling zombie.When she informed him that he was about to reach the last step she told him that he was going to sink through the floor for her, and when she said "one" his eyes rolled up into his head and she knew that, inside his mind, that is exactly what had happened.

Feeling so turned on by her own power and the unethical way that she used it she spent the next few minutes wiping the professor's brain and rewiring it with an intense desire to serve her and please her whenever possible. He would grow even more obsessed with her and be completely unable to say no to whatever she demanded.

When she was satisfied, that she had accomplished what she had set out to do, she told him to stand up, drop his trousers and start stroking his cock slowly again. She left him in his office with the instructions that he would come out of trance the moment that he orgasmed.

The next few weeks were fun as she set about completely fucking his mind over. The professor clearly doted on her. Buying her gifts, sending her money and giving her top grades for all her work.He was desperate for her attention and approval and she really enjoyed toying with him. Sometimes she would respond, and give him a small dose of the drug he so desperately craved, noticing the extreme pleasure it would give him, and then other times she would torture him by withdrawing her attention and ignoring him. She knew all about carrot and stick, and although she was not averse to using a real stick/crop/paddle, she knew it was her attention that was the most powerful weapon. She would not answer any of his messages and sit at the back of the lecture theatre -never catching his eye but flirting with some of the male students who were happy to reciprocate. She knew she was igniting the fire of jealousy in his stomach and enjoyed seeing the turmoil on his face. She was so skilled at using this emotional rollercoaster to deepen his addiction, increasing his helplessness and dependance on her. She was the pusher - he was the junkie!

She knew the last piece missing from his psychological destruction was complete control over his orgasm and he did not flinch when she told him that is what she wanted. She said that to serve her properly and for any more of her attention she required that he wore a chastity device. Of course he agreed immediately, being in no state to refuse, and she loved hearing a small whimper as she squeezed his cock into the tiny cage, she had chosen, and clicked the lock shut.

And now 3 weeks later she was sat at the front of the lecture theatre torturing the poor soul with the key to his freedom. When it came to male psychological manipulation and behavioural conditioning she knew nothing was as affective as chastity and orgasm control. She could see the desperation in his eyes and she was looking forward to exploiting it ruthlessly. She was going to take him shopping after the lecture had finished and if he behaved well, did as he was told and pleased her enough, he MIGHT receive some of the relief he desperately craved!

She licked her lips at the thought of having another professional, successful man completely under her control!

The Professor

Did she know what she was doing to him? It was driving him crazy! The sight of the key to his cock cage resting in that glorious cleavage was too much to bear. He almost whimpered in frustration when she played with it in her fingers almost deliberately drawing his attention to it. His cock ached and throbbed trying vainly to get hard in its prison. Why had she chosen such a small cage? And why had he agreed? Why could he not seem to say "no" to her? And now he had been locked up for 3 weeks. He had never gone more than a day without cumming before and now 3 weeks? She had said that she MIGHT allow him to take it off if he took her shopping after the lecture and made it clear that it depended on whether he "pleased her" well enough. He needed to cum so bad that he would ensure that he did whatever was required for some relief.

How had it come to this he thought to himself? How had he ended up in this trap?

It had started soon after the start of term when he noticed this incredibly beautiful, seductive student sitting in the front row of the lecture theatre. Her long, dark hair tumbled down over her shoulders framing an exquisite face and her curvaceous, voluptuous body was just a dream. She seemed to be wearing very provocative clothes designed to flaunt all her attributes. The first time he saw her he had lost all train of thought and had had to pause to compose himself. She reappeared in the same place for the next few weeks and always looked absolutely stunning, dressed in a way that seemed designed to grab his attention. Whenever he glanced at her she would lock eyes with him and not look away until he did. Sometimes she seemed to show off her shapely legs or draw attention to her breasts with her fingertips. This would usually cause his cock to throb and swell but he hoped nobody could see. He was left in such a horny state after each lecture that he had to run off and masturbate immediately always with the image of this student, who he had learnt was called Rosie, firmly in his mind.

It was after another lecture, where she had looked absolutely incredible and he felt that she had seemed to tease him throughout, that things changed. He was feeling so aroused again afterwards that he had scurried off to his office to "relieve himself" when there was a knock at the door. He was taken aback and shouted "one second" while hurriedly pulling his pants back up and putting his hard cock away.

He was surprised to open the door to see Rosie standing there with a knowing smirk spread across her full red lips. Close up she looked even more alluring - feminine power just radiated from her!

"I am very sorry to trouble you professor but I wonder if I might discuss something about the course with you?" She said and he couldn't help but notice her perfect chest seemed to rise up towards me as she spoke. "I hope I am not disturbing anything it's just you appear a bit flustered!"

He was surprised to see her and alarmed that she seemed to have realised he was upto something. He also unexpectedly felt this slight fear inside like he knew that this young woman was extremely dangerous. He mumbled some excuse and asked her to come in. He remembered her confidence as she walked into his office in her high heels - almost bordering on arrogance like it was her office not his. She took a seat without being asked and crossed her legs letting him see a bit more of her shapely thighs.

He asked her how he could help her and he remembered her saying something about "psychological manipulation and behavioural conditioning" especially with regards to men. He wasn't sure why she had brought this up and was just discussing it with her when she suddenly said "Look let me show you"

That is when she stood up and leaned over him pushing her breasts aggressively right in front of his face. Her cleavage seemed to grow deeper and deeper in front of his eyes and then a sparkly pendant appeared and started swinging back and forth. He was totally transfixed, unable to look away, as his focus flipped from her cleavage back to the pendant and then back again.

Pendant, cleavage, pendant, cleavage all the time her voice which had completely changed its tone and slowed right down was telling him how relaxed and weak he was feeling.

Pendant, cleavage, pendant cleavage, now he was imagining himself walking along a long panelled corridor watching Rosie walk in front of him in her high heals with her large, voluptuous arse swaying from side to side. He could picture it so vividly.

Pendant, cleavage, pendant cleavage, now she was holding his hand walking him down some steps and with every step he took he could feel himself dropping deeper and deeper, his willpower dissolving. He started to feel nervous as he began to realise how very vulnerable he was becoming but unable to do anything about it!

When she told him to take the final step down and he pictured his foot hitting the floor it suddenly opened up and felt himself falling down a deep dark hole. "Sink" she had said and that is exactly what he did. In the blackness that enveloped him he could now just make out the same hypnotic voice saying phrases like "you need to please me", "you crave my attention" and "your pleasure comes from obedience".

Time seemed to stand still as he floated around this dark void when he suddenly snapped out of trance and realised that he was alone in his office, stroking himself furiously, and just reaching a thunderous orgasm. As cum poured out of his cock onto his office carpet he nearly collapsed to his knees feeling so confused about what had just happened.

The next few weeks were very strange and he did not know what had got into him. He could not stop thinking about Rosie at any point and all he wanted to do was please her and have her notice him. Any attention she threw his way made him instantly rock hard and brought on waves of pleasure that he had never felt before and when she ignored him and withdrew her attention he felt genuine withdrawal symptoms - just like a helpless drug addict. He gave her top grades for all her work and even bought her presents and gave her money - anything to get her approval. When after a few weeks she said she wanted to take control of his orgasms and have him wear a chastity device he eagerly agreed. Anything to make her happy. He could not say no to anything she asked.

She had said it would only be for a "couple of days" but now he found himself 3 weeks later with this immense pressure in his balls. He had begged her to take it off and let him cum but he noticed his begging and pleading only seemed to turn her on even more. Once she had even touched herself in front of him, bringing herself to a massive orgasm while she made him cry and desperately beg on his knees.

And now she had said that there "might" be a chance of some relief but made it clear that it would cost him a lot of money. She was such a bad, dangerous woman but he realised that it did not matter. He was her toy forever and she was going to be able to use him as she saw fit.

The end

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JoezobdavJoezobdav6 months ago

My God that's stories my God that story is driving me crazy it's one of the best I've ever read she had a massive orgasm in front of him while he cried and begged on his knees I feel sorry for and pity that poor guy but I also envy him I wish that was me I would do anything to be in that situation I love 101 that makes me it's me to the point where I'm actually begging and pleading with her and it makes them all they just laugh and get all the horny I am going to go to the bar tonight and I hope I can come to victim of a cock teasing merciless b****

JoezobdavJoezobdav7 months ago

I loved it I wish I could meet a girl like that

4Leather4Leather7 months ago

Just another way of controlling his mind for her needs, mother words blackmail. In his own mind just wanting to please her. Next chapter

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