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The Student’s Invention

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The teacher required to test bike.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/20/2020
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It is now twenty thousand twenty two May twentieth and the Corvid nineteen pandemic is finally in check. It has been a long two and a half years for everyone, but the upside is everyone adapted to new ways of doing things.

During this time many of the school aged children have been home schooled. Aric Brown is one of them. He just finished his last year of High School. He is a tinkerer; he considers himself an inventor and spends his spare time on his projects. During the last few years, the shy young man became interested in exercise equipment specially designed for women, he is a healthy young man, although very shy. He designed a spinning bike with a woman in mind. We will explain more about this later.

Steven Williams owns a cyber security business, dealing with security for business computers. Carl Brown owns an Insurance business and contacted Williams Security, when he heard about the new hackers that are prevalent in the cyber world today. MaryAnne is Steve's wife, they both are in their late fifties. She is a mature beauty and a high school teacher, that had Aric in school (BC) 'before the pandemic', and she presently teaches remotely, the past few years included.

Carl contacted Steve. "Hi Steve, I am concerned about the cyber-attacks that have recently surfaced, could you give me a price to upgrade our computer security? You did a great job for me a few years ago, and I want a proposal from you along with one other company I have contacted."

"Sure, Carl give me a day or two and I will get back to you." Steve said, pleased that he received a call back from one of his recent clients, but worried that he has to bid against another company, as he barely made ends meet the last quarter, with the pandemic the world dealt with the last couple of years.

Steve arrived home in a good mood, he told his wife about the call from Brown Insurance and the possibility of a handsome payday if he can sell his cyber product. He didn't know that Carl had a plan to humiliate MaryAnne and let his son use the unlucky teacher to test his stationary bike. Aric is somewhat of a geek, and very shy around women. Carl and his son will have some fun with the hapless teacher, while he gets the much needed, cyber protection programs.

Two days later Steve called Carl. "Hi Carl, I have the numbers for you. You will be excited when I tell you what we can do for your company." Relaying the information in his best salesmen persona.

"That is great, can you come by after lunch so we can discuss your proposal?"

"I can do better than that, how about I meet you at Publix Restaurant, and we can talk about my proposal over lunch."

"That is a great idea Steve I will meet you there at one, thanks for the offer."

Ten minutes to one Steve is sitting at a table out of the main dining area, in a private corner, and stood up when he saw Carl arrive at the reservation station in the front of the dining establishment.

"How are you doing Carl." Steve said as he extended his hand.

"Great, glad we are on the other end of the pandemic."

"You got that right."

The waiter came to their table and the two men ordered their beverages. While they were waiting for their drinks, they continued to converse about the last few years.

Carl near tears said to Steve. "My wife recently past away; my son and I are still grieving." He continued after composing himself. "I hope we can get past this soon."

"Sorry to hear that Carl, if there is anything, we can do to help let us know."

"Thanks, I will do that." Carl said.

The waiter came back with their beverages and the two men ordered the meal.

While waiting for the meal Steve gave the proposal to Carl, it was a six-figure number a year for full coverage and a two-million-dollar insurance for any hack on their system. It was a five-year contract.

"The cost is kind of steep, I have another proposal for twenty-five thousand dollars less a year, but I have more confidence in your ability to ward off any attacks, because you have given us good service in the past, and if your wife helps my son Aric with his invention ,then I will go with your company. As you said a few minutes ago you will help us any way you can." Carl stated.

"How will MaryAnne be able to help your son?"

"Aric has been working on a spinning bike for females and needs a woman to see if it will work as he designed it."

Steve confused by Carl's last statement, but he knew Williams Security needed the job said. "I will talk to my wife about it and get back to you tomorrow."

They had their lunch, they talked about 'BC' the time before corvid. Carl took a copy of the proposal. The two men said good-bye and left after Steve paid the tab.

Steve did not go back to the office, he called in and told his second in command to lock up. He went home for the day. Steve walked into the house to see his wife just finish up with the online class. They will be going back in the fall for in person classes.

"And what do I owe the pleasure of your presence in our home before six."

"I met with Carl Brown today, I gave him a proposal for a five-year contract that we need to stay solvent. He said something that confused me. Carl said we are higher than another bidder, but if you work with his son Aric, we will get the contract. Do you know Aric Brown?"

"Yes, I had him is school, he was kind of a weird kid, always looking at me, as if he could see through me. I think he had a crush on me, and he professed to be an inventor." The mature teacher said.

Before we go on, a little about Mrs. Williams, she measures, five foot six tall, thirty-four, twenty-two, thirty-six, has brown hair with grey highlights. MaryAnne keeps in shape with exercise on ellipticals, treadmills and stationary bikes. She is a few pounds heavier than when she was married twenty-five years ago.

The conversation continued with Steve. "He wants you to test a spinning bike that he invented for females; do you have any idea what he is talking about?"

"No, but it can't be very good for the female if he invented it."

"Well, unfortunately, if I want to get the contract for cyber security of Brown Insurance, you will have to work with young Aric to test the bike."

"Who said that? MaryAnne asked with a frightened look on her face and continued. "The young man gives me the creeps."

"His father said that to get the contract, you need to work with Aric to test the bike. We need the contract to stay alive, the economy has backed me into a corner MaryAnne, with your hours cut and the business decline from Corvid you have to help me stay afloat, so we don't lose everything."

"Okay I will at least see what Aric wants me to do and then we can talk about it." MaryAnne told her husband with a foreboding of what is to come.

The next day first thing in the morning, Steve contacted Carl and gave him his wife's cell phone per her instructions.

It was twenty minutes later that Aric called MaryAnne. "Hi Mrs. Williams, how have you been?" He asked when the Teacher answered the phone.

"I have been well and how about you?"

"It has been a very boring few years not being able to go out with friends, but I spent my time designing a spinning bike for female riders, it gives the rider a workout with an instrument to pleasure her also. I need someone to work with me to test it, and my father suggested you." Aric said with just a touch too much enthusiasm.

"Can you give me more information Aric."

"No, it would be better explained if you see my invention. I think you would be very content after you ride it for a while." Aric said cryptically and then he continued. "Can you come to my lab tomorrow morning?"

"I don't think I am interested Aric." MaryAnne said she had a premonition it will be bad for her.

"Suit yourself I will tell my father."

Ten minutes later Steve called in a panic. "MaryAnne you have to work with Aric, or we will not get the contract. Do whatever he says, or we lose everything."

The hapless woman called Aric back. "Hi Aric, I reconsidered, I think I will help with your invention." MaryAnne said when her student answered the phone.

"Great come by this afternoon and we can get started, I will have lunch here for us." He wanted her come to his house before she could change her mind and he gave the address to the fearful woman.

MaryAnne clothed in a dress that came to the knee, a coordinated bra and pantie set with black flats on her feet, entered her car to start the fifteen-minute trip to her destination in a upper class neighborhood. The house she parked in front to check the address, was about four thousand square foot colonial with a circular driveway which she entered. She parked next to the front door and it opened not only Aric but four of his nerdy friends accompanied him also.

"Hi Mrs. Williams." The group stated in a singsong fashion. MaryAnne was too nervous to notice how mature Aric has become.

"Hi boys." MaryAnne stated and then said. "Aric can we get started, as I have a class at three today, so I have only an hour or so to work with you." To take control of the situation she is in presently.

"Okay, Mrs. Williams I will show you the apparatus that I invented, and then we can start testing tomorrow, when you have a couple of hours. Aric said as he walked to the stairs that go down one floor.

The group went down to a game room and then through a door into a lab of sorts, there in the middle of the floor is a stationary bike with a rubber dildo about ten inches long and three inches in diameter, where the seat was supposed to be.

"What is that." The terrified woman shouted.

"That is the pleasure mechanism, I was telling you about Mrs. Williams, but I have to make sure it works as I planned." Aric said with pride.

"No way I am going to stick that think in me, no less with all of you perverts looking at me." MaryAnne shouted as she ran out of the house.

Getting in the car and leaving the premises she called her husband and started shouting as soon as he got on the line. "The perverts want me to ride a bike with a fucking dildo that pumps in and out of me when I peddle the bike the fucking thing is as big around as a fucking log and almost as long." She is in tears now as she drives.

"MaryAnne do you think you can find someone that will want to use the apparatus, because we need that contract."

"I don't know anyone." She blubbered.

"I will see what I can do then." Steve said, thinking he could put an ad on craigslist.

"Calm down MaryAnne it will all work out." Steve told her, but in reality, he knew she would have to be the one to test the equipment or he wouldn't get the contract.

Steve called Carl. "Carl, my wife doesn't want to test your son's invention." He stated when the phone was answered.

"That is too bad, I was looking forward to working with you." Then after some thought. "Tell you what I will do. I will hold letting out of the contract until next Monday. I want you to bring your wife to my son's lab and talk her into working with him, Okay."

"I will do my best." The dejected Security business owner said.

"You have to talk your wife into helping my son. That is the only way to secure the contract my friend. Oh, and be there early say by Ten or I will think your passing on the contract." Carl said in a resolute voice.

"Okay, we will be there." Steve said knowing he had his work cut out for him to convince his modest wife to consent to a display of this kind.

The rest of the day for Steve, was a disaster. He could not keep his mind on the tasks at hand, only thinking how he can persuade his wife to help Aric with his invention.

On the other hand, MaryAnne went about her day in a happy mood. She knew her husband will figure something out to get her off the hook, testing Aric's new product. In her heart she knew her husband wouldn't want her intimately exposed to other people.

It was six in the evening when Steve entered the house as usual, she didn't notice his posture, as she was at the stove in preparation for dinner, while she hummed a happy tune. When she heard the door close MaryAnne asked with her back to him. "How as your day dear?"

"Very stressful, I am going to lose the contract for Brown Insurance."

With a sinking feeling she asked. "Why is that? You couldn't find anyone to test Aric's equipment?" But she knew the answer already.

"I didn't even try to find someone else, as I was told the only way I can get the contract is if you test the equipment, so I guess I am going to lose our business."

After that revelation, the couple eat in silence, each in their own thoughts. They cleaned up after dinner and went into the family room.

"We need to talk about the elephant in the room." MaryAnne said.

"Yes, I know, I been trying to figure out a way to approach this dilemma with the best outcome for both of us, but I don't know what to do. We will lose the business if I don't get the Brown Insurance contract. On the other hand, I don't want you to do something that you're against." Steve said not wanting to tell his wife she will have to humiliate herself for the sake of a stable financial future for both.

It took a while for MaryAnne to digest what her husband said, more time to figure her options, and then she stated. "I will test Aric's equipment, so that you can get the contract. Will you still love me if I do this? You know I have never been nude in front of anyone, but you and I will have to totally expose myself to test his stationary bike. Is that what you want?" His wife asked.

"Not really my love,but I know you're doing this for us. I am proud of you that you have the courage to do something so foreign to your nature for our benefit." Steve said as he took his wife in his arms and kissed her.

MaryAnne melted into her husband's arms. While he started to unbutton her blouse, she helped him remove it. and leaned forward so he could unhook her bra. That garment was discarded on top of her blouse. Steve worked his way to her neck, this caused her to moan, while he rubbed her nipple, this caused it to become erect. He put a lip lock on the other nipple which caused a groan of pleasure from his wife.

While he sucked on her nipple, his other hand was busy also. He reached under her skirt, and with the help of his wife, he removed her panties. MaryAnne spread her legs wide, this gave him access to her overheated pussy. He thrust three fingers in her at once, which caused her to orgasm, this spewed her lady liquid all over the couch. Not satisfied he gave MaryAnne one orgasm, he worked his way down to her honey pot, and started to lick her from her brown star to her clit and then he used his tongue as a miniature prick to attack her man hole, he paid close attention to her clit, which caused another orgasmic explosion in the mature woman.

While MaryAnne recovered from her orgasms, Steve removed her skirt, now his wife was naked in their family room, something that is an infrequent occurrence. She lifted her bottom to help him remove the garment, and then Steve placed her on the couch, in a very exposed position with her legs spread wide ready to except his cock into her honey pot. Steve quickly stripped off his pants and settled in between his wife's legs. He ran the head of his pleasure pole up and down her slit. This caused his wife to lift her bottom to have him penetrate her overhead manhole more. He pushed down and forward to seat his pecker in his woman completely. Steve left his manhood in his wife; he felt the pleasure of her feminine sheath around his member. He loved the silky feel of her sheath as he slowly pumped in and out of her.

The slow love making didn't last long, as he is building to a climax, he is pumping faster and MaryAnne is thrusting to meet his motion. It is a screaming orgasm for both. Staying joined as they are kissing until the inevitable fallout and the escaping of their fluids from her pussy leaking down her bottom. The couple kissing long after their climax.

"You will still love me, afterwards right?"

"You are doing this for us MaryAnne why wouldn't I continue to love you."

"I am just thinking, I hate to go to the doctors because I have to expose myself to him. I am your wife and I am going to expose my body to a boy I had in school, to have a dildo stuck in me in front of him in the name of testing. I won't feel that I am yours anymore." She lamented.

"MaryAnne I never thought of you as mine. I think of you as your own person that has joined together with me to have children, and work together to make a better life for both of us in a synergetic relationship for the common good of our family."

She gave him a hug as this was the first time, he expressed to her how he felt about their relationship and marriage. MaryAnne was grateful to finally understand what Steve thought of their relationship and this gave her the courage she needed to move forward with the distasteful task she will perform on Monday.

Steve spent whole weekend pampering his wife and they had a great time. They did things like shopping which MaryAnne loves and Steve not so much. Eat out and taking a drive in the countryside.

After an hour and half on the road, Steve found the entrance to a secluded pond only seen, if you knew where to look. A place he went when he was young. It was down a dirt road in the woods, on the back of the pond and had no cottages nearby. Steve stopped the car at a picnic area that was rarely used presently. You could tell because it was somewhat overgrown. They always carried chairs and a blanket in the car for just this situation.

"Steve where are we going?" MaryAnne asked as Steve turned off the main road onto a dirt track.

"You will see, I went here with my family when I was a kid." Steve said as he stopped at the picnic area with a view of the pond, there were camps in the distance.

"This is beautiful, how come you never took the kids and me here?"

"Because we always went to the ocean, or to a resort for our vacations." Steve said as he exited the car, retrieved the blanket, and the cooler.

Steve opened the door for his wife, put down the blanket by the water, and he retrieved a bottle of water for each. MaryAnne sat on the blanket and sipped the water as did Steve.

He put the water down and started to kiss his wife passionately and started to unbutton her slacks.

MaryAnne pushed her husband way as she said. "Steve stop, what if someone comes?"

"I am hoping we both will cum before we leave here." Steve answered as he continued to work to remove his wife's slacks and panties.

"Steve what has gotten into you. You are stripping me in public, it will be embarrassing is someone comes along and sees me nude." Then she thought better of what she said thinking. "I am going to be nude on Monday and who knows how many more times I will be exposing myself to Aric." She stopped resisting and let her husband strip off her slacks and panties. Finishing, he folded the garments neatly putting her panties in a pocket and bringing the clothes to the car dropping them in the back seat.

He sat down and started to kiss is wife again while fingering her, with his remaining arm he put it around her and popped the hooks on her bra as only a man with many years of practice can. Steve used both hands to remove her blouse over her head with her help and then she removed her bra. He folded the garment neatly and took both to the car to join the rest of her clothes. He removed his clothes and put them with his wife's. His pecker led the way to his lovely wife.

MaryAnne is laying on her back, she is rubbing her breast and fingering her overheated slit. She looks up to see his pecker pointing at her. Getting up on her knees she gives him the best BJ he has ever had, but Steve stops her before blowing his load. He wants to place this load in her box. Getting between her legs his pecker is wet enough, so that he can push it in all the way, with one thrust, she is very moist also. It took him less than a minute to explode and his wife was right there with him, because to the foreplay and the excitement of sex outdoors. A first for both.

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