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The Supplement Pt. 02


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Mere seconds later, Josh's deflated penis slipped from her, followed by a flood of semen down her crack. That's when she noticed that the suction on her nipple had eased. Her son turned his head and laid it on her now less plump breasts. His breathing deepened, and Jean realized he was asleep.

Easing her son over, she pulled a blanket up over them both and snuggled up next to him. Sleep came quickly.


Josh woke up feeling different. Light was streaming from a different direction than it usually did. There was a warm pressure at his back, and he was nude. Stirring, he rolled over to see his mom sleeping next to her bed. Oh right. The night before came back to him.

His dad leaving. Having sex with his mom. Drinking...her milk? Saliva filled his mouth at the memory of the delicious, berry-flavoured cream that had flowed from his mom's full breasts. Then nothing. Why could he remember nothing after?

His mom rolled onto her back, the blanket and sheet slipping from her chest to display her generous breasts. Her areola and nipples were soft and spread out, something he hadn't seen. He longed to suck them to hardness, but didn't want to wake his mom. Instead, he rolled towards her and cuddled into her curves, putting his head on her pillow. Without a word, she rolled away, and dragged him behind her.

Spooning her now, his hardening dick pressing into her back, Josh did his best to just enjoy the moment. Hopefully they would have many more mornings like this one. Unfortunately, it was Friday, which meant they had to face work and school. The mother and son bliss was shattered by the sound of his mom's alarm going off.

She reached over and smacked the snooze button, settling back into his embrace. His dick completed the journey to erection, now pressing firmly into her buttocks. She wiggled her ass, saying, "That's nice to wake up to. Is that for me?"

Josh just pushed harder as an answer.

"Quick like a bunny, we don't have all morning," she said, reaching behind her to grab his dick. Lifting her leg, she aimed him for her pussy, letting go when his head was lodged in her entrance.

Josh pushed, slowly working his dick into her, until he was as far in as he could go. Her lush ass cheeks were in the way of a good fuck, but he managed to sink enough inches in her to get them both moaning. Fucking his mom, hand on her boob, he felt a wetness on his hand when she groaned through an orgasm. He followed soon after, emptying his sack into her waiting womb.

"Mmm, that's a proper wakeup," his mom sighed, squeezing him with her slick sheath.

Josh hefted a tit in his hand, noting that they hadn't returned to full size overnight. "So, milk...I didn't expect that."

"Neither did I. I guess it's another effect of the pills."

"I guess so. It matches what the web site said,"

"Web site?"

Josh told his mom about the possible side effects on her.

She was silent a bit, then said, "Then I'm actually not getting fat? The pills are making my hips wider and tits bigger to make having babies easier?"

"My babies," Josh murmured into her shoulder. "And now you have milk as well. Will you have to pump?"

"I'm not sure. I probably don't have much to start, and won't make more unless I use it...or you suck it out of me."

Josh was fiddling with her nipple, pulling it. During their morning romp they had thickened and a few drops were oozing from them from his play. "Is that okay?"

"Let's keep it to a minimum for now. I don't like how you passed out last night. Let's monitor how you react next time."

"Like you after having sex."

"Yeah, maybe. I went to sleep after you did last night, but didn't feel the same wave of fatigue. Maybe I'm getting used to it? Or the changes are done?"

"Maybe." Unable to resist, Josh moved back, rolling his mom on her back, and dipped in for a suckle. She just sighed and shook her head but didn't protest. After a few draws he only had a bit of taste in his mouth, not the streams he was getting last night. "I guess you're dry."

"Good! We can't stay in bed any longer, we have to get ready." So saying, Josh's mom rolled out of bed and padded to the bathroom.

He called after her, "If you were passing out so your body could change, why am I passing out?"

The question went unanswered, and Josh got up to start his day.


It turned out it was a good thing Jean had been able to have her son twice in the last eight hours, because her period started that day, and there was no more sex for a while. She wanted to break the news to her son via text, but didn't want to risk someone else seeing it.

Jean went about her day as usual, but it wasn't a usual day. Her marriage was over, and it kept hitting her at random times. Chuck sent an email with some initial discussions about dividing up what they had built with their joined lives. He offered her the house straight up, for her and Josh to live in. He would take some of their savings and retirement money in exchange. Lawyers would get involved at some point, but it was good to have stuff sorted.

Near the end of the day, she didn't get the usual text from Chuck, which was the biggest change so far. They were alone. She could go home and just be with Josh, and not worry about when Chuck might be coming home.

The other oddity for the day was the fact she was lactating. Sixteen hours or so after Josh emptied her breasts, they were starting to fill out again. Not to the extent they were the day before, but definitely fuller. If it kept up, she would have to pump or face the pain of overfull tits.

The next several days of no sex might result in some painfully overfull balls and she was planning on relieving his pressure by filling her belly with come, instead of her womb. Maybe they could trade favours and he could fill his belly with milk.

Jean's plans were derailed when she got home. "What do you mean, no thank you?"

"Mom, I want nothing more than to have you give me a blowjob, but it's not fair to you! You'll be going without while I'm coming daily? I'll wait out the five days and then join you in coming together."

Jean's mouth was open, as if ready for a cock, but none was being presented. She slammed it shut. She hadn't anticipated her son being so noble. She walked up to where he was sitting at his desk and leaned down, giving him an eyeful of cleavage. In a low voice, she said, "I love sucking on your cock, son. I love the taste of your semen, and I want an after work snack. Are you going to deprive me of all of those pleasures?"

Josh's face went red, and he shifted in his seat. "Not willingly," he admitted. "It's sensitive. After last night...but it's fine! I checked it out, and there's nothing wrong with it, it's just super sensitive. I'll be fine in a few days, and then we can resume..."

"Are you sure it's okay? I'd better take a look at it."

Josh sighed and lifted his hips, ready to push down his pants when he slammed down into his chair. "Oh no you don't. I'm onto you! You just want me to get naked so you can blow me. Well, I said no thank you...I can't believe I'm saying this. Look, it's probably the pills. I stopped taking them, so it'll all go away soon, I'm sure."

Jean gave her son a warning look. "Okay, but any changes and you tell me right away."

Josh nodded firmly.

"I guess there's no hanky panky for a while, but that doesn't solve this." She gestured at her chest. "I'm not full yet, but will be in a bit I think. You're still okay with helping me there?"

Another firm nod, and he licked his lips. Jean laughed and went to make some dinner for the two of them, though Josh might want to save room for later.

Day one of her period ended with them in bed, with him cuddled up against her side while he nursed at her breast. He had latched on right away, her milk letting down easily, and then the pleasure came. Something about the way he squeezed her juicy pap between tongue and palate sent signals all through her body. She'd been a bit crampy but they eased up almost immediately. By the time both breasts were empty, she was pantingly close to coming from his nursing alone. Unfortunately when the milk was gone, he passed out just like the night before. Jean was too close to waste the climax, so she pressed her palm into her groin and rubbed herself to a satisfying orgasm before snuggling up to her son.

The weekend passed by in the same way. Josh said his penis was still sensitive, so they stuck with him feeding from her at night and passing out. And so went day three, four and five as well. By the time Jean's period was done, she was producing enough milk to satisfy her son's appetite.


Josh got home from school feeling good. Really good. Energized, upbeat, ready to run a marathon or clean the entire house. He knew his mom was done with her period today, and she'd be home soon. He was looking forward to spending some quiet time with her in bed, but he'd have to wait, as she wasn't home from work yet.

Tossing his school bag onto his bed, he went to his PC and sat, browsing Reddit. An hour later, it occurred to him to wonder where his mom actually was. She'd begged off picking him up after school, saying she had some errands to run, but he didn't expect it to take this long.

Shifting in place in his chair, he was struck by the lack of sensation. Not that there wasn't any, it was that there was a lot less. For days, he'd been careful to avoid brushing too hard against anything with his dick, because it was soooo close to painfully sensitive. Just now, moving, he hadn't felt it and gave a sigh of relief that the whole thing was over. Feeling a bit - a lot - horny after five days of abstaining, he went for a little feel to see how things were going down south.

Just as he was about to push his hand under his waistband, the front door banged closed announcing his mom's arrival. Even better.

Josh jumped out of his chair, striding to his door to go meet his sexy mom, and her bountiful breasts. Hopefully she would be open to a lay down; he could use a snack.

In the hall, he stopped at seeing the shopping bags his mom had dropped at her feet. She looked tired. Shrugging her shoulders, she said, "I got a little shop-happy."

"What did you get?" he asked, walking up to look in one of the bags.

"Clothes. I needed some new ones because I wasn't fitting in my old ones very well. Plus I needed something to contain these," she said, giving her breasts a little jiggle. "I was going to buy a bigger size, but then thought that something more practical would work better."

Bending down, she pulled a bra out of a bag, handing it to Josh. He examined it, seeing it was a bit different than the ones he knew so well. It had some odd flaps and hooks. Puzzled, he just looked at his mom for an explanation.

"It's a maternity bra. I can feed without taking my bra off."

Josh grinned at the thought of unhooking his mom's bra in public somewhere and getting a little feed in.

His mom read his thoughts and said, "Ha, ha, mister. It's in case your swimmers ever catch, I'll be able to feed the little one easier."

"I'm little," he said, with a smirk.

"Really? I hadn't thought so." Her eyes darted down to his crotch.

Josh shifted, suddenly aware of the slab of meat growing in his pants. Pressing on it with his palm, a wave of heat and tingles burst in his dick and he thought it was better to take the conversation to her bedroom. When he took his mom's hand in his, leading her down the hall, bags forgotten, she followed.

"No more noble intentions? Now you're ready, I am expected to be too?" she asked, still walking behind him.

Josh stopped and raised his eyebrows in a wordless question.

"I'm teasing, go, go, go!" she urged, waving him on.

Mother and son tumbled into her bed, clothes flying in their wake. Within seconds, she was on her back, legs spread and gesturing for him to climb on. Without wasting a second, he was soon leaning over her, lining his dick up, oh whoops, he over shot. Pulling back for another try, he eventually got in place, feeling the heat of her pussy warming his head.

"That's it," she murmured, when he was in place.

Josh pushed, feeling his mom's pussy open up. It took a bit of extra work to slot himself in her entrance but he figured it had been five days...until he saw his mom's expression.

She whimpered, writhing under him. "Josh...oh my god...uhhh..." She reached out to his ass, pulling at him, dragging him closer. His dick plunged deeper, and she whined, face clenched in what looked like agony, until she grabbed his neck. His mom planted a hard kiss on his mouth, darting her tongue between his lips.

"Mmmmmph," he groaned, unsure of what to do: pull back or fuck her.

She answered by wrapping her legs around his ass. He couldn't pull back, caught in the vice grip of her thighs, so he surrendered, shoving his hips forward to bury himself all the way. His mom shrieked in his mouth, and then started to pump her hips frantically, taking his last inch over and over.

A kind of red haze fell over Josh's eyes, and he wanted more. Setting his knees on the bed, he thrust hard into his mom's clutching cunt, hearing the reward of her scream as he buried himself. Pulling back a little, he pushed again, and again, his mother's grasping grotto sucking at his dick with every plunge. It was the most he'd ever felt from her, and he couldn't last long, so committed to full body fucking, running the length of his dick into her over and over, feeling his orgasm building.

When it came, Josh wanted to feel his mom's warmth and wetness along his entire length, so he pushed hard, and white fire blanked his mind as he came. Cramp-inducing ejaculations fired from his core, up his barrel and into his mom's warm, welcoming womb. It seemed to set her off, for his body's convulsions were met with hers, and they held on for dear life, mating for all they were worth.

It came slowly, a kind of fading away of the red haze, until Josh came back to himself, buried to the root in his mother. She lay under him, equally dazed, eyes glazed and mouth open. Josh pulled from her carefully but she still whined, weakly grasping at his arms, as if to prevent him from exiting her vagina. When he was able to extricate himself, he rolled next to her, a wave of fatigue hitting him.

Some time later, he woke up to find his mom asleep next to him. They were in the same position, legs tangled but torsos lined up. He sidled up to her, joining their warmth, and fell asleep again.


Jean woke up to her alarm, and reached to silence it. It took a bit of work to get close to the edge of the bed, as she was in the middle, pressed up against the naked body of her son. He didn't stir. She lay back, doing her best to tell herself to get up and not succumb to sleep. It was a fight.

Gradually, one eye at a time, she was able to force herself to not fall back into blissful slumber. It was unfair. Looking over, she smiled to see Josh sleeping peacefully. It made sense for him to stay with her, but had they really discussed him doing it all the time? Whatever, she was happy to have him there.

The night before was a bit fuzzy. Had she gotten drunk? She didn't remember doing that. When had they gone to bed? Rolling to reach back to Josh, she felt two things. One, her breasts were full, a painful plumpness with fat nipples ready for milk to come out. Second, a deep twinge in her pussy, as if she'd been fucking all night. What? A quick check with her hand, and she felt it: a burning, stinging in her lips, as if they'd been stretched to the max. Confused, she searched her memory for the source of her tenderness.

Coming home, dropping her bags. Explaining about maternity bras. Walking to her room, hand in hand with Josh. Lying on her back...oh. He'd fucked her, and it had been so different. Him on top of her, thrusting away, shoving his...giant prick in her?

Jean sat up, quickly flipping up the sheet that covered her son's groin. There it was. Nestled between his legs was a thick shaft of cock meat, laying quiescent against his thigh. What?

"Josh," she called gently, shaking his arm. "Wake up."

He stirred, starting to roll away, but she held his hand to stop him. Opening his eyes, he looked over and smiled. "Hi, Mom. You look pretty."

Jean couldn't help but feel good about the compliment but had more pressing matters. She pointed at her son's crotch. "What is that?" she asked.

"Hm?" he asked, lifting his head to look down. "My dick."

"Yeah, but why is it so big?"

He grinned at her, a crooked amused smile that said he was in on the joke. "Thank you, I appreciate your compliment."

"No, look at it!" she pointed.

Josh did, blinking his eyes blearily. "It's always been that way."

"It's always been that shape, yes, but not those proportions. See?" She leaned over, wincing as her milk-laden tits shifted. She put her hand next to her son's cock, and the comparison quickly revealed that he had changed.

"What!" he said, lifting up on his elbows. "I don't...are you sure?"

To emphasize the point, Jean got up on her knees and shuffled to his middle, lifting his quiescent cock and wrapping her hand around it. Her fingers didn't meet.

"Holy..." he gasped.

"How did you not notice this?" she asked.

"I haven't touched it! It was too sensitive, remember?" he retorted.

Of course, handling a teenager's penis wasn't going to keep it soft for long. As she held it, it grew, and grew, until she was faced with at least eight inches of thick cock meat, straining in her hand. Suddenly the ache in her groin wasn't a mystery.

"Those pills," she mused. "Have given me milky tits, and baby making hips. They gave you this." She shook his rigid penis.

"And big loads," Josh added.

"And big loads," she agreed. "I don't know whether to call the CDC or the tabloids."

"Before you do," he hedged, his hips wiggling. "Can we take the edge off?"

Jean contemplated the slab of meat in her hands before saying, "Tell you what. I'll relieve your pressure, if you relieve mine."

It took some doing, but she eventually managed to fit a few inches of her son's dick in her mouth, sucking and stroking until he gasped out his orgasm, filling her gullet with loads of baby batter. In turn, he greedily filled his belly with her milk, until she was able to move without pain.

They were late. It had taken too long to empty their respective receptacles, and had to race to get dressed and out the door to work and school. She had to come up with an excuse for Josh and herself on the fly, but in the end it worked out.

The day went by with random day dreams about her son's massive cock, and what it might feel like inside her. She knew she had had it there already, but couldn't remember it. If she wasn't imagining it in her, she was trying to decide if they should go to a doctor. It was obviously late in the game, but better late than never. By the end of her work day, she decided not to panic just yet. The sleeping fits seemed to have eased off...somewhat.

In the end, what helped her come to a decision was the fact she hadn't experienced her son's new cock without forgetting it. She wanted to experience that, first.

Picking Josh up from school, she made sure to unbutton the top three buttons, showing off her cleavage and some of her new maternity bra. His friends might see, but she wanted his attention. When he jumped in the passenger seat, she knew she had it.

"How was school?" she asked, pulling away from the curb.

"Long and boring," he replied.

Giggling, she said, "I know something long I'd like to be boring into me in a few minutes."

"Mom..." he admonished. "That was awful. You're going to have to work on your pickup lines."

"Is that a no?" she pouted, trying to keep her eye on the road.

"Well...I guess not," he laughed.

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