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The Supplement Pt. 02

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What's in these pills?
15.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/13/2023
Created 06/15/2022
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Jean stared at her phone, struggling to once again push down her feelings. It shouldn't matter anymore; she'd basically written her marriage off at this point - but it did matter. She sighed and read the message again.

'Working late'

It bugged her in its terseness. It annoyed her that he thought so little of her to not even apologize or explain. She'd told herself after the last time he rejected her in bed that it was over, and yet here she was being frustrated all over again.

The fact was, this was the man she'd married, and had devoted her life to. Sure, she'd fallen out of love after months of neglect, but it still hurt. The question still haunted her: what had she done to make him abandon their marriage?

Sighing, Jean put her phone in her purse and stood up from her desk, ready to head home. Chuck went to the back of her head, making room for immediate concerns. She needed to get some groceries and pick up Josh.

The thought of her son brought a smile to her face, replacing the frown put there by her husband. Tingling warmth blossomed in her pussy as memories flowed forth of what they'd done in his bed last night. Her newfound sexual relationship with her son was really the only reason she was dealing with her husband's abandonment at all. Without her son, she'd be a wreck.

She swung by the school, seeing him with his friends in a clump. When she gave a toot on the horn, they all looked over. They all smiled, but she only had eyes for one smile, and he gave it to her in spades. He trotted over, with the rest trailing behind, and clambered into the passenger seat. Jean did her best to keep from throwing her arms around him when he got in the car, trying to keep a modicum of decency.

"Hi boys," she sang, waving at the gaggle of Josh's friends gawking in the window.

They waved back enthusiastically, which made her laugh. She never got close to this type of attention from boys when she was in high school. When she pulled away from the curb, she could see them still waving. She glanced at her son, to see a bemused expression on his face.

"What?" she asked, as innocently as possible.

"You know what," he replied, glancing down at her chest.

Jean followed his gaze when she stopped at a stop sign. "Oh, that!" she exclaimed. "I was feeling a bit constrained, so I took it off on the way here. 'It' was her bra. Thrusting from the tips of her breasts under her thin blouse were two points, clear as day.

"You know I'm going to hear about it tomorrow," Josh complained.

"Hear what? That I'm top MILF? That I'm on the top of the list of moms they'd like to..." she left the rest of it unsaid as she started driving to the grocery store.

"Yes, that's what I'm going to hear about. It's all I'm going to hear about. Do you know how agonizing it is to hear them go on and on, all the while not being able to tell them that I actually AM fucking you?"

Jean giggled, while squirming in her seat a little. Hearing him say it just brought more memories. "Shhhh," she shushed, a grin still on her face. It was hard to be sympathetic for his 'plight', when she knew they'd all be supremely envious of him if they knew. "Don't start talking like that, we're going grocery shopping and I don't need to be fighting the urge to molest you in the dairy section."

Josh reached over and put his hand on her thigh, squeezing lightly, the warmth radiating from his palm. "I insist you molest me in the dairy section," he deadpanned. They laughed together, the sound filling the car, and his hand stayed where it was.

The rest of the five-minute drive was spent discussing what they needed for the house and meals for the rest of the week. The start of the shopping trip was all business. Grab a cart, give it to Josh to push, and start mentally creating meal plans as she spotted sales.

When they hit the freezer section, she opened several doors to grab items and noticed that Josh had stopped walking or even watching where he was going.

"What is wrong with you?" she asked.

He surreptitiously motioned at his own chest, which made her look at hers. Her nipples were hard from the cold freezer air, and obvious to anyone who might glance her way. She'd forgotten to put her bra back on for going out in public! Her first instinct was to cover up, to cross her arms over her breasts and run to the car for her bra. When she saw the look on her son's face, she hesitated. He wasn't disgusted or mad, he was staring appreciatively.

Desire to please her son fought with her need to cover up and not give others a reason to stare. Unable to decide which meant more to her, she asked, "Is this okay, or should I run and put my bra on?"

Josh looked up from her chest, meeting her eyes, and saw she was serious. "Oh, um, whatever you want."

"I don't know what I want," she confessed. It was an odd discussion to have in the middle of a grocery store. "I like you looking, but I am nervous about other people. You decide."

"Me? Mom, If I had my way, you'd be braless all of the time. Topless too, probably."

The conviction with which he said it told Jean he was telling the truth, which steadied her nerve. Squaring her shoulders, she nodded and said, "Let's get back to shopping, then."

The rest of the shop was a blur for Jean, and she knew she didn't do a very good job. It was hard to make decisions when half of her was focused on Josh, and the other half was watching what other people did. Some ignored her, some glanced, one older man stared outright. No one yelled at her, or made comments, or even looked unhappy. By the time they walked out of the store to head to the car, she was feeling much more comfortable having her nipples visible.

"It's a good thing my friends weren't in that store. They'd have followed you around like puppies," Josh said as they were getting in the car.

"Like you did?" she teased.

"I was helping!"

"Sure. Helping yourself to an eyeful." She couldn't help giggling at his hangdog expression. "It's okay, your attention makes me feel good."

The grocery trip, with erect nipples and Josh's gaze on her, had Jean feeling good. She paused in starting the car and looked at her son. She'd been fighting it all day - a longing for something - and now it was stronger than ever. The first time she felt it was the day she took Josh into the shower with her. His scent did things to her, and here in the car, it was all she could smell.

"Are you turned on right now?" she asked.

Josh gave her a sceptical look. "I'm turned on all the time when I'm around you."

Jean blushed and said, "That's sweet, and amazing, but I meant more than that. Are you..." She lowered her voice, as if embarrassed of what she was going to say. "dripping?."

Josh blushed hard. He said, "I don't know. Maybe."

"Can you check?" she asked, eyes intent on his groin.

"Here??" Her son looked around the parking lot, as if they were being watched.

"Yeah, here. No one can see. I swear I can smell you..." Her mouth was watering now, and she licked her lips.

Reluctantly, scanning around them, Josh opened his fly and yanked down his underwear. His semi-hard dick popped up into the air, and Jean saw it: a hint of moisture perched in his slit. As she watched, he got harder, longer, wider, his slit gaping open as her son's penis strained and grew towards her. The berry scent filled the enclosed space, and Jean's nostrils flared to take in as much of it as she could.

Jean leaned over, oblivious to the people walking by outside the car, and lightly kissed the tip of her son's cock, sucking to pull in his precum. The slick, musky, berry substance hit her tongue like a drop of ambrosia, quickly washed away in the flood of saliva in her mouth. It wasn't enough, so she went back for more, this time sucking longer, harder. More of him coated her tongue.

"Mom," Josh croaked, gently pushing her head away.

Jean looked up at him, puzzled as to why he'd stop her, and looked around. There was no one there.

"We can't," he whispered, as if they were in danger of being overheard.

"Just keep an eye out," she said, before returning to the object of her lust. She wanted to take her time, to wash every inch of her son's cock with her tongue, but knew it wasn't the right place. She dove down on him, opening her lips and taking him in her mouth, shoving her face into his lap. Somehow, she overdid it, and his head hit her throat earlier than she expected, causing her to gag a bit.

With a slight cough, she pulled up, eyes watering, and said, "Sorry. Out of practice I guess."

She tried again, going slower, fist gripping the base of his cock, and managed to suppress the urge to gag this time. Finding there was still more cock to gorge on, she bore down on him, trying to take all of him, knowing she had done it before. His mushroom head pushed her tongue down, forcing her jaw open, but eventually her lips reached her hand.

"Jesus," her son groaned above her.

Lips wrapped around his girth, Jean pulled back slowly, feeling every vein and ridge run along her tongue. A pleasant cocktail of berries and semen lingered on her palate. Knowing the chances of someone seeing her bent over, head in her son's lap were only getting greater, Jean started working at him with lips and tongue, stroking his shaft with one hand while sucking. She needed him to come fast, and thankfully her skills were up to the task.

With a grunt, her son came in her mouth.

When his delicious semen hit her tongue, she was ready, immediately swallowing it down, but she wasn't fast enough for the second load. When it came, she was mid-swallow, and his pulsing cock just sent more. She did her best to catch up, but it was a losing battle. By his third straining blast, she felt it leaking past her lips and onto her hand where she held him. The berry taste filled her mouth while the scent filled the car.

Gradually his pulsing flow tapered off, letting her pause to take a breath. There was so much, but she wanted all of it. With a couple final weak ejaculations, he was spent, and she was able to start cleaning him up. She felt him twitch as she rolled her tongue over his sensitive knob, gathering up what she hadn't swallowed. Then came his shaft, and her hand, and then with a final lick, he was clean.

Sitting up, Jean gave her son a smile. "Thanks, I needed that."

He was flushed and looked wrung out. He just smiled and said, "I'm happy to help."

"I feel like I need to work on my swallowing," she said, conversationally as she started the car. "Maybe if I can work up to deep throating, you can just send it all straight to my tummy!"

Josh could only stare at her, and she laughed.

Jean was happy to feel her son's load warming her insides. The vague sense of hunger she'd been feeling all day was gone, replaced by fullness and satiation, and a bit of drowsiness. Her eyes started to droop shut, and she said, "I think you better drive. I'm pooped."

They swapped seats, and before they'd left the parking lot, she was asleep.


Josh kept an eye on his mom during the drive home. It wasn't like her to fall asleep like that, but then, it wasn't like her to suck on his dick in a public parking lot either. He wasn't upset about it, but it had felt very risky.

He made sure to keep an eye on her tits in her blouse, too. They wobbled and shook, and the shape of her areola was visible through the fabric. Amazingly, as he kept stealing glances, he saw her nipples firm up, tenting her shirt. The memory of their taste and texture in his mouth came back to him, and he pushed the pedal down to get home faster.

The groceries were quickly unloaded into the house, and when Josh was done, he returned to the car to wake his mom. He didn't think she wanted to sleep all day. Leaning into the passenger seat, he gently shook her shoulder.

"Hey, Mom, we're home," he said, in a low voice.

She mumbled something, turning her head and smacking her lips. When she opened her eyes, she looked around and said, "Oh, thanks for driving." The situation seemed to register to her, and her eyes widened. "I'm not sure what is happening to me. That's the second time I've fallen asleep like that."

Josh stepped back to give her room to get out of the car, and saw her wince as she reached to undo her seatbelt. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, just a bit tender," his mom replied, rubbing her breast. "It's normal around this time of the month. These nips aren't normal though, what's going on with them, do you think?" She stood up and thrust her chest forward, showing off the hard nubs that he'd been staring at all afternoon.

"Dunno," he said, eyes fixed. He wasn't sure he would ever find a reason to stop staring.

"Ha, goofball," she said, pushing at his chest lightly. "Let's go inside. I need to change out of my work clothes."

They separated to their rooms, Josh sitting at his desk, still feeling the warm glow in his groin from the blowjob. He turned on a game and dipped into another world.


Jean took off her blouse and slacks, leaving her in just panties. She glanced in the mirror on the way to her dresser, and stopped. Her nipples had softened finally, but they looked darker than usual. Less of a pink, more of a red. She cupped one tit, feeling the tenderness within, as well as a tautness that should go away once her period arrived.

In the past, with old boyfriends and her husband, she would just go no contact when Aunt Flo visited. It was annoying enough having to deal with the discomfort - even pain - without also having to satisfy the horny man in her life. Something told her that with Josh, she'd have no trouble satisfying him with regular blowjobs.

Thinking of what she'd done that afternoon, and the nap afterwards, she made a mental note to make sure she was able to nap after downing her son's load. Whatever was going on with the sleepiness, she wasn't about to stop slurping his succulent seed.

Jean pulled on some light shorts and a tank top, which highlighted her ass and her rack, and gave plenty of groping room. Chuck was 'working late', so it was just her and her son. If he wanted to get handsy, she was ready. Her final change was to drag her hair elastic off her ponytail, letting it cascade around her shoulders.

As it turned out, Josh didn't appear from his room until dinner was ready. His eyes bugged out when he saw what she was wearing, and Jean giggled.

"I didn't know what I was missing," he said.

"It's okay. You're here now, and so am I. Our lives can't be just sex, sex, sex all of the time."

"Are you sure? When you dress like that, I feel like it's sending a message. If my friends saw you..."

"I'm only interested in one friend. The little Josh in your pants," she said, walking to him and pushing him into a chair. She straddled him, forming her body to his.

"Little?" he pouted. "It didn't seem so little when you were gagging on it in the car."

Jean laughed, and said, "Good point." She ran her fingers through her son's hair and pulled his head into her chest. "I think I was too enthusiastic and wasn't ready...hnnn, keep doing that..."

He had pulled her tank down, exposing a breast, and popped her nipple into his mouth. He sucked hard, sending signals to her pussy, which had its own craving now. The hunger from earlier had moved from belly to womb, and Jean needed her son's cock to fill her up.

She leaned down to his ear and nipped at his lobe, whispering, "I need you in me."

He grunted into her tit, what she assumed was an affirmative, because he started to push at his pants. She lifted up, helping him get his clothes down to his ankles, before pulling aside her panties and loose shorts to expose her dripping pussy.

Oh, god," she groaned, lowering herself to him. Straining cock met wet, plump pussy lips, forcing them aside to get at her entrance. She felt him there and bore down, eager to have her son inside her again. Jean grunted as she felt herself stretch around his invading cock, working her way down his length until her plump lips were wrapped around his base.

Jean began to ride her son while he nursed at her breast, enjoying the feel of her nipple in his hot mouth. Tingling heat built in her tits, echoing the heat in her cunt, and she sighed long and loud.


Josh, initially focused on his mom's boobs, soon became distracted by his mom riding him. She felt and looked incredible; bouncing on his dick energetically, her tits wobbling on her chest, her arms wrapped around his neck. He could feel himself approaching his climax all too soon, hugged her firmly and croaked out, "Mom!"

She giggled but got the hint, pausing her motion.

Josh felt his orgasm fade slowly. Sure that he wouldn't blow early, he plucked at his mom's tank top, pulling it up, exposing both tits with their hard, thick nipples.

"You're right, it's in the way," she said, stripping it off and throwing it to the side. She plucked at his shirt, "but so is this."

Josh hurried to get naked, and his mom smiled at his enthusiasm.

"That's better," she purred. She leaned down, her hair falling around their faces, and pressed her lips to his.

Josh accepted her kiss eagerly, meeting her tongue with his. He could feel her hard nipples poke him, and then trace up and down as she commenced a slow rolling of her hips. Mother and son necked and fucked in the kitchen, pressed close together. Moans and sighs, the wet sucking of their mouths and genitals filling the quiet room.

"Josh," his mom said, her motions growing erratic. "I'm going...I'm going..." Sweat broke out on her back and her face as she worked his cock in and out of her. "I'm going to coooomme."

With a final plunge, Josh's mom collapsed into his chest, breathing halted, her body tense, her pussy clenching hard on his cock as she came. Josh held her, revelling in the feel of his mom orgasming, happy to have outlasted her.

It took some time, but his mom's breathing slowed, and she relaxed, sitting up to look down at him. A look of contentment came over her face as she sat there, like the cat that caught the canary.


Jean sat on her son's lap; her tingling pussy still full of his hard cock. She ran her hands across his chest, enjoying his soft skin and the small patch of hair between his pecs. Somehow, he hadn't come yet. She opened her mouth to compliment him, and looked up to his face. Her heart skipped a beat at the predatory look in his eye.

"Josh?" she whispered.

"My turn," he husked, before taking two handfuls of her ass and standing up. One quick step and he set her on the table. Jean spread her legs to give him room, and her son started to fuck her with long strokes, each one filling her with his cock meat. It was all Jean could do to hang on, feeling her already wound-up body wind further. "Josh!" she cried out, before boiling over into another cock-clenching climax.

She felt like a limp rag, wrung out of energy, and yet still she came, her body convulsing like a ragdoll as her son fucked her on the table. His breathing grew hoarse, sweat breaking out on his chest, and then she felt it. With one final plunge, she felt her son come, his cock swelling and pulsing as it delivered his seed deep in her womb. She held him, focusing on the warmth of her son's incestuous sperm flooding her body, a wave of his seed looking for her egg, ready to make a baby. Was this the moment when he made her a mom for the second time?

It took a bit, but when Josh relaxed, he leaned into her, and they embraced, hearts racing. They recovered together, a puddle of his semen spreading on the table as it streamed from her. Jean felt herself lose focus, her head swimming as she hugged her son. The world seemed to tilt for a second, then refocus.

Josh pulled away from her enough to lean down. He kissed the upper slope of her breast, so she cupped it, offering her dripping nipple up to his mouth. He licked a drop of her milk away before taking her fully into his mouth and sucking hard. The letdown brought another rush of pleasure, and she cooed into his ear while he drank.

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