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The Supplement Pt. 02


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With a start, Jean woke up.

Disoriented, she struggled to take in her surroundings. The ceiling? Cold? Josh's voice?

"Mom? Are you okay?" He sounded upset.

Jean looked to the side to see him leaning down to cradle her head. She tried to sit up, and he helped lift, until she was back where they were when he'd finished.

"What happened?" she said, holding onto Josh's arm for support.

"Are you back?" he asked.

"Back? Where did I go?"

"I'm not sure. You passed out, or fell asleep, or something. It was scary."

"Oh. I'm okay, I think," she said, shaking her head. "I think I was dreaming. How long was I out?"

"Like, a minute? I had to lay you back, you were going sideways."

"Oh, wow...thanks. I guess I fell asleep? I'm not sure what's happening with me lately." She hopped down from the table, a new rush of semen oozing from her pussy. Josh grabbed her clothes, handing them to her. She dressed slowly, feeling a bit wobbly.

"Do you think you should go to the doctor?" Josh asked, still looking worried.

"Maybe. I'll take it easy for a bit. If it keeps happening then I will."

"Okay. Do you want me to heat up dinner?"

The thought of food made Jean ravenous, so she nodded. "Yes, please." She sat and waited at the kitchen table.

The food helped Jean feel much better. When she was done, she moved to the living room to watch some TV before bed. Josh remained solicitous, keeping close by. When it was time for her to go to bed, he said, "Do you want to stay in my room?"

"What? Why?"

"To monitor you. Make sure you don't have a relapse."

Jean grinned. "Well, based on when I'm having these episodes, I think being in your bed would only bring another one on. Besides, Chuck will be home soon, and it'd be weird if I was sleeping in your bed. Especially if I wasn't sleeping."

Josh did his best to keep a straight face, and raised his hand. "Scout's honour, I'll be good. It's just to make sure you're okay."

"Mmhhmm. I'll be fine in my own bed. If you're so worried, let's just make sure that any hanky panky takes place in a spot where I can rest afterwards."

"If this keeps up, you're going to the doctor." He paused, then, "Do you think it could be the pills? Like, some side effect?"

"Maybe." The thought of giving up on the wonderful feeling her son's sperm gave her was honestly painful, but it might be for the best. She wasn't sure how she would explain how she came to be ingesting it to a doctor. "Let's just give it a few days. It might just be a bug, or a short-term thing."

"Okay," he said, before holding his arms out for a hug.

Jean smiled and slipped into his embrace, pressing herself to him until she had to jerk back. Too much pressure on her tender chest. She went back in for a gentler hug before departing to her room.

In bed, Jean mulled over the sex on the chair and table. Parts of it were hazy, as if she was only half awake during it. She remembered fucking, Josh filling her with his warm seed...and then something about milk? Unable to recall anything else, she closed her eyes and drifted off.

She was asleep when Chuck got home.


Josh lay in his bed, listening to his dad wander through the house before going to shower. He usually took morning showers, so that was odd, but there could be any number of explanations.

His thoughts turned back to his mom and the odd sleeping spells. They were clearly tied to him, right? If it was the pills doing it, he'd abandon them in a heartbeat, no matter what might happen with the changes to his body.

Google said it was common for someone to fall asleep after sex, and also to hyperventilate when coming due to quick breaths. It was possible it wasn't related to the pills, instead just a symptom of good sex. The thought made him chuckle. He knew he wasn't some kind of sex god. More likely it was the months-long dry spell that was making it better for her.

He thought back to the sex on the chair. Seeing the look come over her face as she squirmed in his lap might be his favourite thing ever. Her grunting as he drove his cock into her on the table had fueled him to go even harder.

It had almost been ruined by feeling his mom go boneless, slumping to one side. It had shocked him into action, cradling her and laying her back on the table. He'd barely had time to do more than start to wonder about calling 9-1-1 before she woke up. It was scary as hell, and he was truly worried about her confusion after waking.

Now, with time on his hands, the worry turned to action. If it was the pills causing her sleeping fits, maybe there was a way to find out. He got up out of bed and went to his PC to go back to the site that had sold him the pills in the first place. It looked much the same, and when he went to the page for the pills, it still had the same sparse info and broken english. Clicking around, all he could find was a support page with a generic question submission form. He almost clicked away from it but changed his mind.

What if they had the info, it just wasn't on their site? Maybe they could answer if there were side effects? Josh thought a bit, trying to come up with a question that might get answers. 'My mom passes out after we fuck, is it the pills?' seemed like too much info, but he grinned at the idea. He settled for a request for any side effects for the pills, both in himself and in his partner.

Closing the page, he crawled back into bed, happy to have done at least one thing to try and help his mom. Mind clear, he drifted off to sleep thinking about how many paper towels it had taken to wipe up his mess from the table. Now that was a porn star sized load.


When Jean woke the next day, with no husband next to her, she wasn't surprised. No, she was simply curious. What was her husband up to? There was no way he was working this much. She rolled over, not really wanting to get up right away, and felt a dull ache in her groin. Memories of Josh picking her up and fucking her on the table came roaring back, restored in vivid detail.

Jean purred, shifting under her covers, feeling the extent of the pounding he'd given her. It wasn't painful, more like a lingering, tender warmth, and not unpleasant. She'd be fine feeling like this more often if it was the price to pay for a fantastic fuck. Taking stock of her body, she started with her tits, she squeezed one, finding it still very tender, and plumply full. Her nipples were dark and crinkly, areola equally dark, and very tender. Running her hand down her stomach to her belly, she caressed the flat flesh, wondering if there was a baby growing there yet. Most likely not, as her period was due soon, but maybe eventually?

Pressing her lower belly, she felt like most of the sexual aches were centered around her cervix, which was new. Maybe the position had let him go deeper? As she lay there, feeling herself up, she looked at the empty bed next to her and wished Josh was there. He'd be better company than her absentee husband by far.

Determined to get to the bottom of the Chuck situation soon, she got up to get ready for her day. After a quick shower, she dug a bra out of her drawer and pulled it on, finding that she had to extend the straps yet again. Her tits were bigger but weren't sagging more, they just seemed full. They reminded her of when she breastfed Josh.

Dressed for success, with a pencil skirt and white blouse, blond hair in a ponytail, Jean headed to the kitchen to find her son and start their day. She found him eating cereal at the table, all ready to go. "Oh good, you're up. I might need your help with a project after school."

Josh raised his eyebrows, mouth full of milk and cheerios.

"I've decided I don't believe your dad is working as much as he says he is. It just doesn't make sense. He's been stonewalling me whenever I ask, so I'm going to do a little snooping. You don't have to help, but it would make it easier."

Josh swallowed his breakfast and said, "You're going on a stakeout? Why don't you just go in and ask the front desk if he's there?"

"I could, but if word got back to him, it'd tip my hand. He might come home early or find an alibi."

"You think he's cheating?" her son asked, surprised.

Jean hesitated, then said, "Yes. I can't think of another explanation."

Josh chewed a bit, then said, "Why do you care? I thought you said you two were basically done?"

The fairness of the question made her pause. Why did she care? Jean poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down with Josh, who'd gone back to his cereal. The situation with Chuck felt like it should be more complicated, but it really wasn't. Cheating or no, their marriage was dead in the water.

Was she just living in the past? Acting the way a devoted wife should act, if suspicious of her husband? Before Josh's pills, maybe that would be the right course of action, but now...she felt like a new woman. Her flowering sexuality and fashion freedom were extremely satisfying and she felt like she'd been given a new lease on life.

Jean pondered the situation from another angle. If Chuck were stepping out on her, then he was most likely happy with it. She herself was very happy with the new situation. If everyone was happy, why rock the boat?

"I don't care," she said, finally. "But I think your dad and I need to come to an understanding about where we are, and that can only happen if all our cards are on the table. Well, almost all the cards," she allowed, winking at her son.

"I don't get it," Josh said, frowning comically.

Jean giggled as his expression. "I mean, if he's sleeping around, I want him to know I know. Maybe even go one further and let him know that I'm having my own fun. Just clear the air a bit."

"Okayyyy, I an open marriage?" He got up as he spoke, taking his bowl to the sink.

"Open? Huh?" It was Jean's turn to frown, puzzled.

"Open marriage. Where you can sleep with other people but stay married."

The concept was foreign to her, but it did seem accurate. "It sounds right. I didn't know there was a term for it."

"I read about it on Reddit. It never works, but people try anyway. I guess if you two have truly checked out of being married...I don't know why you wouldn't just get divorced."

Jean gave her son a look. "You'd want that?"

"It's not about me, you're the one married. If it was me, I'd want closure, I think. I can't imagine a scenario where I'd be fine with my wife sleeping with someone else. But I'd never cheat, either."

"Don't you think I'm cheating with you?" she asked, curious.

"Uhhhhh," he stalled, clearly caught off guard. "I hadn't thought about it. I guess you are."

Jean could see the idea was upsetting to her son, so she held up a hand to forestall him. "Relax, I don't consider this cheating. For two reasons, actually. One, my marriage is dead; only the law says we're still married. Two, you're my son, so it doesn't count." Jean watched as Josh chewed that one over.

Finally, he said, "I'm not sure that's how it works, but I'll take it."

"Good." Jean finished her coffee and stood up to join him at the sink. Mug rinsed, she turned to him and leaned in for a hug and a solid kiss. He accepted both enthusiastically.

When she let him go, she felt a flush on her neck and cheeks, echoed in her pussy. "Let's get going or we'll be late."

"Hang on, I thought we were going to try and catch dad. Do you have any ideas?"

"Oh...not really. I don't even know where I can look for evidence. He keeps messages on his phone, which is password protected, and his mail is going to his office."

"Well, not all his mail," Josh said.

"No? Did something come for him?"

"Yeah, just yesterday. I put it by his bed."

"He's probably already gotten it. I didn't see it this morning."

Josh stood up and went to the garbage can, reaching in and rooting around. After a couple seconds, he pulled out a crumpled envelope and paper from the very bottom. He handed it to her, not speaking, and she took it, not expecting much.

It was from their doctor's office. A confirmation notice that his vasectomy had a high chance of reversal, and could be scheduled soon.

"Huh," Jean muttered.


Josh didn't see the letter, but he did see his mom's reaction. She crumpled the paper in her fist, a swift convulsion showing white knuckles before she dropped it back in the garbage. He'd have fished it out to look, but she dragged him out the door to drop him off at school.

It was now the end of the school day, and he was no closer to understanding what the letter had said. His text asking for a ride wasn't answered, so he decided to take the bus.

"Hey, Josh, wait up," came a voice from behind him on his way to the stop.

He turned to see Tommy jogging to join him. "Hey," he said, as his friend closed the distance.

"Hey. Is your mom not picking you up? I was hoping to say hi."

"Nah, I think she's busy. I'm taking the bus today."

"Crappy. Are you okay? You seemed quiet in class."

"Yeah, just not sure what's going on with my parents. Seemed like my mom got bad news this morning, not sure what's going to happen."

"Like, divorce bad? Or 'forgot to take out the trash' bad?"

"Not sure," Josh said, shrugging.

"That's weird. Well, if they end up divorcing, give your mom my number. I could be your new stepdad."

"Ha, ha, dickhead. She told me she doesn't go for little peckers, so you're out." Josh did his best to quell the sudden surge of anger at his friend.

"Oh, a size queen, eh? Well, good news, I'm packing a cannon. Tell her to give me a shout if she wants a real man."

"You realize you're talking about my mom, right?"

"Uh, yeah." Tommy grinned and waggled his eyebrows. "She's top MILF, we'd all give our right nut to get a piece of that action."

"Again, ha, ha." Josh resumed his walk to the bus stop.

"Bro, I'm kidding, well kinda, but not about the divorce part." Tommy was suddenly serious.

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw your dad the other day. He was at a restaurant with another woman and they were not being shy about their relationship, if you know what I mean." Tommy said.

"What do you mean?"

Tommy shrugged. "Like, kissing and hand holding. Giggling and low conversations. Sorry dude."

Josh was angry, but he managed to take a big breath and an even bigger step back from his friend. "How sure are you it was him?"

"I know him. He used to hang with my dad, remember?"

"And who was she?"

"Dunno. She was young, but not super young. Like 30 or something. I dunno, all older people kind of look the same to me."

Josh just stared at his friend for a bit. "Thanks, I guess. For saying something. I'm not telling my mom you're interested, though."

"Yeah, I figured." With a half wave, Tommy split away, and Josh resumed his walk to the bus stop.

This wasn't good news. At least, he assumed it wasn't. His mom had said their marriage was basically over, so maybe it wouldn't have any impact at all. Or maybe it would prove to be the straw that broke the camel's back.


Jean reached her car in the parking lot and got behind the wheel. For the first time all day, she turned her phone on. She hadn't wanted to be disturbed at work, preferring to let herself sink into her tasks and not think.

That time was over, and she had to face the future. Her phone buzzed as notifications started pouring in. Texts from Josh asking for a ride home. He'd be fine. Updates from friends on gossip around the neighbourhood. Nothing from Chuck.

Jean stared out the windshield and stifled the urge to go down the dark path of conjecture about when and why Chuck had gotten a vasectomy...and why he was reversing it. Actually, why he wanted to reverse it was much less of a concern. What he did in the future was his issue. It was the past that had her wondering.

Why take away the one thing she wanted more than any other? Why surgically prevent his ability to impregnate her? He'd never protested at having more children after Josh, but clearly he had an opinion on it.

The thought of all the times they'd had sex filled her mind. Each time, she had felt the rush of potentially being knocked up, of her husband finishing inside of her. It had all been lies. Knowing he was incapable would have taken the shine off of her desire, taken away that extra spice. She felt cheated, like every orgasm was a lie.

Jean knew she was spiralling, heading down a dark hole, when her phone rang. Seeing her son's name on the display shattered her dark mood, and she answered with relief. "Hey."

"Hi, Mom. I just wanted to let you know I caught the bus, if you were coming. You didn't answer my texts...are you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry. I needed some space to think. Where are you, can I steal you from the bus and give you a ride the rest of the way?"

"I'm almost home."

"Okay. I'll see you in a bit. I love you."

"Love you too, Mom."

The line went dead. Jean started her car and headed home. She needed a hug.

The drive was over in a flash. With her mind wandering her muscle memory took over, and she had a hard time remembering the trip when she arrived.

Josh met her at the door, as if knowing that she needed him, and she spent the next several minutes in his arms, just being held. When she pulled away, she wiped away tears.

"Thanks," she said. "Did you read the letter?"

He nodded, and his face screwed up into a scowl. "There's more."

Jean listened to her son's report on what Tommy told him, and surprised herself by not freaking out. "I guess it explains why he wants it reversed. His side girl wants a baby," she sighed.

"I guess so."

In the craziness of the last while, Jean's life had changed drastically, and was threatening to change even more. Standing there, in the hallway after work, she wanted her old life back. "Hey, Mister. Aren't you forgetting something?"

It took several seconds for Josh to catch on, but then he grinned and leaned in to plant a kiss on her cheek. It was nice, but they'd graduated to another level. She cocked an eyebrow and waited.

He leaned in again, this time heading for her mouth, and when his lips touched hers, she leaned into the kiss. It was long, and sweet, and she pulled away with a touch of regret. She wasn't sure when her husband would be home, as she hadn't gotten a text. It wouldn't do for him to walk in on them making out.

Even that little taste of loving was enough to get her heart rate up and her body tingling. A ghostly hint of berries wafted through her nose, and she took a deep breath to get as much as she could. Glancing down, she could see that her son had been affected by the kiss as much as she had. For a brief instant, Jean was tempted to drop to her knees, but pushed the impulse away.

"I'm going to get changed. Can you help me with dinner prep?"

Josh nodded wordlessly.

In her room, Jean stripped down fast, letting out a quiet sigh of relief when her bra let go with a snap. Her tits were swollen and heavy, which was normal so close to her period. She rubbed them gently, massaging away the lines pressed into her flesh. Looking at her body in the mirror, she wondered if she'd gained weight. Her hips did look a touch wider, and her belly had a softness to it that was new.

Great, her husband was cheating on her, and she was getting fat. What else could go wrong? Avoiding her more revealing clothes, Jean picked out sweats and a shirt that hid her increased mass. Feeling sexy was the furthest thing from her mind.


Josh went to his room and idled on his PC while waiting to help his mom with dinner. He checked a couple game news sites then opened his email. To his surprise, there was a response from the pill website. He clicked it open.


Thank you for inquiry. Pills make your load big. No side effects for you. Why do you want big load? Lots of babies. Please be attentive with your partner. Female body change to make lots of babies.'

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