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The Syrian Refugee

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A Syrian refugee comes to Munich.
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All characters are over 18 years of age.


Nora and her family had been considering for some time whether it was time to leave war-ravaged Aleppo in Syria. They had been preparing to leave if things got much worse. Unfortunately the decision was taken out of their hands. Nora and her parents had been on their way to the market when the alarm sounded. Her parents tried to get into the closest building with a whole lot of other people. Nora decided to go to the next building where there were not so many people trying to get in. The bomb dropped and the building collapsed onto Nora's parents giving them no chance of survival. It was not panic but a considered response that Nora went straight home and picked up her passport and a little bag. She knew where the money that they proposed to take with them had been hidden and secreted it in her clothing together with 30 gold coins. She joined the throng and headed for Turkey. She was just one of thousands all headed towards Germany. By paying small bribes of $20 to corrupt officials and buying train tickets she was able to arrive at a refugee centre near Munich in a few days.

Nora was still coming to terms with how her life had changed in such a short time but soon found herself busy trying to negotiate all the paperwork and bureaucracy which drowned refugees. In a matter of days she found herself sent to a small city with a lot of other refugees from all over Europe and the Arab world and became part of the German integration system. Germany welcomed the immigrants and was very determined that the first requirement for integration was to learn the German language. Nora was placed in a building and shared a room with Anna who came from Romania and was three years older than Nora. The idea was that since they did not share a language they would both be more likely to learn to speak German quickly. Anna was a very tall girl, fractionally taller than Nora who was exceptionally tall for a Syrian girl. Nora was the tallest girl in her class at school and everybody joked that she must've had a crusader in her family line somewhere.

The two girls got on reasonably well together even though they could not speak German. Nora had learnt French and Romanian was a Romance language, so there were many similarities. Communication was not perfect by a long shot but they managed. As well as studying German Nora had decided to study English as well. Anna had been a good volleyball player in Romania and soon joined the local volleyball club. Nora came along to watch and liked the game. There was no volleyball in Syria for women but she had watched Turkish women's teams play on television.

Anna asked Nora if she wanted to play but Nora was a bit reluctant. It was obviously difficult to play in her normal clothing and wearing a headscarf would have been ridiculous. Anna went and spoke to the coach of the team and came back with shorts and a top. Anna took Nora to the change room and watched her change. Nora was a bit anxious as she had never before been seen before without clothing by anybody, woman or man. Anna could see she was reluctant and moved to lift off her top. Nora was not wearing a brassiere and had substantial breasts. Anna pulled the top over her head and you could see her nipples through the clothing. Wow. She looked really sexy. Nora pulled the pants up and she looked like all the other players with their long legs. The only difference was that Nora's legs had never seen sunlight and she looked so pale.

The coach took one look and asked if Nora had ever played before. On hearing the negative answer she took her over to a court and got one of the other girls to show Nora how to serve. The fact that Nora had never played sport in her life did not seem to be a disadvantage. She showed a natural talent to pick up what was essentially a simple exercise once you got the hang of it. They practised for a few minutes and then went back to the coach who put her into a practice team. Nora loved it. When she did something good they all clapped her and she loved it and it gave her encouragement to come back for more. They must've practised for an hour before the coach called time. Anna had been practising in another team and came over and took her to the change room which was now full of other girls having showers.

This stopped Nora in her tracks as she had never considered the possibility that she might have to take off all her clothes in front of strangers. She hesitated and looked all around the room. All these blonde girls walking around with nothing on and seemingly unaware that this was in any way unusual. It wasn't, but for Nora it was something amazing. To her amazement some of them had even shaven the hair from their pussies and revealed the beginning of their slit. Nora really needed to have a shower and wash all that sweat off. The very idea of being seen naked by a man in Syria was so outrageous that it had never been mentioned. Similarly it was never contemplated that a woman would be ever seen naked by anybody but her husband and Nora reflected that she had never been seen naked by anybody before.

In the short while that Nora had been in Germany she had embraced the new openness of the society around her and compared it with the closed society that she had left. This was infinitely better and if that meant that you were seen naked by other women, then so be it. She had watched carefully as they stood in the showers and covered themselves in lather everywhere. She sensed that all the other girls were looking at her and tried very hard to remove her clothes without attracting any attention. The other girls could see that she had very dark hair and they wanted to see if she had a dark bush. Of course she did. There was almost a sense of relief among the girls that they had at last seen a black pubic bush. Nora did the same and was aware that everybody was watching her and she proudly lathered herself to the silent approval of everybody watching.

The hot water cascaded down onto Nora's back which was already becoming stiff. Nora was a girl who had virtually never in her whole life done any physical activity and all of a sudden she had been propelled into more activity than her muscles had ever known. The stiffness was starting to appear very quickly and it hurt. She dried herself and got dressed and told Anna that her muscles were stiff and sore. Anna took her to see if she could get a massage. The coach wanted her to come back again and made sure that she got a massage very quickly. The masseuse, Erika, was a professional and knew what to do. Nora lay face down on the table covered only by a towel wrapped around her waist.

Erika proceeded to prod and poke with her fingers to relax all those muscles that were beginning to hurt like hell. Nora felt very relaxed and was happy to know that she was in good hands. That was her supposition anyway but she was not to know that Erika was a lesbian who loved to massage young girls and to seduce them and to introduce them to her friends. Her modus operandi was very simple - you asked every new girl if their boyfriend was watching in the stand. If the answer was no you could be almost certain that they didn't have a boyfriend at all and there was a good chance that they would fall for her moves. Once this had been been established she then massaged them and slowly crept her finger between their legs and ran up and down on the outside of their lips and if she got the right signals went ahead and gave them an absolutely first class clitoral orgasm.

It did not take long for Erika to establish that Nora was from Syria and had never touched herself down there, ever. Nora loved the fingers that were ranging all over her body and removing the pain. Erika kept telling her to relax. Relax. Relax. Erika had developed the technique of sneaking up on innocent young girls before they were aware of what was happening. She did this by using both hands - one on the upper body and the other one around the legs. Her hand would sneak up to the inner thighs and make the girl comfortable with her fingers being so close to her pussy.

Then she would lightly rub right next to the pussy and then finally her fingers would move up and down the slit without opening it. Sometimes the girls became catatonic under her spell and her finger would move up and down their vulva until she could locate their clitoris. Sometimes the girls would wake with a start and say, "What are you doing?"

Erika would reply, "Just relax, just relax. This is helping you to relax."

Most of them accepted and then she would roll them over and vigorously rub their clitoris until they had an orgasm. Everybody knew Erika by her nickname, 'The Golden Finger'.

Nora was no different except that she had no idea at all what was going on. All the German girls knew about lesbians and masturbation but Nora was completely clueless. There was no point in warning a girl about lesbians when there was absolutely no chance that she would ever meet one in Syria.

And so it was that Erika's fingers slowly found their way to Nora's vulva. Nora was very relaxed and in a slightly comatose state so that she did not take any notice of where the fingers were. Erika gently opened her lips and moved her finger up and down until eventually she found her clitoris. You might have expected Nora would have reacted to this and she would have probably except that the combination of tiredness, exhaustion, the relaxed state of her mind and the fact that these totally new pleasure sensations were being enjoyed, made her compliant. After quite a while Erika told her that the session was over and that if she was still stiff and sore tomorrow she could come back. Nora dressed and Anna walked her back home.

Anna was pretty sure she knew what had happened to Nora because Erika was well known among the other players for stretching the boundaries sometimes. When they got home Anna and Nora talked about the game and what happened. Eventually Anna got Nora to admit that she had a really strange feeling between her legs that she had never had before. She couldn't describe it but it felt really good. Anna had never seen an Arab pussy before and was intrigued by the thought that maybe it was in some way different, although she could not imagine how. She had heard rumours that Chinese pussies were at right angles to the normal but she had dismissed that as rubbish.

"Anna, I'm going to show you something you've probably never seen before."

She produced a little vibrator.

"Have you ever seen one of these before?"

"No. What is it?"

"Let me show you how it works."

And with that she lay down on the bed with her legs apart and positioned the vibrator on her clitoris. Nora looked in amazement.

"What are you doing?"

"See that little thing that it is touching. That's what makes you feel good. That's the thing that Erika touched, you feel good."

"I can't believe it."

"Watch me."

"What are you doing now?"

"Did you see my knees shake and I breathed funny?"


"Would you like to try it? Let me show you."

And with that Anna took control of the situation and pushed Nora down onto the bed and pulled her pants down before she could even think.

"Here. Take it and put it where I did."

"I don't know how to do that."

"Okay. Let me do it. Did you know you've got a beautiful pussy?

"No. What do you mean?. Aren't all girls the same?"

"Of course not. We are all different. Your black hair makes a nice triangle. Some are just little narrow strips and weird. Sometimes there is so much hair that you can hardly see there is a gap between your legs. And on top of that your clitoris is nice and really obvious. Everybody who looks at it will think you look terrific."

"Thanks. I've never looked at another girl's pussy before so I wouldn't know."

The first contact gave Nora the sort of reaction that you would expect when you accidentally touched an electric wire. There was a physical start accompanied by a mental jolt of pleasure that prevented her from resisting. It was the first time that Anna had ever done this with another girl but she enjoyed it. It was always good to give pleasure to somebody else. Nora lay there wide-eyed and pleading but Anna was very persistent and soon Nora had her first orgasm.

"What was that?"

"You just had your first orgasm."

"Can I have another one?"

"Of course. You can hold it this time."

Nora was a natural and quickly worked out what to do and had her second orgasm.

"Can I do it to you? I want to see what you look like down there. I can't see what I look like."

"Well I could get you a mirror. No okay. If you can see where to put it on me you will learn better."

Nora put her head near the pussy and touched the vibrator tip on her clitoris.

"If you want to make it really work well you got to pull this back a bit."

"Okay wow."

"Just move it backwards and forwards gently and watch my face."

In a short time Anna was bucking on the bed with a contorted face.

"Does it hurt?"

"No it's beautiful."

Anna guided Nora's hand so that the vibrator was at the entrance to her vagina and then she pushed it in.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't you know what that's for?"

"What do you mean?'

'Don't you know what I'm doing? When you are with a man he pushes his thing into you there."


"Didn't you know that?"

"No. Just before I left Aleppo I turned eighteen and my mother was looking to find me a husband and I asked what happened when you are married and she just said, "First I'll find you a husband, then I'll tell you. She never told me because she was killed soon after."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Well men are different to women down here. They have a thing that looks like this and they put it into you just here. "

"No. I don't believe you."

"It is true. I promise you. Look, I have to go out. I'll talk to you about this later."

"Tomorrow I want to buy one of these."

The transformation for a girl totally innocent about sex altogether into one who was so enthusiastic was amazing but not much different to the Western idea that women are supposed to be virgins when they get married and to become enthusiastic lovers immediately.

The next day Anna took Nora to a little store which had a whole range of things which were totally beyond Nora's imagination. You might get some idea if you can imagine what a child would feel like if that child had never seen pictures of wild animals or watched them on TV and was suddenly taken to a zoo or someone who lived in a desert all their life and was suddenly taken to an aquarium. Wide-eyed does not describe Nora's reaction as her eyes raced around the display cases which were full of penises of all sizes, vibrators and whips and costumes and whatever. Nora stood stock still trying to take it all in. The salesman noted her reaction and realised very quickly that this was a refugee girl from somewhere who had never seen anything like it before. He had seen it before. It was lucky that even though he was born in Germany his parents could speak Arabic and he spoke to Nora in Arabic.

Nora asked," Do you have a lady here that can help me?"

"No. I am the only one here and I can really help you because I know what women want."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. I have helped lots. I have helped lots of Moslem girls before."


"Yes. Let me show you these."

He pulled from the shelves several pink didos in various shapes and sizes.

"Do you want to touch one?"

"No. Show me some other things."

Nobody will know whether he was just a super salesman or Nora had behaved just as you would expect a sex obsessed girl let loose in an erotic toyshop but the net result was that Nora parted with a few hundred dollars and left with a Hitachi wand and attachments, two dildos, one small and one large, a cheap DVD player, a DVD about sex education in Arabic for men and women, a DVD about getting the best results from sex toys and a DVD about sex positions and their benefits. The salesman wrapped them up carefully and put them into a bag so that nobody would have any idea where she had been shopping. Because she had been a good customer he added a little packet and said, "This is a present for you."

Anna and Nora hurried home to check out the goodies. Nora was anxious to see what was in the little gift packet he had given her. It was very soft and she opened it up to find what she now knew to be a Baby Doll bride's nightie.

Nora asked, "What's that for?"

Anna replied, "I'll show you."

She jumped up and went into the bathroom and came back a few minutes later wearing a see-through nightie that came up to well above the knees and a very small lace cloth triangle that was held together by lace. You could see her nipples sticking out.

Nora asked, "How does it work?"

Anna lifted the nightie up and down a few times and then slowly removed the triangle revealing her hairy bush and moved her hips sideways backwards and forwards seductively.

Nora asked, "Why do you want to do that?"

Anna said, "One day you're going to find a man and you're going to want him to make love to you and you will put this on and you'll have a wonderful time."

"Let me try it on."

Anna stripped Nora and placed the nightie over her head while Nora placed the triangle in place.

Nora did what Anna had done and when she removed the triangle they dissolved in laughter and grabbed each other and fell onto the bed diddling each other until they both had orgasms.

Nora wanted to try some of the things that she had bought and opened the Hitachi.

Anna took it and motioned Nora to lie on the bed with her legs apart. She separated Nora's lips and let the Hitachi wand touch her clitoris. The effect was as you would expect, electrifying.

Anna said," I think I can make it feel better."

She took the small dildo out of its wrapper and positioned it at the entrance to Nora's vagina. She started the Hitachi again and Nora writhed uncontrollably.

"I can push it in further if you like but you might find it difficult if you want to marry a Moslem boy later."


"Well I understand that after a Moslem wedding the husband-and-wife go into the bedroom together and everybody waits outside to see her push a handkerchief under the door with blood on it to prove that she was a virgin."

"No. I'm not going back to Syria. I've left that part of my life behind. I'm never going back. You can push it in gently."

While the Hitachi was still buzzing away Anna gently pushed the tip in until it was fully inside her and then she moved it back and forth. Nora's eyes were wide with surprise as it slowly opened her up. The result was what she expected. Nora writhed and bucked all over the bed. Her stomach heaved and spasmed uncontrollably.

"That must've been fantastic."

"It was. I can't believe it. I'm exhausted."

Anna left her asleep on the bed.

Anna took her to the refugee health service and arranged for Nora to be on the pill. It was probably the best thing she could have done for Nora.

The days and weeks passed and Nora's life passed with a succession of volleyball games, massages, German lessons, English lessons and workouts with her new toys. Nora enjoyed going with Anna to watch the other players and mingling with them after the game. She particularly enjoyed the sweat of the male players which she found particularly attractive and which started her imagination in a new direction. She had been watching the DVDs that she had bought and some of the images kept on running through her mind. Some of the men and the lady volleyball players held hands and were obviously partners. Nora kept on imagining them in some of the scenes on the DVD having sex together. The more this happened the more she realised that she was missing out and she wanted to join in the fun.


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