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The Third Wheel

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Mistress and Charlotte Find a Friend.
12.4k words

Part 4 of the 19 part series

Updated 12/18/2023
Created 05/20/2017
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Mistress and Charlotte Find a Friend.


Author's Note

The events and characters in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

The two main characters in this story are a couple in a dominant-submissive relationship. It is safe, sane, and consensual as well as kind and loving. But if this type of relationship is not your thing, you may want to skip this story and find something else to read. I have plenty of nice romances that I have written as well.

Wax Philosophic




Dear Friends,

I'm hoping you have all had a chance to read the story of how Charlotte and I first met. It's on this site under the title of 'Girl Friday' in case you haven't. It's a sweet little love story and explains a lot about how our relationship started. I've been told it's rather steamy too. I blame Charlotte for that, for she truly is a little vixen. Then again, that's just one of the many reasons why I love her so much.

This is a tale of one of our interesting escapades from several years later.

Love and hugs,
Mistress Natasha




Mistress and I were finally getting away for our first real vacation since I started school. Yeah, I actually graduated. Still haven't found a decent job in my field yet, but I've got my piece of paper.

So, where was I? Oh yes, Mistress and I were sitting at a bar in the international terminal of LAX, waiting for our connecting flight. This was not some little weekend adventure we were setting out on, but a whole seven days in sunny Mexico. Mistress found this cute little resort in Baja that looked very inviting. The place was small as resorts go, with only about two dozen rooms. But it was also about twenty degrees of latitude south of our home, which made it an ideal destination for January.

Not knowing what sort of guests to expect, Mistress thought it best that we keep the true nature of our relationship to ourselves and go as a vanilla couple. I agreed. I'm not ashamed of our relationship, I just didn't want feel pressured to justify it to every third person we met. Most folks seem to be totally fine with me wanting to marry someone of the same sex, but are absolutely horrified to find out that I should also want to submit to her. So while we were on vacation, I would refer to my fiancée as honey or sweetie, anything but Mistress. It's a good thing too, since we arrived at the resort to find a much older, more conservative crowd than I had expected.


Part I -- Around The Way Girl


Charlotte looked absolutely stunning as she emerged from the bathroom sporting a beautiful full-length sleeveless dress and her hair piled into a loose updo. With her chestnut-colored locks still slightly damp from the shower, she looked the perfect picture of our Mexican holiday. Her casual, yet stylish look said, I've just spent all day at the beach and now I'm ready for dinner, drinks and dancing. Not surprising, since that pretty much sums up how we spent our first day at the resort, and we were now half way though a repeat performance.

In a reversal of our usual wardrobe trend, I was the one wearing a skimpy little sundress that was bound to turn a few heads tonight. What the hell, I thought, it's not like we're ever going to see any of these people again. If I give some old man heart palpitations, so what? I work hard to keep these legs looking good and I may as well show them off.

I took a quick glance around the room to see if the median age of the guests had suddenly, miraculously changed overnight. Nope. And that's when I spotted her, the only other person in the sea of faces who was not already a card-carrying member of the AARP. A tall, tan, bundle of wiry muscle with an impossibly tiny waist, standing out from the crowd in her sun-bleached dreadlocks, gold nostril ring, and an ivory-colored macrame dress that did little to hide her bathing suit underneath.

Even from across the room I could see she had the most beautiful, expressive eyes -- and right now those eyes were pleading, Help me, I'm drowning.

"Come on honey," I said, as I took Charlotte's hand, "we're going on a rescue mission."

We made our way over. "Hi, I'm Natasha and this is my fiancée Charlotte. No offense, but you look a little overwhelmed."

"Juliet," she responded, extending her hand, "nice to meet you both. And yeah, I was expecting more people my own age."

"Me too. I'd say you and I are the only ones representing the under thirty crowd in here tonight," Charlotte said with a wink. "No offense to my darling fiancée."

"None taken," I assured her. The twenty year difference between us was not something that I often dwelt upon, plus I'm pretty sure I just caught Juliet checking out my legs, so I know I've still got it.

"Juliet," I said, "let's get a drink in your hand. A little tequila can go a long way toward oiling the wheels of conversation."

She flashed a smile at my remark and followed Charlotte and me over to the bar.

"So what do you guys do when you're not vacationing in Mexico?" she inquired, sipping her margarita.

"I just finished up my masters in jazz studies. I've got a regular piano gig on weekends. Oh, and I just joined a band," Charlotte answered. "I get to do all this while my sugar mama here works hard to pay the bills."

Juliet chuckled a little at Charlotte's summing me up as her sugar mama. I cracked a grin too. Charlotte could be quite charming and outgoing when she wanted to be and she was on definitely a roll tonight.

"Cool." Juliet said, "I'm in a band too, actually a couple. And I'm a session drummer, you know, to pay the bills."

"Good drummers are always hard to find," said Charlotte. "So what's your favorite kind of music to play?"

"Honestly, anything that keeps me employed. But personally I like ska, punk, Latin, speed-metal, anything with a driving beat or an interesting rhythm. What about you?"

"Mostly jazz, though I'm getting into R&B and funk with the band I'm in. So do you get to spin your sticks and do hair flips and stuff when you play with the metal bands?" Charlotte smiled.

"Sometimes," Juliet chuckled.

"I bet that gets the crowd going. You've got awesome hair," Charlotte raved. Juliet did a little hair flip for her benefit and Charlotte looked positively star-struck.

"Ladies," I said, "I hate to interrupt hair one-oh-one, but dinner is about to be served. Juliet, would you care to join us?"

"Thanks, that'd be nice."

I took Charlotte's hand in mine while she grabbed onto Juliet's, and the three of us threaded our way through the crowd to find an open table.

"Baby, it looks like they've got fish tacos on the menu tonight," I mentioned to Charlotte, as we sat down.

"I do believe I've died and gone to heaven," Charlotte replied, hamming it up, with the back of her hand on her forehead.

"Just so you know, Juliet," I explained, "that's how I talked Charlotte into coming here with me, I told her there would be fish tacos every night. Otherwise, she'd still be at home moping around, complaining about finding a job."

"Oh, please, honey, I would not."

"I came pretty close to just moping around at home myself," Juliet said. "My boyfriend and I were supposed to be doing this trip together, but we broke up just a week after I booked it."

"Sorry to hear that," Charlotte offered.

"Nah, he was a putz. I should have kicked him to the curb a long time ago, but I kept thinking he would eventually get his shit together. When I found out he'd been cheating on me, that was the final straw, and I cut him loose."

"Well, good for you," I said.

"Yeah, that's what I keep telling myself. So thanks for inviting me to sit with you guys, I was really worried about doing this vacation solo. But I'd already paid for it, so I took a chance, you know?"

We started talking about music as we ate, it was a topic we all seemed to have some opinion on, but Charlotte and Juliet soon lost me. Every time I would mention one of my favorite bands, I got a response like, "oh yeah, they were an early influence on some-new-band-I'd-never-heard-of."

After a while I just sort of gave up and settled on watching the two of them and their animated conversations about who was the greatest guitarist or the greatest drummer or the greatest keyboardist. Sadly, Jimmy Page and Nancy Wilson were the only guitarists I could name, so my input was brief, but I did get a kiss when I nominated Charlotte as the greatest keyboard player.

"You're so sweet," Juliet commented, "I hope that when I'm ready to settle down I'll meet someone as nice as you, Natasha."

That off-hand remark really made me smile. I was beginning to like this girl already.

"Hey Juliet," I said, "Charlotte and I are planning to go on a whale watching cruise tomorrow morning, you want to join us?"

"I don't want to impose," Juliet replied, looking interested, but trying to be polite.

"Nah, come with us," Charlotte insisted. "You're fun." That clenched it, and we started making our plans.


The three of us met up for breakfast before heading out on the search for migrating humpbacks. Morning conversation was a little more subdued since we had probably all drained one too many margaritas the night before. "Anybody for coffee?" I offered. Getting no takers, I wandered off alone to get myself a cup while the girls stayed put and sipped at their diet colas.

When I came back, Juliet was talking about the ins and outs of working as a session musician while Charlotte sat gazing upon her with rapt attention. I think my baby may have herself a little bit of a girl-crush, I thought and smiled.

"Anybody want to take bets on how many whales we'll see today?" I asked, inserting myself between them, "Loser buys dinner."

"Well, seeing that it's an all-inclusive resort -- yeah, I'll take a piece of that action," Juliet replied with a grin. Charlotte was right, she was fun.

The trip was good in that we got to see two humpbacks and a gray while we were out on the water, and one of the humpbacks was breaching. I wondered if we just got lucky or if whales enjoy showing off for the tourists. The downside of the trip was that Juliet ended up looking a little green around the gills on the way back.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked, leading her over to a table to sit down after we docked.

"Yeah, I always get a little weird on the smaller boats. Big ships, no problem. It's the little bouncy boats and I that don't get along so well."

I began to wonder why she had agreed to come along if she knew that this would be the result. As if she sensed my question, Juliet continued, "But it was worth it to get to hang out with you guys all day."

"Here you go," Charlotte cooed, arriving with a cold bottle of water and placing a hand reassuringly on Juliet's shoulder. Juliet returned the gesture by resting her hand on top of Charlotte's and giving it a little squeeze as she took her first sip.

Nurse Charlotte, I thought. Yep, total girl-crush.

Then Charlotte surprised me by breaking away from Juliet just long enough to lay a big kiss on my lips. I'm not sure what brought that on, but I'm never one to refuse Charlotte's gifts of affection.

"You guys are so cute together," Juliet remarked with admiration. That prompted me to give Charlotte another smooch while Juliet looked on with a dreamy glaze in her eyes—or possibly the lingering effects of sea-sickness. I don't know exactly what it was, but I was definitely more fond of thinking that her doe-eyed look had something to do with the day she spent with us and Nurse Charlotte's fawning over her earlier.


After we walked Juliet back to her room to recover, I leaned in close to Charlotte and whispered, "We've got an hour before dinner, baby, you want to go to the pool or back to the room?" Charlotte said nothing, but laid her arms around my neck and pressed her tongue into my mouth. I took that as a pretty sure sign we were not going to the pool.

I had my lusty fiancée pinned up against the wall as soon as we walked through the door to our room, and was busy continuing what she had started. "I've been wanting to do this all day," I said. Charlotte didn't say anything, she just moaned and sunk her tongue back into my mouth.

The older crowd here has really been putting a damper on our public displays of affection, I thought as I began lifting Charlotte's skirt. Her tongue was busy doing a little tango with mine as I took a full measure of her beautiful ass in my hands and squeezed.

"Oh god I love your ass, baby," I sighed. Charlotte just continued moaning and started grinding on my thigh. "You keep this up, baby, and we're gonna miss dinner."

"I don't care, Mistress."

"Fish tacos?" I inquired, playfully.

"Don't care, Mistress."

"Juliet would be left sitting all by herself," I finally offered.

That got a reaction. Nothing big, and certainly not verbal, but just a slight pause of indecision that let me know I was on to something.

"You like her don't you?" I pressed.

Charlotte didn't say anything, but she wasn't grinding on me anymore. I think I'd gotten my baby a bit flustered.

"It's okay, she seems really nice."

"Yes, Mistress," Charlotte replied, refusing to meet my gaze.

"You know, I'm beginning to think you might have yourself a little crush, darling." Charlotte blushed, looking completely embarrassed now. I put a finger under her chin and lifted her eyes to mine. "It's okay, baby, I don't mind. Seriously, I don't. She's your age, it sounds like she's an accomplished musician, and she's just adorable. Honestly I'd be more worried if you didn't have a crush."

"But Mistress, we're engaged now, I shouldn't be having thoughts of other women."

"What if I told you that only your usual rule applied here? No orgasms without me, but other than that you're free to explore."

"But, Mistress."

"It's okay, baby, we're on vacation, we'll probably never see her again anyway." I could see Charlotte was mulling it over, but she probably needed a bit more convincing. "You'd be wise to get it out of your system while you can, otherwise when we're back home and you'll be constantly thinking about what you missed out on. Like you and Juliet doing this."

I punctuated my my remark by drawing my tongue slowly up the side of her neck to just under her earlobe. "And maybe some of this," I whispered as I began massaging her breast in my hand. "And, if you're lucky, maybe even some of this," I said, slipping my other hand under her skirt and dragging my fingers up her thigh until they stopped against her moist panties.

"Mmm," Charlotte moaned, as I rubbed. And then after collecting her thoughts for a moment, "But what if she's not into girls, Mistress?"

I've always been pretty good at reading people, and I could say with certainty that Juliet was into girls. Not that she necessarily knew it yet, but I could see there was some pent up curiosity behind those eyes. Much like my Charlotte when we first met, she may have only dated boys up to now, but one good kiss from the right woman would send her running over to the other team.

My little matchmaking scheme was soon interrupted by a knock at the door. "I think you'll be fine," I quickly assured Charlotte. I did my best to straighten her skirt before she scurried off into the bathroom to fix her hair.

I opened the door to reveal Juliet with a bottle in her hand. "Oh, hey, um," she said, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything. I just wanted to drop this off, I don't know, as sort of an apology. I feel like I've been a bit of a third wheel, crashing your vacation and all."

"Nonsense, honey," I said, "come on in." Oh, if she only knew the conversation she just missed.

"Is that Juliet, baby?" I heard Charlotte call through the bathroom door.

"Yep, and she brought wine."

"Juliet, you're awesome." Charlotte proclaimed as she stepped forth from the bathroom, hair all fixed again, and with three glasses in hand.

"It's the least I could do. You two have been so nice to me."

"Let's sit together and watch the sun go down," I suggested.

I heard Juliet start softly singing the chorus of Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me.

"Elton John," I exclaimed. "Finally, a song I know."

Her face lit up and I gave her a quick peck on the cheek in appreciation. The three of us all began singing together as we stepped out onto the balcony, it was like a regular Karaoke night.

"I would have brought my piano, but it wouldn't fit in my carry-on," Charlotte was joking as I popped the cork on Juliet's bottle and filled each of the three glasses about a quarter-full.

"Waterford crystal it ain't," I said raising my bathroom glass, "but it'll have to do. To new friends."

"To new friends," was the chorus in reply.

After a couple more toasts, and a few more a cappella renditions of Sir Elton's greatest hits, hunger dictated that we make our way to dinner. We made it a quick affair, deciding it was more important to heed the call of Juliet's unfinished bottle than it was to stick around for dessert.

Over the course of the evening, we polished off Juliet's bottle and moved on to the ones that I had purchased, intending to take home. I could always buy more. The evening was gorgeous, though there was definitely a chill in the air as nighttime set in, so we finally gave up on the balcony and moved the party inside.

It seemed that not more than five minutes ago Juliet was leaned up against the headboard, smiling, laughing, and telling us what a great vacation this was turning into. Presently, she was slouched over and snoring softly.

"I think we wore her out," I whispered.

"I'll get her sandals off," Charlotte said, "if you tuck her in."

Soon we had made our guest as comfortable as we could given the situation, and started discussing who was going to get the middle. After a short debate, Charlotte volunteered herself. She said it was easier in case I had to get up to pee, but I think she just wanted to sleep next to her girl-crush.


I awoke sometime in the middle of the night to the sound of Juliet scrounging around on the floor.

"Looking for these?" I whispered, holding up her sandals.

As she shuffled over to fetch them, I sat up and placed my hand gently on her arm. "You don't have to rush off honey, unless there's somewhere you really need to be."

She just looked at me, still blinking the sleep out of her eyes, and slowly shook her head.

"Let me get you something more comfortable to wear before you climb back in."

In one fluid movement, I watched Juliet pull my t-shirt over her head as she simultaneously let her sundress drop to the floor below and stepped out of it. I helped her climb back in on my side. This led to a new sleeping arrangement in which Juliet was now occupying the middle, and a sincere appreciation from me for the roominess of a king-sized bed.

I saw Juliet glance over at Charlotte's prone form as she settled in. "She's got a total crush on you, you know," I whispered.


"It's okay," I said, "we talked it over earlier. What happens in Mexico, stays in Mexico, or something like that."

"I promise I didn't come here to... Wait, what? You really don't mind?"

"No, not at all," I said as I kissed Juliet on the lips, not a full-on passionate smooch, but not exactly the kind of peck you'd get from your grandmother either. "Good night, Juliet. Sweet dreams."

I watched as she rolled over and wrapped her arms around my sweet Charlotte. Just then I heard Charlotte let out a contented little sigh as Juliet settled in spooning her. I smiled and placed my hand reassuringly on Juliet's shoulder, I couldn't help myself, they were so cute together, and I was very proud of my matchmaking efforts.

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