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The Training of Cecelia


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I arrived at his feet and waited.

"You must be punished for entering my pleasure room without permission," he judged.

"Yes sir," I repeated, thinking hard to process how quickly and completely everything had turned around in the last few minutes. Admitting to him what I wanted now felt like I'd made a life choice, and at least so far, I didn't regret it a bit.

"Drape yourself across my lap," he ordered.

"Yes sir," I obeyed, as I stood up, stood beside him, then leaned way over his lap until it was supporting me, reaching over to the bed for balance.

"You understand that every time you disobey me there will be consequences," he said sternly, as his hand went to my ass.

"Yes sir."

"What kind of slut neglects to wear panties to a business meeting?" he asked, squeezing my ass cheeks, but only gently.

"The kind who was longing to be your slut," I answered, getting a tad wetter at being called a slut.

"And you're already soaking wet."

"I've been hoping to do this since I first met you," I admitted.


"There was just something about your demeanor, your tone of voice, your knowledge, both academic and intuitive, but especially your eyes... every time they caught mine, they seemed to see right into me."

"Indeed they did," he agreed, then suddenly he slapped my ass.

"Aaaaaah!" I let out a scream of pain and surprise.

"What my eyes were seeing was that you were an uppity bitch who needed a real man to put her in her place," he said as he slapped my ass again. Hard!

"Yeouch! Yes sir," I agreed.

"Yes sir, what?" he asked.

"Yes, I was an uppity bitch who was only half a woman without a real man to put me in my place and turn me into the submissive slut I've always craved to be. But I was always so ashamed of those cravings I didn't dare tell anyone." I'd replied with a rather long and rambling answer, but I wanted to be thorough, and every word was from the heart.

"And you wish to be an obedient slut?" he asked as he slapped my ass again.

"That, and also a mindless bimbo for your pleasure, if you wish me to be one," I answered, shocked by my own words of self-degradation. But nevertheless I added, "You can pretty much write your own ticket."

"Good girl," he said, as he caressed my ass soothingly.

"Thank you sir," I said, needing his approval, a condition I suspected I'd never get over, but it felt so right.

He spread my legs apart, brought his fingers to my pussy and said, "You really are soaking wet."

"I know," I replied, never having needed a dick inside me more than I did this moment.

"Get back on your knees."

I quickly obeyed, scrambling off his lap and kneeling before him, praying he'd finally allow me to see his cock, to suck his cock, and especially to get fucked by his cock.

He stood up and said, "Now you may pull my boxers down."

"Yes sir, and thank you," I replied, placing my slightly trembling hands excitedly onto his hips and slowly pulling them down to at long last reveal his dick.

When it flipped up, released from its fabric captivity, I gasped, "Wow, just wow!" as I admired what had to be over eight inches, and fat.

"So you like what you see?" he asked, as I stared at it like it was the Da Vinci of cocks.

I managed to resist my instinctive reaction to reach up and immediately begin stroking it, but I did stare at it as if I was in Louvre fawning over the Mona Lisa. "It's fucking perfect!"

He asked, his tone still firm, dominant and sexy, "Now what do you want? And I trust you've conquered your reticence by now."

This time I answered this repetitive question without hesitation. "I believe I have, sir. I would dearly love to stroke this big cock, and to suck it, then to swallow your load, and it would be wonderful if I could then take it in my pussy," I said, my eyes never leaving the majestic sceptre.

"Oh, you'll certainly be doing all those things..." he said, "...in time."

"In time?" I asked, salivating at the perfect serving of meat before me.

He didn't reply, and instead of shoving his cock in my mouth like any other man would do with a woman kneeing before him, he mildly ordered, "Follow me."

He went to the Sybian and ordered, "Straddle it."

"You don't want to fuck me?" I asked, suddenly feeling wounded.

"You need to earn the privilege of sucking and getting fucked by my cock."

I was stunned!

Was he really not going to fuck me?

Was he really going to make me earn it?

How would I earn it?

Horny as fuck, and hoping this machine, which admittedly I'd considered buying on more than one occasion, might quell at least some of the burning lust inside me, I obediently straddled the machine.

Once the entire small dildo was inside me he said, "Endure five minutes without climaxing, and you may suck my cock."

"I can dooooooo that," I said with an immediate and uncontrollable moan as he pressed a button and the machine began.

"So tell me, have you ever cheated on your husband before?" he asked, "Not that I'm judging you, I believe whatever we do together will do us both a lot of good," his cock... now wonderfully hard... just a couple feet away from me... seeming to beckon to me like it was forbidden fruit... I now understood why Eve couldn't stop herself from sinning.

"That depends on your definition of cheating," I answered, trying to focus on answering his question instead of the buzzing inside me, which felt like a vibrator on steroids.


"Well, I've never been with another man since saying I do..."


"...but I have been with the odd woman," I answered, "and as you surmised, usually just to get myself off."

"Karen?" he inflected it as a question, but it wasn't really one.

"How did you know that?"

"Your office dynamics became clear very quickly," he said. "I was surprised you were only using one employee as your personal getting off toy."

"Thanks primarily to you, although I'm not complaining since I'm a better woman for it, I recently found myself feeling very guilty for how I was using my power for ordering her to eat me out," I admitted, as the pleasure inside continued to grow. Was the five minutes up yet?

"One minute done," he said, reading my mind.

"Only one minute?" I asked. "Seriously???"

"Yep," he nodded. "So is that why you gave her the day off?"

"No, well maybe that was part of it," I said, "but it was more my reflecting about how I'd always treated her, and how I'd never seen her as a person... but just an employee I could order around however I pleased."

"That was a powerful revelation," he said as he slowly stroked his cock.

"Yeah, it was a real kick in the gut," I admitted.

"What was?" he asked, "Exactly?" as I watched him stroking his dick, which added to the surreal reality of our having a serious discussion about life and ethics while I straddled a working Sybian and he stroked his fat cock.

"The stark reality that I was a complete bitch," I replied bluntly.

"And are you a complete bitch?"

"No... yes... well I was..." I said, as I processed a question which couldn't be answered with a simple yes or no.

"Okay, I can see it's complicated. So tell me more."

"It's just that I realized I'd undoubtedly lost my way as the years went on," I admitted.

"And now?"

"And now, because of some blunt words from you, and from some serious self-examination, I realize I absolutely must change, I must become a far better person if I want to live with myself."

"That's great," he nodded, as he came closer to me, his hard cock of course leading the way and riveting my gaze to itself.

"It is great," I admitted, "as is your cock."

"But how will you be able to maintain this new perspective?" he asked. "Over time, most people tend to fall back into their old habits."

"No, I mustn't!" I exclaimed, shaking my head vigorously. Yes, I desperately wanted to suck his cock; yes, I dearly wanted to be his submissive slut; yes, I was willing... no, delighted... to cheat on my husband with this man, but equally as vitally I absolutely couldn't slip back into being the woman I had so recently been.

"Why not?" he asked. "This sounds very important to you," his cock now an inch from my mouth.

"Because I must continue remembering the reason I began climbing the ladder in the first place," I said, desperately resisting my urge to lean forward and take his cock in my mouth... all of this somewhat painful self-reflection usefully dulling my fire inside... but not quelling it completely.

"What reason is that exactly?" he asked as he waved his cock back and forth... and my head followed it back and forth like a dog focused on a ball in her master's hands.

Master. A powerful word.

"So that I can add compassion to the mix while I do my best to build more capacity in all of my employees, and always to remember the importance of helping each one of them to understand they're not just an employee, but an integral and valued member of our team," I answered. I know that sounded like a blurb from an HR handbook, but I really meant it!

"That is an amazing revelation, Cecelia," he said. "You should be rewarded for such self-discovery."

"I do have something in mind I'd love for my reward! If that's all right with you?" I said hopefully while staring at his cock.

"I expect at this moment it will be more than all right. So I'll ask you yet again: what do you want?"

"I'd love to suck your cock as a thank you for all you've done for that uppity bitch you first encountered," I answered with a bit of wry humour.

"You understand I expect a lot from my pets," he said, using the 'P' word for the first time.

"Yes sir, I do," I agreed mindlessly, willing to do anything it took to suck his cock. Never in my life had I wanted so intensely to suck a cock.

"I'll push your limits,"

"Push away," I replied, my eyes never leaving his cock. "I may not always like it, but I'm certain that whatever it is I'll be a better woman for it."

"I'll program you into being a compete submissive to me, whenever you're not at work."

"I think I'm already there!" I kind of half joked.

"Oh, no. This evening you're just beginning your journey towards completely surrendering," he cautioned. "When I train a woman, I take control of her mind, her body and her soul. And a task that monumental isn't accomplished overnight."

"Fuuuuck," I moaned, his ominous words, his cock poised just inches away from my salivating mouth and the eternal buzzing inside me on the cusp of completely driving me wild... my orgasm virtually screaming for release! "Has it been five minutes yet?"

"You have eighty seconds left," he reported after glancing at his phone.

"Oh my God!" I gasped, that minute and a third seeming like an eternity.

"This cock is reserved for only completely obedient sluts," he said.

"Oooooooooh," I moaned, never wanting to come more, never wanting a cock in my mouth more.

"And what are you?" he asked.

"Your obedient slut," I moaned, praying he would permit me to be his obedient slut.

"What do you want right now?"

"Your cooooooock," I moaned.

"Then beg for it," he required, as he traced my lips with his cock.

"Please, Paul, I want to suck your cock, to be your slut, to come," I listed, near orgasm.

"Time's up. Well done. Now get off the machine and follow me," he announced, praised and ordered briskly as the vibrations stopped.

"Oh, God," I moaned, as my rising orgasm was also stopped. I weakly collapsed off of the machine and fell the couple of feet to the floor, wetness leaking out of me, as I crawled behind him to the large bed.

He finished undressing completely and said, "Let's see how flexible you are." He sat on the edge of the bed and asked as I looked up at him, "Have you ever performed a foot job?"

"No," I replied, "is that what it sounds like?" having never even heard of such a thing before.

"Sit on your ass up here on the bed, raise your legs, and stroke my cock with both of your nylon-clad feet," he ordered.

"Okay, sure," I agreed, realizing my flexibility would come in handy. I got into position as instructed, raised my feet to his cock, and after a little struggling, I had both of my silky soles sandwiching his big cock. I imagined this wasn't as exciting as stroking it, or better, taking it into my mouth, or best, sliding it into my pussy... but I was finally being allowed to touch his big cock for the very first time!

"Now stroke it nice and slow," he said, and I realized he'd have a particularly good view of my swollen pussy, thanks to my very revealing position.

"Yes sir," I said, as I slowly stroked his hard cock.

"You see, slut?" he asked didactically. "To perform as an adequate pet, you need the ability to please a cock in a variety of fashions."

"Yes sir," I replied, loving the feel of his hard cock between my feet.

"Now let's run through my ongoing expectations of you.

"Okay," I acknowledged, as I was beginning to achieve a smooth rhythm.

"First, which has already been mentioned, you shall obey each and every order I give you without hesitation."

"Yes sir," I agreed, having already agreed to that requirement, and having no intention to renege.

"Second, and I might have mentioned this already, but I can't recall for certain whether I specified clearly it was a rule, but you'll wear either a garter belt and stockings or thigh high stockings at all times, work or play... and, of course no panties, unless it's that time of the month."

"Yes sir," I agreed, having already agreed to that expectation for Karen, and assuming it was for the same reason Karen had given... for quick and easy access to my pussy.

"Third, you will of course maintain your pussy completely shaved."

"Of course," I agreed, having done that for years anyway.

"Fourth, you'll already be kneeling whenever I arrive, unless I show up unexpectedly. And in that case you shall immediately face me and drop to your knees."

"Even at work?" I asked.

"No," he said, "never at work unless I've scheduled a training session with you."

"I'll be happy to," I agreed particularly willingly, since I loved the idea of expressing my submission to Paul in such an obvious and unmistakable fashion.

"And fifth, beginning this instant, you shall invariably address me as Master, unless you have reason to believe some third party might hear you."

This was a term I'd often encountered in erotica, and I had secretly fantasized about having my own Master for years. I agreed with perhaps too much enthusiasm, "Yes indeed, Master!" And the word flowed off my tongue so smoothly and it felt so natural!

"Sixth, you shall read and respond to my texts twenty-four seven."

"Yes, sir, I mean Master," I replied... oops!... that idea both exciting and terrifying.

"And to be perfectly clear, what I'm saying is that I now come before your husband at all times, regardless of what he might learn about us or how he feels about it, " he clarified as I continued to stroke his cock with my feet, although they were starting to get tired.

"Well that goes without saying," I smiled, knowing I could never go back to my marriage as it had been before I'd agreed to these conditions... they, along with Paul of course, were now as precious to me as my life's blood!

"And seventh," he said as he grabbed my feet and began to slowly fuck the soles of my feet, "we're going to cuckold Joseph sometime soon. We'll have sex right in front of him."

"We will?"

"Yes we will," he confirmed. "I require both members of a couple to capitulate to me completely, whether both of them know beforehand or not."

"Oh my," I said, this announcement coming as a huge surprise! "I'm not certain he'll go for that."

"Don't worry," he reassured me. "In no time at all I'll have him begging me to please fuck your ass, and then I'll require him to clean up after me in the most abject fashion possible."

"That I can't imagine ever happening," I said, it feeling different when he was fucking my feet... even while I was imagining exactly what he described.

"Then you're not seeing your husband at all clearly. Because if he hasn't even noticed, let alone fulfilled your need to be a submissive by now, it can only be because he's one himself."

"Oh," I said, that actually making a lot of sense, once I'd pondered his words even briefly.

"He's probably even a cock sucker, or at least a wannabe cock sucker," he added, as he released my feet.

"I'm right with you up to this point, but that? I really don't think so," I said, as I considered how oblivious he'd always been to all my hints about dominating me over all those years.

"Trust me," he said. "Just like I can see into your sexual soul, I'll be able to see into his."

"Okay," I nodded. "Given your track record with me so far, I'm certainly not going to argue the point."

"Good thinking. Now get back on your knees," he ordered.

"Yes Master," I replied, praying he was finally going to let me suck that cock... because even though I wanted to come, what I really wanted to do first was to make him come.

"Since you've been such an obedient and agreeable slut, I'm going to do something I usually don't on the first day of training," he said, as he got off the bed and walked to me.

"You're going to fuck me and make me into your complete whore?" I asked wickedly.

"Not yet, but I am going to fuck your face and come all over it," he said as he slid his cock into my mouth.

I moaned on his cock as he face fucked me roughly, slamming all eight inches into my mouth and making me gag. "Don't fucking gag," he ordered even though he didn't slow down, his balls actually bouncing off my chin as I was used like a cheap slut and loved it.

I focused on breathing through my nose, and for the next two or three minutes I just closed my eyes and permitted a man who wasn't my husband to use my mouth however he wished to.

He then pulled out and coated my face with a massive load of warm cum, which felt so fucking good! Once he was done coming, he slid his cock back into my mouth and I bobbed on it slowly, nursing it to completion.

He pulled out and said, "Crawl to the bed."

"Yes Master," I replied, "and thank you for coming all over my face, Master."

"You're very welcome," he said graciously as I wiped some cum from my eye and crawled to the bed... but not onto it, since that wasn't the instruction.

He came up and put a blindfold on me... which sent a chill up my spine... I found it so sexy... even though I'd never had a naked man place one on me until this very moment.

"Crawl onto the bed and roll on your back," he said.

"Yes Master," I obeyed.

Once I was in position he ordered, "Spread your legs."

"Yes Master," I again obeyed, hoping he had a quick reload and was finally going to fuck me.

But to my surprise, I felt his hands on my left ankle tying some rope around it.

He then tied my other ankle with my legs still spread wide, so now I couldn't move them; he must have tied them to the bed.

Then he tied my wrists to the bed as well... so there I was bound spread eagled... which had never happened to me before.

It was scary.

But also exciting!

"You mentioned your husband is out of town?" he asked.

"Yes Master."

"So you can stay here all night without any premature repercussions?" he asked, although the question was undoubtedly rhetorical.

"Yes Master," I replied anyway.

"Good," he said, as I heard something start buzzing, and then it was placed against my pussy lips. "I'll be back in a little while... enjoy... but no coming. Part of your training is orgasm denial. And rule number eight is you only come with permission from your Master whether I'm present or not, and even if you're having sex with your husband, is that understood?"


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