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The Training of Cecelia


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"It's a lot sexer than any of your previous work outfits," he nodded, openly admiring my leg, since I was obviously leaving it displayed for that very purpose.

"Thanks, I guess," I said, of two minds about his definitely admiring my legs, or rather leg, but not coming out and giving me a straight-out compliment... which for some reason I was desperate to receive from him... since recently I was constantly craving his approval.

"Tomorrow I'll be interviewing on this floor," he mentioned.

"Sounds good," I said as I grabbed my purse.

"See you tomorrow then."

"Oh. What should I wear tomorrow?" I asked, wanting him to tell me what to wear.


"Yeah," I nodded. "As much as I hate to admit it, almost everything you've said so far has been... or has turned out to be... accurate."

"Almost everything?"

"I can't let my esteem go to your head too much," I smirked.

"Fair enough," he said. "So wear a dress tomorrow. Green, which we both know looks good on you. No pattern, just the solid colour."

"I can do that."

He headed out, and I followed.

I spent the next three hours shopping. I bought a few new outfits (skirts, dresses, blouses), a half dozen pairs of underwear including thongs (which I'd stopped wearing years ago), three garter-belts, five pairs of stockings, and six pairs of thigh high stockings.

That night I spent a couple hours reading erotica (a few lesbian ones, a few male dominated stories, all with submissive older women) while my husband worked late. I ended up bringing myself to multiple orgasms while imagining myself being Karen's sex slave... and then being Paul's sex slave. I couldn't explain why, but I couldn't stop obsessing about Paul, or at least not whenever my attention was on sex.

Yes, I'd technically cheated on Joseph... for a few years!... by having Karen go down on me so often, in addition to yesterday's venture into doing some munch diving myself, yet I'd never cheated on him with another man. Truthfully, the thought hadn't even entered my mind before Paul showed up. I'd been living only for my work, and had long ago pushed away those rare submissive fantasies that had previously (until now) lingered in my head.

Maybe it was Joseph's apathy about sex, or his quick trigger, or his lack of ability to detect my desire to be dominated during all these years (I know, that's at least partly on me... maybe all I'd have had to do was ask, but I didn't, or couldn't), or maybe it was something troubling within Paul that he too was unable to mention.

Either way, I felt compelled to obey him (Paul, not Joseph anymore), and I felt the desire to impress him and to get his approval.



I dressed for work wearing a garter belt and stockings, both black, the stockings even having those sexy seams up the back, with a dark green dress and five inch heels... an almost balletic style I almost never wore... and finally, hoping Karen would notice, no panties.

Last night I'd also shaved my pussy completely.

I appraised my apparel as 'business sexy'. Appropriate for work, but for those wishing to give me a closer examination underneath my outerwear, I was a slut ready to fuck them.

So, when I arrived at work I was already horny.

Karen smiled as I arrived, "That's a great outfit, Mrs. Durden."

"Thank you, Karen," I smiled, appreciating the compliment. "And please, call me Cecelia."

With no one else around she asked, "Cecelia, did you comply with the undergarment request I made on Wednesday?"

"I did," I reported with a smile, "it cost me a couple hundred bucks, but I certainly did."

"Show me," she ordered.

I looked around and didn't find anyone in the vicinity who could see us, so I sidled closer to my office door and lifted up my dress enough to show the tops of my stockings and the garter.

"Nice," she approved.

"And you?" I asked.

She spun her chair slightly so she was positioned directly towards me, parted her legs, and raised her dress to reveal thigh high stockings and no panties. (I hadn't raised my dress sufficiently to reveal that secret yet.)

Instantly my mouth watered, and part of me wanted to drop to my knees, crawl to her, and devour that sweet-looking pussy. Instead, I just admired her sexy pose and said, "Very nice. I do hope you can stop by later so we can perhaps share some dessert?" (In spite of the subject matter, my demeanour was rather like we were chatting over the fence between our homes, and I was inviting her over for a dish of sorbet.)

"We'll see," she said, dropping her dress back down, closing her legs, and spinning her chair back towards her desk.

Now obviously I wasn't going to crawl under her desk and service her, no matter how enticing that idea seemed, yet her oddly dismissive response to my offer hurt a bit. But I only said, "Have a good day, Karen."

"You too, Cecelia," she responded, even though she was already focused back on her work and didn't look at me as she spoke.

I walked into my office and found Paul sitting at my desk again. My first thought was to wonder whether he could have heard any of what was just said. Yet the door had been closed and our voices soft, so it seemed highly unlikely. He looked up and said, "Good morning, Cecelia."

"Good morning, Paul," I greeted back, hoping for a response to my attire for this morning.

"I like your new plan for Monday meetings with your managers," he said.

"Yes, after absorbing some of your criticisms of my leadership style, I felt I should start listening to them more often."

"Which is why you hired them," he pointed out.

"Right, except I've always been such a control freak," I admitted freely, before adding ever so subtly, "at work, anyway."

"Only at work?" he asked, actually raising an eyebrow as his hypnotic eyes looked right into me. He had to know what I was feeling, didn't he? He had to know that behind my strong-willed persona was a submissive woman. He'd already speculated as much. Out loud.

"Yes, at home I just want to let loose," I admitted, not being completely blunt, but close enough to hint his earlier speculations were accurate.

"I see," he said, looking into my eyes, "Well, it is important to have some balance to your life."

What the fuck kind of response was that? Fuck! But I just agreed, "Yes, I've allowed work to consume too much of my life."

"Then your husband must be thrilled with your ability to separate your work and your domestic life."

I sighed. "I'm not sure he'd notice if I arrived home naked."

"Well that's a shame," he said. "Every woman, actually every person, needs and deserves to have their needs met." He paused, his eyes really looking into mine as he stressed, "All of them."

"You should drop by and tell my husband that," I laughed, very broadly hinting I wasn't getting what I needed at home... although feeling a little guilty for throwing my husband under the bus, feeling a little more guilty for almost blatantly throwing myself at another man, yet also frustrated that this man who seemed to understand who I was underneath my strong exterior wasn't even nibbling at any of my bait!

"I'm sorry to hear that," he said. "Do you like your outfit today?"

"I do," I nodded, doing a complete spin, the dress rising up maybe just enough to show the stocking tops, although I wasn't sure, "Do you?"

"It doesn't matter whether I do," he said. "It matters that you do."

"But I need to know whether other people like it too," I said. "What if they think it doesn't suit me?"

"I thought you didn't need other people's approval," he said, before adding just as I was about to speak, "but if you're asking for my honest opinion?"

He paused and I said, a little frustrated to feel so desperate for his approval, "Yes, I do want your opinion. Like I told you yesterday afternoon, I've learned to respect it."

"Well then..." he said, then paused while he looked my body up and down, " considered opinion is that you look really good today."

"Thanks," I said, really needing that, including his so blatantly checking me out.

"Your taking my suggestions and making them into realities is a very promising start."

"Only a start?"

"Yes," he nodded. "We still have lots of work to do if we're going to turn this company around."

"Which means we'll need to work very closely together?" I asked, stressing the word... and not very subtly.

"Yes we will," he agreed before adding, also not so subtly, at least that's how I took it, "likely including some long nights."

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes," I said, keeping our lack of subtlety going.

"Good," he nodded. "because I can be a bit of a slave driver."

God, did he mean what I thought he did?! This entire conversation could be completely innocent, or incredibly blunt in its sexual implications.

"Then I guess I'll need to slave away. I'm ready and willing to do whatever you tell me to," I replied, repeating my eagerness and pushing the envelope of hints a little further.

"Excellent," he nodded. "So far you've shown some great initiative, and you've been very open to my suggestions."

"I've come to accept the way I need to be more open to suggestions from all quarters."

"Hiring Lisa as the new marketing manager was a great example of that."

"She was the most qualified of the applicants."

"Yes, I agree," he said, standing up. "I'll be doing interviews all day today. Why don't you come to my house on Staten Island at five o'clock tomorrow?"

"On a Saturday?" I asked.

"Yes," he said as his eyes never left mine, "Is that a problem?"

"No, no, not at all," I said, loving the way he could be polite and businesslike one moment, and hinting at his hidden dominance the next.

"Good, I'll email you my address," he said before walking out.

"See you then," I said.

The remainder of the day went by quickly. I caught up on some paperwork, took part in a Zoom meeting for over two hours, spent some time with my new hire Lisa, and dropped by the coffee shop downstairs to chat with Helen, the sweet young caterer for whom I felt bad because of my dismissive behavior towards her earlier... I apologized, and told her I'd love to help in any way I could. She was so thankful, which made me feel even worse about my prior treatment of her and so many others.

How had I fallen so far from the idealistic vision I'd had when I began the journey to the top?

How could I have possibly treated people, especially women, so dismissively and with such disrespect?

How had I become just like a man?

How? How? How?

By the time I was done with all that, it was 3:30, it was still Friday, and so I decided to call it a day... I didn't beckon Karen in, nor did she beckon me... although we did share some sly innuendos whenever I passed her as I went to and from my office. Yet after my week of so many revelations, I never planned to show her the disrespect of beckoning her in ever again no matter how horny I might be, or how desperately I needed to get some stress relief... no, I'd wait for her to make any moves... but alas, she never did.

As I was leaving, Karen asked, "Are you leaving your office for good?"

"No, I'll be back on Monday," I smiled playfully.

"Then you'd better get back in your office, so you can have a snack before you leave."

"I could really use a snack," I agreed, a rush of excitement coursing through me, and a little wetness even leaked out of me... which was inconvenient since I wasn't wearing any panties.

"Let's go then," she said as she preceded me into my office, something she'd never done before.

I followed her in, closed and locked the door, and turned to face her.

She then startled me by snapping her fingers as she stood arrogantly in the middle of my office. "Knees," she ordered imperiously.

I know that's the most overused word in erotica, yet when she said it to me, I felt a sudden fire inside me as well as some leakage out of me... while I obeyed instantly, dropping before her.

"Have you been craving my pussy all day?" she asked.

"Longer. Ever since Wednesday," I answered, looking up at her.

"Mmmmmm," she said, lifting up her dress. "I trust you know it's still true that all you need to do is ask, anytime you want to eat my pussy, my pet boss."

Hearing her call me 'pet boss' sent yet another rush of flames though my body, as well as more leakage from my pussy, and I actually let out a moan upon hearing her words.

"You get off on being called 'pet boss' do you?" she asked, as I now felt continuous wetness dripping out of my pussy.

"Yes," I admitted, feeling both ashamed of and excited about my answer.

"If I'd known you were submissive, I could have been using you for years," she said, "especially when I was pregnant. Fuck, I was so horny during those last two months."

"Well, now we can make up for lost time," I said, desperate to eat the pussy so openly displayed right before me.

"How badly do you want to eat this sweet peach, my pet boss?"

"So bad," I answered, in complete lust.

"Because you're my pet?"

"Yes," I nodded, "I'm your pet."

"And my pussy licker?"

"Yes, I'm your pussy licker, your cunt eater, your submissive, and your pet boss," I listed, each term sending another wave through me, my pussy on fire without even being touched.

Looking down possessively at me she said, "I could never have predicted I'd ever hear such terms flying out of your mouth!"

"Me neither," I laughed.

"Oh my," she said.

"What?" I asked, suddenly concerned.

"You've created a little puddle on the carpet." She pointed at it.

I looked down and let out a gasp, since indeed I had leaked so much without realizing, that there was a dime-sized puddle directly beneath my twat... maybe even nickel-sized! "Oh my," I said, echoing her phrase.

"I guess you're excited to be my pet boss and about to eat my pussy."

"I am, I really am," I agreed wholeheartedly, needing to let it all spill out, "I've been fighting my submissive side for years, and it's been agonizing!"

"Well trust me," she said, as she brought her hand to her pussy and slid two fingers inside, "you'll be dining on your fair share of pussy, and submitting to tons of pet play from now on."

I almost cheered, looking up at her from my submissive position on my knees, "Yes, please!"

"Delicious," she said, as she pumped her fingers in and out of her pussy and then offered them to me... glistening with her wetness.

I opened my mouth and took her two fingers in, and sucked them slowly as if I was worshipping someone's cock. Probably Paul's.

"Good girl," she said.

"Mmmmmmm," I moaned, loving to get this chance to taste her, albeit not as directly from the source as I wanted to. Not yet anyway, I hoped.

She pulled her fingers out and gave me permission. "Go ahead, my pet boss, eat my pussy."

"Thank you," I said, feeing somehow liberated by that simple word... pet... maybe I didn't have to cheat on my husband to get the sexual domination I needed... maybe I could just get it from Karen.

"You're welcome, you hungry slut," Karen said as I began licking.

Another wave of wetness leaked out of me at being called a slut, a term that should be so insulting... yet it described perfectly what I wanted to be. A slut for Paul. A slut for Karen. A slut to a strong woman or a strong man who knew what I wanted... what I needed... and who took me for their own pleasure, demanding that I satisfy their needs... which of course automatically satisfied my own at the same time..

"God, you're such a great pussy licker," she moaned after a couple minutes.

"Thank you," I replied between licks, "You taste so fucking good!"

Another minute or two later as her moaning increased, she draped a leg over my shoulder and used it to pull my head deeper into her pussy.

"Now get me off, boss slut," she ordered.

I licked faster.

"Eat me, you pet pussy-munching boss," she moaned.

I sucked on her clit.

"Yes, don't stop, my boss slave," she cried out, shoving my face roughly against her pussy as she ground up and down until she came. "Yeeeeeeeeeees!!" she screamed as my face was plastered with her wetness.

I kept licking throughout her orgasm until she let go of my head and said, "Fuck, you really are a natural!"

"I've always been a quick learner," I smiled, my face soaked with her pussy cum.

"That you are," she said. She looked at the clock. "Shit, I'd love to return the favour, but I need go pick up my daughter."

"No worries," I said, feeling so contented from pleasing her. "Your pleasure comes first."

"You truly feel that, don't you! This is still so crazy," she said as she took her leg off of me.

"Tell me about it," I said, thinking how drastically a few days were changing my life.

"I just did," she joked, her sense of humour still active.

"I guess you did," I laughed, as she pulled me up and kissed me. Her lips were so soft, so much softer than Joseph's, and I melted into them.

The kiss lasted only about thirty seconds, but they were thirty amazing seconds... then she broke the kiss and said, "I'll see you Monday, Cecelia."

"Have a good weekend," I replied.

"You too," she replied as she strode out of the office.

"Wow, just wow," I said to myself as I licked my lips, hoping to find some of her sweet taste lingering.

That night, horny as fuck, I received a call from Joseph telling me he had to fly to Philadelphia for the weekend to deal with a computer system that had been hacked at some major government facility. He apologized profusely and I patiently listened through it, even though I didn't really care.

I had been going to make him fuck me when I got home, but some wine, some porn streamed into the television, some erotica to read, and one of my toys would be a lot more satisfying and would last a lot longer.

He promised to make it up to me when he returned, and I replied with some polite noises.

Having the house to myself, I did just what I said I would do, having two orgasms spread over an hour and a half of hot porn, two glasses of wine, my rabbit vibrator, and some dirty sex stories.

The entire time I fantasized first of Karen using me over and over, and then without my conscious decision, the one dominating me shifted to Paul.

Fuck, following all our blatant flirting this morning, the bull was loose in the china shoppe, and tomorrow would be extremely interesting for real!



Without a doubt, I spent more time preparing for my 'business' meeting with Paul than I had for my wedding.

I got a massage, a pedicure and manicure, a Brazilian, my hair done, and even had my eyelashes and eyebrows plucked.

I spent literally over two hours pondering what to wear (on my wedding day that had been established far in advance). I decided early on to wear some sexy lingerie underneath... just in case... I had on hand a sexy white, sleeveless with a very open middle, with garters, camisole... and although the lingerie came with a matching thong, I discarded that on the bed.

I wore a tighter than usual black blouse, with a sexy as fuck plaid green, red and black skirt, which barely hid that I was wearing stockings, not pantyhose.

I finished the ensemble off with five-inch fuck me heels.

As a finishing touch, I put on the reddest red lipstick I owned, and headed out.

One might think a simple drive to Staten Island would be simple, but of course it was chaotic. Even following my phone's GPS, I made myriad wrong turns, causing the irritating e-girl to endlessly recite "Recalculating," which drove me crazy. Even so, I arrived fifteen minutes early, so I needed to park a block away and just sit in my car trying to look inconspicuous until a minute or two before five. So by then I was a nervous wreck! And my pussy was already wet... ridiculous, because I was only going to his house for a meeting... but a meeting that could have taken place at the office or a restaurant... so his choosing his home must have been significant... wasn't it?


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