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The Twenty Year Itch


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What could I say, he'd had that car in the shop several times in the last week, and we couldn't catch it cutting up. With a last look at my wife and David, I followed him outside. Sure enough it was still making the noise, and I tried a few things that I could without getting dirty. I finally concluded it was nothing but the water pump, but by the time I made that decision and we went back into the club, the band was packing up and David was binging April back to the table.

I got there just in time to see David's hands on my wife's ass and she didn't seem all that upset—until she realized I was watching. Then her cheeks turned bright red and she slapped his hand away.

I had to give it to David, he had balls. He stood beside the table until I got there, and then he thanked me for letting April dance with him.

"Maybe we can go fishing soon," He said, offering me his hand. This time I didn't hold back. I'd seen that hand on my wife's ass and now he was putting it in my right hand—the same hand that could tighten a nut that a normal man had to us a five inch wrench to loosen.

"We'll have to do that one day," I replied tightening my grip. By the time he realized I was on to his inappropriate action, it was too late. I tightened down on his hand and continued to smile and talk about fishing, while the grimace spread across his face. Tears were actually running down his cheeks when I relaxed my grip and turned away, guiding my wife to the exit. We had a little something to talk about, but not tonight—not while I was mad.


I enjoyed my new job; the other girls were very helpful trying to bring me up to speed, and since I've always been a quick study, I got along fine. I also found just how badly I missed going out with someone beside Sid. Don't get me wrong, Sid is a nice guy...a great one, but an evening of girl talk did make a difference.

The first few times we went out would have to be labeled vanilla at best. We girls would have dinner at the only decent club in town. Strangely enough it was called 'The Club.' We'd then have a few drinks while just sitting and swapping stories about our adventures back in the day. I don't know about the rest of them, but by the time we left—usually a little after eleven—I'd be ready to jump Sid's bones as soon as I got home. I had to hold back on my enthusiasm to keep him from thinking we were doing things we shouldn't do. By the way, we really weren't. Only very rarely would a man ask one of us to dance and when we accepted, we made sure it was more of a cousins dance than a couples dance. Even Sid admitted he liked the end game on girls-night-out Fridays.

The appearance of Patty changed things. Patty, or Pat as she liked to be called, was in her middle thirties. She had curves in all the right places, with only a pound or two of excess weight carried mostly on her thighs. While no woman wants extra flesh anywhere, on Pat it served to make her seem shapelier. Her light brown hair, worn at shoulder length, surrounded a lightly tanned face, which was highlighted by sparkling green eyes that always seemed to tease; made her a woman who could be best described as a Hot Momma, or a MILF.

I was assigned to work closely with her during her training period and judging from our conversations a lot of guys had apparently had their dreams of a MILF fulfilled.

"Why don't we go out tonight?" She asked one day, while we were working alone down in the storage room. The boss had said to take our time since things were really slow, so we had plenty of time to gossip. "We could hit the club, there are always a few stray guys there, I'm told. Who knows, we might get lucky."

"I...I don't think Sid would go for that idea," I finally stammered.

"Well hell, honey, I wasn't going to tell him, were you?"

"Do you really go out with other guys? Doesn't your husband get furious?" I was uncomfortable with this new line of conversation and tried to turn the question back on her.

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him. Besides, I don't give it all away; I always save plenty for him." She laughed, and then started right back on my case.

"Are you telling me you haven't had another man double click your mouse since you've been married?"

"I've never had another man, period. Sid and I were high school sweethearts; we got married right after graduation, and started our family two years later."

"You've never had a fling?" I shook my head. "How about Sid—you're telling me he hasn't tried a little stray stuff even once in all these years?"

"I...I don't think so."

"You sound awfully unsure there, Honey." Once again she chuckled, "I bet your sex life is dull—man! The same old thing year after year? You haven't learned any new tricks in all that time?"

Suddenly memories of the time I stayed with Mom to help care for Dad rushed back to me. "Well...there was that one time when I was out of state a few weeks...Sid did start doing things different during our lovemaking—he really became a much better lover, but he showed me the books he'd learned things from."

"Books, my ass! Honey, that boy had him a sugar baby showing him the ropes—you can take my word for that."

With those words, the suspicions I'd pushed aside flooded back. It was hard to believe he could have improved his lovemaking that much just from reading a book. Still I didn't want to discuss the problem with Pat; I needed time to think before I said anything more. Pat, however, was no more ready to drop the subject than a bulldog was to relinquish his hambone.

"Shoot Honey, you owe it to yourself to find out just how another man feels; what another dick feels like."

"What do you mean? I always heard that if you'd seen one, you'd seen them all."

"Huh, don't you believe that crap, Honey. They come in all sizes and shapes, attached to men with various knowledge of how to use them. Didn't you just say Sid had learned new tricks while you were gone? Haven't you enjoyed screwing more since then?"

I nodded my head.

"Well, doesn't it stand to reason that you could learn different tricks from someone new and use them with Sid, just like he did with you?"

I had to think that logic over.

"Sure it does. You'd be doing him a favor to introduce new stuff into the old routine."

I wasn't ready to concede the point, and Pat wasn't ready to give up. We spent most of the remaining work hours with her trying to convince me I needed to try a strange cock, and me denying she made any sense at all. We finally had to drop the conversation when the Norse god walked in claiming he needed a screw. I had heard about the handsome blond man with a body just made to advertise a physical fitness program, but I'd never caught sight of him before. After finally seeing him, I could understand why the other girls were so gaga every time someone mentioned the name David.

Just being close enough to smell his musky, sweaty body, with just a touch of Wildwood, my favorite aftershave for men mixed in, had my body getting ready to welcome a visitor. Of course I didn't do anything else, since I was a faithful married woman.

The same wasn't true of Pat; she went into full flirt mode. I swear that woman had her hands all over him while she fluttered her eye lashes and twisted her behind. She was like a filly in heat waiting for the stallion.

"What size screw?" I asked. Instead of answering he looked me over and ignored Pat. That was too much—it just made her try harder. When he continued to ignore her, she left the room saying she needed a break.

"How tall are you?" he finally asked.

"About five feet nine inches."

"That's the exact size screw I need, but I'll take a dozen number eight coated, Philips head screws three inches long." He followed while I located his screws, plying me with questions about my personal life. He was such a likeable rogue I found myself enjoying the conversation and even answering far more personal questions than I should have.

Apparently he must not have had much to do, for he spent the next half hour with me. I must admit, he had a good line and as we talked I found myself liking the guy. When he finally left, Pat came back.

"Well, how did you like lover boy?"

"Lover boy? You mean David?"

"Got to you, huh?" She giggled, plopping down in the chair David had just vacated. "You agree to meet him yet?"

"Of course not! We just talked. He seemed like a very interesting man."

"David—interesting? Yes he is—in fact he'd be the perfect man to show you what you've been missing."

I tried to pretend she was nuts and she continued trying to convince me I needed to find out just how another man could make me feel. She kept insisting that if I tried other men I would learn different techniques which I could teach Sid and our sex life would be better than ever. As dumb as that sounds now, she had a way of making it seem reasonable. I somehow managed to get paired with Pat almost every day and every day she tried to talk me into going to the club with her.

"We don't have to pick up men, if you don't want to," she'd insist, but I knew how long that would last. I never did allow her to convince me to go out with her, but since we both kept the girls-night-out Friday nights, I guess you could say I did go clubbing with her. After Pat was hired, she started dragging men over to our table and the entire atmosphere of our outing changed.

Instead of being just friends having a bite to eat and a few drinks, as we blew off the accumulated steam generated by work, we changed; we started accepting the offers to dance that we'd once turned down. I was as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, the first time I agreed to dance with one of Pat's strangers.

I remember it like yesterday, Pat had sworn that she'd find a man I'd dance with, and that night I'd had a bit too much wine when she said, "Look who's coming this way." It was David.

A chair beside me was empty; its former occupant was on the floor, snuggled into the arms of a guy she'd just met and pushing her body closer to his, while his hands were working their way up the back of her legs. She had had way too much wine and I noticed when the music stopped they headed toward the back instead of returning to the table.

David was the perfect gentleman, talking with all the ladies equally—well, maybe I was a little more equal than the others, but still he couldn't be faulted. I was sure he was going to ask me to dance; instead he asked the oldest lady with us, a grandmother, who looked the part, but on the floor she surprised me with the graceful way she followed her new partner's moves.

When he brought her back, he reached for my hand and I went willingly. Given some of the raunchy sessions he'd tried to entertain me with at work, I expected to have to tie his hands down. Nothing could be farther from reality. He started out holding me very modestly, but as we continued from the first number into the second, which was an old tune called 'Twilight Time,' he pulled me a little closer and I came willingly.

That song was always a turn on for me and I found myself snuggling comfortably against his body, with my arms wrapped around his neck. I could feel his breath tickle my loose hairs as he nuzzled close to my ear. I expected to feel his hands taking liberties on my buns, but they remained near my waist, giving me no reason for compliant. Had it not been for the hard point poking my body just above my mons, I'd have thought I didn't attract him. The longer we dance the harder that thing poked, assuring me that wasn't the case.

Girls-night-out ended just before mid-night. Horny as a goat, I hurried home to find Sid waiting and watching a Doris Day movie. I knew right then I wouldn't be disappointed tonight. Doris Day, for some reason I never could understand, turned him on something fierce. As soon as I stepped through the door he was on me, kissing and telling me how much he loved me. He was wearing nothing but undershorts and a t-shirt, and it was a good thing. If he had been a man who preferred boxers, his hard shaft would have been pushing its way into the open.

"Easy Sugar, I just have'ta pee." I wiggled from his grasp and headed for the master bath. I could tell he was right behind me, so I rushed in and locked the bathroom door. I had expected to have enough kissing and light foreplay to explain my being so wet down there, but one glance at Sid let me know he was going for the gold and I didn't want to answer the questions that would follow his discovering how easily his fingers or worse still, his cock, would slip in.

"Just a minute, Honey. You make sure the house is locked and the lights off, while I get ready for my baby. Once I get you on that bed, you might not get off it until sunrise." I could hear him leaving the bedroom as I hurried to throw my wet panties in the laundry bin and wash 'down there'. That and a liberal application of powder erased all sign, or at least enough sign of how much fun I'd had dancing with David. Even though we did no more than what I mentioned, it had excited me so much I was sure my juice was running down my thigh. Well, it wasn't that bad, but my panties were soaked. If I'd thrown them against the wall, they would have probably stuck.

When Sid entered our bedroom, I was stretched out on our queen sized bed in my birthday suit. I threw him a kiss and spread my legs wide to give him a perfect view of his favorite spot. With a 'come hither' motion of my fingers I said, "Your dinner is awaiting master; won't you come dine at the 'Y'?

He literally leaped on the bed, almost bouncing me off. Without further ado he buried his face in my labia and his tongue found my clit. It was ready and waiting and when he circled the base, sort of flicking and licking my little man while slipping two fingers in the wet cavern just below, I started humping his face so violently he could barely keep contact.

"Oh god, baby, make me cum. Make me cum with that wonderful tongue of yours." He slowed to catch his breath and I moaned. "No...not now. Don't stop now, I'm cumming, I'm cuuummmmiiinnggg." And with a shudder I did just that.

After a few moments to recover, I handed him the towel I keep discreetly placed under my pillow. He wiped his face, which was shining with my juices. "What the hell did you girls do tonight? I haven't seen you that hot in ages."

"Nothing really, Honey. There was a good crowd and a lot of dancing taking place. Seeing the couples out there was sort of exciting, especially when you have as much wine as I did." Okay—so I can tell a lie; I don't smoke and, as of now, I don't screw around, so I guess you can say two out of three ain't bad.

"Wow! I know you said you girls danced sometimes, but I never saw you come home like this."

I figured I'd better get his mind off the party and back on us. "Your turn, Lover," I lay back, pulled my knees as high as I could get them and he took the hint. Kneeling between my thighs, he grabbed both ankles and placed them on his shoulders. I was wide open to anything he wanted in this position, and without further delay he guided his hard cock to its target. Using his free hand, he slid it along my wet groove. When the mushroom shaped head touched my clit I moaned. He continued to tease until I was going crazy.

"Come on, put it in! Stop teasing." I tried to wiggle my pussy to help it find the hole. After I threatened to cut it off and stuff it in myself, he laughed and rammed it to the hilt with one smooth motion.

I was so excited I knew I wouldn't last long and I didn't see how he would either. I was right; instead of the long slow strokes that would eventually lead to climax, he started right in on the quick short stabs, which considering our position, allowed the head to attack my g-spot.

In a few minutes, he groaned, "I'm coming," and I could feel him spurting inside.

"Me too," I moaned as I felt that old familiar tingle start and continue up my body until it seemed to explode from my head. The last thing I remember after that was mumbling, "Turn off the light," and putting my head on Sid's shoulder. That's how we awoke next morning; naked, cum all over everything, and the place smelling of sex, sex, and more sex.

"Let's shower," I said, "I'll change the sheets later."

Back at work, the only subject on Pat's mind was how badly I needed to experience another man, and with David hanging around making suggestions and telling me about how he'd make me feel, if only I'd give him a chance, my will power dwindled. Finally I could feel resistance breaking down, but the wall was never breached until later.

We went through several days when Sid was pissed about something, but he never said what. I got frustrated, one word led to another and we ended up hardly touching each other all weekend. By the time I went to work Monday, I was horny, so naturally that's when things went from bad to worse. I had to ride with David on a job that day; something about it being a job that required two people to be present.

From the time we left the shop David was like another man. "Sure loved the dance, April. It felt good to feel your body next to mine." That's when he put his hand on my knee.

"Quit," I said, taking hold of his hand and shoving it back in his lap. That was where I made my mistake. We wound up with my hand in his and he pulled it farther than I intended. He placed it right on the big bulge I'd noticed in his pants, and held it there. I could tell it was bigger and longer than Sid's but it didn't seem to be that much larger. I finally pulled my hand away, but not before some awful naughty thoughts went through my mind.

The rest of the day was one long session of him trying to talk me into giving in to him. He really made it sound good, the way he kept stressing that I really needed to have a man to compare Sid against.

"How else will you know if he's the best, or simply the only one you've had? You've had nothing to compare it to" That's when I found out Pat had been talking too much. I suspected she had been with him a few times, but I had no idea she'd told him about my only being with one man. With both him and Pat telling me about how much better a cock his size would make me feel, I began to wonder.

Between Pat continuing to tell me what I was missing during working hours and with David dropping by from time to time, turning on his charm, and believe me, he had a lot of it, I realized I was beginning to weaken.

Then I started rationalizing. After all, I was pretty sure Sid cheated that one time, back when Daddy was sick, so why couldn't I have just one fling. It wouldn't mean a thing. I'd just have a few dates with David; he'd show me how it felt to take something a little bigger. What could that hurt? Heck, just like Sid learned new tricks that made it better for us, maybe I'd learn something also.

One day I'd decided to tell Sid what I wanted for my anniversary gift; his okay to date other guys. I'd plan it all out in my head—I'd explain that I only wanted to do it a few times, just to see how it felt and then we'd be even. Of course he'd pretend he didn't know what I was talking about, but I'd squash that tactic in a hurry. Yes, I had a great plan; I'd tell Sid I wanted to date another man for our anniversary present—later.

Since Sid was wary of me hanging out with the girls, I reasoned it would be better if he met everyone. The county gave us a shop party one Friday and I had to almost beg to get Sid to attend. I wasn't sure he would until I saw him walk in. That was the night I took him in the back room and screwed him blind—the same party Sid wrote about. I think it might have worked, since from then on he didn't seem to get as up-tight before our nights out.

Like I said, day by day I kept edging closer to the slippery slope that I wouldn't, at that time, admit could lead to disaster. Finally the day came when I made up my mind. I was going to do it, whether Sid said okay or not. David seemed to be a really nice guy, and during our flirting he said he was only interested in a few one night stands, just like I was. I'd told him in no uncertain terms that I loved Sid, and would only be going along to see how it would feel to take on a bigger man.

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