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The Umbral Messiah Pt. 16


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"Now, while you deliberate, I shall leave my daughter back to her own, ahem, custodianship." He bowed. When Sari stood, she looked in control again, coughing.

Sari shook herself.

"Are you okay?" Charlotte, moving to her side, her upper hands placed upon her shoulders. Sari smiled, weakly.

"Better than I expected?" she asked. "I...didn't get displaced, like I normally did. I...I think I was in the demon realm. In the Void." She shook her head slowly, then licked her lips. "It was...since I wasn't of the Void, I had a past and a future there. In that time, in that short time, I..." Her eyes shone. "It was more beautiful and terrifying than I thought possible..." Her voice was soft.

The Corpse King frowned. "I admit, it was more convincing than I thought possible. But can we trust what he says? Or is it just a honey coated pill that holds nothing but hemlock?" She shook her head. "We're dealing with the fate of the world here. We cannot make a mistake."

"It's better than your idea," Hecate snapped.

"I don't really want to entrust our futures to people like my master, Phenrig," Sari shot back, pointing her finger at Hecate.

Charlotte, though, squeezed the reliquary in her hands.

And her eyes widened.

Her mouth opened and she let out a soft: "Oh!"

All three of the Messiahs looked at her.

"I just figured out why I'm here," Charlotte said. She grinned. "The prophecy of the Umbral Messiah is just a misunderstanding of ancient Chanti predictions about the Chosen. In response, we dreamed up my role - that last of a forelorn line..." She grinned, showing off her fangs. "But I've been changed too. I've been altered by my adventures. And you know what I've learned?" She narrowed all eight of her eyes. "Each of your ways has their faults. Each has their benefits. So..." She shrugged. "I shall defeat the Umbral choosing all three."

"What?" The Corpse King asked.

"We're dealing with a vast machine for altering the Barrier!" Charlotte exclaimed. "With the right formulation of arcane energies, empowered by this reliquary, I can do more than just reinforce the Barrier. I can reshape it. We carve the World into three portions. We give the surface, where free peoples live, to the Shattering. We give the heavens to the sleeping dead. And we give the deep earth, where no one dwells but lava and crushing rock, to the demons! The mystic barriers will keep each isolated from a magical perspective...but the physical barriers will be able to be overcome - allowing us to travel between realms, to choose which suits each of us best."


"W-Would that work?" Hecate asked. "I don't know how magic works."

The Corpse King rubbed her chin. "The sleeping dead don't have to have bodies," she said, quietly. "It could be void sustained spirits - that's how we get ghosts."

"Demons can shape anything with their minds and their will," Sari said. "Father?"

Her eyes closed. When they opened again, they were pure black.

"We'd appreciate the challenge," he rumble, cheerfully. "And before your kind, before the Chanti, there were tribes that believed that we lived beneath the earth anyway. It would be..." He licked his lips. "Fitting."

He slipped away again as Sari shook her head. She chuckled. "Well, Ranna, you will get to live." Her face shifted. "Oh goodie, I love living."

Charlotte, meanwhile, licked her lips slightly. "Now, to create these new realms, I will need to work upon each of you with all the powers of the Reliquary. But we'll need to mingle our souls so closely that we're almost in tune..." She rubbed her cheek. "We'd need to bring forth intense emotional states at exactly the same time. But-"

Sari's hand grabbed onto her ass. If asked, later, Sari would blame it on Ranna. She squeezed onto Charlotte's midnight black rump as all eight of Charlotte's eyes widened.

"O-Oh," she said. "That would work."

Hecate chuckled. "Fuck a gorgeous noblewoman to save the world? I'm down." She said, reaching up, beginning to undo the ties of her tunic, loosening them with quick jerks of her fingers. Charlotte chuckled, shaking her head.

"No no," she said. "You don't understand. You don't fuck me."

Her upper hands made a complex pass. Her mouth formed words that went into one ear and out the other, leaving nothing but the impression of their power and their complexity. Her fingers intertwined with one another and she put her upper palms down onto the top of the Reliquary while her lower hands pushed it against her crotch. A brilliant white light flared and Sari felt her skin prickle as a wash of energies flowed over her that felt distinctly hostile to her. When the light faded and she blinked the spots from her eyes, Sari stepped backwards. The Corpse King and Hecate did likewise, even as Hecate's tunic fell open, revealing the swell of her full breasts, the curve of her muscular abdomen, and the scars seaming her body.

Charlotte let out a slow whistle as she looked down at herself. She had grown to suit the Reliquary that now fused itself smoothly with her crotch - and shifted to suit it too. As the Reliquary was the cock of the Ninth Dragon, now Charlotte showed draconic features, mixing and blending with her feminine body and her spider-features. Her eyes glowed from a head that had grown twice as large, her shoulders broadening, her breasts swelling. She was no different in proportion...she was simply ten feet tall, with a two foot long golden dick that thrust from between her muscular, lightly scaled thighs. A long tail whipped behind her as wings fanned and fluttered - emerging from the complex joints of her shoulder blades, which still supported four arms for her torso. Her balls were heavy and glowed faintly with the thick, powerful, magical cum that sloshed inside of them.

Charlotte grinned, showing off all her very sharp teeth.

"I think I can get used to this," she crooned.

"Oh wow," Sari whispered, then yelped as she was grabbed, then planted onto the altar by the mighty strength of two of Charlotte's hands. The thickness of her dragon cock ground against Sari's member and Sari felt, for the first time, distinctly smaller than her partner. Her throat worked as she gulped and stammered. "C-Charlotte-"

"Shhh," the larger woman crooned. She leaned forward, her palms planting to either side of Sari's head. "Lets make tomorrow."

Her mouth pressed to Sari's mouth and her tongue unfolded into her mouth - a long, snakelike, draconic tongue. It thrust down Sari's throat and Sari felt a warm, throbbing heat pulsing through her body from her throat outwards. Her tongue felt numb, confused, and she coughed and whimpered as Charlotte drew back, chuckling, her tongue dripping warm splatters of thick spittle onto her face, her neck, her breasts. Each point of contact made Sari's skin blaze. She rocked her hips, grinding her girldick against Charlotte's girldick. She managed to moan a soft, musty: "Mwuah?"

"It'll help, don't worry," Charlotte chuckled, taking hold of her ankles, lifting and spreading and pushing down - pinning Sari's ankles next to her head, leaving her more open and more wanting than she had ever been in her life. Sari moaned wordlessly, bucking her hips as her girldick spurted against her belly. The massive other woman leaned forward, and her midnight back breasts almost suffocated Sari as they pressed around her head - Charlotte having to move forward that much to get her cocktip against Sari's puckered rosebud. Charlotte showed no mercy, and Sari wanted none, not then. Her body trembled as Charlotte thrust inch after inch after inch after inch into her, filling her as Sari's back arched and she let out a wordless wail of pure bliss.

Hecate chuckled, nervously. "Holy hell. I...I'd feel like a virgin to that..." she whispered.

"Hmm," the Corpse King muttered, while Sari grunted with the termination of every powerful, hip wrecking thrust that Charlotte fucked into her, her full, scaled balls clapping against her ruby red ass, leaving it glowing with the impacts as Sari's tail wrapped around her thigh and squeezed desperately. Charlotte's upper hands reached down, cupping her own breasts as she squeezed herself and watched Sari's face with every thrusting motion she made with her powerful hips.

"Look at her cum," she purred. "Sari, can you feel the power of it?"

Sari gasped out. "Yes! Oh Dragons yes! Yes! Yes!" Her cock twitched pulsed - again, she had lost count how often - as she came against her own belly and breasts. Her body trembled as she cradled her own head, squeezing her cheeks, her fingers pressing to her as she looked wildly upwards, her eyes glowing as she cried out. "I'm...losing my mind! Oh yes! Charlotte! I''re breaking me!" She trembled, crying out in orgasm as Charlotte fucked her rougher. Faster. Harder. The altar glowed beneath her and Sari felt the power of the altar as a secondary thing to the blazing flame of pleasure that was searing through her from every single one of Charlotte's plunging thrusts.

Charlotte closed her eyes, groaning. She breathed in - and she and Sari felt the shape of the power crackling between them. They felt the waves of the sea, lapping gently against the harbor of Shandil. They could feel the wind through trees untouched by war. They could feel it in the warmth of the sun overhead. And they both plunged down, down, down together. Charlotte's cock carved a channel not just into Sari, but through the molten earth beneath the dirt beneath their feet. Each thrust caused the ground to rumble and tremble as the Barrier was sculpted, shaped...turned into something more like a shovel than anything else.

Sari cried out, then grabbed onto Charlotte's shoulders. She leaned forward, closing her mouth around one rock hard nipple, and sucked on her lover and worldmaker, trembling as she came again. This time, though, as her anus clenched on the massive dragon dick that was destroying her, she felt the warm rush of Charlotte's girlcum as the larger woman cried out - a guttural, goddess-moan. Charlotte clutched Sari to her, then threw her head back as Sari nipped and nibbled on her teat. "Oh Sari! Yes!" Her cum rushed into Sari, filling her. Overfilling her. Spilling from around her shaft, swelling her belly. Sari gurgled in pure bliss, her eyes rolling back into her head.

The Earth shook as the first realm was crafted beneath their feet.

Charlotte panted, heavily, as she drew her shaft out of Sari, leaving her gaping and dripping with glowing white seed. Sari trembled and twitched, her tail lashing, and mumbled. "Oh yes. Oh yes. Oh yes."

The Corpse King stepped forward. She looked faintly hesitant. She tried to be commanding, speaking the words: "Charlotte, my dove-"

One of Charlotte's lower hands grabbed onto the Corpse King's head, then shoved down. The large, muscular woman let out a gasp as she was pushed to her knees before the throbbing, massive golden draconic cock that jutted from Charlotte's thighs and Charlotte's voice had a bit of a growl to it. "Shut up." She said, then grinned as she added. "I think I am going to enjoy the fact undead...don't need to breathe!" She let that last word snarl out as she bucked her hips forward, thrusting her cock down the shocked necromancer's throat. The Corpse King's eyes widened and her breasts heaved as she was impaled, her body trembling as her cool, tight throat enfolded the massive girth and length of Charlotte's new member.

Charlotte bucked her hips without mercy, letting her hefty balls clap against the necromancer-whore's chin - each firm slap ringing out through the air with a wet plap that was only made more lewd by the wet, gurgling, choking noises that escaped from the would be world savior. The Corpse King's full, gray breasts bounced with preternatural firmness as she was throat fucked, her body trembling as her girldick snapped to full hardness. Charlotte laughed and reached down with her lower hands, reaching them down to fondle and squeeze those breasts, to find her nipples and tug on them while her upper hands gripped onto the Corpse King's hair.

"Looks like someone forgot how pleasurable service can be," Charlotte panted, her eight eyes narrowing to thin slits, her lips skinning back as she smirked down at the Corpse King. "You said that to me, when you first throat fucked me. And I came. Oh how I came!" She laughed. "It looks to me, right now..." She paused, then thrust deeper still, holding the Corpse King against her black hips. The Corpse King trembled and her hips bucked weakly. A thin drip of her girlcum splattered onto the cold, black Chanti stones. "...right now, you're doing the same, Corpse King."

The groaned response was utterly incoherent. For all that was incoherent, it was clear enough to Charlotte.

She laughed, then started to throat fuck the Corpse King even faster. Her own large, black breasts bounced and jiggled deliciously with her hip bucking while she grunted and smirked. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh yes!" She moaned. Sari managed, finally, to sit up, her eyes still faintly dizzy looking. Charlotte groaned and thrust deeper, quivering as she clenched her balls and came down the Corpse King's throat. The Corpse King drank and drank and drank as her own girldick spurted onto the ground - thickly this time as she came with the throat fucking.

"Hot," Sari whispered as Charlotte pulled back. Her titanic draconic cock let loose with a spray of seed that painted the would be ruler of the world with enough cum to make her seem pale white all over. Cum splattered her neck, her breasts, her shoulders as Charlotte panted and groaned, her cock throbbing and...growing even harder as she grinned wickedly down at the second Umbral Messiah.

"Hows that? The Dragon of Life itself has a randy appetite, heh!" She laughed. "My dick's even more eager."

"Fuck your dick," Hecate moaned. "I'm so fucking horny." She moved towards the altar, bending over it. This put her mouth near Sari's, and Sari leaned forward, kissing her fiercely, driven by the emotion of the moment. Hecate kissed her back as Charlotte laughed. She cupped the entirety of Hecate's belly with one palm, holding her up just a bit - which gave Hecate enough time to look shocked before Charlotte thrust into her - fucking into Hecate with the same brutal disregard she had shown for Sari. But like with Sari, it was clear that Hecate loved every inch that was plunging into her. Charlotte groaned, sounding shocked.

"Fuck pussy feels even better than I expected," she moaned - and Sari craned her head around. She saw that not only was Charlotte taking pussy of the first time - and with gusto - but that the Corpse King had pushed herself forward and was adding herself to the pleasure, her tongue lapping the join between mercenary and dragon-touched noblewoman. Sari, her own cock still half hard, swung herself around on the altar as Charlotte plunged her dick into Hecate again and again and again, her lower hands gripping her hips, her upper hands gripping her shoulders, holding Hecate firmly in place as she used her almost like a toy of flesh than as a partner in love.

"Oh dragons yes! Yes! Yes!" Hecate moaned, her eyes half dizzy, half stone - but even her false eye was glowing with a blue-white light as pleasure coursed through her. Sari grinned down at her, caressing the mercenary's hair, then gripped said hair and dragged her mouth down. Hecate was more than happy close her mouth around the cock that thrust up towards her, and she moaned as she sucked and slurped greedily on Sari's dick. Sari moaned, her hips moving in unconscious time with Charlotte's as the altar beneath her began to glow...brighter and brighter.

The power flowing through the room began to crest again.

Sari clenched onto Hecate and moaned.

Charlotte fucked her harder, faster. Her upper hands slipped around to grope and squeeze and fondle the sellsword's tits. She rolled and tugged gently on those nipples, her eyes half closing as she purred. "I'm going to fill you up with a new world, you eager little whore." She growled and thrust deep, her balls tightenign as she trembled. Hecate moaned and pulled her head back just in time for Sari to lose her own control. Transparent, eager girlcum splattered against Hecate's cheeks as Sari moaned, while Hecate's belly swelled with every warm blast of worldcrafting spunk that Charlotte filled her with. White cum dripped and splattered onto the ground, glowing brightly as Charlotte churned her hips, pushing her dick deeper and deeper into Hecate each time.

Finally, she withdrew, gasping, and Hecate collapsed, her thighs locked around the Corpse King, who drank from her as greedily as if she was a chalice full of warm blood. Charlotte clenched her fists, pressed her hands together - opening them at the last second. Her four palms formed a wall around a gathering bead of purple fire, which throbbed before Sari's eyes. Sari watched, her tail lashing, as Charlotte licked her lips, her body quivering. At last, she seemed to have the power under her control...and with it controlled, she flung her arms wide.

Purple sparks exploded outwards around them. The ground shook and the Corpse King made a soft, happy groan. She sat up, from between Hecate's legs.

"I can feel it," she said, dizzily. "I...farewell." She breathed out. "Thank you, Umbral Messiah. Thank you."

Her eyes glowed once.

Then went dim.

And the body that had sustained her soul twitched, bucked, then fell backwards. Black lightning crawled along her form, sparking and hissing. Ash spread outwards from each line and seam of stitching, so that in short order, she was reduced to a pile of ash, which blew into the void with the faint gusting wind that began to gather up. Charlotte sighed out.

"She's gone to her realm," she said.

Sari groaned. Her body trembled. Her mind felt like it was crackling and hissing and popping. She clenched her teeth. "O-Oh no!" She exclaimed, but it was not her voice that spoke. It was Ranna. "I'm being called to the demon realm. I'm being unwound from Sari. I-" she choked. "Sari was dead, before I fused with her."

Charlotte's eyes widened.

"Sari!" she exclaimed, reaching out towards her.

Time seemed to stretch. Within Sari's mind, she felt Ranna, struggling to stay. Her voice echoed, separate from her own thoughts for the first time in a long while. The first sign of their gathering divide. My messiah! No! I will save you, I will! She blazed and Sari realized, with a lurch, that Ranna was willing to rend herself, to rend her spirit, into tiny fragments to try and save her life. Ranna had been her boon companion and her...despite everything...her friend. For this entire journey. She had saved Sari's life.


Sari was going to save Ranna's.

She closed her eyes and focused.

No! Ranna's voice exclaimed within her mind as Sari felt the snap in her spine as the old wound came once more to haunt her. She opened her eyes. The whole world seemed to be one vast tunnel, with Hecate and Charlotte looking down into her from a great, great distance.

Sari wheezed out, a single last word. "Love..."

Then her eyes went dim.

Then dark.


Three Months Later

Charlotte stood at the parapet of Shandil's walls, watching as engineers worked with cranes and hard labor and the magic of her newest apprentices. The stones they were lifting were settling into place, but the repairs to the fortification were just a stopgap. "We have to make sure that none of the other Free Cities try and attack us while we're weakened," Tanner said, smiling next to her as the two of them stood side by side. Tanner sighed, her hand dropping to the holy sword at her hip. "We've already heard rumors of Golandil sending scouts to peer at us. If they see our wall is fixed. And maybe the drakkon..." She nodded to a circling dot overhead. "...then we may avoid another war so soon after this one."

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