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The Unforgettable Road Trip Pt. 02

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The family grows closer.
21.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/26/2020
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Authors Note- Thank you for all of the feedback on the first part and I hope you enjoy the second part just as much. If you have any story suggestions either for this (I'm planning a final third installment of the series) or a new story, please let me know. Again, this story contains lesbian, straight and group sex, both between family members and others. This chapter is much more sexual than the previous one. Enjoy!

18- Realizations

"Where do you think they are?" Henry asks, preparing to cook dinner.

"I'm not sure. Veronica left her phone on the bed there and Pat didn't pick up. They probably just got distracted swimming or napping or something." Penny replies, putting her phone down. "I'll go get them." Penny sets out down the trail by herself, knowing it is only a short walk to the falls. As she gets closer, she hears the soft moans of a woman. Someone's having a good time. She thinks with a chuckle to herself, but as she gets closer to the falls, the sounds of sex only get louder. The moans have a strangely familiar quality to them, but she cannot put a finger on who it is.

Penny ducks off the trail and into the woods, still making her way to the falls. Where could I possibly know this person from? Maybe I just think I know who it is. She wonders as she walks and ducks under low hanging tree branches. She moves slowly, being careful to be as silent as possible. The woman's moans are much closer now, sounding like they are just off to Penny's left. Penny ducks under another low hanging branch and the waterfall comes into view. She crouches down now, to avoid being seen. From her hiding spot, she can see a man's legs and a woman on top of him, bouncing on his cock. The woman has long curly brown hair to the middle of her back. Where are the kids? Penny wonders for a moment, before losing herself in the show before her. She slips a hand under panties and runs a finger over her entrance before working her way back up and circling her clit.

This is wrong but also really hot! Penny thinks to herself, enjoying her view of the strangers. The woman leans forward, her body trembling as she quite obviously cums and her moans reaching a peak. Lucky girl! That guy must know what he's doing! Penny thinks, her own pussy growing wet. The woman starts to hump at the man in small motions, clearly enjoying the sensation. Penny slips her leggings and panties down onto her thigh, allowing herself easier access. She slips two fingers into her slick hole and starts pumping them in and out as the woman gets off the man. Her hair falls down into her face as she gets on her hands and knees, facing Penny.

Penny crouches down and keeps fingering herself, excited for the show. Her own vagina is dripping wet and her juices glisten on her fingers. The woman before her brushes the hair out of her face and suddenly Penny has a realization. That's Veronica! You're getting off to your own daughter getting fucked! "Oh fuck!" She mouths to herself as the girl turns around. Penny follows her daughter's gaze up to the face of the man behind her. She sees her son's face behind Veronica. Penny's daughter moans as her son thrusts forward, sinking his cock into his sister.

Penny's fingers stop inside her as she freezes up, uncertain of what to do. Do I stop this and say something to them? What the fuck would I even say? Do I tell Henry? Do I just keep watching? Should I let this relationship run its course? How can I forgive myself for getting off to this? A million questions shoot through Penny's mind, each one just adding to her uncertainty. But as Pat starts to thrust in and out of Veronica, all of these thoughts are quickly pushed out of Penny's mind. As if acting on their own, her fingers start to pump in and out of her pussy once more, trying to find the same rhythm with which her daughter is being fucked.

No! This is wrong... I should stop it! Penny thinks, but even as this thought crosses her mind, she makes no attempt to stop the perversion before her. If anything, Penny feels herself becoming more horny as she watches. She looks down at her own body, her fingers still toying with her sopping wet pussy, as she teeters on the edge of orgasm. With her free hand, Penny gropes her breasts through her shirt, toying with her hard nipples. Her fingers resume their work down below, her juices streaming down them into her panties.

She glances back up at Pat's hard thrusts, each impact of his cock causing her daughter's breasts to swing forward. She bunches up part of her shirt to muffle herself as she feels herself start to cum. She tries to hold in a moan and just focus on breathing through her nose. She closes her eyes as her legs wobble, weak from her orgasm.

Catching her breath, Penny looks back up and her jaw drops, letting her top fall back into place. Pat has thrusted forward, his cock deep inside Veronica, a look like he is about to cum on his face. Shit, these are my children! How could this turn you on? Penny asks herself, pulling up her panties and leggings immediately after. She silently ducks from her hidden post, making her way back onto the trail. As she moves through the woods, she wonders what she will say. Do I even mention I saw this? Pretend I haven't seen anything? Should I tell Henry? What would he think of me if he knew what I did?

Making sure to step on all of the sticks she can to make sure her children hear her coming. I need to think about what I'm going to do. Confronting them now won't help. She decides, rounding the corner of the trail and seeing her kids. As she gets closer, she can tell they hurriedly dressed when they heard her coming. Veronica's hair is a mess and her face is sweaty. Pat is basically the same as his sister. "It's getting close to dinner, we should get back." Penny says, looking back and forth between her children. A quick glance down at her daughter's crotch shows that cum is leaking out of her recently fucked vagina. She quickly pulls her eyes away. Are you just going to stand there or are you going to come back with me?" She adds a moment later.

"Let's get going." Veronica says with a sideways look at her brother.

As the trio begin to walk, Penny looks back at her daughter, seeing more cum has pooled in the crotch of her bikini bottoms. She smiles, getting the idea to toy with her daughter. "That's a really skimpy bikini Ver. When did you get it?" She asks, not having ever seen her daughter wear something like it before.

"I picked it up with Ashley at the mall one day. Like it?" Veronica replies, doing a slow twirl for her mother. That thing gets swallowed up. Veronica must be a little show off! Penny thinks, surprised at how open Veronica is being. Maybe because she's getting laid... even it is with her brother. Penny thinks, her eyes darting between the two as she tries to process what she saw.

"I do. It really shows off your body nicely. You'll probably turn a lot of heads when you wear it to the beach. Especially when it disappears like that." She nods at her daughter's rear, toying with Veronica. Her daughter blushes but looks happy. Maybe her getting laid is a good thing. And for all I know this was just a one time thing. I suppose it's okay for them to experiment like this. She thinks, wondering if this is rational for a mother to think like this.

Penny spends the rest of her night in a daze. Veronica kept her revealing bikini on for dinner and stealing a quick glance at it when Veronica stood up, it was now very obvious that Pat had cum inside his own sister. As she and Henry crawl into bed and begin kissing passionately, her thoughts wander. She thinks about her children earlier in the woods, how passionate and sexy they are. I wonder what they're doing right now? Maybe they are waiting for Henry and I to fall asleep so they can have their fun.

She is pulled from these thoughts by Henry slipping a hand down the front of her shorts. "You're so wet... must be really horny right how." He whispers to her.

Penny smiles, "That's because I know there's a big cock for me right down here." She says, placing her hand on Henry's hardening cock. I'm not going to tell him. This will be my dirty secret. She decides, moaning softly in Henry's ear as his fingers slip past her entrance and probe her wet hole.

19- Swingers Paradise

"Your father and I are going to take a hike for a while. We'll be back tonight for dinner though." Penny says, to Veronica and Pat, knowing full well her children will take advantage of their time together. "Go on a hike, take a swim at the beach, whatever you choose to do, but make sure it's within walking distance and take a key with you." She adds.

"Where are you and dad going? You weren't really clear on that." Veronica asks.

Henry steps in, "We are going to a couples spa day at a resort nearby. We should be gone until late this afternoon."

Veronica nods, seeming like she is thinking about something else. "Bye kids!" Penny says, as she and Henry step out of the camper into the warm morning. They start walking down the trail to the resort.

"You have the papers?" Henry asks.

Penny nods, "Of course." She reaches into her bags and pulls out the medical tests. "You don't think they suspect anything do you?" She asks.

Henry shakes his head, "That their parents are going to a swingers club? No way. Veronica would probably gag at the mention of something like that."

Penny nods, thinking, I know that's not true at all. "It's going to be weird getting back into it like this, after all this time of not being a part of the lifestyle."

Henry nods, "I know. But remember how fun those parties were." Penny smiles, thinking back on the many times they had gone to these types of clubs before. They walk the rest of the way in silence. The whole time, Penny feels herself becoming more nervous. I know I used to do these all the time, but I haven't gone since before we had Pat. She thinks. A short while later, they come to a medium sized building near the edge of the park. They enter and show their ID's and paperwork to the receptionist.

"Let me show you to the lockers." The receptionist says, brushing some hair out of her face. She leads them down a hallway, with dim lights and a wooden floor. She opens a door and motions for the Millers to step inside. "You have locker number 27. Please keep the key around one of your wrists for the duration of your time here." She says. "There are two robes inside, please return them to the appropriate container before you leave. The rest of the resort is through the far door. Please have fun and enjoy yourselves." She says, closing the door behind Penny and Henry.

"This place is fancy." Henry says with a chuckle, starting to undress. Penny nods and joins him in stripping. They open the locker and both dress in a robe, locking up the rest of their belongings. "So want to get started?" Henry asks, tying his robe in front of his chest. Penny smiles and nods, taking his hand as the two enter the main area of the resort. Scattered around the area is a bar, tables, a stage for bands, places to play checkers or chess, a bocce court, an area to play horseshoes and several cornhole boards and sandbags set up. There are several tents off to the side and multiple couples lounging around, some nude, others wearing robes.

"Where should we start?" Penny asks, looking around at it all.

"Why not the bar?" Henry asks, leading her over there. "Two mimosas please." He says to the bartender as they sit down at it. A moment later, the man comes back with their drinks. "Thank you." Henry says, handing one to Penny and keeping the other for himself. They clink their glasses together and both take a sip. They eye some of the other couples from afar, and see some of them looking back.

"Who do you think we should talk to first?"

Henry shrugs, "Why don't you pick? This place was your idea after all."

Penny smiles and looks around. "Them." She says, nodding at a younger looking couple playfully tossing cornhole sandbags at each other.

"They look young." Henry says.

"Then I fuck a young stud and you fuck a sexy young woman." Penny giggles, taking another sip of her mimosa.

Henry nods and stands, "Let's go see them then." They make their way over to the other couple. They introduce themselves as Ria and Mike. Mike is tall and muscular, a plumber by trade. Ria, his girlfriend, is a redhead, with a big smile on her face and a curvy figure men would drool over.

"What about a game or two?" Penny suggests. "We can do it one couple against the other."

Ria and Mike exchange a glance. "Why not?" She says, standing next to Henry by one of the boards. Mike and Penny stand by the other. They start tossing the sandbags back and forth, not really keeping score.

After missing again, Penny laughs, "I'm usually better than this."

"Try taking off your robe. It might help your aim." Ria supplies, winking at the older woman.

Penny laughs, before stopping. "Are you serious?"

Ria and Mike both nod. "Of course I am! Mike and I are at a swinger club. We came here for one thing, a good time! For all I care, we can all get naked!" Mike voices his agreement.

Penny and Henry exchange a look. "Why not." Penny says after several seconds of silent contemplation. Her hands quickly undo the knot in the front of her robe and she lets it fall open, revealing her bare front. From next to her, Mike leans forward to get a better look. Penny looks up and the others have all undone or completely removed their robes. This is silly. I'm at a swingers club. She takes off her robe completely and exposes her naked body for all present to see. Ria and Mike are both clearly looking at her.

"You look great." Mike says, turning towards her, his hand brushing over her bare hip. Penny smiles to herself, and glances over at her husband. Henry appears to be enjoying his conversation with Ria, trying hard to tear his eyes off of her firm, sexy breasts several times.

Penny clears her throat, getting everyone's attention. "Should we continue or go somewhere a bit more private?"

Ria laughs, "Let's play for who goes first. You and Mike versus Henry and I. If we win, you have to watch us have sex. If your husband and I lose, you and Mike have sex while Henry and I watch."

20- Tent Time

Penny pushes open the flap of the empty tent and walks inside, followed by her husband, Ria and Mike. The inside is softly lit by fairy lights hanging from the ceiling, with mattresses around the room, clearly there for one purpose. Penny's heart beats in her chest as she takes a seat on the far side of the room. She and Mike had lost. Not that I'll ever admit it but I did miss my last few throws on purpose. Ria is a sexy young thing and I can't wait to see her and Henry! She thinks, feeling Mike sit directly behind her. Penny leans back, her body pressing against his strong chest. Ria and Henry begin to kiss passionately, his hands reaching to grope her firm breasts.

Ria's hands start to slide down Henry's stomach, finding his cock down below. She slowly strokes his half-erect member, her other hand slipping between her thighs. Penny feels herself growing wet from watching. Seeing Henry with another woman had always turned her on. Their kissing grows more passionate and soon Ria is rubbing the head of Henry's cock over her slit, getting ready for him to slip inside her. Ria pulls away from him and leans back on the mattress, spreading her legs wide. Henry kneels between them, his hard member aimed directly at her slit.

He thrusts forward, sinking his cock into Ria. She lets out a squeal of pleasure as Henry begins to thrust in and out of her tight body. Penny feels Mike's now hard cock pressing against her back. I'm in for a treat later... She thinks, growing wetter at the sight of her husband and Ria. She resists the urge to slip her hand down between her legs and start playing with herself.

Grabbing onto her hips, Mike begins to rapidly thrust in and out of Ria, her moans filling the tent. Penny watches the young woman's breasts bounce with each impact of her husband's pelvis against her body. Penny is momentarily distracted by her breasts being groped. She looks down and sees Mike's hands gently kneading them, his head resting on her shoulder.

She looks back up to see Henry pull his cock out of Ria and lie on his back. The redhead straddles Henry, slowly stroking his cock while she aims it up at her wet pussy. She lowers herself onto Henry, keeping a hand placed in the middle of his chest. She starts to bounce up and down, her breasts and ass jiggling as she takes Henry's entire length. She picks up speed as Henry's hands cup her breasts, playing with them. Ria's breathing grows heavier and her moans become louder.

"That's it... just like that... you're gonna make me cum..." She pants, slowing down to grind against Henry.

"And you'll make me cum." Henry replies, reaching around and giving her ass a playful squeeze. Ria smiles and goes back to passionately riding Henry. Her moans grow louder as she rides him, lifting herself almost completely off of his cock then slamming herself back down.

"I can't wait to have our turn." Mike whispers in Penny's ear, his hands cupping her breasts and giving them a gentle squeeze. Penny leans sideways and kisses his cheek.

"I can't wait to feel that cock inside me." She whispers back, lifting herself up and positioning herself on Mike's lap. She can feel his cock just under her pink slit, ready to fill her as soon as Henry and Ria finish up. She looks back up to see Ria leaning forward over Henry, grinding against him and panting heavily. Henry slowly lifts and lowers his hips, an expression of pure pleasure on his face.

Ria lifts herself off of him and gets on her hands and knees in front of Penny. She wiggles her hips side to side, enticing Henry to fuck her from behind. Henry grabs hold of her hips and sinks his cock into her waiting pussy. Ria shudders and moans as her pussy is filled once again. Henry picks up speed, slamming into her over and over. His grunts and her moans fill the room.

Ria reaches out and starts rubbing Penny's clit as she is fucked from behind. Mike nudges Penny forward and she inches closer to the young woman taking her husband from behind. Ria leans forward and begins to lap at Penny's clit, her tongue sinking into the older woman. "Oh fuck..." Penny gasps as Ria's fingers circle her clit and her tongue slips past her lips. She presses herself forward against Ria, enjoying the sensation. Mike is behind her once again, his hard cock pressing against her back. His hands reach around her and fondle her breasts once again.

Ria pulls away and moans softly, as Henry buries himself inside her. His cock twitches, shooting several strands of cum deep into the redhead. He tries to pull out, but Ria keeps herself pressed against him, letting out a soft moan each time another rope of hot, white cum fills her. She turns around and smiles at him. "That feels so good..." She sighs. Turning back and facing Penny, the young redhead leans in and kisses the older woman on the lips. Penny is momentarily surprised, but quickly recovers and returns the kiss. When they part, Ria says, "Now I think it's time you and Mike have your fun."

Penny nods as Mike moves around her and sits in front of her. The two of them begin to kiss as Penny reaches down and strokes his cock. Mike's hands playfully grab her breasts, fingers paying attention to her nipples. The more he plays with her, the more Penny can't resist her hormones. When they part she whispers in his ear, "I want you to fuck me."

"Then get on your back." Mike replies, giving her breasts another playful squeeze.

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