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The Unspoken Society Pt. 05: Date Night

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First dinner at the club, with a new date!
14.5k words

Part 5 of the 9 part series

Updated 04/27/2024
Created 12/28/2023
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Fifth Part of The Unspoken Society series. In the previous story, Full Members, Traci and Justin become members of the club and are assigned mentors who give them a very personal tour of the clubhouse.

Traci and I went through club orientation and got our own key fobs and phone cubbyholes. The class basically reinforced what we had already learned from our mentors. We were excited to have full access to the club and its activities. All the announcements would come over the encrypted chat network, and a club member loaded the club address book into the application. We were instructed to use that to communicate with club members versus other methods.

"Your messages disappear quickly," they told us. "You can always ask for a resend if you forget something."

We also learned that we could expect invitations to join other members for private fun and games, but that they would hold off until we had attended a few club meetings. Traci gave me a wink when we heard that. The club also had a policy of avoiding a cold call invitation, expecting the members to have met before and discussed it. We left and made inspired love, aroused from the possibilities in the future.

A few days later, Monica and Erik met with Traci and I for a walk to discuss our first club meeting.

"Now that you've been through orientation, we want to get you into the club programs," Monica started. "Next meeting is a dinner date night. Everyone loves those. Would you be okay with us choosing your partners?"

"Of course," Traci answered. "We wouldn't know where to start."

Monica and Eric laughed. "Well, you could start by working off the waiting list for each of you. But, we'll help with that. We were thinking about Sophia and Brandon, whom you know as your hosts Mindy and Jake from your club interview. They are a wonderful couple—fun, vivacious, affirming—and we have personal knowledge that they know what they're doing in the bedroom. Also, you really made an impression on them that first evening, and they both begged us to set them up. I figured your first dinner should be a sure thing with an easygoing partner who is dying to get you into bed."

Traci blushed. "That does sound appealing."

I laughed. "Excited, girlfriend?"

"Just want to impress my dinner date, Justin."

We all laughed. Monica continued, "And we would like to help you impress both your dates. Perhaps you should set up a double date earlier in the day and do something fun with both of them. They will really appreciate your interest in spending more time with them, and you will feel much more comfortable when you see each other romancing your date over dinner. It will really help the sparks fly later when you've gotten to know them better outside the club, and they feel your own interest and attraction. I have a feeling that both Sophia and Brandon will want to make your first club dinner a memorable occasion."

We kicked around some ideas and agreed on a hike. It would give us privacy and plenty of time with our dates for the evening.

"I'll let them know that you are excited to meet them and to expect your call," Monica said as we were finishing up. "Traci and Justin, your rep is going to go up even higher after this date."

Traci fanned herself and we all shared a final laugh.

"I have the best girlfriend ever," I said.

"Yes, you do, Justin," Eric replied with a smirk. "Monica and I haven't forgotten that you owe us for that."

Traci grabbed me by the waist and faced them. "Justin and I pay our debts," she said with conviction.

Monica grabbed Eric and faced us back. "And you have already made a major payment with the second girlfriend/boyfriend thing. Perhaps we're in mutual debt at this point?"

Eric laughed. "That may be true, but I've never been fair, babe."

"Just keep thinking you're in charge, boyfriend," Monica shot back. Traci squeezed me around the waist. We said goodbyes and split up.

"They are a good example for us, aren't they?" Traci said while she kept her arm possessively around me.

"Yeah. Mutual respect, but definitely keeping each other on their toes. Not a bad example to follow."

We figured out our first Ether chat session and sent Sophia and Brandon our thoughts for Saturday. We got an enthusiastic response.

"We are so excited to go hiking with you. What a fantastic idea!"

We messaged a little more to set up a meeting time and place.

Saturday, we all met at my car. Sophia looked really good in her hiking outfit—functional yet sexy, with well-fitting clothes, boots, and a brim hat that set off her curvy figure.

"Is it okay to say that you look fantastic, Sophia?" I asked, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Justin, it is always okay to say that," she replied with a big smile. "This is a date. You are allowed to butter up your companion. Believe me, Brandon will compliment Traci as soon as he reels his tongue back in his mouth."

Traci chose that moment to turn and face Brandon.

He recovered quickly. "Traci, I didn't know that hiking attire could look so good. You look perfect."

"Why, thank you," Traci answered. "Shall we get into the car? I thought I could join you in the back and let Sophia keep Justin awake?"

"Great idea, Traci."

We all chatted on the way to the park. Occasionally, Sophia would touch my arm or leg when she told me a funny tale. I patted her leg back affectionately. I could see why Monica and Eric liked them. They were both just fun to be around.

We got started on the hike, and we all walked together for a while, chatting. We took a side trail, and we could feel a sense of solitude in this section of the park. Traci and Brandon got ahead of us, and we naturally drifted behind.

"She's gorgeous, Justin. I'm envious of her athletic figure," Sophia said, looking ahead.

I took Sophia's hand. "She is. But I'm really working not to stare at you. You fill out your hiking outfit very nicely."

Sophia smiled. "So you like curvier women too?"

"You know what turns me on? When a woman fits in her own skin. Traci is lean and athletic, and her personality runs the same way. You are sensual and voluptuous, and you have the corresponding infectious, bright personality. So I'm really enjoying spending some time with you. If I hadn't met Traci already, and this was my first date with you, I would be eager to see where it led. You look good, and you make me feel welcome and desired. What's not to like? Brandon is a very lucky guy to have you."

Sophia squeezed my hand. "Justin, I'm tingling inside. Thank you for that sincere validation. You already know I was begging Monica to snare you, and I feel wonderful to know that you find me so attractive, inside and out. This is going to be a great day!"

I smiled and squeezed her hand back. "Let's get to know each other some more."

We chatted about our homes, families, school, friends—all the things you would expect. I got to see some of the things that made Sophia who she was. And, fuck, I was attracted. Sure, she had struggles in her life, but she saw the positive side in things and gave everyone a lot of grace. She warmed my heart, and my dick followed quickly after that.

I think she could see the effect she was having on me. And I could see her heating up as well.

"Justin," she said at one point. "I'm hyperventilating. You are locked into everything I say, and I'm boiling over."

I laughed. "Sophia, is it okay to say that I'm head over heels? I don't know what is happening."

"We are happening, Justin. I just want you to know. We are good for each other. You'll always have a secret admirer."

"May I have a kiss?"

Sophia batted her eyes. "You may."

I took her into my arms, and we kissed passionately. It wasn't taking anything away from Traci to realize that I had a few wild oats to sow, and It was super easy to sow them with such a willing and fiery partner.

We separated, breathless. Sophia got her voice back.

"I promise that I will be a witty and vivacious dinner date, Justin. I also promise that I'm going to fuck you into next year after that."

"I like those promises."

"You'd better."

We grabbed hands and got moving again. We saw Traci and Brandon up ahead. Of course, my perceptive girlfriend could already tell what was going on.

"If I didn't know you were such a slow burn lover, I would say that you'd already gotten into your date's panties," she said with a smirk.

I looked at her and Brandon. They were barely keeping their hands off each other. "I've always heard that the best defense is a good offense."

"And what are you insinuating, boyfriend?"

"I don't see any defensive coaches around here."

Traci laughed. "Let's get moving, loverboy."

We finished the hike, this time all together, but I often held hands with Sophia. I could tell she really enjoyed it. Traci and Brandon did the same. When we got closer to the main trail, we all dropped hands just in case we saw anyone we knew.

We got back to town and said temporary goodbyes to our dates. I walked Traci back to her apartment.

"Yes," she said, "I had a great time with Brandon. He's fun and easy to be around. I'm looking forward to this evening."

"Same with Sophia. She was very envious of your figure."

"She didn't look too envious when you two walked up. In fact, I'd say my figure was about the last thing on her pretty little mind."

I laughed. "I managed to talk her out of that envy. We hit it off pretty well."

"I could see it. And I'm guessing you could see the same for Brandon and me?"

"You two looked ready to find a room."

Traci fanned herself. "I can see why Monica set us up with them. They just sweep you off your feet. They are both so genuinely happy to be with us. It melts my heart, and other places."

"I know what you mean. Okay, girlfriend, go in and get dolled up for your date tonight. I'll pick you up at 5:30? Sophia said not to be late for the mixer."

"She wants her full time to seduce you, boyfriend."

"No doubt. And you can work your wiles on Brandon."

"Got to keep my seduction skills sharp."

"Of course." We kissed and I left Traci to clean up.

I walked over and met Traci, and we took a bus downtown. We used our new key fobs to get into the club, then we put away our phones. Monica had said that we should dress like any other college date, so I wore a dress shirt and some nice jeans. Traci went with a clingy top and a skirt. She looked "hot first date" good. We opened the door to the main room, and we were met with an array of voices. Sophia and Brandon saw us and walked over.

"Wow, Traci, you look amazing!" Brandon got out first this time. Traci winked, and we all laughed. I then took a good look at Sophia. She wore a form-fitting top that emphasized her full chest, and the hourglass taper at her waist. Her hips filled out a skirt below, and I got a look at legs that tapered down to stylish sandals. Her hair framed her friendly, intelligent, but mischievous face.

"Sophia, you make any outfit look amazing," I said, and she lit up.

"Justin, you clean up well yourself. I'm looking forward to the evening."

"I think we all are," Traci added, moving over to stand beside Brandon.

Sophia moved over to me and took my arm. "Shall we mingle? I'd like you to meet some people."

"Of course, Sophia. Brandon, Traci, will you excuse us?"

"See you in the morning, loverboy," Traci deadpanned, and we all cracked up.

"You too, girlfriend. Have a great evening."

Sophia steered me over to a bar area, and she recommended a mocktail for me. The room was filling up, and she guided me to a couple that had just walked in.

"Good friends of ours," she whispered before we got there and she introduced me to them. We chatted a little before their respective dates showed up and they paired off. After that, Sophia led me to several groups, moving gracefully through the crowd, making effortless introductions, and chatting up a number of couples. She kept me included, and she made my first club mixer fun and relaxing. I did meet several women I knew through classes, and each of them winked or smiled when they caught my eye. I chuckled to know that they had flirted with me and gave a report to the club. I would enjoy seeing them again through club activities, that's for sure.

Eventually, the gong sounded for dinner, and we all eased out of our conversations and made our way upstairs to the dining area. We found our cards at a table for two.

"Monica set up your evening," Sophia explained. "She is one of the social directors, so she figures out pairings for the evening, as well as seating. She has a position of great power, so you want to stay on her good side." We both laughed. "She also selected your menu for the evening. You'll learn how to do that later."

"Monica knows me pretty well, so I'm sure it will be great," I replied.

"My advice, Justin? Let her keep doing that. In fact, let her arrange all your social pairings. She is really good at it. I let her do mine, and she sets me up with guys that work well for me. She takes my feedback and keeps things interesting but also right up my alley. And I suspect that the guys I meet have just come off a slender girl for their previous date. They all seem entranced by my body."

"I don't think it matters who they saw before, Sophia."

She batted her eyes. "You say such the nicest things. Anyway, I trust Monica. Like tonight, look who I got. I'm the envy of every girl in this room."

We both laughed, and Sophia continued.

"We've all been waiting to meet the couple who Monica and Eric personally mentored. They could have recruited you into the club sooner, but they waited. I suspect they wanted you and Traci to bond tight before exposing you to all this." She waved her hand in the air. "You both have an innocence about you, and we can all see the affection you have for each other. But, you both seem to melt down with others. It's an attractive combination."

"I've suspected Monica is a little protective about us."

"Suspect?" Sophia laughed. "Justin, none of us are going to ruffle a hair on either of your golden heads. Well, maybe in bed we will. But, Monica and Eric are big in this club. And they've put a lot of themselves into the Justin and Traci project. We all feel it. So it's an honor for me to get you for a date. I know I'm the fun, easy lay, and I'm guessing that's why Monica made me your gateway girl."

"Sophia, I don't think of you as a gateway girl."

"That's why I'm loving this date so much, Justin. You are genuinely attracted, and I can feel it. And I'm not chumming for reassurance. I really am a fun, easy lay. That's why I like this club—it works well for chicks like me. I would struggle out there in the real world. Here, I've got a bunch of guys that like me for who I am and take care of me."

We chatted easily through dinner. I really enjoyed Sophia as a date, and she sparkled. She also literally drew me in, leaning close and touching me to share a witty remark or confidence. We formed our own little world in this room full of chattering, excited people.

"Sophia, may I say again that I'm loving getting to know you? That you make a fantastic dinner companion?"

She batted her eyes and leaned in. "You certainly may, Justin. I don't ever tire of hearing that." Then her hand brushed her top, and a little more cleavage peaked out. She looked up, caught my eyes, and winked.

"Is it warm in here, or just me?" she teased.

"You look scorching, and I'm getting hot myself," I replied.

We both laughed and continued our conversation. I learned that she had a number of good friends in the club,

"Brandon and I recruited one couple ourselves. Made life easier when they could know what we were doing, and it doesn't hurt that we get to fuck them. You'll make some good friends in the club. When you've watched a couple making love, you tend to bond easily. You're already intimate."

"I hadn't thought about that," I replied, chuckling. "Not too many secrets around here."

"No kidding."

We finished dinner and ate a little dessert. Not too much. Some couples had already left, but we lingered, talking and laughing.

"I like that you're not in a hurry," Sophia said.

"Like Traci mentioned, I'm a slow burn kind of guy. And I'm really enjoying the evening."

"Me, too. And a romantic dinner always puts me in the mood. Shall we find our room?"

I took her hand and we went downstairs to find our overnight bags that we had stashed. Sophia led me to the room she had reserved.

I let Sophia go first in the bathroom. She came out in a soft blue chemise that showcased her figure.

"Wow! You look amazing!" I said.

"Thanks! Just come out in your underwear. Figured I'd make things simpler for both of us. The 'easy lay' and all that."

I laughed. "Well things aren't easy in my pants after getting a look at you."

Sophia chuckled. "Go get ready for bed, lover boy."

I did just that and came out in my tented boxers. Sophia reclined in the bed.

"Looking good, Justin," she said. "Join me?"

"Love to."

She opened up the sheets and I slid beside her.

We snuggled together and looked into each other's eyes. I watched hers crinkle into a smile, and my own followed. By some hidden signal, we both leaned in, and our lips touched.

I felt warmth, fun, and affection come across from Sophia. My hands went to her sides, and she sighed when I slid my fingers along her back. Her fingers gently brushed up my chest and arms.

We kissed for a long while, then pulled back to come up for air.

"You kiss fantastic. I'm really going to enjoy this evening," Sophia said.

"Me too, Sophia. I'm loving this."

We resumed kissing, and this time, our hands ranged further. I traced along her face and neck, searching for her erogenous spots. I played with her silky hair, which she really enjoyed. I felt her doing the same to me.

Sophia's lips and tongue started moving from affection to passion. I moved my hands along her arms, finding a couple of more spots. When I touched her wrists, she moaned. I brushed along the sensitive skin, and I felt Sophia's body writhe beside me. Heat flowed into me from the waves coming off her.

Suddenly, Sophia's hands pushed me onto my back, and she rolled on top of me. Her body straddled my legs, and I felt her heat when she settled her junction just above my tented boxers. She pulled back and locked eyes with me.

I looked into her expressive eyes, and I saw a lot of things. She had surprised herself by jumping on top, and her rational mind was wondering what happened. There was the affection, trust, and affirmation from our day together. But overpowering all that was a primal need, and a command to me. Okay, big boy, you got me here. I'm totally worked up, and I haven't even got my clothes off. You'd better deliver.

My eyes said a number of things back, including a mental chuckle that the fun, easy lay was out the window. Sophia saw that, and an answering message came back. That could have been us, but you didn't want that, did you? You wanted the mad, passionate, demanding Sophia. And you've got her.

I pulled her head down and answered with my lips. My hands ranged freely, caressing her ass through the chemise and finding there were no panties underneath. Then up her sides, slowly working toward her breasts while she moaned and panted, encouraging me to go faster. At some level, she must have known that I would tease her mercilessly, because I couldn't stop her from grinding her pussy against the top of my cock with her straddling me like this.

My hands finally found the swell of her full breasts, and she arched her chest to give me room to work. I explored all around, figuring out more spots, but I also worked with the fabric of her chemise. While very opaque, the material felt thin and silky. I stretched it across her nipple, and she gasped. I found I could caress the sensitive top of her breasts while also dragging it across the nipples below. Sophia jammed her tongue into my mouth when she felt that. I kept playing with the fabric, learning what it could do to her body. Apparently, a lot. Finally, I cupped her heaving breasts into my full hands and rasped my palms across her nipples.

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