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The Vampire's Dancer Ch. 01

Story Info
A mysterious stranger saves Lierah from a would-be rapist.
1.8k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/10/2012
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Authors Note:

This is the first part of my first story so please excuse any awkward places or mistakes. This is set in England where I'm from, so some places may not be familiar.

I hope you enjoy and I would really appreciate any feedback.

This is a romance between a vampire and a human; hopefully the story will progress well. If you're looking for a quick fix, this probably isn't for you.


Lierah Nicholas looked herself over in the full length mirror hanging on the back of the door of their cramped bathroom. She studied herself carefully, from her long deep auburn hair to her high heeled black boots.

"Lierah! Hurry up, I wanna get outta here!" shouted her impatient roommate Charlotte. She sighed and swiftly opened the door. Her stubborn friend stared at her with hands on hips and eyebrows raised, a pout settling on her ruby lips. She wore a black boosteeyay and a red skirt pulled high to accommodate it, this paired with six inch stilettos. She smiled at her friend, hugging her shoulders lightly.

"Happy?" She asked innocently.

"Humph" She stated, dropping her hands. She couldn't stay mad for long, not with Lierah's teasing nature.

"Let's go." Lierah said cheerfully and linked arms with Charlotte.

Before long they had reached the place where they ended up most Friday nights, Pulse. Pulse was always packed with people, so packed that you can't go anywhere without brushing at least 5 people. As usual Benny, the doorman, let them straight in.

They were carried along the never ending flow of people and hopped off at the dance floor. This is wear Penny loved the most, she loved the way her body swayed, twirled and twisted any w\y she wanted it too. She could lose herself in the beat and carried away by the rhythm.

She felt strong hands on her hips guiding her towards her stranger dance partner. She went with it, raising her arms over her head and around his neck. Pressed up against him, she felt the planes of his chest and the flat of his stomach. His biceps encircled her, his hands pressed flat against her stomach. He ground against her and his head dipped to nibble on her neck. This awoke her from her dance induced daze. Especially when a low groan broke out from him and his nibbles turned to rough bites. She wiggled, trying to break free of him but his hold was too firm.

His one hand slid down her stomach to the zipper of her jeans while the other glided under her halter top, dangerously close to her breasts. She stamped on his foot as hard as she could, this surprised him and she whipped around and gave him a harsh slap across the face, leaving long angry red marks down his cheek.

She twirled on her heel but before she could make it more than 3 steps, he'd grabbed her wrist tugging her back to him.

"Let me go!" She yelled over the music.

His alcohol soaked breath settled over her. "C'mon babe, it's only a bit of fun." A malicious grin spread over his face as he trapped her in his iron grip.


Viktor Lestat quietly pulled the door closed and stepped into the hallway. He licked his lips, tasting the last droplets of the girl's blood. She wasn't dead; he'd left her sleeping off her drunken stupor.

Now that his hunger had been satisfied he walked casually from the hotel. In no rush, he languidly made his way down the dark street. The destination in mind was the park, but something made him take a detour the opposite way. After a short time walking he came to a club, a long line of people were waiting outside, some directed to the queue, others let straight in.

He made his way over to the doorman, a large man with a tamed, neatly kept moustache. He raised his eyebrows when he saw Viktor, clearly perturbed by his lack of companion. He looked him up and down and without a word, let him in.

He studied the overcrowded club before him. Packed with people dancing, drinking or fooling around. He shed his leather jacket and slung it over his shoulder. Making his way over to the bar, he ignored the many hands brushing and touching him.

He settled down on the seat farthest from the dance floor, and sighed as a leggy blonde behind the bar rushed up to him.

"Can I get chu somethin' sweetie pie?" She asked in an annoyingly high voice.

"No, thank you." He replied blandly.

"Are you sure?" She asked leaning over so her breasts practically fell out of the far too small top she wore. She traced her finger along his hand, batting her fake eyelashes at him.

He sighed heavily and fixed his gaze upon her, edging just a little bit of a growl into his voice. "No. Thank you." She stared at him, and backed away.

He rolled his eyes as he gazed over the dance floor. Viktor had been handsome before he'd been changed; the transformation had enhanced everything about his features. His jet black hair was chin length and stylishly messy. He had deep blue eyes, perfect white teeth, a long nose and a strong jawline. He was 22 when he was bitten, that was over 100 years ago now, he chuckled at that thought.

Staring out over the floor, his eyes caught site of long red hair. The hair, belonged to that of a young woman, he judged maybe 19. She was slender yet curvaceous. She wore a purple halter style top, suiting her firm breasts, paired with jeans that clung to her curves very nicely. Her long hair hung loose around her shoulders, framing a heart shaped face. Her beautiful green eyes sparkled even from where he was sitting, and her luscious lips were spread into a smile that could light up any dark room.

He watched her movements, the way her hips swayed effortlessly and her long legs moving to the rhythm. She was fascinating. Different from any human he'd ever seen before. Most girls he fed from on a nightly basis were all the same. Drunk, slutty and mind numbingly stupid. But she was different. He could smell her from where he was sitting, like berries and blossom in the springtime. Glorious, he thought.

Just then, a tall blonde guy came up behind her. He settled her hands on her hips and guided her dance movements. He frowned at this; he could smell the alcohol and the drugs in his system from here. His frown deepened as she let him dance with her. He ground against her and he suspected that in a place like this, it doesn't matter who you dance with, no strings attached.

Right at that moment, the little dancer seemed to snap out of it and focus. She was clearly disturbed by this man's behaviour and tried to break free. This only enticed him more and he began fondling her and trying to take off her clothes. A good stomp on his foot and a slap across the face did nothing to call him off; he only laughed and pulled her against him again.

With that, Viktor stood and was standing right next to the pair in the blink of an eye. He wrenched the guy away from her and punched him hard. He felt the man's nose shatter beneath his iron hand. He kneed him in the groin, picked him up and threw him across the floor. (He could've hurled him out of the door if he wanted to but that would cause suspicions.)

People stared, including the girl but after the guy had crawled away and a few seconds of silence, the mindless partying continued. He guessed that fighting wasn't exactly rare in a place like this.

He turned to face the girl who was staring open mouthed at him. Mind numbingly stupid I guess. He scowled and made to turn away but a small hand rested on his arm.

"Thank you." She breathed. Her large eyes were filled with tears and her red lips were slightly parted. He looked down at her, she was tiny. He loved that.

"You're welcome" To his surprise, his words came out choked and hasty.

She smiled at him shyly. If he could've blushed, he would have. They held their gaze for a few more moments before he made his way over to the bar, picked up his jacket and started to leave the club. He looked back at her, still standing in the same place.

"You coming?" He asked. She stared at him blankly and like a dog on a lead, she followed him.


She was still startled by this stranger who saved her. They walked side by side rather awkwardly for a while.

"So, you dance?" He surprised her by this statement.

"Um kind of, I guess." She replied stiffly.

"Kind of?" He asked inquisitively.

"Well I like to dance, but it's not like a career or anything..."

"Ah, I see."

They were plunged into another awkward silence as they continued walking. She side glanced at him, he looked tense, his gaze fixed straight ahead.

By this time they had reached the park. They made their way to a bench and settled down. She shivered slightly as the cool autumn air washed over her. She was surprised by the feel of soft leather covering her shoulders. She turned her head slowly, his hand ever so slightly brushing her cheek. She looked into his piercing blue eyes, they saw straight into her.

"Your hand..." She whispered.

She reached out and gently lifted his hand to her face. Her fingers brushed his knuckles,totally unharmed, she frowned. He chuckled and withdrew his hand.

"Didn't punch him that hard." He smiled crookedly. Her frown deepened. His nose crunched! She thought, that's got to leave a mark.

"What's your name?" He asked in a velvet voice.


"Lierah..." he repeated, he made her name sound like music.

He stood suddenly and she did the same. "We should get you home Lierah." He said.

She nodded and began to walk back the way they had come; he kept up with her easily. She could feel him watching her every movement as she walked. His gaze burned her body, a feeling that, to her surprise, did not unsettle her. A few minutes later they arrived outside her apartment building.

She paused outside and turned to face him. She shed the jacket from her shoulders and handed it to him. Peering down at her, she felt extremely tiny... She judged he must be around 6"4. As if he read her mind he chuckled, a delicious sound that warmed her insides.

"I... I uh... wanted... to... thank you... again, for what you did." She stuttered. He chuckled again and smiled a crooked smile at her.

"Well Lierah, I hope to see you again." He raised her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles softly. With that, he turned and walked away. She blinked once and he'd already made it down the street and round the corner...

Her knuckles still tingled as she was lay in her bed that night. It was then that she realised... she didn't know her mysterious hero's name.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
nice plot but...

good story...horrible spelling and word usage in some instances. boosteyay=bustier, site=sight. i suggest you get an editor or a proofreader.

TheRavenRoseTheRavenRoseabout 12 years agoAuthor

I had messed around with the names quite alot and Penny was one of them, when I finally decided on Lierah I went back and changed it.. obviously I missed that part :/ total mistake that I overlooked.

ChurosChurosabout 12 years ago

If Lierah is the main female lead and Charlotte is her bestfriend waiting impatiently for her, who is Penny? No, I am not referring to Benny, the doorman.

TheRavenRoseTheRavenRoseabout 12 years agoAuthor
Chapter 2!! Just uploaded =D

Thank you for all your comments, they've both encouraged and inspired me. I just uploaded chapter 2 and I made triple sure to prove read! So HOPEFULLY there won't be as many mistakes. It should be up by Friday or Saturday depending on when it's approved.. Anyway look out for it and I hope you enjoy =)

Plus: I would really appreciate and feedback or suggestions, will be much appreciated =)

ResidentWeavilResidentWeavilabout 12 years ago
Very nice

I enjoyed this but cannot really comment as there was too little to judge as yet. I certainly hope to see more. I liked the writing style and the characters have a lot of potential.

rot_teufelrot_teufelabout 12 years ago
Well done

I liked your story, really good for your first. I have two stories pending, they are my first too. You do need some editing help, I found someone to edit mine by posting on the editors forum. Keep writing, I admire your imagination.

ladybug71ladybug71about 12 years ago
I couldn't....

vote on your story, but with a little editing....your really good story, could be amazing!! Please try to give a little more background on your main characters, but so far I like your story and I can't wait to read the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Enjoyed it

its a nice start for a first try, keep at it. I enjoyed it and it was a quick read so dont worry about any of the neg. comments. you might ask a friend to to give your stories a quick proof read.its hard to proof read your own work. looking foward to seeing more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Boosteeyay? Really?

Do you not own a dictionary?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
can't wait for more...

who is Penny though? maybe just a mistake... oops... still can't wait for more...

TheRavenRoseTheRavenRoseabout 12 years agoAuthor
Thank you so much <3

Thank you for all your comments, they've both inspired me and boosted my confidence. I hope you continue reading and enjoy the rest :)

Btw: If you recieved feedback from me with the name: TheRavenFox.. thats me being a total dumbass XD

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